8.3. Normalizer
The normalizer pattern is used to process messages that are semantically equivalent, but arrive in different formats. The normalizer transforms the incoming messages into a common format.
In Apache Camel, you can implement the normalizer pattern by combining a content-based router, which detects the incoming message's format, with a collection of different message translators, which transform the different incoming formats into a common format.
Figure 8.3. Normalizer Pattern

Java DSL example
This example shows a Message Normalizer that converts two types of XML messages into a common format. Messages in this common format are then filtered.
Using the Fluent Builders
// we need to normalize two types of incoming messages from("direct:start") .choice() .when().xpath("/employee").to("bean:normalizer?method=employeeToPerson") .when().xpath("/customer").to("bean:normalizer?method=customerToPerson") .end() .to("mock:result");
In this case we're using a Java bean as the normalizer. The class looks like this
// Java public class MyNormalizer { public void employeeToPerson(Exchange exchange, @XPath("/employee/name/text()") String name) { exchange.getOut().setBody(createPerson(name)); } public void customerToPerson(Exchange exchange, @XPath("/customer/@name") String name) { exchange.getOut().setBody(createPerson(name)); } private String createPerson(String name) { return "<person name=\"" + name + "\"/>"; } }
XML configuration example
The same example in the XML DSL
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <choice> <when> <xpath>/employee</xpath> <to uri="bean:normalizer?method=employeeToPerson"/> </when> <when> <xpath>/customer</xpath> <to uri="bean:normalizer?method=customerToPerson"/> </when> </choice> <to uri="mock:result"/> </route> </camelContext> <bean id="normalizer" class="org.apache.camel.processor.MyNormalizer"/>