
Chapter 1. Customizing the devfile and plug-in registries

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CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 introduces two registries: the plug-in registry and the devfile registry. They are static websites where the metadata of CodeReady Workspaces plug-ins and CodeReady Workspaces devfiles is published.

The plug-in registry makes it possible to share a plug-in definition across all the users of the same instance of CodeReady Workspaces. Only plug-ins that are published in a registry can be used in a devfile.

The devfile registry holds the definitions of the CodeReady Workspaces stacks. These are available on the CodeReady Workspaces user dashboard when selecting Create Workspace. It contains the list of CodeReady Workspaces technological stack samples with example projects.

The devfile and plug-in registries run in two separate pods and are deployed when the CodeReady Workspaces server is deployed (that is the default behavior of the Helm chart or the CodeReady Workspaces Operator). The metadata of the plug-ins and devfiles are versioned on GitHub and follow the CodeReady Workspaces server life cycle.

In this document, the following two ways to customize the default registries that are deployed with CodeReady Workspaces (to modify the plug-ins or devfile metadata) are described:

  1. Building a custom image of the registries
  2. Running the default images but modifying them at runtime

1.1. Building and running a custom registry image

This section describes the building of registries and updating a running CodeReady Workspaces server to point to the registries.

1.1.1. Building a custom devfile registry

This section describes how to build a custom devfiles registry. Following operations are covered:

  • Getting a copy of the source code necessary to build a devfiles registry.
  • Adding a new devfile.
  • Building the devfiles registry.


  1. Clone the devfile registry repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-devfile-registry
  2. In the ./che-devfile-registry/devfiles/ directory, create a subdirectory <devfile-name>/ and add the devfile.yaml and meta.yaml files.

    File organization for a devfile

    └── <devfile-name>
        ├── devfile.yaml
        └── meta.yaml

  3. Add valid content in the devfile.yaml file. For a detailed description of the devfile format, see the Making a workspace portable using a Devfile section.
  4. Ensure that the meta.yaml file conforms to the following structure:

    Table 1.1. Parameters for a devfile meta.yaml


    Description as it appears on the user dashboard.


    Name as it appears on the user dashboard.


    The sum of the expected memory consumed by all the components launched by the devfile. This number will be visible on the user dashboard. It is informative and is not taken into account by the CodeReady Workspaces server.


    Link to an .svg file that is displayed on the user dashboard.


    List of tags. Tags usually include the tools included in the stack.

    Example devfile meta.yaml

    displayName: Rust
    description: Rust Stack with Rust 1.39
    tags: ["Rust"]
    globalMemoryLimit: 1686Mi

  5. Build the containers for the custom devfile registry:

    $ docker build -t my-devfile-registry .

1.1.2. Building a custom plug-in registry

This section describes how to build a custom plug-in registry. Following operations are covered:

  • Getting a copy of the source code necessary to build a custom plug-in registry.
  • Adding a new plug-in.
  • Building the custom plug-in registry.


  1. Clone the plug-in registry repository:

    $ git clone
    $ cd codeready-workspaces/dependencies/che-plugin-registry
  2. In the ./che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/ directory, create new directories <publisher>/<plugin-name>/<plugin-version>/ and a meta.yaml file in the last directory.

    File organization for a plugin

    ├── <publisher>
    │   └── <plugin-name>
    │       ├── <plugin-version>
    │       │   └── meta.yaml
    │       └── latest.txt

  3. Add valid content to the meta.yaml file. See the “Using a Visual Studio Code extension in CodeReady Workspaces” section or the file in the eclipse/che-plugin-registry repository for a detailed description of the meta.yaml file format.
  4. Create a file named latest.txt with content the name of the latest <plugin-version> directory.

    $ tree che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/redhat/java/
    ├── 0.38.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.43.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.45.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.46.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    ├── 0.50.0
    │   └── meta.yaml
    └── latest.txt
    $ cat che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/redhat/java/latest.txt
  5. Build the containers for the custom plug-in registry:

    $ docker build -t my-devfile-registry .

1.1.3. Deploying the registries


The my-plug-in-registry and my-devfile-registry images used in this section are built using the docker command. This section assumes that these images are available on the OpenShift cluster where CodeReady Workspaces is deployed.

This is true on Minikube, for example, if before running the docker build commands, the user executed the eval $\{minikube docker-env} command (or, the eval $\{minishift docker-env} command for Minishift).

Otherwise, these images can be pushed to a container registry (public, such as, or the DockerHub, or a private registry). Deploying registries in OpenShift


A Helm chart for the plug-in registry is available in the /kubernetes/che-plugin-registry/ directory of the GitHub repository.

  1. To deploy the plug-in registry using the Helm chart, run the following command:

    NAMESPACE=<namespace-name>     1
    DOMAIN=<kubernetes-cluster-domain> 2
    helm upgrade --install che-plugin-registry \
     --debug \
     --namespace $\{NAMESPACE} \
     --set global.ingressDomain=$\{DOMAIN} \
     --set chePluginRegistryImage=$\{IMAGE} \
     --set chePluginRegistryImagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent" \
    The default CodeReady Workspaces namespace is workspaces.
    On Minikube, use $(minikube ip)
  2. The devfile registry also has a Helm chart in the deploy/kubernetes/che-devfile-registry/ directory of the GitHub repository. To deploy it, run the command:

    NAMESPACE=<namespace-name>     1
    DOMAIN=<kubernetes-cluster-domain> 2
    helm upgrade --install che-devfile-registry \
     --debug \
     --namespace $\{NAMESPACE} \
     --set global.ingressDomain=$\{DOMAIN} \
     --set cheDevfileRegistryImage=$\{IMAGE} \
     --set cheDevfileRegistryImagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent" \
    The default CodeReady Workspaces namespace is workspaces.
    On Minikube, use $(minikube ip)
  3. The Helm chart creates a pod, a service, and an Ingress. To get them, use app=che-plugin-registry (or app=che-plugin-registry for the devfile registry).

    $ oc get -o custom-columns=TYPE:.kind, \
      -l app=che-plugin-registry pod,svc,ingress
    TYPE      NAME
    Pod       che-plugin-registry-5c7cd8d5c9-zlqlz
    Service   che-plugin-registry
    Ingress   che-plugin-registry
  4. To verify that the new plug-in is correctly published to the plug-in registry, make a request to the registry path /v3/plugins/index.json (or /devfiles/index.json for the devfile registry).

    $ URL=$(oc get -o 'custom-columns=URL:.spec.rules[0].host' \
      -l app=che-plugin-registry ingress --no-headers)
    $ INDEX_JSON=$(curl -sSL http://$\{URL}/v3/plugins/index.json)
    $ echo $\{INDEX_JSON} | grep -A 4 -B 5 "\"name\":\"my-plug-in\""
     "id": "my-org/my-plug-in/1.0.0",
     "displayName":"This is my first {prod-short} plug-in",
     "type":"VS Code extension",
     "description":"This plugins shows that we are able to add plugins to the registry...",
     "links": \{"self":"/v3/plugins/my-org/my-plug-in/1.0.0" }
     "id": "my-org/my-plug-in/latest",
     "displayName":"This is my first {prod-short} plug-in",
     "type":"VS Code extension",
     "description":"This plugins shows that we are able to add plugins to the registry...",
     "links": \{"self":"/v3/plugins/my-org/my-plug-in/latest" }
  5. Verify that the CodeReady Workspaces server points to the URL of the registry. To do this, compare the value of the CHE_WORKSPACE_PLUGIN__REGISTRY__URL parameter in the workspaces ConfigMap (or CHE_WORKSPACE_DEVFILE__REGISTRY__URL for the devfile registry):

    $ oc get \
      --no-headers cm/che

    with the URL of the Ingress:

    $ oc get -o 'custom-columns=URL:.spec.rules[0].host' \
      -l app=che-plugin-registry ingress --no-headers
  6. If they do not match, update the ConfigMap and restart the CodeReady Workspaces server.

    $ oc edit cm/che
    $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment/che
    $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment/che

    When the new registries are deployed and the CodeReady Workspaces server is configured to use them, the new plug-ins are available in the Plugin view of a workspace.

    deploying plugin registry in kubernetes

    The new stacks are displayed in the New Workspace tab of the user dashboard.

    deploying devfile registry in kubernetes Deploying registries in OpenShift


An OpenShift template to deploy the plug-in registry is available in the openshift/ directory of the GitHub repository.

  1. To deploy the plug-in registry using the OpenShift template, run the following command:

    NAMESPACE=<namespace-name>  1
    oc new-app -f openshift/che-plugin-registry.yml \
     -n "$\{NAMESPACE}" \
     -p IMAGE="$\{IMAGE_NAME}" \
     -p IMAGE_TAG="$\{IMAGE_TAG}" \
     -p PULL_POLICY="IfNotPresent"
    The default CodeReady Workspaces namespace is workspaces.
  2. The devfile registry has an OpenShift template in the deploy/openshift/ directory of the GitHub repository. To deploy it, run the command:

    NAMESPACE=<namespace-name>  1
    oc new-app -f openshift/che-devfile-registry.yml \
     -n "$\{NAMESPACE}" \
     -p IMAGE="$\{IMAGE_NAME}" \
     -p IMAGE_TAG="$\{IMAGE_TAG}" \
     -p PULL_POLICY="IfNotPresent"
    The default CodeReady Workspaces namespace is workspaces.
  3. Check if the registries are deployed successfully on OpenShift. The steps to check are similar to the OpenShift steps. For details, see the Section, “Deploying registries in OpenShift” section. The only difference is that, on OpenShift, Ingresses are replaced with routes.

1.2. Including the plug-in binaries in the registry image

The plug-in registry only hosts CodeReady Workspaces plug-in metadata. The binaries are usually referred through a link in the meta.yaml file. In some cases, such as offline environments, it may be necessary to make the binaries available inside the registry image.

This section describes how to modify a plug-in meta.yaml file to point to a local file inside the container and rebuild a new registry that contains the modified plug-in meta.yaml file and the binary. In the following example, the Java plug-in that refers to two remote VS Code extensions binaries is considered.


  1. Download the binaries locally.

    $ ORG=redhat
    $ NAME=java11
    $ VERSION=latest
    $ URL_VS_CODE_EXT1="[_]"
    $ URL_VS_CODE_EXT2="[_]"
    $ VS_CODE_EXT1=[_vscode-java-debug-0.19.0.vsix_]
    $ VS_CODE_EXT2=[_java-0.46.0-1549.vsix_]
    $ curl -sSL -o ./che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/$\{ORG}/$\{NAME}/$\{VERSION}/$\{VS_CODE_EXT1} \
    $ curl -sSL -o ./che-plugin-registry/v3/plugins/$\{ORG}/$\{NAME}/$\{VERSION}/$\{VS_CODE_EXT2} \
  1. Retrieve the plug-in-registry URL.

  2. Update the URLs in the meta.yaml file, so that they point to the VS Code extension binaries that are saved in the registry container:

    $ NEW_URL_VS_CODE_EXT1=http://$\{PLUGIN_REG_URL}/v3/plugins/$\{ORG}/$\{NAME}/$\{VERSION}/$\{VS_CODE_EXT1}
    $ NEW_URL_VS_CODE_EXT2=http://$\{PLUGIN_REG_URL}/v3/plugins/$\{ORG}/$\{NAME}/$\{VERSION}/$\{VS_CODE_EXT2}
    $ sed -i -e 's/$\{URL_PLUGIN1}/$\{NEW_URL_VS_CODE_EXT1}/g' \
    $ sed -i -e 's/$\{URL_PLUGIN2}/$\{NEW_URL_VS_CODE_EXT2}/g' \
  3. Build and deploy the plug-in registry using the instructions in the Building and running a custom registry image section.

1.3. Editing a devfile and plug-in at runtime

An alternative to building a custom registry image is to:

  1. Start a registry
  2. Modify its content at runtime

This approach is simpler and faster. But the modifications are lost as soon as the container is deleted.

1.3.1. Adding a plug-in at runtime


To add a plug-in:

  1. Get the name of the OpenShift pod that hosts the plug-in registry container. To do this, filter the app=che-plugin-registry label:

    $ PLUGIN_REG_POD=$(oc get -o \
     --no-headers -l app=che-plugin-registry pod)
  2. Create the new plug-in directory in the plug-in registry container, if it does not exist:

    $ ORG="my-org"
    $ PLUGIN="my-plug-in"
    $ VERSION="1.0.1"
    $ oc exec ${PLUGIN_REG_POD} -i -t -- \
      mkdir -p /var/www/html/v3/plugins/${ORG}/${PLUGIN}/${VERSION}
  3. Copy the meta.yaml file in the container:

    $ oc cp "${LOCAL_META}" \
  4. Update the index.json file of the registry:

    $ oc exec ${PLUGIN_REG_POD} -i -t -- \
      /var/www/html/ v3 > /var/www/html/v3/plugins/index.json
  5. The new plug-in can now be used from a CodeReady Workspaces instance.

1.3.2. Adding a devfile at runtime


To add a devfile:

  1. Get the name of the OpenShift pod that hosts the devfile registry container. To do this, filter the app=che-devfile-registry label:

    $ DEVFILE_REG_POD=$(oc get -o \
      --no-headers -l app=che-devfile-registry pod)
  2. Create the new devfile directory in the devfile registry container, if it does not exist.

    $ STACK="my-stack"
    $ oc exec $\{DEVFILE_REG_POD} -i -t -- \
      mkdir -p /var/www/html/devfiles/$\{STACK}
  3. Copy the devfile.yaml file and the meta.yaml file to the container.

    $ LOCAL_META="$(PWD)/meta.yaml"
    $ LOCAL_DEVFILE="$(PWD)/devfile.yaml"
    $ oc cp "$\{LOCAL_META}" \
    $ oc cp "$\{LOCAL_DEVFILE}" \
  4. Update the index.json file of the registry.

    $ oc exec $\{DEVFILE_REG_POD} -i -t -- \
      /var/www/html/ > /var/www/html/devfiles/index.json
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