Chapter 4. Enhancements


Table 4.1, “Fuse Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.1. Fuse Enhancements in 6.0
ENTESB-539remove geronimo-servlet_2.5 bundle from servicemix-http feature for soap & soap-secure isn't correct
ENTESB-627README for errors example isn't accurate
ENTESB-603cxf-fabric need to support to publish the full qualified address when it uses the OSGi servlet transport
ENTESB-604cxf-fabric need to support to webclient which is used for the CXF JAXRS
ENTESB-536ensure to use wss4j 1.6.9 for JBoss Fuse 6
ENTESB-543Remove CXF from minimal distro
ENTESB-544Review contents of minimal distro
ENTESB-546Rebrand Fuse ESB to JBoss Fuse
ENTESB-564Camel - Use OSGi 4.3.1 which is compatible with Java 7
ENTESB-573Upgrade to 1.0.0
ENTESB-582Upgrade to maven-notices-plugin 1.28
ENTESB-597ER1: Package both Unix and WIndows kits in same distro
ENTESB-671align jackson version
ENTESB-672stop releasing fabric virt bundles
SMX4-1316add address/endpintName for dispatch process for CXF NMR transport
SMX4-1378cxf-nmr trasport should copy the message header from CXF the Protocol Header
SM-2174Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.8.0
ENTESB-646should be able to install servicemix-wsn2005/cxf-wsn feature OOTB
SMXCOMP-971Update to jruby 1.7.2


Table 4.2, “Messaging Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.2. Messaging Enhancements in 6.0
AMQ-1469Change the Default Local Process Name to Something More Descriptive Than "run.jar"
AMQ-3215Drop-down list to move messages from one queue to another is not wide enough to show complete queue names
AMQ-3707Dynamic failover client connection params broker side attribute
AMQ-3883activemq-jaas authorization doesn't work with Karaf JAAS LoginModule
AMQ-3914Add support for MS SQL JDBC driver 4.0
AMQ-4005Implement pluggable broker lockers
AMQ-4019Make better use of commons-pool in activemq-pool
AMQ-4024Use FQDNs when updating cluster clients
AMQ-4034Create Karaf Integration Test
AMQ-4078Unable to start ActiveMQ as Windows Service when there is space in the folder path
AMQ-4082Refactor network bridge start/stop to reduce async tasks and synchronisation - it is way to complicated atm
AMQ-4124Disable sample web application from out of the box broker
AMQ-4125deprecate kaha and amq store
AMQ-4129Add support for Stomp v1.2
AMQ-4161List of Messages from StatsPlugin is not delimited
AMQ-4165Remove pure master/slave functionality
AMQ-4169correct maven-X-plugin naming to respect convention
AMQ-4177browseMessages() fails when using Jolokia to browse JMX
AMQ-4180Use hawtbuf in activemq-client to make message properties and MapMessage body unmarshal more lazy
AMQ-4190Figure out what was intended with transactions and producer flow control for topics
AMQ-4198Include username in ConnectionInfo for ActiveMQ.Advisory.Connection messages
AMQ-4202JMSXUserID missing from ActiveMQConnectionMetaData getter
AMQ-4213ActiveMQMessageProducer sends producer registration async which causes it to miss possible exceptions on creation like security exceptions
AMQ-4225PooledConnectionFactory should track Session checkouts and close associated resources
AMQ-4233Allow ActiveMQMessageAudit to have cache value for producers set for lower values
AMQ-4237JMX ObjectNames do not follow JMX Best practices to use a Hierarchical format
AMQ-4241ActiveMQOutputStream shoud reserve the user property only once
AMQ-4250activemq-spring should not depend on spring-test at compile scope
AMQ-4253Upgrade to Spring 3.1.3
AMQ-4279deprecate udp transport
AMQ-4298Add mutual authentication (needClientAuth) to https transport
AMQ-4303Health status MBean - Feeling ill
AMQ-4309Add usage limit check when limit for destinations is present
AMQ-4360Remove deprecated methods from activemq-pool
AMQ-4362Broker-based redelivery plugin - support for maximumRedeliveries="-1"
AMQ-4414Combine windows and unix distros
AMQ-4418Make web apps (demos, rest api, etc) running in Karaf
AMQ-4119Add memory usage *count* to destination MBean for better detection of memory leaks
AMQ-4121Expose Destination.setMemoryUsage so that custom policies can override default MemoryUsage (e.g., to specify message count limits)
AMQ-4144When used in a message selector, the JMSDeliveryMode header field should be treated as having the values 'PERSISTENT' and 'NON_PERSISTENT'
AMQ-4146String properties in JMS selector expression should not get auto converted to numbers per spec
AMQ-4162Provide JMX visibility into options applied via destination name query parameters
AMQ-4191Have a getHappyStatus() method on the BrokerViewMBean so that tools can enquire on the happy status of a broker to see early warning signs of things that could be bad
AMQ-4200STOMP 1.1 Over WebSocket
AMQ-4219Expose ActiveMQ JMX interface via REST API using Jolokia
AMQ-4305Support destination lookup by JNDI name in resource adapter
AMQ-4426Allow XAPooledConnectionFactory to be used from ee ( implement ObjectFactory, [Queue|Topic]ConnectionFactory
AMQ-4054Deprecate axis support and remove it in AMQ 5.8
AMQ-4056Remove activemq-jmdns module
AMQ-4163Remove old cruft from activemq-camel component such as the kaha journal component
AMQ-4206HawtBuf lib in assembly is put into /extra folder when it's not optional
AMQ-4228implement/investigate persistent producer audit for leveldb store
AMQ-4238Check AMQ JMX connector code if having same issue as CAMEL-5907
AMQ-4252Make OSGi JARs fully optional
AMQ-4256Upgrade to OSGi 4.3.0
AMQ-4257Upgrade to Aries 1.0
AMQ-4280Rename module activemq-core
AMQ-4341activemq-broker feature can not be installed when OBR is enabled
AMQ-4412align jackson version with Camel
ENTMQ-63Broker and web console security
MB-1116Dynamic Failover Host Name Resolver
MB-1157Support for more sophisticated redelivery semantics
MB-1195reduce maxRows default value from 10,000 to a lower value like 200 in JDBC persistence adapter
MB-1257Don't restart the network bridge on race condition where respondent sends to a temp dest that has just been deleted
MB-835Reduce the number of KahaProducerAuditCommand entries in the KahaDB journal
ENTMQ-155mq-client should contain mq-fabric
ENTMQ-206Add camel route to xml config in pax-exam-tests for mqdistro test
ENTMQ-219Update doc links to point to Customer Portal
ENTMQ-229Remove the '-' from the start script (bin//a-mq -> bin/amq) and reference in doc and readme
ENTMQ-231Create an a-mq fabric profile that mirrors the out-of-box config of the a-mq distro
ENTMQ-251use admin/admin as default username/password for org.apache.activemq.webconsole.cfg


Table 4.3, “Routing Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.3. Routing Enhancements in 6.0
CAMEL-5708Make camel-smpp component get username from parameters instead of address
CAMEL-5872camel-scala - Add convertBodyTo to its DSL
CAMEL-5889Scala DSL: no tokenize("...") method
CAMEL-5926SpringIntegrationConsumer should honor the 'inOut' instance variable by setting the MEP and sending back message headers
CAMEL-5938MailConverters fails with uppercase content type TEXT/PLAIN
CAMEL-5944Setting extendMessageVisibility on an SQS consumer doesn't make visibilityTimeout compulsory
CAMEL-5945Add delimiter to recipient list eip in Java DSL
CAMEL-5955Put the LocalAddress into the message header
CAMEL-5959Dead Letter Channel - Store failed route id on Exchange
CAMEL-5962xslt component - Should fallback and use same scheme prefix as endpoint configured for included resources
CAMEL-5974camel-jms: Make ThreadPoolTaskExecutor the default Task Executor
CAMEL-5990Upgrade to QuickFIX/J 1.5.3
CAMEL-5995Improvment of InstrumentationProcessor
CAMEL-6008camel-netty - Initialize SSLContext once if using camel JSSE configuration
CAMEL-6051ClassResolver - Add support for Object[] arrays
CAMEL-6055Add export service information to camel bundles
CAMEL-6075Upgrade to jclouds 1.5.7
CAMEL-6100ManagedAttribute annotated method in JmsEndpoint does not return a standard type
CAMEL-6102direct-vm component - Should support the async routing engine
CAMEL-6105Make DirectProducer throw a specific exception when it cannot find the corresponding consumer, instead of a generic CamelExchangeException
CAMEL-6110camel-xmlbeans: Improve the test coverage
CAMEL-6116Populate all optional parameters from DeliverSm (if it is DeliveryReceipt)
CAMEL-6117Allow empty service_type and system_type
CAMEL-6121While creation of submit_sm from Exchange no optional params are being set to submit_sm
CAMEL-6145JXPath language - Allow to configure lenient option
CAMEL-6166camel-jms - Allow to configure jmsKeyFormatStrategy directly on component level
CAMEL-6177Camel-AWS should support any implementation of AmazonXXX (not only AmazonXXXClient)
CAMEL-6178Camel Flatpack should respect the ignoreExtraColumns and allowShortLines options for delimited files
CAMEL-6205Add option to disable file system sync on File Producer
CAMEL-6217Camel-test-blueprint supports to create bundle context per class
CAMEL-6233BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer does not support nested Spring properties
MR-671Camel-Jetty Proxy is configured at JVM level using system properties
MR-700adding getTaskQueueRemainingCapacity() on
CAMEL-5896camel-netty - Allow to configure netty options in uri using prefix
CAMEL-5901camel-netty - Allow to turn netty producer pool on or off
CAMEL-5979Camel-Quickfix dynamic SenderSubId/TargetSubId issue
CAMEL-6054camel-hazelcast - Manage transactions with SEDA Consumer and improve the mapstore lifecycle
CAMEL-6216Support user metadata on files stored in S3
MR-690overriding blueprint placeholders when using CamelBlueprintTestSupport/pojosr framework
CAMEL-5935clean up the camel schema
CAMEL-5983Avoid the negative-tests to behave as false-positive
CAMEL-5998Avoid using deprecated AbstractJUnit38SpringContextTests but use junit 4 test class instead
CAMEL-6066camel-atom and camel-rss - Issue in karaf
CAMEL-6074Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.8.0
CAMEL-6169add camel's file into the maven repo as camelComponent/properties so folks can easily query maven repos for camel components
ENTESB-564Camel - Use OSGi 4.3.1 which is compatible with Java 7
ENTESB-596Upgrade Fuse Camel 2.10 to use Spring 3.1.3 to be aligned with JBoss Fuse 6
ENTESB-634camel-msv - Backport the pom.xml changes from ASF to Fuse Camel 2.10 to fix assembly issue on RHEL
ENTESB-641maven-dependency-plugin upgrade
MR-705Include in JAR and m2 repo so we can detect the available camel components we have
CAMEL-5792Validator component - Error loading resource on windows

Web services

Table 4.4, “Web services Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.4. Web services Enhancements in 6.0
CXF-4646Use AlgorithmSuite functionality in WSS4J 1.6.8
CXF-4731add dependency='true' for stax-api bundle in cxf features.xml
ENTESB-646should be able to install servicemix-wsn2005/cxf-wsn feature OOTB
CXF-4791Passing arguments to JAXB compiler from WADL2Java
ENTESB-641maven-dependency-plugin upgrade
SF-431update to javax.mail 1.4.5
SF-432Use Fuse specs


Table 4.5, “Container Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.5. Container Enhancements in 6.0
KARAF-1951Remove workaround for KARAF-1117
KARAF-2223Update to pax url 1.3.6
KARAF-1572Add SQL Server Support for JDBC Lock
KARAF-1798Use exam framework for our itests and increase tests coverage
KARAF-2105Karaf features for Spring should all be same name and use version ranges
KARAF-1910Provide Spring 3.1.2.RELEASE features
KARAF-2050Ability to configure ssh session idle timeout - currently hardcode as 5 minutes
FELIX-3344Filter parsing treats ** as invalid syntax
FELIX-3553Use of parallel class loading capability of JDK7
FELIX-3807Refreshing bundles should first grab all the bundle locks to avoid concurrent modifications of those bundles
FELIX-3808Upgrade ConfigAdmin to pax-exam 2
ENTESB-529endorse stax-api spec jar
ENTESB-539remove geronimo-servlet_2.5 bundle from servicemix-http feature
ENTESB-506Add a pojosr unit test to validate that we can use OSGI Config Admin with value encrypted
ENTESB-542Upgrade to Pax Logging 1.7.1 when available
ENTESB-622JBoss FUSE 6 should use fuse side aries jpa module
ENTESB-641maven-dependency-plugin upgrade

Fuse Fabric

Table 4.6, “Fabric Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.6. Fabric Enhancements in 6.0
FABRIC-377Create a command for profiles to pick up new versions
FABRIC-387Allow fabric agent and maven proxy to retrieve repos from maven settings.xml
FABRIC-391Unable to create child container on remote root container using oracle JDK 7 on linux
FABRIC-394Fabric ensemble should not be versioned
FABRIC-406Add some validation to container-add-profile so it doesn't allow spaces in profile names
FABRIC-409Revisit CXF example and integration tests
FABRIC-419Ability to Create Root Container on the Local Host
FABRIC-421fabric-cxf FabricLoadBalancerFeature should support to configure the options of the zookeeper client
FABRIC-360Allow editing of znodes and profile in a text editor

Management Console

Table 4.7, “Enhancements in 6.0” lists the enhancements between Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1 and 6.0.
Table 4.7. Enhancements in 6.0
FMC-444Add field to specify imported version name and allow an existing version to be overwritten
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