Chapter 2. Changes Since Developer Tools 2.1
Red Hat Developer Tools is distributed with Eclipse 4.7.2 and other plugins from the Oxygen release train, which provide a number of bug fixes and feature enhancements over the Red Hat Developer Tools 2.1 version. Following is a comprehensive list of new features and compatibility changes in this release. For details on how to use these new features, see the built-in Eclipse documentation.
This version of the rh-eclipse47 collection no longer depends on the rh-java-common and rh-maven33 collections. It now depends only on the new rh-maven35 collection.
Significant Package Updates
eclipse 4.7.1
4.7.2: Eclipse Platform was updated from 4.7.1 to 4.7.2. This mainly consisted of bug fixes and continued improvement of support for Java 9. - Upstream notes:
eclipse-cdt 9.3.2
9.4: CDT was updated from 9.3.2 to 9.4 and includes the important new feature of supporting building C/C++ projects inside of docker containers. - Upstream notes:
eclipse-dltk 5.8.1
5.8.2: DLTK was updated to bug fix release 5.8.2. eclipse-egit/jgit 4.8.0
4.10.0: Git support in Eclipse was updated from 4.8.0 to 4.10 and has focused on performance and usability improvements. eclipse-linuxtools 6.1.1
6.2.0: Linxtools was updated to bug fix release 6.2.0, which included significant work in the Docker tooling plug-ins to enable CDT’s "build in container" support. - Upstream notes:
1.8.2: Eclipse Maven integration to update to bug fix release 1.8.2 for improved support for Java 9 and the included maven stack was also updated from Maven 3.3 to Maven 3.5. -
eclipse-mylyn 3.23.1
3.23.2: Mylyn was updated to bugfix release 3.23.2. -
eclipse-webtools 3.9.1
3.9.2: The Webtools plugins were updated to bug fix release 3.9.2 for improved support for Java 9.