Chapter 3. Using Red Hat Single Sign-On with Spring Boot
Red Hat Single Sign-On client adapters are libraries that make it very easy to secure applications and services with Red Hat Single Sign-On. You can use the Keycloak Spring Boot adapter to secure your Spring Boot project.
3.1. Build and deploy Spring Boot CXF JAXRS Keycloak quickStart
This example demonstrates how you can use Apache CXF JAXRS which is secured by Keycloak with Spring Boot. The quickstart uses Spring Boot to configure an application that includes a CXF JAXRS endpoint with Swagger enabled, which is secured by Keycloak. You can run this quickstart in the standalone mode.
This is an upstream demo with no support from Red Hat. See section Using Spring Boot BOM in the Deploying into Spring Boot guide
To run this quickstart as a standalone project on your local machine:
- Download the Spring Boot CXF JAXRS Keycloak quickstart[] and extract the archive on your local filesystem.
Navigate to the quickstart directory and build the project.
cd PROJECT_DIR mvn clean package
Run the following command to build and deploy the Spring Boot CXF JAXRS Keycloak quickstart.
mvn spring-boot:run
This starts the Keycloak auth server with predefined configuration (./src/main/resources/keycloak-config/realm-export-new.json) along with CXF JAXRS SB2 endpoint.
You can then access the CXF JAXRS endpoint directly from your web browser, for example, open
to access the endpoint. Since the CXF JAXRS endpoint is secured by Keycloak, this will redirect request to Keycloak auth server. -
as the username andpassw0rd
as the password. This fetches the OAuth2 JWT token and redirects to the CXF JAXRS endpoint. You can seeHello FIS, Welcome to CXF RS Spring Boot World!!!
message on the browser.