5.2.2. Using the ConfigurationBuilder API Programmatically Create a CacheManager and Replicated Cache
Programmatic configuration in JBoss Data Grid almost exclusively involves the ConfigurationBuilder API and the CacheManager.
Procedure 5.1. Steps for Programmatic Configuration in JBoss Data Grid
- Create a CacheManager as a starting point in an XML file. If required, this CacheManager can be programmed in runtime to the specification that meets the requirements of the use case. The following is an example of how to create a CacheManager:
EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager("my-config-file.xml"); Cache defaultCache = manager.getCache();
- Create a new synchronously replicated cache programmatically.
- Create a new configuration object instance using the ConfigurationBuilder helper object:
Configuration c = new ConfigurationBuilder().clustering().cacheMode(CacheMode.REPL_SYNC).build();
- Set the cache mode to synchronous replication:
String newCacheName = "repl";
- Define or register the configuration with a manager:
manager.defineConfiguration(newCacheName, c); Cache<String, String> cache = manager.getCache(newCacheName);