Chapter 3. Installing Docker Machine drivers
3.1. Overview
Minishift uses Docker Machine and its driver plugin architecture to provide a consistent way to manage the OpenShift VM. Minishift embeds VirtualBox and VMware Fusion drivers so no additional steps are required to use them.
However, other drivers require manual installation steps that are described in the following sections.
3.2. KVM driver
Minishift is currently tested against docker-machine-driver-kvm
version 0.7.0.
Install and execute the KVM binary as follows:
~]$ sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-kvm ~]$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-kvm
For more information, see the GitHub documentation of the docker machine KVM driver.
3.3. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux
on your system:
~]$ sudo yum install libvirt qemu-kvm
Add yourself to the libvirt group so that you do not need to use
~]$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt <username>
- Update your current session to apply the group change:
~]$ newgrp libvirt
3.4. xhyve driver
Minishift is currently tested against docker-machine-driver-xhyve
3.5. Homebrew install
You can verify the installed version of the xhyve driver on your system before you install.
~]$ brew info --installed docker-machine-driver-xhyve
docker-machine-driver-xhyve: stable 0.3.1 (bottled), HEAD
Docker Machine driver for xhyve
/usr/local/Cellar/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/0.3.1 (3 files, 13.2M) *
Poured from bottle on 2016-12-20 at 17:44:35
To install the latest version of the driver with brew:
~]$ brew install docker-machine-driver-xhyve # docker-machine-driver-xhyve need root owner and uid ~]$ sudo chown root:wheel $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve ~]$ sudo chmod u+s $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
For more information, see the GitHub documentation for the xhyve driver.
3.5.1. Manual Installation
To manually install the xhyve driver, you need to download and install the docker-machine-driver-xhyve
binary and place it in a directory which is on your PATH. /usr/local/bin
is most likely a good choice, since it is the default installation directory for Docker Machine binaries.
The following steps explain the installation of the docker-machine-driver-xhyve
binary to the /usr/local/bin/
Download the
binary using:~]$ sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
Enable root access for the
binary and add it to the default wheel group:~]$ sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
Set owner User ID (SUID) for the binary as follows:
~]$ sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
The downloaded docker-machine-driver-xhyve
binaries are compiled against a specific version of OS X. It is possible that the driver fails to work after an OS X version upgrade. In this case you can try to compile the driver from source:
~]$ go get -u -d ~]$ cd $GOPATH/src/ # Install docker-machine-driver-xhyve binary into /usr/local/bin ~]$ make install # docker-machine-driver-xhyve need root owner and uid ~]$ sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve ~]$ sudo chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-xhyve
For more information, refer to the xhyve driver documentation on GitHub.