Chapter 2. Embedded caches
Add Data Grid as a dependency to your Java project and use embedded caches that increase application performance and give you capabilities to handle complex use cases.
2.1. Embedded cache tutorials
You can run embedded cache tutorials directly in your IDE or from the command line as follows:
$ mvn -s /path/to/maven-settings.xml clean package exec:exec
Tutorial link | Description |
Demonstrates how Distributed Caches work. | |
Demonstrates how Replicated Caches work. | |
Demonstrates how Invalidated Caches work. | |
Demonstrates how transactions work. | |
Demonstrates how Distributed Streams work. | |
Demonstrates how JCache works. | |
Demonstrates how Functional Map API works. | |
Demonstrates how the Map API works with Data Grid caches. | |
Demonstrates how to use Multimap. | |
Uses Data Grid Query to perform full-text queries on cache values. | |
Detects when data changes in an embedded cache with Clustered Listeners. | |
Demonstrates how to use an embedded Clustered Counter. | |
Demonstrates how to use an embedded Clustered Lock. | |
Demonstrates how to use an embedded Clustered Counter. |
Data Grid documentation
You can find more resources about embedded caches in our documentation at: