
3.3. cpuacct

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The CPU Accounting (cpuacct) subsystem generates automatic reports on CPU resources used by the tasks in a cgroup, including tasks in child groups. Three reports are available:
reports the total CPU time (in nanoseconds) consumed by all tasks in this cgroup (including tasks lower in the hierarchy).


To reset the value in cpuacct.usage, execute the following command:
~]# echo 0 > /cgroup/cpuacct/cpuacct.usage
The above command also resets values in cpuacct.usage_percpu.
reports the user and system CPU time consumed by all tasks in this cgroup (including tasks lower in the hierarchy) in the following way:
  • user — CPU time consumed by tasks in user mode.
  • system — CPU time consumed by tasks in system (kernel) mode.
CPU time is reported in the units defined by the USER_HZ variable.
reports the CPU time (in nanoseconds) consumed on each CPU by all tasks in this cgroup (including tasks lower in the hierarchy).
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