Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.22.3. Annotating the Code
22.3.1. Overview of JAX-WS Annotations
- The target namespace for the service.
- The name of the class used to hold the request message
- The name of the class used to hold the response message
- If an operation is a one way operation
- The binding style the service uses
- The name of the class used for any custom exceptions
- The namespaces under which the types used by the service are defined
22.3.2. Required Annotations
annotation on both the SEI and the implementation class.
The @WebService annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.jws.WebService
interface and it is placed on an interface or a class that is intended to be used as a service. @WebService
has the properties described in Table 22.1, “@WebService
Property | Description |
name | Specifies the name of the service interface. This property is mapped to the name attribute of the wsdl:portType element that defines the service's interface in a WSDL contract. The default is to append PortType to the name of the implementation class. [a] |
targetNamespace | Specifies the target namespace where the service is defined. If this property is not specified, the target namespace is derived from the package name. |
serviceName | Specifies the name of the published service. This property is mapped to the name attribute of the wsdl:service element that defines the published service. The default is to use the name of the service's implementation class. [a] |
wsdlLocation | Specifies the URL where the service's WSDL contract is stored. This must be specified using a relative URL. The default is the URL where the service is deployed. |
endpointInterface | Specifies the full name of the SEI that the implementation class implements. This property is only specified when the attribute is used on a service implementation class. |
portName | Specifies the name of the endpoint at which the service is published. This property is mapped to the name attribute of the wsdl:port element that specifies the endpoint details for a published service. The default is the append Port to the name of the service's implementation class.[a] |
When you generate WSDL from an SEI the interface's name is used in place of the implementation class' name.
annotation's properties. However, it is recommended that you provide as much information as you can.
Annotating the SEI
annotation. Because the SEI is the contract that defines the service, you should specify as much detail as possible about the service in the @WebService
annotation's properties.
Annotation” shows the interface defined in Example 22.1, “Simple SEI” with the @WebService
Example 22.3. Interface with the @WebService
package com.fusesource.demo; import javax.jws.*; @WebService(name="quoteUpdater", 1 targetNamespace="http:\\demos.redhat.com", 2 serviceName="updateQuoteService", 3 wsdlLocation="http:\\demos.redhat.com\quoteExampleService?wsdl", 4 portName="updateQuotePort") 5 public interface quoteReporter { public Quote getQuote(String ticker); }
annotation in Example 22.3, “Interface with the @WebService
Annotation” does the following:
- 1
- Specifies that the value of the
attribute of thewsdl:portType
element defining the service interface isquoteUpdater
. - 2
- Specifies that the target namespace of the service is http:\\demos.redhat.com.
- 3
- Specifies that the value of the
of thewsdl:service
element defining the published service isupdateQuoteService
. - 4
- Specifies that the service will publish its WSDL contract at http:\\demos.redhat.com\quoteExampleService?wsdl.
- 5
- Specifies that the value of the
attribute of thewsdl:port
element defining the endpoint exposing the service isupdateQuotePort
Annotating the service implementation
annotation, you also must annotate the service implementation class with the @WebService
annotation. When adding the annotation to the service implementation class you only need to specify the endpointInterface property. As shown in Example 22.4, “Annotated Service Implementation Class” the property must be set to the full name of the SEI.
Example 22.4. Annotated Service Implementation Class
package org.eric.demo; import javax.jws.*; @WebService(endpointInterface="com.fusesource.demo.quoteReporter") public class stockQuoteReporter implements quoteReporter { public Quote getQuote(String ticker) { ... } }
22.3.3. Optional Annotations
annotation is sufficient for service enabling a Java interface or a Java class, it does not fully describe how the service will be exposed as a service provider. The JAX-WS programming model uses a number of optional annotations for adding details about your service, such as the binding it uses, to the Java code. You add these annotations to the service's SEI. Defining the Binding Properties with Annotations
The @SOAPBinding annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding
interface. It provides details about the SOAP binding used by the service when it is deployed. If the @SOAPBinding
annotation is not specified, a service is published using a wrapped doc/literal SOAP binding.
annotation on the SEI and any of the SEI's methods. When it is used on a method, setting of the method's @SOAPBinding
annotation take precedence.
Properties” shows the properties for the @SOAPBinding
Property | Values | Description |
style | Style.DOCUMENT (default)
| Specifies the style of the SOAP message. If RPC style is specified, each message part within the SOAP body is a parameter or return value and appears inside a wrapper element within the soap:body element. The message parts within the wrapper element correspond to operation parameters and must appear in the same order as the parameters in the operation. If DOCUMENT style is specified, the contents of the SOAP body must be a valid XML document, but its form is not as tightly constrained. |
use | Use.LITERAL (default)
| Specifies how the data of the SOAP message is streamed. |
parameterStyle [b] | ParameterStyle.BARE
ParameterStyle.WRAPPED (default)
| Specifies how the method parameters, which correspond to message parts in a WSDL contract, are placed into the SOAP message body. If BARE is specified, each parameter is placed into the message body as a child element of the message root. If WRAPPED is specified, all of the input parameters are wrapped into a single element on a request message and all of the output parameters are wrapped into a single element in the response message. |
Use.ENCODED is not currently supported.
Document bare style parameters
annotation with its style property set to Style.DOCUMENT
, and its parameterStyle property set to ParameterStyle.BARE
- The operation must have no more than one input or input/output parameter.
- If the operation has a return type other than void, it must not have any output or input/output parameters.
- If the operation has a return type of void, it must have no more than one output or input/output parameter.
annotation or the @WebResult
annotation are not counted against the number of allowed parameters.
Document wrapped parameters
annotation with its style property set to Style.DOCUMENT
, and its parameterStyle property set to ParameterStyle.WRAPPED
Example 22.5. Specifying a Document Bare SOAP Binding with the SOAP Binding Annotation
package org.eric.demo; import javax.jws.*; import javax.jws.soap.*; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.*; @WebService(name="quoteReporter") @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle=ParameterStyle.BARE) public interface quoteReporter { ... } Defining Operation Properties with Annotations
- What the exchanged messages look like in XML
- If the message can be optimized as a one way message
- The namespaces where the messages are defined
The @WebMethod annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.jws.WebMethod
interface. It is placed on the methods in the SEI. The @WebMethod
annotation provides the information that is normally represented in the wsdl:operation
element describing the operation to which the method is associated.
Properties” describes the properties of the @WebMethod
The @RequestWrapper annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.xml.ws.RequestWrapper
interface. It is placed on the methods in the SEI. The @RequestWrapper
annotation specifies the Java class implementing the wrapper bean for the method parameters of the request message starting a message exchange. It also specifies the element names, and namespaces, used by the runtime when marshalling and unmarshalling the request messages.
Properties” describes the properties of the @RequestWrapper
Property | Description |
localName | Specifies the local name of the wrapper element in the XML representation of the request message. The default value is either the name of the method, or the value of the the section called “The @WebMethod annotation” annotation's operationName property. |
targetNamespace | Specifies the namespace under which the XML wrapper element is defined. The default value is the target namespace of the SEI. |
className | Specifies the full name of the Java class that implements the wrapper element. |
annotation, and its parameterStyle property is set to ParameterStyle.BARE
, this annotation is ignored.
The @ResponseWrapper annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.xml.ws.ResponseWrapper
interface. It is placed on the methods in the SEI. The @ResponseWrapper
specifies the Java class implementing the wrapper bean for the method parameters in the response message in the message exchange. It also specifies the element names, and namespaces, used by the runtime when marshaling and unmarshalling the response messages.
Properties” describes the properties of the @ResponseWrapper
Property | Description |
localName | Specifies the local name of the wrapper element in the XML representation of the response message. The default value is either the name of the method with Response appended, or the value of the the section called “The @WebMethod annotation” annotation's operationName property with Response appended. |
targetNamespace | Specifies the namespace where the XML wrapper element is defined. The default value is the target namespace of the SEI. |
className | Specifies the full name of the Java class that implements the wrapper element. |
annotation and its parameterStyle property is set to ParameterStyle.BARE
, this annotation is ignored.
The @WebFault annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.xml.ws.WebFault
interface. It is placed on exceptions that are thrown by your SEI. The @WebFault
annotation is used to map the Java exception to a wsdl:fault
element. This information is used to marshall the exceptions into a representation that can be processed by both the service and its consumers.
Properties” describes the properties of the @WebFault
The @Oneway annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.jws.Oneway
interface. It is placed on the methods in the SEI that will not require a response from the service. The @Oneway
annotation tells the run time that it can optimize the execution of the method by not waiting for a response and by not reserving any resources to process a response.
- They return void
- They have no parameters that implement the
interface - They do not throw any exceptions that can be passed back to a consumer
Example 22.6. SEI with Annotated Methods
package com.fusesource.demo; import javax.jws.*; import javax.xml.ws.*; @WebService(name="quoteReporter") public interface quoteReporter { @WebMethod(operationName="getStockQuote") @RequestWrapper(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com/types", className="java.lang.String") @ResponseWrapper(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com/types", className="org.eric.demo.Quote") public Quote getQuote(String ticker); } Defining Parameter Properties with Annotations
elements and their wsdl:part
elements. JAX-WS provides annotations that allow you to describe the wsdl:part
elements that are generated for the method parameters.
The @WebParam annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.jws.WebParam
interface. It is placed on the parameters of the methods defined in the SEI. The @WebParam
annotation allows you to specify the direction of the parameter, if the parameter will be placed in the SOAP header, and other properties of the generated wsdl:part
Properties” describes the properties of the @WebParam
Property | Values | Description |
name | Specifies the name of the parameter as it appears in the generated WSDL document. For RPC bindings, this is the name of the wsdl:part representing the parameter. For document bindings, this is the local name of the XML element representing the parameter. Per the JAX-WS specification, the default is argN , where N is replaced with the zero-based argument index (i.e., arg0, arg1, etc.). | |
targetNamespace | Specifies the namespace for the parameter. It is only used with document bindings where the parameter maps to an XML element. The default is to use the service's namespace. | |
mode | Mode.IN (default)[a]
| Specifies the direction of the parameter. |
header | false (default)
| Specifies if the parameter is passed as part of the SOAP header. |
partName | Specifies the value of the name attribute of the wsdl:part element for the parameter. This property is used for document style SOAP bindings. | |
The @WebResult annotation
annotation is defined by the javax.jws.WebResult
interface. It is placed on the methods defined in the SEI. The @WebResult
annotation allows you to specify the properties of the wsdl:part
that is generated for the method's return value.
Properties” describes the properties of the @WebResult
Example 22.7. Fully Annotated SEI
package com.fusesource.demo; import javax.jws.*; import javax.xml.ws.*; import javax.jws.soap.*; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.*; import javax.jws.WebParam.*; @WebService(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com", name="quoteReporter") @SOAPBinding(style=Style.RPC, use=Use.LITERAL) public interface quoteReporter { @WebMethod(operationName="getStockQuote") @RequestWrapper(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com/types", className="java.lang.String") @ResponseWrapper(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com/types", className="org.eric.demo.Quote") @WebResult(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com/types", name="updatedQuote") public Quote getQuote( @WebParam(targetNamespace="http://demo.redhat.com/types", name="stockTicker", mode=Mode.IN) String ticker ); }
22.3.4. Apache CXF Annotations WSDL Documentation
@WSDLDocumentation annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.WSDLDocumentation
interface. It can be placed on the SEI or the SEI methods.
elements after the SEI is converted to WSDL. By default, the documentation elements appear inside the port type, but you can specify the placement property to make the documentation appear at other locations in the WSDL file. Table 22.9, “@WSDLDocumentation properties” shows the properties supported by the @WSDLDocumentation
Property | Description |
value | (Required) A string containing the documentation text. |
placement | (Optional) Specifies where in the WSDL file this documentation is to appear. For the list of possible placement values, see the section called “Placement in the WSDL contract”. |
faultClass | (Optional) If the placement is set to be FAULT_MESSAGE , PORT_TYPE_OPERATION_FAULT , or BINDING_OPERATION_FAULT , you must also set this property to the Java class that represents the fault. |
@WSDLDocumentationCollection annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.WSDLDocumentationCollection
interface. It can be placed on the SEI or the SEI methods.
Placement in the WSDL contract
property, which is of type WSDLDocumentation.Placement
. The placement can have one of the following values:
Example of @WSDLDocumentation
annotation to the SEI and to one of its methods.
Example 22.8. Using @WSDLDocumentation
@WebService @WSDLDocumentation("A very simple example of an SEI") public interface HelloWorld { @WSDLDocumentation("A traditional form of greeting") String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); }
elements are, respectively, PORT_TYPE
Example 22.9. WSDL generated with documentation
<wsdl:definitions ... > ... <wsdl:portType name="HelloWorld"> <wsdl:documentation>A very simple example of an SEI</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:operation name="sayHi"> <wsdl:documentation>A traditional form of greeting</wsdl:documentation> <wsdl:input name="sayHi" message="tns:sayHi"> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output name="sayHiResponse" message="tns:sayHiResponse"> </wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> ... </wsdl:definitions>
Example of @WSDLDocumentationCollection
annotation to an SEI.
Example 22.10. Using @WSDLDocumentationCollection
@WebService @WSDLDocumentationCollection( { @WSDLDocumentation("A very simple example of an SEI"), @WSDLDocumentation(value = "My top level documentation", placement = WSDLDocumentation.Placement.TOP), @WSDLDocumentation(value = "Binding documentation", placement = WSDLDocumentation.Placement.BINDING) } ) public interface HelloWorld { @WSDLDocumentation("A traditional form of Geeky greeting") String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); } Schema Validation of Messages
@SchemaValidation annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.SchemaValidation
interface. It can be placed on the SEI and on individual SEI methods.
Schema validation type
parameter, whose value is an enumeration of org.apache.cxf.annotations.SchemaValidation.SchemaValidationType
type. Table 22.10, “Schema Validation Type Values” shows the list of available validation types.
Type | Description |
IN | Apply schema validation to incoming messages on client and server. |
OUT | Apply schema validation to outgoing messages on client and server. |
BOTH | Apply schema validation to both incoming and outgoing messages on client and server. |
NONE | All schema validation is disabled. |
REQUEST | Apply schema validation to Request messages—that is, causing validation to be applied to outgoing client messages and to incoming server messages. |
RESPONSE | Apply schema validation to Response messages—that is, causing validation to be applied to incoming client messages, and outgoing server messages. |
SEI. Note how the annotation can be applied to the SEI as a whole, as well as to individual methods in the SEI.
@WebService @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.BOTH) public interface MyService { Foo validateBoth(Bar data); @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.NONE) Foo validateNone(Bar data); @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.IN) Foo validateIn(Bar data); @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.OUT) Foo validateOut(Bar data); @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.REQUEST) Foo validateRequest(Bar data); @SchemaValidation(type = SchemaValidationType.RESPONSE) Foo validateResponse(Bar data); } Specifying the Data Binding
@DataBinding annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.DataBinding
interface. It is placed on the SEI.
annotation must be the class that provides the data binding, ClassName.class
Supported data bindings
(Default) The standard JAXB data binding.org.apache.cxf.sdo.SDODataBinding
The Service Data Objects (SDO) data binding is based on the Apache Tuscany SDO implementation. If you want to use this data binding in the context of a Maven build, you need to add a dependency on thecxf-rt-databinding-sdo
If you want to use this data binding in the context of a Maven build, you need to add a dependency on thecxf-rt-databinding-aegis
If you want to use this data binding in the context of a Maven build, you need to add a dependency on thecxf-rt-databinding-xmlbeans
This data binding belongs to the Apache CXF core.org.apache.cxf.databinding.stax.StaxDataBinding
This data binding belongs to the Apache CXF core.
Example 22.11. Setting the data binding
@WebService @DataBinding(org.apache.cxf.sdo.SDODataBinding.class) public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); } Compressing Messages
@GZIP annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.GZIP
interface. It is placed on the SEI.
header will be added and, if the server supports GZIP compression, the response will be gzipped and any subsequent requests will be also.
Property | Description |
threshold | Messages smaller than the size specified by this property are not gzipped. Default is -1 (no limit). |
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.FastInfoset
interface. It is placed on the SEI.
header will be added and, if the server supports FastInfoset, the response will be in FastInfoset and any subsequent requests will be also.
Property | Description |
force | A boolean property that forces the use of FastInfoset format, instead of negotiating. When true , force the use of FastInfoset format; otherwise, negotiate. Default is false . |
Example of @GZIP
Example 22.12. Enabling GZIP
@WebService @GZIP public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); }
Exampe of @FastInfoset
Example 22.13. Enabling FastInfoset
@WebService @FastInfoset public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); } Enable Logging on an Endpoint
@Logging annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.Logging
interface. It is placed on the SEI.
Property | Description |
limit | Specifies the size limit, beyond which the message is truncated in the logs. Default is 64K. |
inLocation | Specifies the location to log incoming messages. Can be either <stderr> , <stdout> , <logger> , or a filename. Default is <logger> . |
outLocation | Specifies the location to log outgoing messages. Can be either <stderr> , <stdout> , <logger> , or a filename. Default is <logger> . |
SEI, where incoming messages are sent to <stdout>
and outgoing messages are sent to <logger>
Example 22.14. Logging configuration using annotations
@WebService @Logging(limit=16000, inLocation="<stdout>") public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); } Adding Properties and Policies to an Endpoint
elements that appear in the WSDL contract. By contrast, properties are Apache CXF-specific and they are normally set by defining jaxws:properties
elements in the Apache CXF Spring configuration file. Adding properties
@EndpointProperty annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.EndpointProperty
interface. It is placed on the SEI.
element in a Spring configuration file as follows:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:jaxws="http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws" ... > <jaxws:endpoint id="MyService" address="https://localhost:9001/MyService" serviceName="interop:MyService" endpointName="interop:MyServiceEndpoint" implementor="com.foo.MyService"> <jaxws:properties> <entry key="ws-security.callback-handler" value="interop.client.UTPasswordCallback"/> <entry key="ws-security.signature.properties" value="etc/keystore.properties"/> <entry key="ws-security.encryption.properties" value="etc/truststore.properties"/> <entry key="ws-security.encryption.username" value="useReqSigCert"/> </jaxws:properties> </jaxws:endpoint> </beans>
annotations to the SEI, as shown in Example 22.15, “Configuring WS-Security Using @EndpointProperty Annotations”.
Example 22.15. Configuring WS-Security Using @EndpointProperty Annotations
@WebService @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.callback-handler" value="interop.client.UTPasswordCallback") @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.signature.properties" value="etc/keystore.properties") @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.encryption.properties" value="etc/truststore.properties") @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.encryption.username" value="useReqSigCert") public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); }
@EndpointProperties annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.EndpointProperties
interface. It is placed on the SEI.
annotations into a list. Using @EndpointProperties
, it is possible to re-write Example 22.15, “Configuring WS-Security Using @EndpointProperty Annotations” as shown in Example 22.16, “Configuring WS-Security Using an @EndpointProperties Annotation”.
Example 22.16. Configuring WS-Security Using an @EndpointProperties Annotation
@WebService @EndpointProperties( { @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.callback-handler" value="interop.client.UTPasswordCallback"), @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.signature.properties" value="etc/keystore.properties"), @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.encryption.properties" value="etc/truststore.properties"), @EndpointProperty(name="ws-security.encryption.username" value="useReqSigCert") }) public interface HelloWorld { String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); } Adding policies
@Policy annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.Policy
interface. It can be placed on the SEI or the SEI methods.
element. If a WSDL contract is to be generated from the SEI (for example, using the java2ws
command-line tool), you can specify whether or not you want to include this policy in the WSDL.
Property | Description |
uri | (Required) The location of the file containing the policy definition. |
includeInWSDL | (Optional) Whether to include the policy in the generated contract, when generating WSDL. Default is true . |
placement | (Optional) Specifies where in the WSDL file this documentation is to appear. For the list of possible placement values, see the section called “Placement in the WSDL contract”. |
faultClass | (Optional) If the placement is set to be BINDING_OPERATION_FAULT or PORT_TYPE_OPERATION_FAULT , you must also set this property to specify which fault this policy applies to. The value is the Java class that represents the fault. |
@Policies annotation
annotation is defined by the org.apache.cxf.annotations.Policies
interface. It can be placed on the SEI or thse SEI methods.
annotations into a list.
Placement in the WSDL contract
property, which is of type Policy.Placement
. The placement can have one of the following values:
Example of @Policy
SEI and how to associate a policy with the sayHi
method. The policies themselves are stored in XML files in the file system, under the annotationpolicies
@WebService @Policy(uri = "annotationpolicies/TestImplPolicy.xml", placement = Policy.Placement.SERVICE_PORT), @Policy(uri = "annotationpolicies/TestPortTypePolicy.xml", placement = Policy.Placement.PORT_TYPE) public interface HelloWorld { @Policy(uri = "annotationpolicies/TestOperationPTPolicy.xml", placement = Policy.Placement.PORT_TYPE_OPERATION), String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); }
Example of @Policies
annotation to group multiple @Policy
annotations into a list, as shown in the following example:
@WebService @Policies({ @Policy(uri = "annotationpolicies/TestImplPolicy.xml", placement = Policy.Placement.SERVICE_PORT), @Policy(uri = "annotationpolicies/TestPortTypePolicy.xml", placement = Policy.Placement.PORT_TYPE) }) public interface HelloWorld { @Policy(uri = "annotationpolicies/TestOperationPTPolicy.xml", placement = Policy.Placement.PORT_TYPE_OPERATION), String sayHi(@WebParam(name = "text") String text); }