
10.8. Cloning a CA That Has Been Re-Keyed

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When a certificate expires, it has to be replaced. This can either be done by renewing the certificate, which re-uses the original keypair to generate a new certificate, or it can be done by generating a new keypair and certificate. The second method is called re-keying.
When a CA is re-keyed, new keypairs are stored in its certificate database, and these are the keys references for normal operations. However, for cloning a subsystem, the cloning process checks for the CA private key IDs as stored in its CS.cfg configuration file — and those key IDs are not updated when the certificate database keys change.
If a CA has been re-keyed and then an administrator attempts to clone it, the cloned CA fails to generate any certificates for the certificates which were re-keyed, and it shows up in the error logs with this error:
CertUtil::createSelfSignedCert() - CA private key is null!
To clone a CA that has been re-keyed:
  1. Find all of the private key IDs in the CS.cfg file.
    # grep /var/lib/pki/instance_name/ca/conf/CS.cfg     =-4d798441aa7230910d4e1c39fa132ea228d5d1bc =-3e23e743e0ddd88f2a7c6f69fa9f9bcebef1a60     =-c3c1b3b4e8f5dd6d2bdefd07581c0b15529536    =3023d30245804a4fab42be209ebb0dc683423a8f
  2. Print all of the current private key IDs stored in the NSS database and compare them to the private key IDs stored in the CS.cfg file:
    # certutil -K -d alias
    certutil: Checking token "NSS Certificate DB" in slot "NSS User Private Key and Certificate Services"
    Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":
    < 0> rsa      a7b0944b7b8397729a4c8c9af3a9c2b96f49c6f3   caSigningCert cert-ca4-test-master
    < 1> rsa      6006094af3e5d02aaa91426594ca66cb53e73ac0   ocspSigningCert cert-ca4-test-master
    < 2> rsa      d684da39bf4f2789a3fc9d42204596f4578ad2d9   subsystemCert cert-ca4-test-master
    < 3> rsa      a8edd7c2b5c94f13144cacd99624578ae30b7e43   sslserverCert cert-ca4-test1
    < 4> rsa      2fe35d9d46b373efabe9ef01b8436667a70df096   auditSigningCert cert-ca4-test1
    In this example, only the audit signing key is the same; the others have been changed.
  3. Take the keys returned in step 2 and convert them from unsigned values (which is what certutil returns) to signed Java BigIntegers (which is how the keys are stored in the Certificate System database).
    This can be done with a calculator or by using the script in Example 10.1, “Certutil to BigInteger Conversion Program”.
  4. Copy the new key values into the CS.cfg file.
    # vim /var/lib/pki/instance_name/ca/conf/CS.cfg     =-584f6bb4847c688d65b373650c563d4690b6390d =6006094af3e5d02aaa91426594ca66cb53e73ac0   =-297b25c640b0d8765c0362bddfba690ba8752d27   =-5712283d4a36b0ecebb3532669dba8751cf481bd
  5. Clone the CA as described in Section 10.2, “Cloning a CA”.

Example 10.1. Certutil to BigInteger Conversion Program

This Java program can convert the key output from certutil to the required BigInteger format.
Save this as a .java file, such as
import java.math.BigInteger;

public class Test

  public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) {
      int len = s.length();
      byte[] data = new byte[len / 2];
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
          data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4)
                               + Character.digit(s.charAt(i+1), 16));
      return data;

  public static void main(String[] args)
      byte[] bytes = hexStringToByteArray(args[0]);
      BigInteger big = new BigInteger (bytes);
      System.out.println("Result is  ==> " + big.toString(16));
Then, compile the file:
# javac
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