Chapter 1. Install Integration Pack
The Integration packages for JBoss Fuse 6.3 contain libraries and components that can interact with other integration modules that are not included in the base JBoss Fuse 6.3 package.
1.1. Limited Entitlement to BPM Suite and BRMS
A JBoss Fuse subscription includes a limited entitlement to use BPM Suite and BRMS in embedded form in SwitchYard (in the SwitchYard BPM component and in SwitchYard Rules component). All other uses require a separate BPM Suite or BRMS subscription.
Fuse Service Works (FSW) subscriptions included an entitlement for use of embedded rules (BRMS) and BPM when used with SwitchYard. When JBoss Fuse and FSW merged, the entitlement was carried forward, but only for use with SwitchYard. All other uses (for example, from Camel) require a separate BPM Suite or BRMS subscription.