5. Release notes for s390x
5.1. Installation-Related Notes
The following section includes information specific to the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Anaconda installation program.
In order to upgrade an already-installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you must use Red Hat Network to update those packages that have changed.
You may use Anaconda to perform a fresh installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or to perform an upgrade from the latest updated version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
If you are copying the contents of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 CD-ROMs (in preparation for a network-based installation, for example) be sure to copy the CD-ROMs for the operating system only. Do not copy the Supplementary CD-ROM, or any of the layered product CD-ROMs, as this will overwrite files necessary for Anaconda's proper operation. These CD-ROMs must be installed after Red Hat Enterprise Linux has been installed.
5.1.1. ISO Contents and Registration
The organization of software component packages into product specific-variants has changed from previous versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The number of variants and ISO images has been reduced to only one: the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Server.
In the future, additional repositories for a number of options that provide added functionality over the core Server distribution may be provided.
With optional content in the same tree or ISO image, it is important to avoid a mismatch between the components offered for installation and those covered by the subscription. Such a mismatch could result in an increased exposure to bug and vulnerability risks.
In order to ensure that the components offered are in sync with the subscription, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 requires entering an Installation Number that will be used to configure the installer to offer the right package set. This Installation Number is included in your subscription.
If you skip entering the Installation Number, this will result in a core Server or Desktop installation. Additional functionality can then be added manually at a later time. For more information about Installation Numbers, please refer to http://www.redhat.com/apps/support/in.html.
The Installation Number used during the installation process will be saved in
. When registering with Red Hat Network, this file will be referenced by rhn_register
to automatically determine which appropriate child channels the system should be subscribed to.
5.1.2. New RPM GPG Signing Keys
A new release signing key is used to sign Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 packages. When updating a system for the first time, you will be prompted to allow this key to be installed.
Signing keys are distributed in the following files:
— contains the public key for the new release signing key/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-auxiliary
— contains the public key for an auxiliary release signing key, currently not in use/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-former
— contains the public key for the previous release signing key, used for past Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases
5.1.3. Subversion
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, the Subversion version control system is linked against Berkeley DB 4.3. If you are upgrading from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and any Subversion repositories which use the Berkeley DB backend "BDB" (rather than the pure file system-based "FSFS" backend) have been created on the system, special care must be taken to ensure the repositories can be accessible after the upgrade. The following process must be performed on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 system, prior to upgrading to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5:
- Shut down any running processes and ensure that no processes can access the repository (for example,
or any local users with direct access). - Create a backup of the repository using the following command:
svnadmin dump /path/to/repository | gzip > repository-backup.gz
- Run the
svnadmin recover
command on the repository:svnadmin recover /path/to/repository
- Delete any unused log files in the repository:
svnadmin list-unused-dblogs /path/to/repository | xargs rm -vf
- Delete any remaining shared-memory files in the repository:
rm -f /path/to/repository/db/__db.0*
5.1.4. Other Installation Notes
- If IDE/PATA (Parallel ATA) devices are configured in "100% Native" mode, some BIOSes may prevent the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 installation process from completing successfully. To prevent this from occurring, configure the IDE/PATA mode as "Legacy" in the BIOS.
- The IBM System z does not provide a traditional Unix-style physical console. As such, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 for the IBM System z does not support the firstboot functionality during initial program load.To properly initialize setup for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 on the IBM System z, run the following commands after installation:
— provided by thesetuptool
— provided by therhn-setup
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 now uses the Open Source driver for the IBM 3590 tape drive. The kernel contains the driver.
- When booting Anaconda with PXE using the parameter
, you will still be prompted for the ethernet interface to use during installation. If only one ethernet device is plugged in, use the parameterksdevice=link
instead. Alternatively, you can also specify the interface manually.