
Chapter 3. Atomic Commands

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3.1. atomic host

This subcommand is a high-level wrapper for the rpm-ostree, tool which performs upgrades, rollbacks, and system state inspection.

  • atomic host status

Lists information about all deployments. The asterisk (*) marks the currently running deployment.

# atomic host status
State: idle
* rhel-atomic-host-ostree:rhel-atomic-host/7/x86_64/standard
       Version: 7.3 (2016-09-27 17:53:07)
    BaseCommit: d3fa3283db8c5ee656f78dcfc0fcffe6cd5aa06596dac6ec5e436352208a59cb
        Commit: f5e639ce8186386d74e2558e6a34f55a427d8f59412d47a907793e046875d8dd
        OSName: rhel-atomic-host

       Version: 7.2.7 (2016-09-15 22:28:54)
    BaseCommit: dbbc8e805f0003d8e55658dc220f1fe1397caf80221cc050eeb1bbf44bef56a1
        Commit: 5cd426fa86bd1652ecd8f7d489f89f13ecb7d36e66003b0d7669721cb79545a8
        OSName: rhel-atomic-host
  • atomic host rollback

Switches to the other installed tree at the next boot. You can use the -r option to initiate a reboot after rollback is prepared:

# atomic host rollback -r
  • atomic host upgrade

Upgrades to the latest OSTree if available. This can take a few minutes. When done, it gives you a full list of changed, removed, and added packages. The newly downloaded tree boots automatically at next reboot.

  • atomic host deploy

Allows you to specify a particular version of an OSTree and deploy it. This command is more flexible than upgrade or rollback, as they only alternate between the two installed OSTrees. The newly downloaded tree replaces the one that is not currently deployed. The syntax is as follows:

atomic host deploy <version/commit ID>

For example, use this command to deploy the 7.2.1 OSTree and initiate a reboot after the tree is downloaded:

# atomic host deploy 7.2.1 -r

Use the --preview option to check the package difference between your currently deployed tree and a specified one:

# atomic host deploy 7.2.1 --preview

If you are unsure about the version numbering, pull the commit history for the repository you are subscribed to by using the following ostree commands:

# ostree pull --commit-metadata-only --depth -1 rhel-atomic-host-ostree:rhel-atomic-host/7/x86_64/standard
# ostree log rhel-host/7/x86_64/standard

When you have the version number you are interested in you can use the atomic host <version> --preview command to check the package differences.

You can have at most two deployments on the system. upgrade or deploy downloads a new tree and replaces the currently not deployed one. You can then alternate between both trees on the system with rollback.

You can also use the commit ID of a particular version. The following Solution from the Customer Portal contains a list of all commit IDs that have been released: Deploying a specific version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.

3.2. atomic diff

Compares two images or containers at a file level and displays a full list of their differences. By default, a full list of files is displayed.

atomic diff <image1> <image2>

You can modify the output with a combination of several options.

# atomic diff --rpms --no-files rhel7 centos

rhel7                             | centos
--------------------------------- | ---------------------------------
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server   | CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (
 release 7.2 (Maipo)              | Core)
--------------------------------- | ---------------------------------
                                  | bind-license-32-9.9.4
                                  | centos-release-0-7
dmidecode-1-2.12                  |
gdb-gdbserver-0-7.6.1             |
                                  | hostname-0-3.13
                                  | iputils-0-20121221
libnl-0-1.1.4                     |
libxml2-python-0-2.9.1            |
m2crypto-0-0.21.1                 |
python-dateutil-0-1.5             |
python-dmidecode-0-3.10.13        |
python-ethtool-0-0.8              |
python-rhsm-0-1.15.4              |
redhat-release-server-0-7.2       |
subscription-manager-0-1.15.9     |
                                  | tar-2-1.26
usermode-0-1.111                  |
virt-what-0-1.13                  |
                                  | yum-plugin-fastestmirror-0-1.1.31

The --rpms option adds a table with differences between the RPMs in the two images. Combined with the --no-files option you can restrict the output to only print that table.


Do not use the --no-files option on its own as it will not produce any output.

The --names-only option compares package names only, without versions.

It is a good idea to redirect the output to a text viewer such as less, as the full list of files can get too long and the terminal will truncate it.

# atomic diff rhel7 centos | less

Use the --json option to print the output in JSON format and redirect it, for example, with less:

# atomic diff --rpms --json rhel7 centos | less

3.3. atomic install

atomic install <image>

Executes an image’s install method. The install method is described in the LABEL INSTALL field in the container image. It is typically used to prepare the host system to run the image. It often exposes configuration files needed for the image to the host so they can be edited and saved if the image is deleted. For example, this install method:

# atomic images info rhel7/rsyslog
[output truncated]
INSTALL: docker run --rm --privileged -v /:/host -e HOST=/host -e IMAGE=IMAGE -e NAME=NAME IMAGE /bin/

executes the following command:

# atomic install rhel7/rsyslog
docker run --rm --privileged -v /:/host -e HOST=/host -e IMAGE=rhel7/rsyslog -e NAME=rsyslog rhel7/rsyslog /bin/

With this instruction, atomic install mounts files from the root directory (/) on the host to the /host/ directory inside the container and sets the $HOST variable as /host/ inside the container. For example, /usr/bin is /host/usr/bin in the container, $IMAGE is rhel7/rsyslog and $NAME is rsyslog. The /bin/ script exposes the /etc/rsyslog.conf file to the host system so you can edit it from outside the container.

If you do not have the image locally, atomic install pulls the image from a configured registry. Use the --display option to show the image’s install method. The install command does not execute if --display is specified.

Use the -n option to install multiple copies of an image:

# atomic install -n name1 rhel7/rsyslog
# atomic install -n name2 rhel7/rsyslog

3.4. atomic uninstall

atomic uninstall <image>

Similar to install, uninstall reads and executes an image’s uninstall method from the UNINSTALL instruction.

3.5. atomic run

atomic run <image>

Executes an image’s run method. The run method is described in the RUN field in the container image. RUN allows a developer to define how the particular application should be run. For example, a container with the ntpd service requires the --cap_add SYS_TIME option, and the option can be embedded into the RUN label instead of the user typing the following full command:

# docker run -d -n --cap_add SYS_TIME ntpd

If the RUN field does not exist, atomic run defaults to running the following:

docker create -ti -n <image_name> <container_name>

Use the --spc option to run a container in super-privileged mode. You can read more about Super-Privileged Containers here: Chapter 9. Running Super-privileged Containers from the RHEL Atomic Host Getting Started with Containers Guide.

3.6. atomic stop

atomic stop <image_name>/<container_name>

Executes an image’s stop method. Use this command to stop running containers. Takes the image name or container name as argument. For example:

# atomic stop cranky_wright


# atomic stop rhel7/rsyslog

3.7. atomic images

Executes commands on images. You can view your images, display LABEL info or their help file, check for newer versions

  • atomic images list

Lists the container images you have downloaded on your system. The > symbol indicates that the image is being used by a container.

# atomic images list

  REPOSITORY                                                   TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED            VIRTUAL SIZE                    latest   sha256:da0d5   2016-06-20 14:24   363.37 MB
>                        latest   sha256:7ed99   2016-05-08 16:31   215.23 MB
>   latest   sha256:feb3d   2016-05-06 20:12   347.29 MB
>        latest   sha256:c3ac0   2016-05-06 20:12   347.29 MB        latest   sha256:d6c72   2016-05-06 20:12   347.29 MB
>                  latest   sha256:f1ea2   2016-05-06 18:54   220.3 MB                  latest   sha256:00211   2016-05-06 17:49   1.27 GB
>                     latest   sha256:92bd7   2016-05-06 17:40   215.93 MB
  • atomic images delete
# atomic images delete <image>

Delete a specified image from your system. By default, you won’t be able to delete an image which has containers based on it. Use the -f option to force remove that image. This will not stop the running container based on that image.

# atomic images delete -f rhel7/rsyslog

Use the --remote option to delete an image from a remote repository. However, the remote disk space will not be free until the registry garbage-collection command is run for the remote registry.

  • atomic images info
atomic images info <image>

Shows labels defined for the image.

$ atomic images info rhel7/rhel-tools
Image Name:
License: GPLv3
architecture: x86_64
build-date: 2017-06-23T11:07:50.586605 ip-10-29-120-119.ec2.internal
com.redhat.component: rhel-tools-docker
description: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Tools Container (RHEL Tools Container) is a docker-formatted image that includes hundreds of software tools for troubleshooting and investigating a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic (RHEL Atomic) Host. Designed to run as a privileged container, the RHEL Tools Container allows you to interact directly with the RHEL Atomic Host system to uncover and solve problems. Inside the RHEL Tools Container are popular tools such as sosreport, kdump, and many others (most of which are not included with RHEL Atomic).
distribution-scope: public
io.k8s.display-name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Tools
io.openshift.tags: base rhel7
name: rhel7/rhel-tools
release: 29
run: docker run -it --name NAME --privileged --ipc=host --net=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME=NAME -e IMAGE=IMAGE -v /run:/run -v /var/log:/var/log -v /etc/machine-id:/etc/machine-id -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /:/host IMAGE
summary: Provides the latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 in a fully featured and supported base image.
vcs-ref: c046119740d92e03ba17e27e806e46865fe85838
vcs-type: git
vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
version: 7.3

By default, it checks in local images first and then tries the registries configured on the system. Use the --remote option to ignore the local images and look only in the configured registries:

# atomic images info --remote rhel7/rhel-tools

Use the --storage option to specify the storage of the image.

$ atomic images info --storage ostree rhel7/rhel-tools
  • atomic images prune

Use atomic images prune to free disk space by deleting unused dangling images. Dangling images are those with no name or tag and that are not used by any other images. Since they are not used, they occupy system space. Dangling images are usually caused by using the docker build command to update an image without also removing the older version of the image. An asterisk (*) indicates a dangling image:

# atomic images list -a

  REPOSITORY                                                   TAG      IMAGE ID       CREATED            VIRTUAL SIZE                    latest   sha256:da0d5   2016-06-20 14:24   363.37 MB
>                        latest   sha256:7ed99   2016-05-08 16:31   215.23 MB
>   latest   sha256:feb3d   2016-05-06 20:12   347.29 MB
>        latest   sha256:c3ac0   2016-05-06 20:12   347.29 MB        latest   sha256:d6c72   2016-05-06 20:12   347.29 MB
  *<none>                                                      <none>   sha256:bad41   2016-05-06 17:55   125.08 MB
  *<none>                                                      <none>   sha256:9339b   2016-05-06 23:55   125.08 MB
>                  latest   sha256:f1ea2   2016-05-06 18:54   220.3 MB                  latest   sha256:00211   2016-05-06 17:49   1.27 GB
>                     latest   sha256:92bd7   2016-05-06 17:40   215.93 MB
  • atomic images verify
atomic images verify <image>

Checks if there is a newer image available. It also scans through all layers to see if any of the sublayers have a new version available.

Use the -v option to print information for every layer.

# atomic images verify -v rhel7/rhel-tools

rhel7/rhel-tools contains the following images:

NAME                           LOCAL VERSION        REMOTE VERSION       DIFFERS
rhel7/rhel-tools               7.3-29               7.3-29               NO

Use the --storage option to specify the storage of the image.

$ atomic images verify --storage ostree rhel7/rhel-tools

Use the --no-validate option to disable validating system images.

atomic images verify --no-validate --storage ostree
  • atomic images version
atomic images version <image>

Displays the "Name Version Release" label of an image.

# atomic version rhel7/rsyslog
00b31ffda5e92737fe07aecaa972d6fb4bda7cc8eca225f6a12e06db1ac5ba39 rhel7/rsyslog-7.1-29

3.8. atomic containers

Executes commands on containers. With this command and the subcommands you can list the currently running containers, delete or trim them.

  • atomic containers list
# atomic containers list
  CONTAINER ID IMAGE                COMMAND              CREATED          STATUS    RUNTIME
  flannel      rhel7/flannel        /usr/bin/flanneld-ru 2016-10-06 14:36 running   runc
  etcd         rhel7/etcd           /usr/bin/ 2016-10-13 14:21 running   runc
  1cf730472572 rhel7/cockpit-ws     /container/atomic-ru 2016-10-13 17:55 running   Docker

Lists all running containers on the system with information about them, including which runtime a container is using, Docker, or runc (docker ps lists only the Docker-formatted containers). atomic containers list -a will show all containers:

# atomic containers list -a
  CONTAINER ID IMAGE                COMMAND              CREATED          STATUS    RUNTIME
  etcd         rhel7/etcd           /usr/bin/ 2016-10-13 14:21 running   runc
  flannel      rhel7/flannel        /usr/bin/flanneld-ru 2016-10-13 15:12 failed    runc
  1cf730472572 rhel7/cockpit-ws     /container/atomic-ru 2016-10-13 17:55 exited    Docker
  9a2bb24e5978 rhel7/rsyslog        /bin/      2016-10-13 17:49 created   Docker
  34f95af8f8f9 rhel7/cockpit-ws     /container/atomic-ru 2016-09-27 19:10 exited    Docker

atomic containers list also supports filtering the output with the -f option. The filters are: container ID, image, command, created, status, runtime. For example:

# atomic containers list -f status=exited
  1cf730472572 rhel7/cockpit-ws     /container/atomic-ru 2016-10-13 17:55 exited    Docker
  34f95af8f8f9 rhel7/cockpit-ws     /container/atomic-ru 2016-09-27 19:10 exited    Docker
  • atomic containers update

atomic containers update lets you update a container, if a more recent one is available to be pulled. For example:

# atomic containers update rhel7/flannel
  • atomic containers delete

Deletes a specified container. For example:

# atomic containers delete rhel7/flannel
  • atomic containers trim

This command discards unused blocks from running containers. It uses the fstrim command that discards blocks which are not used by the file system. It is especially usesful for Thinly-Provisioned storage which is the option used on RHEL Atomic Host. Use this command about once a week to clean up the system from unused file system blocks. For more detailed information, see the fstrim(8) manual page.

3.9. atomic info

The atomic info command has been moved under the atomic images set of commands. See Section 3.7, “atomic images” for the description of atomic images info.

3.10. atomic top

atomic top [<container>]

Displays an interactive view of the processes running in active containers, like the top utility. By default, atomic top monitors all containers, but you can optionally specify only the containers you want by using the container name or ID. The table with default fields looks like this:

                                     ATOMIC TOP

CONTA(I)NER* (N)AME (P)ID      (C)PU  (M)EM  (U)ID  (G)ID  CMD
ec56d2f1fb10 httpd  2087       0.0    0.2    0      0      httpd -DFOREGROUND
ec56d2f1fb10 httpd  2095       0.0    0.1    1      1      httpd -DFOREGROUND
ec56d2f1fb10 httpd  2096       0.0    0.1    1      1      httpd -DFOREGROUND
ec56d2f1fb10 httpd  2097       0.0    0.1    1      1      httpd -DFOREGROUND
fa7586391e42 fedora 1913       0.0    0.1    0      0      /bin/sh

You can sort the processes by pressing the key in the parenthesis from the column headers. For example, press "P" to sort processes by PID.

# atomic top -d 5 -n 3

With this command, you can monitor processes on a five second interval for three iterations.

To add add more fields to the default ones, use the --optional option, for example parent PIDs and UID:

# atomic top --optional ppid uid

3.11. atomic mount

atomic mount <image> <mountpoint>

Mounts the underlying file system of a container or image into the host file system. This way you can inspect their contents. For example, you can use it to check configuration files.

Accepts one of image UUID, container UUID, container NAME, or image REPO (optionally with registry and tag information). If the given UUID or NAME is a container, and the --live option is not set, then atomic mount creates a snapshot of the container by committing it to a temporary image and spawning a temporary container from that image. If UUID or REPO refers to an image, then atomic mount creates a temporary container from the given image. All temporary artifacts are cleaned upon unmounting.

# mkdir /root/tmp
# atomic mount rhel7/rsyslog /root/tmp
# cd /root/tmp
# ls

atomic mount is only supported on the devicemapper and overlayfs storage backends.

3.12. atomic unmount

atomic unmount <mountpoint>

Unmounts a container or image previously mounted with atomic mount.

# atomic unmount /root/tmp

3.13. atomic pull

atomic pull <image>

Fetches an image from a repository and downloads it to the system:

# atomic pull rhel7/rsyslog

You can also specify the source using the source:image format. These are the following options for source:

  • oci: fetches an image from a Docker registry using the skopeo tool. This is the default option that is assumed when no source is specified. You can change the default by editing the /etc/atomic.conf file with the default_storage keyword.
# atomic pull oci:rhel7/etcd
  • docker: imports an image from a local Docker registry, not accessing the network. It is equivalent to saving the image from docker (docker save IMAGE) and importing it into the OSTree repository:
# atomic pull --storage=ostree docker:fedora
  • dockertar: imports a tarball from a local Docker registry
# atomic pull --storage=ostree dockertar:path/to/image.tar
  • ostree: fetches an image from a remote OSTree repository. The remote has to be already configured in the local OSTree repository:
# atomic pull --storage=ostree ostree:<remote>/branch

Use the --storage option to specify a destination storage for the image. The two options are docker and ostree. If unspecified, the command assumes it is docker. Use the ostree option when pulling system container images:

# atomic pull --storage=ostree rhel7/etcd

Use the --type option to specify a different registry type. You can switch to an atomic type of registry. For example:

# atomic pull --type atomic <atomic_registry_address>:namespace/image

3.14. atomic push

atomic push <new_image>

Pushes an image you have built locally to a repository. The default behavior is to push to a docker repository, but can also be set to push to a Satellite or Pulp repository with the --satellite or --pulp options.

3.15. atomic storage (migrate)

Manages container storage.

  • atomic storage export/import

With the export and import commands, you can migrate all images, volumes, and containers from one version of atomic to another, or from one storage backend to another. With atomic export you can save all data from the current atomic instance, change the environment, and then import all their old data to the new system with atomic import. This command was previously called "migrate".

# atomic storage export

Will export all current images, volumes, and containers to /var/lib/atomic/migrate/ (or another specified directory), under the /images/, /volumes/, and /containers/ subdirectories.

# atomic storage import

Will import the images, volumes, and containers previously saved in /var/lib/atomic/migrate/, or another specified directory into the new atomic instance.

If you are running docker from a custom location (not /var/lib/docker/), you must set the --graph option pointing to the custom location. To save the data in a non-standard directory, use the --dir option.

  • atomic storage modify

Modifies the default storage setup.

You can add a block device to the storage pool. This command expands your devicemapper storage pool by adding the block device. Only works with devicemapper driver. For example:

# atomic storage modify --add-device vda3/rhelah-expand

To change the backend storage driver, use the --driver option. The supported drivers are devicemapper, overlay, and overlay2.

# atomic storage modify --driver overlay2
  • atomic storage reset

This command deletes all containers and images from your system and resets the storage settings to their default values.

3.16. atomic scan

atomic scan <image>/<container>

Scans images and containers for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). By default, atomic scan uses the openscap scanner to scan the images, but the pluggable design supports adding more scanners, including custom ones. When you run atomic scan the first time, it downloads the rhel7/openscap container which provides the openscap scanner. The default scan type for openscap is to check for vulnerabilities. Note that openscap works with RHEL-based images and containers only.


To properly use the openscap container, run atomic install rhel7/openscap before using that container with atomic scan. See the atomic scan issue in the Known Issues section of the Atomic Release Notes for further details.

For example, to scan the rhel7 base image, run:

# atomic scan rhel7/rhel

To scan all containers and images and produce a detailed report, run:

# atomic scan --all --verbose

If the results are positive, the output is similar to the following:

# atomic scan rhel7/rhel
docker run -it --rm -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /run/atomic/2016-06-21-10-10-28-942890:/scanin -v /var/lib/atomic/openscap/2016-06-21-10-10-28-942890:/scanout:rw,Z -v /etc/oscapd:/etc/oscapd:ro rhel7/openscap oscapd-evaluate scan --no-standard-compliance --targets chroots-in-dir:///scanin --output /scanout

rhel7/rhel (sha256:bf203442)

The following issues were found:

  RHSA-2016:1025: pcre security update (Important)
  Severity: Important
   RHSA ID: RHSA-2016:1025-00
   Associated CVEs:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-2328
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-3217
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-5073
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-8385
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-8386
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-8388
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2015-8391
     CVE URL:
     CVE ID: CVE-2016-3191
     CVE URL:

Files associated with this scan are in /var/lib/atomic/openscap/2016-06-21-10-10-28-942890.

To list all configured scanners, use:

# atomic scan --list
Scanner: openscap *
 Image Name: rhel7/openscap
 Scan type: cve *
 Description: Performs a CVE scan based on known CVE data

 Scan type: standards_compliance
 Description: Performs a standards scan

* denotes defaults

The output also lets you check what scan types are available for each scanner. openscap has two defined, and you can use the --scan_type option to swich between both:

# atomic scan --scan_type standards_compliance rhel7/rhel
docker run -it --rm -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /run/atomic/2016-07-12-16-08-03-011887:/scanin -v /var/lib/atomic/openscap/2016-07-12-16-08-03-011887:/scanout:rw,Z -v /etc/oscapd:/etc/oscapd:ro rhel7/openscap oscapd-evaluate scan --targets chroots-in-dir:///scanin --output /scanout --no-cve-scan

rhel7 (sha256:5fbb7430)

The following issues were found:

     Ensure Software Patches Installed
     Severity: Important
       XCCDF result: notchecked

Files associated with this scan are in /var/lib/atomic/openscap/2016-07-12-16-08-03-011887.

Adding a new scanner means simply installing a new image that provides that scanner with atomic install, and if it is a custom one that you have locally, use:

# atomic install localhost:5000/custom_scanner

You can use the new scanner with the --scanner option:

# atomic scan --scanner custom_scanner rhel7/rhel

To change the default scanner, edit the default_scanner line in /etc/atomic.conf. You can also use this line to explicitly set openscap as the default. If it is not set explicitly, atomic scan uses openscap.

default_scanner: custom_scanner

Another feature of atomic scan is that it can also scan the host file system. This can be configured using the --rootfs option and providing a path on the host, for example:

# atomic scan --rootfs /tmp/chroot

3.17. atomic sign

# atomic sign <registry>/<image>

Creates a local signature for one or more local images that have been pulled from a registry. By default, the signature is written into a directory derived from the registry configuration files as configured in the /etc/atomic.conf file using the registry_confdir keyword.


Only use atomic sign if you trust the remote registry which contains the image. It is recommended that this is a registry which you administer.

Use the -d option to save the signature in a different than the default location:

# atomic sign -d /tmp/signatures

Use the --sign-by option to the default identity specified in the /etc/atomic.conf file and use --gnupghome to provide a location to that identity’s keyring.

# atomic sign --sign-by --gnupghome=~/.gnupg

For detailed information about image signing, see Signing Container Images chapter from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host Managing Containers Guide.

3.18. atomic verify

The atomic verify command has been moved under the atomic images set of commands. See Section 3.7, “atomic images” for the description of atomic images verify.

3.19. atomic trust

The atomic trust command manages the trust policy of the host system. The trust policy is stored in the /etc/containers/policy.json file and defines a scope of registries or repositories or both that must be signed by public keys. Trust is enforced when a user attempts to pull an image from a registry.

  • atomic trust show

Displays the contents of the /etc/containers/policy.json file:

# atomic trust show
* (default)                         accept
  • atomic trust default

Manages the default trust policy. Use the accept or reject commands to enable or disable the default trust policy.

# atomic trust default reject


# atomic trust default accept
  • atomic trust add

Updates the trust policy. To add a public key, use:

# atomic trust add  --pubkeys /etc/pki/containers/ --sigstore <registry>/<image>

To accept all unsigned images from a registry:

# atomuc trust add --type insecureAcceptAnything <registry>
  • atomic trust delete

Removes a trust scope. For example:

# atomic trust delete <registry>

For detailed information about image signing, see Signing Container Images chapter from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host Managing Containers Guide.

3.20. atomic update

atomic update <image>

Pulls the latest update of an image from the configured repositories. If a container based on this image exists, the container will continue to use the old image. Use the --force option to remove the container. An example output:

# atomic update rhel7/rsyslog
Using default tag: latest
00b31ffda5e9: Download complete
c4f590bbcbe3: Download complete
Status: Image is up to date for

3.21. atomic --help and manual pages

The --help option is available to atomic and all of the atomic subcommands described in this document. Use --help to print a usage message and all of the available options to a subcommand.

As RHEL Atomic Host does not have man pages on the OSTree, you can access the manual pages for atomic and rpm-ostree through the Red Hat Enterprise Atomic Tools container. Use the following commands:

# atomic install rhel7/rhel-tools
# atomic run rhel7/rhel-tools man atomic

Individual commands are hyphenated, so use the following format:

# atomic run rhel7/rhel-tools man atomic-mount

You can access the rpm-ostree manual pages using the same commands.

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