Chapter 6. Installing RHEL AI on Azure

There are multiple ways you can install, and deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI on Azure.

For installing and deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI on Azure using the VHD, you must first convert the RHEL AI image into an Azure image. You can then launch an instance using the Azure image and deploy RHEL AI on an Azure machine.

6.1. Converting the RHEL AI image into a Azure image

To create a bootable image on Azure you must configure your Azure account, create an Azure Storage Container, and create an Azure image using the RHEL AI VHD image.



  1. Log in to Azure by running the following command:

    $ az login

    Example output of the login

    $ az login
    A web browser has been opened at Please continue the login in the web browser. If no web browser is available or if the web browser fails to open, use device code flow with `az login --use-device-code`.
        "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
        "homeTenantId": "c7b976df-89ce-42ec-b3b2-a6b35fd9c0be",
        "id": "79d7df51-39ec-48b9-a15e-dcf59043c84e",
        "isDefault": true,
        "managedByTenants": [],
        "name": "Team Name",
        "state": "Enabled",
        "tenantId": "0a873aea-428f-47bd-9120-73ce0c5cc1da",
        "user": {
          "name": "",
          "type": "user"

  2. Log in with the azcopy tool using the following commands:

    $ keyctl new_session
    $ azcopy login
  3. You need to set up various Azure configurations and create your Azure Storage Container before creating the Azure image.

    1. Create an environment variable defining the location of your instance with the following command:

      $ az_location=eastus
    2. Create a resource group and save the name in an environment variable named az_resource_group. The following example creates a resource group named Default in the location eastus. (You can omit this step if you want to use an already existing resource group).

      $ az_resource_group=Default
      $ az group create --name ${az_resource_group} --location ${az_location}
    3. Create an Azure storage account and save the name in an environment variable named az_storage_account by running the following commands:

      $ az_storage_account=THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
      $ az storage account create \
          --name ${az_storage_account} \
          --resource-group ${az_resource_group} \
          --location ${az_location} \
          --sku Standard_LRS
    4. Create your Azure Storage Container named as the environment variable az_storage_container with the following commands:

      $ az_storage_container=NAME_OF_MY_BUCKET
      $ az storage container create \
          --name ${az_storage_container} \
          --account-name ${az_storage_account} \
          --public-access off
    5. You can get your Subscription ID from the Azure account list by running the following command:

      $ az account list --output table
    6. Create a variable named ` az_subscription_id` with your Subscription ID .

      $ az_subscription_id=46c08fb3-83c5-4b59-8372-bf9caf15a681
    7. Grant azcopy write permission to user into the storage container. This example grants permission to the user

      $ az role assignment create \
          --assignee \
          --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
          --scope /subscriptions/${az_subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${az_resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/${az_storage_account}/blobServices/default/containers/${az_storage_container}
  4. Now that your Azure storage container is set up, you need to download the Azure VHD image from Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI download page.
  5. Set the name you want to use as the RHEL AI Azure image.

    $ image_name=rhel-ai-1.4
  6. Upload the VHD file to the Azure Storage Container by running the following command:

    $ az_vhd_url="https://${az_storage_account}${az_storage_container}/$(basename ${vhd_file})"
    $ azcopy copy "$vhd_file" "$az_vhd_url"
  7. Create an Azure image from the VHD file you just uploaded with the following command:

    $ az image create --resource-group $az_resource_group \
        --name "$image_name" \
        --source "${az_vhd_url}" \
        --location ${az_location} \
        --os-type Linux \
        --hyper-v-generation V2

6.2. Deploying your instance on Azure using the CLI

You can launch an instance with your new RHEL AI Azure image from the Azure web console or the CLI. You can use whichever method of deployment you want to launch your instance. The following procedure displays how you can use the CLI to launch an Azure instance with the custom Azure image

If you choose to use the CLI as a deployment option, there are several configurations you have to create, as shown in "Prerequisites".


  • You created your RHEL AI Azure image. For more information, see "Converting the RHEL AI image to an Azure image".
  • You installed the Azure CLI on your specific machine, see Install the Azure CLI on Linux.


  1. Log in to your Azure account by running the following command:

    $ az login
  2. You need to select the instance profile that you want to use for the deployment. List all the profiles in the desired region by running the following command:

    $ az vm list-sizes --location <region> --output table

    Make a note of your preferred instance profile, you will need it for your instance deployment.

  3. You can now start creating your Azure instance. Populate environment variables for when you create the instance.

  4. You can launch your instance, by running the following command:

    $ az vm create \
        --resource-group $az_resource_group \
        --name ${name} \
        --image ${az_image} \
        --size ${az_vm_size} \
        --location ${az_location} \
        --admin-username ${az_admin_username} \
        --ssh-key-values @$sshpubkey \
        --authentication-type ssh \
        --nic-delete-option Delete \
        --accelerated-networking true \
        --os-disk-size-gb 1024 \
        --os-disk-name ${name}-${az_location}


  • To verify that your Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI tools are installed correctly, run the ilab command:

    $ ilab

    Example output

    $ ilab
    Usage: ilab [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      CLI for interacting with InstructLab.
      If this is your first time running ilab, it's best to start with `ilab
      config init` to create the environment.
      --config PATH  Path to a configuration file.  [default:
      -v, --verbose  Enable debug logging (repeat for even more verbosity)
      --version      Show the version and exit.
      --help         Show this message and exit.
      config    Command Group for Interacting with the Config of InstructLab.
      data      Command Group for Interacting with the Data generated by...
      model     Command Group for Interacting with the Models in InstructLab.
      system    Command group for all system-related command calls
      taxonomy  Command Group for Interacting with the Taxonomy of InstructLab.
      chat      model chat
      generate  data generate
      serve     model serve
      train     model train

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