
Chapter 1. Installation of Fuse Online on OCP

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To install Fuse Online on OCP on-site, the main steps are:

  1. A user with cluster administration permissions:

    1. Downloads the installation script.
    2. Registers a custom resource definition (CRD) at the cluster level.
    3. Grants permission for a user to install Fuse Online in their projects.
  2. A user who is granted permission to install Fuse Online:

    1. Ensures that all prerequisites are met.
    2. Decides how to install Fuse Online with regard to the OpenShift project to install into, the OpenShift route for Fuse Online, and the level of accessibility of OpenShift logs.
    3. Downloads the installation script.
    4. Invokes the installation script with the command that implements decisions.
    5. Confirms that Fuse Online is running.

The following topics provide details:

1.1. Registering a custom resource definition for deploying Fuse Online resources

To enable installation of Fuse Online, a cluster administrator registers a custom resource definition. The administrator needs to do this only once for the OpenShift cluster. The administrator also grants permission for installing Fuse Online to the appropriate users. Each user can then install Fuse Online in their projects.


  • You must have cluster administration permissions.
  • You installed the oc client tool and it is connected to the OCP cluster into which Fuse Online will be installed.


  1. Download the package that contains the Fuse Online installation scripts from the following location:

    Unpack the downloaded archive at a convenient location on your file system. The fuse-online-install-1.7 directory contains the scripts and supporting files for installing Fuse Online.

  2. To verify that you are properly connected and can list custom resource definitions, invoke the following command:

    $ oc get crd

  3. To register the custom resource definition at the cluster level, go to the fuse-online-install-1.7 directory and invoke the following command:

    $ bash --setup

  4. Grant installation permission to each user who needs to install Fuse Online. For example, suppose you want to grant permission to an account with the user name developer. The following command grants permission to developer to install Fuse Online into any project that the developer account can access on the currently connected cluster:

    $ bash --grant developer --cluster

    Repeat this command for each user account that needs permission to install Fuse Online.

1.2. Decisions to make before you install Fuse Online on OCP

To correctly specify the Fuse Online installation command, decide on the answers to these questions:

  • Which OpenShift project do you want to install Fuse Online in?

    Default: The script installs Fuse Online in the current project.

    Option: Install Fuse Online in the project that you specify. When you run the installation script, specify the --project option followed by a project name. If this project does not yet exist, the script creates it. If this project exists, the installation script prompts you to confirm that it is okay to delete the project’s content. To continue, you must confirm. The installation script then deletes the project and re-creates it.

  • Do you want to specify the URL for Fuse Online?

    Default: The script calculates the OpenShift route by which Fuse Online can be reached.

    Option: Specify the URL for Fuse Online. When you run the installation script, specify the --route option followed by a URL.

  • Enable links from Fuse Online to OpenShift integration runtime logs?

    Default: No. Access OpenShift logs manually in OpenShift.

    Option: Provide links in Fuse Online. When you run the installation script, specify the --console option followed by the URL for your OpenShift console. These links appear in Fuse Online in an integration’s Activity tab.

1.3. Installing Fuse Online on OCP

To install Fuse Online on OCP on-site, download the installation package, run it, and confirm that Fuse Online is installed.


  • You are running OCP on-site.
  • You installed the oc client tool and it is connected to the OCP cluster in which you want to install Fuse Online.
  • A user with cluster administration permissions gave you permission to install Fuse Online in any project that you have permission to access in the cluster.
  • You decided whether to perform the default installation or specify options to customize the installation.
  • You have a Red Hat developer account for which you know your user name and password. The installation script prompts you for these credentials so it can authenticate you against For details about creating an account, see Accessing and Configuring the Red Hat Registry.


  1. If you did not already download the package that contains the Fuse Online installation scripts, download it now from the following location:

  2. Unpack the downloaded archive at a convenient location on your file system. The fuse-online-install-1.7 directory contains the scripts and supporting files for installing Fuse Online.
  3. Log in to OpenShift with an account that has permission to install Fuse Online. For example:

    $ oc login -u developer -p developer

  4. Ensure that the current project is the project into which you want to install Fuse Online. To view the current project:

    $ oc project

    Alternatively, you can specify the installation project when you run the installation script.

  5. In the directory in which you downloaded the installation script, invoke the installation script:

    • To perform the default installation, invoke:

      $ bash
    • To perform the default installation and also enable the data virtualization user interface, invoke:

      $ bash --datavirt

      Enable the data virtualization user interface in only development environments. Data virtualization lets a Fuse Online developer integrate data from multiple heterogeneous sources to create a virtual database image that is deployable on OpenShift. Applications can run SQL queries on the virtual database, including any non-SQL sources. For details, see the Red Hat Integration data virtualization documentation.


      Data virtualization is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

    • To specify several installation options, you might invoke something like the following command:

      $ bash \
          --project my-project \
          --route \
      • --project specifies the name of the OpenShift project in which you want to install Fuse Online. You need to specify this option only when you want to install Fuse Online into an OpenShift project other than the current OpenShift project.
      • --route specifies the URL that your Fuse Online environment will have. This URL will be where you access your Fuse Online environment. The format of the URL is the name of the project in which you are installing Fuse Online followed by the domain that is specific to your OpenShift cluster.

        In other words, specify the project name followed by the hostname that is associated with the OpenShift route that is used to access Fuse Online. The DNS resolution of the specified hostname must point to the OpenShift Router.

      • --console specifies the full URL for your OpenShift console.
      • --datavirt enables the data virtualization user interface, a Technology Preview feature for use in development environments only.

    To learn more about the installation script options, invoke the $ bash --help command.

  6. Confirm that installation was successful:

    1. Display the OpenShift OAuth proxy log-in page at https://openshift-route.

      If you specified the --route option when you ran the installation script, replace openshift-route with the route name that you specified. If you chose to let the installation script calculate the OpenShift route, then the script displays the calculated route near the end of its execution. Replace openshift-route with the value that the script provided.

    2. If you are not already logged in to the OpenShift console, its log-in page appears. Enter your OpenShift user name and password to log in.

    The Fuse Online home page appears either immediately or after you log in to the OpenShift console.

1.4. Enabling data virtualization in Fuse Online on OCP

Data virtualization is a Technology Preview feature that lets a Fuse Online developer integrate data from multiple heterogeneous sources to create a virtual database image that is deployable on OpenShift.


Data virtualization is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

When you install Fuse Online on OCP, you can enable data virtualization. See Installing Fuse Online on OCP. If you do not enable data virtualization during installation of Fuse Online, you can enable it later by following the procedure described here. Enable the data virtualization user interface in only development environments.

For details, see the Red Hat Integration data virtualization documentation.


  • Fuse Online 7.4 is installed and running on OCP on-site.
  • The oc client tool is installed and it is connected to the OCP cluster in which Fuse Online is installed.
  • A user with cluster administration permissions gave you permission to install Fuse Online in any project that you have permission to access in the cluster.
  • You have a Red Hat developer account for which you know your user name and password. The installation script prompts you for these credentials so it can authenticate you against For details about creating an account, see Accessing and Configuring the Red Hat Registry.


  1. Log in to OpenShift with an account that has permission to install Fuse Online. For example:

    $ oc login -u developer -p developer
  2. Ensure that the current project is the project in which Fuse Online is running. To view the current project:

    $ oc project
  3. Scale the komodo-server deployment to 1 by invoking:

    oc scale dc komodo-server --replicas 1

    If you upgraded to 7.4 (you ran the script and not the script) then this is already done. You can skip this step, though invoking this command has no effect.

  4. Enable the data virtualization endpoint in the Fuse Online user interface:

    oc edit cm syndesis-ui-config
  5. Under datavirt, change enabled 0 to enabled 1, and save.
  6. Trigger a new user interface deployment:

    oc rollout latest syndesis-ui
  7. Confirm that enabling data virtualization was successful:

    1. Display the OpenShift OAuth proxy log-in page at https://openshift-route.

      Replace openshift-route with the URL for your Fuse Online environment.

    2. If you are not already logged in to the OpenShift console, its log-in page appears. Enter your OpenShift user name and password to log in.

      The Fuse Online home page appears either immediately or after you log in to the OpenShift console.

    3. In the left panel, click Data.
    4. On the Data Virtualizations page, you should be able to add data views.
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