
Chapter 37. Authentication and Interoperability

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SSSD in a container now available

The System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) in a container is provided as a Technology Preview to allow Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host authentication subsystem to be connected to central identity providers like Red Hat Identity Management and Microsoft Active Directory.
To install this new image, use the atomic install rhel7/sssd command. (BZ#1200143)

Use of AD and LDAP sudo providers

The Active Directory (AD) provider is a back end used to connect to an AD server. Starting with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2, using the AD sudo provider together with the LDAP provider is supported as a Technology Preview. To enable the AD sudo provider, add the sudo_provider=ad setting in the [domain] section of the sssd.conf file. (BZ#1068725)

DNSSEC available as Technology Preview in Identity Management

Identity Management servers with integrated DNS now support DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), a set of extensions to DNS that enhance security of the DNS protocol. DNS zones hosted on Identity Management servers can be automatically signed using DNSSEC. The cryptographic keys are automatically generated and rotated.
Users who decide to secure their DNS zones with DNSSEC are advised to read and follow these documents:
Note that Identity Management servers with integrated DNS use DNSSEC to validate DNS answers obtained from other DNS servers. This might affect the availability of DNS zones that are not configured in accordance with recommended naming practices described in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Networking Guide: (BZ#1115294)

Nunc Stans event framework available for Directory Server

A new Nunc Stans event framework to handle multiple simultaneous connections has been added as Technology Preview. The framework allows supporting several thousand active connections with no performance degradation. It is disabled by default. (BZ#1206301)

Support for secrets as a service

This update adds responder secrets as a Technology Preview to the System Security Services Daemon (SSSD). This responder allows an application to communicate with SSSD over a UNIX socket using the Custodia API. This enables SSSD to store secrets in its local database or to forward them to a remote Custodia server. (BZ#1311056)

IdM web UI enables smart card login

The Identity Management (IdM) web UI enables users to log in using smart cards. Note that this feature is experimental and not supported. (BZ#1317379, BZ#1346883, BZ#1343422)

Identity Management JSON-RPC API available as Technology Preview

An API is available for Identity Management (IdM). To view the API, IdM also provides an API browser as Technology Preview.
In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3, the IdM API has been enhanced to enable multiple versions of API commands. Previously, enhancements could change the behavior of a command in an incompatible way. Users are now able to continue using existing tools and scripts even if the IdM API changes. This enables:
  • Administrators to use previous or later versions of IdM on the server than on the managing client.
  • Developers to use a specific version of an IdM call, even if the IdM version changes on the server.
In all cases, the communication with the server is possible, regardless if one side uses, for example, a newer version that introduces new options for a feature.
For details on using the API, see (BZ#1298286)
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