38.2. Specifying the Java Class of an XML Schema Primitive


By default, XML Schema types are mapped to Java primitive types. While this is the most logical mapping between XML Schema and Java, it does not always meet the requirements of the application developer. You might want to map an XML Schema primitive type to a Java class that can hold extra information, or you might want to map an XML primitive type to a class that allows for simple type substitution.
The JAXB javaType customization element allows you to customize the mapping between an XML Schema primitive type and a Java primitive type. It can be used to customize the mappings at both the global level and the individual instance level. You can use the javaType element as part of a simple type definition or as part of a complex type definition.
When using the javaType customization element you must specify methods for converting the XML representation of the primitive type to and from the target Java class. Some mappings have default conversion methods. For instances where there are no default mappings, Apache CXF provides JAXB methods to ease the development of the required methods.


The javaType customization element takes four attributes, as described in Table 38.1, “Attributes for Customizing the Generation of a Java Class for an XML Schema Type”.
Table 38.1. Attributes for Customizing the Generation of a Java Class for an XML Schema Type
nameYesSpecifies the name of the Java class to which the XML Schema primitive type is mapped. It must be either a valid Java class name or the name of a Java primitive type. You must ensure that this class exists and is accessible to your application. The code generator does not check for this class.
xmlTypeNoSpecifies the XML Schema primitive type that is being customized. This attribute is only used when the javaType element is used as a child of the globalBindings element.
parseMethodNoSpecifies the method responsible for parsing the string-based XML representation of the data into an instance of the Java class. For more information see the section called “Specifying the converters”.
printMethodNoSpecifies the method responsible for converting a Java object to the string-based XML representation of the data. For more information see the section called “Specifying the converters”.
The javaType customization element can be used in three ways:
  • To modify all instances of an XML Schema primitive type — The javaType element modifies all instances of an XML Schema type in the schema document when it is used as a child of the globalBindings customization element. When it is used in this manner, you must specify a value for the xmlType attribute that identifies the XML Schema primitive type being modified.
    Example 38.7, “Global Primitive Type Customization” shows an in-line global customization that instructs the code generators to use java.lang.Integer for all instances of xsd:short in the schema.

    Example 38.7. Global Primitive Type Customization

    <schema targetNamespace="http://widget.com/types/widgetTypes" 
          <jaxb:globalBindings ...>
            <jaxb:javaType name="java.lang.Integer"
                           xmlType="xsd:short" />
  • To modify a simple type definition — The javaType element modifies the class generated for all instances of an XML simple type when it is applied to a named simple type definition. When using the javaType element to modify a simple type definition, do not use the xmlType attribute.
    Example 38.8, “Binding File for Customizing a Simple Type” shows an external binding file that modifies the generation of a simple type named zipCode.

    Example 38.8. Binding File for Customizing a Simple Type

    <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb"
      <jaxb:bindings wsdlLocation="widgets.wsdl">
        <jaxb:bindings node="xsd:simpleType[@name='zipCode']">
            <jaxb:javaType name="com.widgetVendor.widgetTypes.zipCodeType"
                           printMethod="com.widgetVendor.widgetTypes.support.printZipCode" />
  • To modify an element or attribute of a complex type definition — The javaType can be applied to individual parts of a complex type definition by including it as part of a JAXB property customization. The javaType element is placed as a child to the property's baseType element. When using the javaType element to modify a specific part of a complex type definition, do not use the xmlType attribute.
    Example 38.9, “Binding File for Customizing an Element in a Complex Type” shows a binding file that modifies an element of a complex type.

    Example 38.9. Binding File for Customizing an Element in a Complex Type

    <jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb"
      <jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="enumMap.xsd">
        <jaxb:bindings node="xsd:ComplexType[@name='widgetOrderInfo']">
          <jaxb:bindings node="xsd:element[@name='cost']">
                <jaxb:javaType name="com.widgetVendor.widgetTypes.costType"
                                printMethod="printCost" >
    For more information on using the baseType element see Section 38.6, “Specifying the Base Type of an Element or an Attribute”.

Specifying the converters

The Apache CXF cannot convert XML Schema primitive types into random Java classes. When you use the javaType element to customize the mapping of an XML Schema primitive type, the code generator creates an adapter class that is used to marshal and unmarshal the customized XML Schema primitive type. A sample adapter class is shown in Example 38.10, “JAXB Adapter Class”.

Example 38.10. JAXB Adapter Class

public class Adapter1 extends XmlAdapter<String, javaType>
  public javaType unmarshal(String value)

  public String marshal(javaType value)
parseMethod and printMethod are replaced by the value of the corresponding parseMethod attribute and printMethod attribute. The values must identify valid Java methods. You can specify the method's name in one of two ways:
  • A fully qualified Java method name in the form of packagename.ClassName.methodName
  • A simple method name in the form of methodName
    When you only provide a simple method name, the code generator assumes that the method exists in the class specified by the javaType element's name attribute.
The code generators do not generate parse or print methods. You are responsible for supplying them. For information on developing parse and print methods see the section called “Implementing converters”.
If a value for the parseMethod attribute is not provided, the code generator assumes that the Java class specified by the name attribute has a constructor whose first parameter is a Java String object. The generated adapter's unmarshal() method uses the assumed constructor to populate the Java object with the XML data.
If a value for the printMethod attribute is not provided, the code generator assumes that the Java class specified by the name attribute has a toString() method. The generated adapter's marshal() method uses the assumed toString() method to convert the Java object to XML data.
If the javaType element's name attribute specifies a Java primitive type, or one of the Java primitive's wrapper types, the code generators use the default converters. For more information on default converters see the section called “Default primitive type converters”.

What is generated

As mentioned in the section called “Specifying the converters”, using the javaType customization element triggers the generation of one adapter class for each customization of an XML Schema primitive type. The adapters are named in sequence using the pattern AdapterN. If you specify two primitive type customizations, the code generators create two adapter classes: Adapter1 and Adapter2.
The code generated for an XML schema construct depends on whether the effected XML Schema construct is a globally defined element or is defined as part of a complex type.
When the XML Schema construct is a globally defined element, the object factory method generated for the type is modified from the default method as follows:
  • The method is decorated with an @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation.
    The annotation instructs the runtime which adapter class to use when processing instances of this element. The adapter class is specified as a class object.
  • The default type is replaced by the class specified by the javaType element's name attribute.
Example 38.11, “Customized Object Factory Method for a Global Element” shows the object factory method for an element affected by the customization shown in Example 38.7, “Global Primitive Type Customization”.

Example 38.11. Customized Object Factory Method for a Global Element

 @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "http://widgetVendor.com/types/widgetTypes", name = "shorty")
 public JAXBElement<Integer> createShorty(Integer value) {
     return new JAXBElement<Integer>(_Shorty_QNAME, Integer.class, null, value);
When the XML Schema construct is defined as part of a complex type, the generated Java property is modified as follows:
  • The property is decorated with an @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation.
    The annotation instructs the runtime which adapter class to use when processing instances of this element. The adapter class is specified as a class object.
  • The property's @XmlElement includes a type property.
    The value of the type property is the class object representing the generated object's default base type. In the case of XML Schema primitive types, the class is String.
  • The property is decorated with an @XmlSchemaType annotation.
    The annotation identifies the XML Schema primitive type of the construct.
  • The default type is replaced by the class specified by the javaType element's name attribute.
Example 38.12, “Customized Complex Type” shows the object factory method for an element affected by the customization shown in Example 38.7, “Global Primitive Type Customization”.

Example 38.12. Customized Complex Type

public class NumInventory {

    @XmlElement(required = true, type = String.class)
    @XmlSchemaType(name = "short")
    protected Integer numLeft;
    @XmlElement(required = true)
    protected String size;

    public Integer getNumLeft() {
        return numLeft;

    public void setNumLeft(Integer value) {
        this.numLeft = value;

    public String getSize() {
        return size;

    public void setSize(String value) {
        this.size = value;


Implementing converters

The Apache CXF runtime does not know how to convert XML primitive types to and from the Java class specified by the javaType element, except that it should call the methods specified by the parseMethod attribute and the printMethod attribute. You are responsible for providing implementations of the methods the runtime calls. The implemented methods must be capable of working with the lexical structures of the XML primitive type.
To simplify the implementation of the data conversion methods, Apache CXF provides the javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter class. This class provides methods for parsing and printing all of the XML Schema primitive types. The parse methods take string representations of the XML data and they return an instance of the default type defined in Table 34.1, “XML Schema Primitive Type to Java Native Type Mapping”. The print methods take an instance of the default type and they return a string representation of the XML data.
The Java documentation for the DatatypeConverter class can be found at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter.html.

Default primitive type converters

When specifying a Java primitive type, or one of the Java primitive type Wrapper classes, in the javaType element's name attribute, it is not necessary to specify values for the parseMethod attribute or the printMethod attribute. The Apache CXF runtime substitutes default converters if no values are provided.
The default data converters use the JAXB DatatypeConverter class to parse the XML data. The default converters will also provide any type casting necessary to make the conversion work.
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