- @Consumes, Custom readers
- @Context, Context annotation, Overview
- @CookieParam, Injecting information from a cookie
- @DefaultValue, Specifying a default value to inject
- @DELETE, Specifying HTTP verbs
- @Encoded, Disabling URI decoding
- @FormParam, Injecting data from HTML forms
- @GET, Specifying HTTP verbs
- @HEAD, Specifying HTTP verbs
- @HeaderParam, Injecting information from the HTTP headers
- @MatrixParam, Using matrix parameters
- @Path, Setting the path, Requirements, Specifying a sub-resource
- @PathParam, Getting data from the URI's path
- @POST, Specifying HTTP verbs
- @Produces, Custom writers
- @Provider, Implementing an exception mapper, Custom readers, Custom writers
- @PUT, Specifying HTTP verbs
- @QueryParam, Using query parameters
- annotations
- @Consumes (see @Consumes)
- @Context (see @Context)
- @CookieParam (see @CookieParam)
- @DefaultValue (see @DefaultValue)
- @Encoded (see @Encoded)
- @FormParam (see @FormParam)
- @GET (see @GET)
- @HEAD (see @HEAD)
- @HeaderParam (see @HeaderParam)
- @MatrixParam (see @MatrixParam)
- @Path (see @Path)
- @PathParam (see @PathParam)
- @POST (see @POST)
- @Produces (see @Produces)
- @Provider (see @Provider)
- @PUT (see @PUT)
- @QueryParam (see @QueryParam)
- inheritance, Annotation Inheritance
- CacheControl, Setting cache control directives
- cacheControl(), Setting cache control directives
- ContextResolver<T>, Adding contexts
- cookie(), Adding a cookie
- cookies, Injecting information from a cookie
- entity parameter, Parameters
- ExceptionMapper<E>, Implementing an exception mapper
- form parameters, Injecting data from HTML forms
- forms, Injecting data from HTML forms
- GenericEntity<T>, Returning entities with generic type information
- header(), Adding custom headers
- HTML forms, Injecting data from HTML forms
- DELETE, Specifying HTTP verbs
- GET, Specifying HTTP verbs
- HEAD, Specifying HTTP verbs
- POST, Specifying HTTP verbs
- PUT, Specifying HTTP verbs
- HTTP headers, Injecting information from the HTTP headers, Types of contexts
- HttpHeaders, Types of contexts
- matrix parameters, Using matrix parameters, Getting the matrix parameters
- MessageBodyReader, Custom readers
- MessageBodyWriter, Custom writers
- NewCookie, Adding a cookie
- noContent(), Creating responses for successful requests
- notAcceptable(), Creating responses to signal errors
- notModified(), Creating responses for redirection
- parameter constraints, Parameters
- PathSegment, Getting the path
- query parameters, Using query parameters, Getting the query parameters
- Request, Types of contexts
- ResourceComparator, Customizing the selection process
- Response, Relationship between a response and a response builder, Providing an entity body, Implementing an exception mapper
- Response.Status, Setting the status code returned to the client
- ResponseBuilder, Relationship between a response and a response builder, Getting a response builder, Handling more advanced responses
- ResponseBuilderImpl, Getting a response builder, Handling more advanced responses
- root resource
- requirements, Requirements
- root URI, Requirements, Working with the URI
- SecurityContext, Types of contexts
- seeOther(), Creating responses for redirection
- serverError(), Creating responses to signal errors
- status(), Setting the response status
- sub-resource locator, Sub-resource locators
- sub-resource method, Sub-resource methods
- temporaryRedirect(), Creating responses for redirection
- decoding, Disabling URI decoding
- injecting, Overview
- matrix parameters, Using matrix parameters, Getting the matrix parameters
- query parameters, Using query parameters, Getting the query parameters
- root, Requirements, Working with the URI
- template variables, Getting data from the URI's path, Getting the value of URI template variables
- UriBuilder, Getting the Base URI, Getting the full request URI
- UriInfo, Types of contexts, Working with the full request URI
- WebApplicationException, Using WebApplicaitonException exceptions to report errors