B.3. Message bindings
Table B.6, “Inbound SOAP interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's inbound message chain when using the SOAP Binding.
Class | Phase | Description |
CheckFaultInterceptor | POST_PROTOCOL | Checks if the message is a fault message. If the message is a fault message, normal processing is aborted and fault processing is started. |
MustUnderstandInterceptor | PRE_PROTOCOL | Processes the must understand headers. |
RPCInInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Unmarshals rpc/literal messages. If the message is bare, the message is passed to a BareInInterceptor object to deserialize the message parts. |
ReadsHeadersInterceptor | READ | Parses the SOAP headers and stores them in the message object. |
SoapActionInInterceptor | READ | Parses the SOAP action header and attempts to find a unique operation for the action. |
SoapHeaderInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Binds the SOAP headers that map to operation parameters to the appropriate objects. |
AttachmentInInterceptor | RECEIVE | Parses the mime headers for mime boundaries, finds the root part and resets the input stream to it, and stores the other parts in a collection of Attachment objects. |
DocLiteralInInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Examines the first element in the SOAP body to determine the appropriate operation and calls the data binding to read in the data. |
StaxInInterceptor | POST_STREAM | Creates an XMLStreamReader object from the message. |
URIMappingInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Handles the processing of HTTP GET methods. |
SwAInInterceptor | PRE_INVOKE | Creates the required MIME handlers for binary SOAP attachments and adds the data to the parameter list. |
Table B.7, “Outbound SOAP interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's outbound message chain when using the SOAP Binding.
Class | Phase | Description |
RPCOutInterceptor | MARSHAL | Marshals rpc style messages for transmission. |
SoapHeaderOutFilterInterceptor | PRE_LOGICAL | Removes all SOAP headers that are marked as inbound only. |
SoapPreProtocolOutInterceptor | POST_LOGICAL | Sets up the SOAP version and the SOAP action header. |
AttachmentOutInterceptor | PRE_STREAM | Sets up the attachment marshalers and the mime stuff required to process any attachments that might be in the message. |
BareOutInterceptor | MARSHAL | Writes the message parts. |
StaxOutInterceptor | PRE_STREAM | Creates an XMLStreamWriter object from the message. |
WrappedOutInterceptor | MARSHAL | Wraps the outbound message parameters. |
SoapOutInterceptor | WRITE | Writes the soap:envelope element and the elements for the header blocks in the message. Also writes an empty soap:body element for the remaining interceptors to populate. |
SwAOutInterceptor | PRE_LOGICAL | Removes any binary data that will be packaged as a SOAP attachment and stores it for later processing. |
Table B.8, “Inbound XML interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's inbound message chain when using the XML Binding.
Class | Phase | Description |
AttachmentInInterceptor | RECEIVE | Parses the mime headers for mime boundaries, finds the root part and resets the input stream to it, and then stores the other parts in a collection of Attachment objects. |
DocLiteralInInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Examines the first element in the message body to determine the appropriate operation and then calls the data binding to read in the data. |
StaxInInterceptor | POST_STREAM | Creates an XMLStreamReader object from the message. |
URIMappingInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Handles the processing of HTTP GET methods. |
XMLMessageInInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Unmarshals the XML message. |
Table B.9, “Outbound XML interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's outbound message chain when using the XML Binding.
Class | Phase | Description |
StaxOutInterceptor | PRE_STREAM | Creates an XMLStreamWriter objects from the message. |
WrappedOutInterceptor | MARSHAL | Wraps the outbound message parameters. |
XMLMessageOutInterceptor | MARSHAL | Marshals the message for transmission. |
Table B.10, “Inbound CORBA interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's inbound message chain when using the CORBA Binding.
Class | Phase | Description |
CorbaStreamInInterceptor | PRE_STREAM | Deserializes the CORBA message. |
BareInInterceptor | UNMARSHAL | Deserializes the message parts. |
Table B.11, “Outbound CORBA interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's outbound message chain when using the CORBA Binding.
Class | Phase | Description |
CorbaStreamOutInterceptor | PRE_STREAM | Serializes the message. |
BareOutInterceptor | MARSHAL | Writes the message parts. |
CorbaStreamOutEndingInterceptor | USER_STREAM | Creates a streamable object for the message and stores it in the message context. |