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sample usage
local variables, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
sample usage
local variables, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic, Track Cumulative IO
@avg (integer extractor)
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@count (integer extractor)
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@max (integer extractor)
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@min (integer extractor)
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@sum (integer extractor)
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates


adding values to statistical aggregates
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
advantages of cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
aggregate element not found
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregates (statistical)
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
aggregation overflow
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
algebraic formulas using arrays
reading values from arrays
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
architecture notation, determining, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
architecture of SystemTap, Architecture
array locals not supported
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
array operations
assigning associated values, Assigning an Associated Value
associating timestamps to process names, Assigning an Associated Value
associative arrays, Array Operations in SystemTap
clearing arrays/array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
delete operator, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
multiple array operations within the same probe, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
computing for statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@avg (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@count (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@max (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@min (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@sum (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
adding values to statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
count (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
extracting data collected by statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
conditional statements, using arrays in, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
testing for array membership, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
deleting arrays and array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
incrementing associated values, Incrementing Associated Values
tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads), Incrementing Associated Values
multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
processing multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
iterations, processing elements in an array as, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
limiting the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
ordering the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
reading values from arrays, Reading Values From Arrays
computing for timestamp deltas, Reading Values From Arrays
empty unique keys, Reading Values From Arrays
using arrays in simple computations, Reading Values From Arrays
arrays, Associative Arrays
(see also associative arrays)
assigning associated values
array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
associating timestamps to process names, Assigning an Associated Value
associating timestamps to process names
array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
associated values
arrays, Associative Arrays
associating timestamps to process names
assigning associated values
array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
associative arrays
introduction, Associative Arrays
associated values, Associative Arrays
example, Associative Arrays
index expression, Associative Arrays
key pairs, Associative Arrays
syntax, Associative Arrays
unique keys, Associative Arrays
asynchronous events
Events, Event


Events, Event
building instrumentation modules from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
building kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers


call graph tracing
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
capabilities of SystemTap
Introduction, SystemTap Capabilities
changes to file attributes, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
clearing arrays/array elements
array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
delete operator, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
multiple array operations within the same probe, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
command-line arguments
SystemTap handler constructs
handlers, Command-Line Arguments
compiling instrumentation/kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@avg (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@count (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@max (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@min (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@sum (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
adding values to statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
count (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
extracting data collected by statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
computing for timestamp deltas
reading values from arrays
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
conditional operators
conditional statements
handlers, Conditional Statements
conditional statements, using arrays in
array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
testing for array membership, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
CONFIG_HZ, computing for, Variables
contended user-space locks (futex contentions), identifying
examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
copy fault
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
count operator
computing for statistical aggregates
array (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
counting function calls
examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
CPU ticks
examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
cross-compiling, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
advantages of, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
building kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
host system and target system, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
generating instrumentation from SystemTap scripts, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
host system, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
instrumentation module, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
target kernel, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
target system, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
ctime(), example of usage
script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
cumulative I/O, tracking
examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array


delete operator
clearing arrays/array elements
array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
determining architecture notation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
determining the kernel version, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
determining time spent in kernel and user space
examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
device I/O, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
device number of a file (integer format)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
disk I/O traffic, summarizing
script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
division by 0
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
documentation goals
Introduction, Documentation Goals


embedded code in unprivileged script
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
empty unique keys
reading values from arrays
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
Events, Event
parse/semantics error, Parse and Semantic Errors
embedded code in unprivileged script, Parse and Semantic Errors
expected symbol/array index expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
grammatical/typographical script error, Parse and Semantic Errors
guru mode, Parse and Semantic Errors
invalid values to variables/arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
libdwfl failure, Parse and Semantic Errors
no match for probe point, Parse and Semantic Errors
non-global arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
probe mismatch, Parse and Semantic Errors
type mismatch for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved function call, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved target-symbol expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved type for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
variable modified during 'foreach', Parse and Semantic Errors
runtime errors/warnings, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregate element not found, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregation overflow, Run Time Errors and Warnings
copy fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
division by 0, Run Time Errors and Warnings
MAXACTION exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
MAXNESTING exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
number of errors: N, skipped probes: M, Run Time Errors and Warnings
pointer dereference fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
event types
Understanding How SystemTap Works, Understanding How SystemTap Works
asynchronous events, Event
begin, Event
end, Event
examples of synchronous and asynchronous events, Event
introduction, Event
kernel.function("function"), Event
kernel.trace("tracepoint"), Event
module("module"), Event
synchronous events, Event
syscall.system_call, Event
timer events, Event
vfs.file_operation, Event
wildcards, Event
events and handlers, Understanding How SystemTap Works
events wildcards, Event
arrays, Associative Arrays
example of multiple command-line arguments
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
examples of synchronous and asynchronous events
Events, Event
examples of SystemTap scripts, Useful SystemTap Scripts
call graph tracing, Call Graph Tracing
CPU ticks, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
ctime(), example of usage, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
determining time spent in kernel and user space, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
futex system call, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
identifying contended user-space locks (i.e. futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
if/else conditionals, alternative syntax, Network Profiling
inode number, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
monitoring changes to file attributes, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
monitoring device I/O, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
monitoring I/O time, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
monitoring incoming TCP connections, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
monitoring polling applications, Monitoring Polling Applications
monitoring reads and writes to a file, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
monitoring system calls, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
monitoring system calls (volume per process), Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
multiple command-line arguments, example of, Call Graph Tracing
net/socket.c, tracing functions from, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
network profiling, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
process deadlocks (arising from futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
stat -c, determining file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
stat -c, determining whole device number, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
summarizing disk I/O traffic, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
tallying function calls, Counting Function Calls Made
thread_indent(), sample usage, Call Graph Tracing, sample usage, Counting Function Calls Made
timer.s(), sample usage, Monitoring Polling Applications, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
tracing functions called in network socket code, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
tracking cumulative I/O, Track Cumulative IO
trigger function, Call Graph Tracing
usrdev2kerndev(), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
whole device number (usage as a command-line argument), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
exceeded MAXACTION
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
expected symbol/array index expression
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
extracting data collected by statistical aggregates
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates


file attributes, monitoring changes to
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
file device number (integer format)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
file reads/writes, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
flight recorder mode, SystemTap Flight Recorder Mode
file mode, File Flight Recorder
in-memory mode, In-memory Flight Recorder
for loops
conditional statements
handlers, Conditional Statements
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
arrays, Associative Arrays
format and syntax
printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
SystemTap handler constructs
handlers, Variables
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
format specifiers
printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
format strings
printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
function call (unresolved)
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
function calls (incoming/outgoing), tracing
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
function calls, tallying
examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
cpu(), Systemtap Handler/Body
ctime(), Systemtap Handler/Body
gettimeofday_s(), Systemtap Handler/Body
pp(), Systemtap Handler/Body
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
target(), Systemtap Handler/Body
thread_indent(), Systemtap Handler/Body
tid(), Systemtap Handler/Body
uid(), Systemtap Handler/Body
functions (used in handlers)
exit(), Systemtap Handler/Body
functions called in network socket code, tracing
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
futex contention, definition
examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
futex contentions, identifying
examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
futex system call
examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks


functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
SystemTap handler constructs
handlers, Variables
goals, documentation
Introduction, Documentation Goals
grammatical/typographical script error
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
guru mode
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors


handler functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
conditional statements, Conditional Statements
conditional operators, Conditional Statements
for loops, Conditional Statements
if/else, Conditional Statements
while loops, Conditional Statements
introduction, Systemtap Handler/Body
SystemTap handler constructs, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
command-line arguments, Command-Line Arguments
global, Variables
syntax and format, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
variable notations, Command-Line Arguments
variables, Variables
handlers and events, Understanding How SystemTap Works
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
heaviest disk reads/writes, identifying
script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
host system
cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
host system and target system
configuration, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers


I/O monitoring (by device)
examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
I/O time, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
I/O traffic, summarizing
script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
identifier type mismatch
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
identifying contended user-space locks (i.e. futex contentions)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
identifying heaviest disk reads/writes
script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
conditional statements
handlers, Conditional Statements
if/else conditionals, alternative syntax
examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling
if/else statements, using arrays in
array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
incoming TCP connections, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
incoming/outgoing function calls, tracing
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
incrementing associated values
array operations, Incrementing Associated Values
tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads), Incrementing Associated Values
index expression
arrays, Associative Arrays
initial testing, Initial Testing
inode number
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
initial testing, Initial Testing
kernel information packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
kernel version, determining the, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
required packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
Setup and Installation, Installation and Setup
systemtap package, Installing SystemTap
systemtap-runtime package, Installing SystemTap
instrumentation module
cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
instrumentation modules from SystemTap scripts, building, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
integer extractors
computing for statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
capabilities of SystemTap, SystemTap Capabilities
documentation goals, Documentation Goals
goals, documentation, Documentation Goals
performance monitoring, Introduction
invalid division
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
invalid values to variables/arrays
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
iterations, processing elements in an array as
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array


kernel and user space, determining time spent in
examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
kernel information packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
kernel modules from SystemTap scripts, building, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
kernel version, determining the, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
Events, Event
Events, Event
key pairs
arrays, Associative Arrays


libdwfl failure
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
limiting the output of foreach
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
local variables
name, Systemtap Handler/Body
sample usage
$count, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
$return, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic, Track Cumulative IO


MAXACTION exceeded
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
membership (in array), testing for
conditional statements, using arrays in
array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
Events, Event
monitoring changes to file attributes
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
monitoring cumulative I/O
examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
monitoring device I/O
examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
monitoring I/O time
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
monitoring incoming TCP connections
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
monitoring polling applications
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Polling Applications
monitoring reads and writes to a file
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
monitoring system calls
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
monitoring system calls (volume per process)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
multiple array operations within the same probe
clearing arrays/array elements
array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
multiple command-line arguments, example of
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array


local variables, Systemtap Handler/Body
net/socket.c, tracing functions from
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
network profiling
examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
network socket code, tracing functions called in
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
network traffic, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
no match for probe point
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
non-global arrays
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
number of errors: N, skipped probes: M
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings


assigning associated values
associating timestamps to process names, Assigning an Associated Value
associative arrays, Array Operations in SystemTap
clearing arrays/array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
delete operator, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
multiple array operations within the same probe, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
computing for statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@avg (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@count (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@max (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@min (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
@sum (integer extractor), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
adding values to statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
count (operator), Computing for Statistical Aggregates
extracting data collected by statistical aggregates, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
conditional statements, using arrays in, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
testing for array membership, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
deleting arrays and array elements, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements
incrementing associated values, Incrementing Associated Values
tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads), Incrementing Associated Values
multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
processing multiple elements in an array, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
iterations, processing elements in an array as, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
limiting the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
ordering the output of foreach, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
reading values from arrays, Reading Values From Arrays
computing for timestamp deltas, Reading Values From Arrays
empty unique keys, Reading Values From Arrays
using arrays in simple computations, Reading Values From Arrays
options, stap
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
ordering the output of foreach
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
overflow of aggregation
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings


packages required to run SystemTap, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
embedded code in unprivileged script, Parse and Semantic Errors
expected symbol/array index expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
grammatical/typographical script error, Parse and Semantic Errors
guru mode, Parse and Semantic Errors
invalid values to variables/arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
libdwfl failure, Parse and Semantic Errors
no match for probe point, Parse and Semantic Errors
non-global arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
probe mismatch, Parse and Semantic Errors
type mismatch for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved function call, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved target-symbol expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved type for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
variable modified during 'foreach', Parse and Semantic Errors
performance monitoring
Introduction, Introduction
pointer dereference fault
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
polling applications, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Polling Applications
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
format specifiers, Systemtap Handler/Body
format strings, Systemtap Handler/Body
syntax and format, Systemtap Handler/Body
printing I/O activity (cumulative)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
probe mismatch
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
probe point (no match for)
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
process deadlocks (arising from futex contentions)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
cumulative virtual file system reads, tallying
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
limiting the output of foreach
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
ordering the output of foreach
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
profiling the network
examples of SystemTap scripts, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel


reading values from arrays
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
empty unique keys, Reading Values From Arrays
using arrays in simple computations, Reading Values From Arrays
computing for timestamp deltas
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
reads/writes to a file, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
required packages, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
RPM packages required to run SystemTap, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
running scripts from standard input, Running SystemTap Scripts
running SystemTap scripts
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
runtime errors/warnings
understanding SystemTap errors, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregate element not found, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregation overflow, Run Time Errors and Warnings
copy fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
division by 0, Run Time Errors and Warnings
MAXACTION exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
MAXNESTING exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
number of errors: N, skipped probes: M, Run Time Errors and Warnings
pointer dereference fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings


script examples
call graph tracing, Call Graph Tracing
CPU ticks, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
ctime(), example of usage, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
determining time spent in kernel and user space, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
futex system call, Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
identifying contended user-space locks (i.e. futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
if/else conditionals, alternative syntax, Network Profiling
inode number, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
monitoring changes to file attributes, Monitoring Changes to File Attributes
monitoring device I/O, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
monitoring I/O time, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
monitoring incoming TCP connections, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
monitoring polling applications, Monitoring Polling Applications
monitoring reads and writes to a file, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
monitoring system calls, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
monitoring system calls (volume per process), Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
multiple command-line arguments, example of, Call Graph Tracing
net/socket.c, tracing functions from, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
network profiling, Network Profiling, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
process deadlocks (arising from futex contentions), Identifying Contended User-Space Locks
stat -c, determining file device number (integer format), Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
stat -c, determining whole device number, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
summarizing disk I/O traffic, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
tallying function calls, Counting Function Calls Made
thread_indent(), sample usage, Call Graph Tracing, sample usage, Counting Function Calls Made
timer.s(), sample usage, Monitoring Polling Applications, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
tracing functions called in network socket code, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
tracking cumulative I/O, Track Cumulative IO
trigger function, Call Graph Tracing
usrdev2kerndev(), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
whole device number (usage as a command-line argument), I/O Monitoring (By Device)
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
components, SystemTap Scripts
events and handlers, SystemTap Scripts
format and syntax, SystemTap Scripts
functions, SystemTap Scripts
probes, SystemTap Scripts
statement blocks, SystemTap Scripts
sessions, SystemTap, Architecture
Setup and Installation, Installation and Setup
standard input, running scripts from
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
stap options, Running SystemTap Scripts
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
Usage, Running SystemTap Scripts
stat -c, determining file device number (integer format)
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
stat -c, determining whole device number
examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
statement blocks
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
statistical aggregates
array operations, Computing for Statistical Aggregates
summarizing disk I/O traffic
script examples, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic
synchronous events
Events, Event
arrays, Associative Arrays
syntax and format
printf(), Systemtap Handler/Body
SystemTap handler constructs
handlers, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
Events, Event
system calls volume (per process), monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking System Call Volume Per Process
system calls, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
SystemTap architecture, Architecture
SystemTap handlers
SystemTap handler constructs, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
syntax and format, Basic SystemTap Handler Constructs
systemtap package, Installing SystemTap
SystemTap script functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
SystemTap scripts
introduction, SystemTap Scripts
components, SystemTap Scripts
events and handlers, SystemTap Scripts
format and syntax, SystemTap Scripts
functions, SystemTap Scripts
probes, SystemTap Scripts
statement blocks, SystemTap Scripts
useful examples, Useful SystemTap Scripts
SystemTap scripts, how to run, Running SystemTap Scripts
SystemTap sessions, Architecture
SystemTap statements
conditional statements, Conditional Statements
conditional operators, Conditional Statements
for loops, Conditional Statements
if/else, Conditional Statements
while loops, Conditional Statements
SystemTap handler constructs
command-line arguments, Command-Line Arguments
global, Variables
variable notations, Command-Line Arguments
variables, Variables
systemtap-runtime package, Installing SystemTap
systemtap-testsuite package
sample scripts, Useful SystemTap Scripts


tallying function calls
examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
tallying virtual file system reads (VFS reads)
incrementing associated values
array operations, Incrementing Associated Values
definition of, Tapsets
target kernel
cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
target system
cross-instrumentation, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
target system and host system
configuration, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
target-symbol expression, unresolved
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
TCP connections (incoming), monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Incoming TCP Connections
testing for array membership
conditional statements, using arrays in
array operations, Using Arrays in Conditional Statements
testing, initial, Initial Testing
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
thread_indent(), sample usage
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
time of I/O
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
time spent in kernel/user space, determining
examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
timer events
Events, Event, sample usage
examples of SystemTap scripts, Counting Function Calls Made
timer.s(), sample usage
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Polling Applications, Tracking Most Frequently Used System Calls
timestamp deltas, computing for
reading values from arrays
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
timestamps, association thereof to process names
assigning associated values
array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
tracepoint, Event, Monitoring Network Packets Drops in Kernel
tracing call graph
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
tracing functions called in network socket code
examples of SystemTap scripts, Tracing Functions Called in Network Socket Code
tracing incoming/outgoing function calls
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
tracking cumulative I/O
examples of SystemTap scripts, Track Cumulative IO
trigger function
examples of SystemTap scripts, Call Graph Tracing
type mismatch for identifier
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
typographical script error
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors


functions, Systemtap Handler/Body
uname -m, Generating Instrumentation for Other Computers
uname -r, Installing Required Kernel Information RPM packages
Understanding How SystemTap Works, Understanding How SystemTap Works
architecture, Architecture
event types, Understanding How SystemTap Works
events and handlers, Understanding How SystemTap Works
SystemTap sessions, Architecture
understanding SystemTap errors
parse/semantics error, Parse and Semantic Errors
embedded code in unprivileged script, Parse and Semantic Errors
expected symbol/array index expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
grammatical/typographical script error, Parse and Semantic Errors
guru mode, Parse and Semantic Errors
invalid values to variables/arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
libdwfl failure, Parse and Semantic Errors
no match for probe point, Parse and Semantic Errors
non-global arrays, Parse and Semantic Errors
probe mismatch, Parse and Semantic Errors
type mismatch for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved function call, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved target-symbol expression, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved type for identifier, Parse and Semantic Errors
variable modified during 'foreach', Parse and Semantic Errors
runtime errors/warnings, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregate element not found, Run Time Errors and Warnings
aggregation overflow, Run Time Errors and Warnings
copy fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
division by 0, Run Time Errors and Warnings
MAXACTION exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
MAXNESTING exceeded, Run Time Errors and Warnings
number of errors: N, skipped probes: M, Run Time Errors and Warnings
pointer dereference fault, Run Time Errors and Warnings
unique keys
arrays, Associative Arrays
unprivileged script, embedded code in
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved function call
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved target-symbol expression
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
unresolved type for identifier
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
unsafe embedded code in unprivileged script
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
options, stap, Running SystemTap Scripts
running SystemTap scripts, Running SystemTap Scripts
standard input, running scripts from, Running SystemTap Scripts
stap, Running SystemTap Scripts
stapdev, Running SystemTap Scripts
staprun, Running SystemTap Scripts
stapusr, Running SystemTap Scripts
useful examples of SystemTap scripts, Useful SystemTap Scripts
user and kernel space, determining time spent in
examples of SystemTap scripts, Determining Time Spent in Kernel and User Space
using arrays in simple computations
reading values from arrays
array operations, Reading Values From Arrays
Using SystemTap, Using SystemTap
examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)


values, assignment of
array operations, Assigning an Associated Value
variable modified during 'foreach'
parse/semantics error
understanding SystemTap errors, Parse and Semantic Errors
variable notations
SystemTap handler constructs
handlers, Command-Line Arguments
SystemTap handler constructs
handlers, Variables
variables (local)
name, Systemtap Handler/Body
sample usage
$count, Tracking I/O Time For Each File Read or Write
$return, Summarizing Disk Read/Write Traffic, Track Cumulative IO
VFS reads, tallying of
incrementing associated values
array operations, Incrementing Associated Values
Events, Event
virtual file system reads (cumulative), tallying
processing multiple elements in an array
array operations, Processing Multiple Elements in an Array
virtual file system reads (non-cumulative), tallying
clearing arrays/array elements
array operations, Clearing/Deleting Arrays and Array Elements


while loops
conditional statements
handlers, Conditional Statements
whole device number (usage as a command-line argument)
examples of SystemTap scripts, I/O Monitoring (By Device)
wildcards in events, Event
writes/reads to a file, monitoring
examples of SystemTap scripts, Monitoring Reads and Writes to a File
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