
Chapter 4. Deploying an Application

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Deploying an application through minishift requires a few steps. Those steps are covered here first as a simplified version of the process using a Node.js example, then a sample WildFly deployment. The section Section 9.3, “Deploying an Application with Docker” explains application deployment with Docker.

4.1. Prerequisites to Deploying an Application

  • Your code needs to already be on the Internet, so upload it and make any pull requests so that it is available in a reachable repository. These examples use sample applications hosted on github.
  • You have already installed minishift, and have run minishift start.

4.2. Simplified Explanation of Application Deployment

OpenShift provides various sample applications, such as templates, builder applications, and quickstarts. The following steps describe how to deploy a sample Node.js application from the command-line.

  1. Create a Node.js example app.

    ~]$ oc new-app -l name=myapp
  2. Track the build log until the app is built and deployed.

    ~]$ oc logs -f bc/nodejs-ex
  3. Expose a route to the service.

    ~]$ oc expose svc/nodejs-ex
  4. Access the application.

    ~]$ minishift openshift service nodejs-ex -n myproject
  5. To stop Minishift, use the following command:

    ~]$ minishift stop
    Stopping local OpenShift cluster...
    Stopping "minishift"...

For more information about creating applications in OpenShift, see Creating New Applications in the OpenShift documentation.

4.3. WildFly Application Deployment


This step may not be needed if you just ran minishift start. Starting minishift automatically logs you in as the developer user.

Deploying a WildFly application requires a few steps, so here’s an example of deploying a new app:

  1. If you haven’t already, login to your OpenShift account. This example uses the developer account in the OpenShift cluster, but you can login as any other valid user.

    ~]$ oc login --username="developer" --password="developer"
    Login successful.
    You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':
      * myproject
    Using project "myproject".
  2. You can use reuse an existing OpenShift project, or you can create a new project. You create a project with oc new-app <project_name>.

    ~]$ oc new-app proj-00 --display-name="Project 00 - initial"
    Now using project "project-00" on server "".
    You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
        oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~
    to build a new example application in Ruby.

    To verify that the correct project name was selected:

    ~]$ oc projects
    You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':
        myproject - My Project
      * project-00 - Project 00 - initial
    Using project "project-00" on server "".
  3. Download a copy of the .json file for the WildFly app. This should create a file wildfly.json:

    ~]$ curl -o wildfly.json
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100 35657  100 35657    0     0  79033      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 78887
  4. Create an image stream for the WildFly application. An image stream is simply a set of docker container images, condensed into an image stream to assist deployment. An image stream for wildfly will help us in this example:

    ~]$ oc create -f wildfly.json -n openshift
    imagestream "wildfly" created
  5. Check the available image streams and verify that the WildFly image stream was created successfully. In this example, it’s the last image stream in the list:

    ~]$ oc get is -n openshift
    NAME         DOCKER REPO                            TAGS                           UPDATED
    jenkins      latest,1,2                     36 hours ago
    mariadb      latest,10.1                    36 hours ago
    mongodb      latest,3.2,2.6 + 1 more...     36 hours ago
    mysql        5.5,latest,5.7 + 1 more...     36 hours ago
    nodejs       0.10,4,latest                  36 hours ago
    perl         5.20,5.16,latest + 1 more...   36 hours ago
    php          5.6,5.5,latest + 1 more...     36 hours ago
    postgresql   latest,9.5,9.4 + 1 more...     36 hours ago
    python       3.3,2.7,latest + 2 more...     36 hours ago
    redis        latest,3.2                     36 hours ago
    ruby         2.0,latest,2.3 + 1 more...     36 hours ago
    wildfly      latest,10.1,10.0 + 2 more...   2 hours ago
  6. Create the application in OpenShift

    ~]$ oc new-app --name=myapp wildfly:latest~
    --> Found image 24b6639 (2 weeks old) in image stream "openshift/wildfly" under tag "latest" for "wildfly:latest"
        WildFly 10.1.0.Final
        Platform for building and running JEE applications on WildFly 10.1.0.Final
        Tags: builder, wildfly, wildfly10
        * A source build using source code from will be created
          * The resulting image will be pushed to image stream "myapp:latest"
          * Use 'start-build' to trigger a new build
        * This image will be deployed in deployment config "myapp"
        * Port 8080/tcp will be load balanced by service "myapp"
          * Other containers can access this service through the hostname "myapp"
    --> Creating resources ...
        imagestream "myapp" created
        buildconfig "myapp" created
        deploymentconfig "myapp" created
        service "myapp" created
    --> Success
        Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/myapp' to track its progress.
        Run 'oc status' to view your app.
  7. Monitor the application deployment by checking the output of oc status:

    ~]$ oc status -v
    In project Project 00 - initial (project-00) on server
    svc/myapp -
      dc/myapp deploys istag/myapp:latest <-
        bc/myapp source builds on openshift/wildfly:latest
        deployment #1 deployed about a minute ago - 1 pod
      * pod/myapp-1-build has no liveness probe to verify pods are still running.
        try: oc set probe pod/myapp-1-build --liveness ...
      * dc/myapp has no readiness probe to verify pods are ready to accept traffic or ensure deployment is successful.
        try: oc set probe dc/myapp --readiness ...
      * dc/myapp has no liveness probe to verify pods are still running.
        try: oc set probe dc/myapp --liveness ...
    View details with 'oc describe <resource>/<name>' or list everything with 'oc get all'.
  8. You can examine a detailed very of the application being deployed:

    ~]$ oc describe svc/myapp
    Name:                   myapp
    Namespace:              project-00
    Labels:                 app=myapp
    Selector:               app=myapp,deploymentconfig=myapp
    Type:                   ClusterIP
    Port:                   8080-tcp        8080/TCP
    Session Affinity:       None
    No events.
  9. Route service to the application. OpenShift starts a new internal service for each application was created with oc newapp, as shown above in the section Section 4.3, “WildFly Application Deployment”. Communication with the applications happens with a map to an external domain name with a feature called routes. Routes are setup by exposing an application:

    $ oc expose svc myapp
    route "myapp" exposed
  10. Run the oc status command again to verify that the application is correctly deployed:

    ~]$ oc status
    In project Project 00 - initial (project-00) on server to pod port 8080-tcp (svc/myapp)
      dc/myapp deploys istag/myapp:latest <-
        bc/myapp source builds on openshift/wildfly:latest
        deployment #1 deployed 8 hours ago - 1 pod
    View details with 'oc describe <resource>/<name>' or list everything with 'oc get all'.
  11. Finally, check out the running application. The information on the third line of oc status output states the URI where users will access the running application, in this instance Your address may vary from this, because OpenShift uses a different IP address for each exposed service.
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