
Chapter 3. Known Issues

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This chapter provides a list of known issues at the time of release.
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3.1. Red Hat Storage

Issues related to Snapshot

  • BZ# 1141433
    An incorrect output is displayed while setting the snap-max-hard-limit and snap-max-soft-limit options for volume or system/cluster.
    • Command : gluster snapshot config snap-max-hard-limit 100
      Output : snapshot config : System for snap-max-hard-limit set successfully
      Expected Output : snapshot config : snap-max-hard-limit for the cluster set successfully.
    • Command : gluster snapshot config vol1 snap-max-hard-limit 100
      Output : snapshot config : vol1 for snap-max-hard-limit set successfully.
      Expected output : snapshot config : snap-max-hard-limit for vol1 set successfully.
    The same example is applicable for snap-max-soft-limit option also.
  • BZ# 1133861
    New snap bricks fails to start if the total snapshot brick count in a node goes beyond 1K.
    Workaround: Deactivate unused snapshots.
  • BZ# 1126789
    If any node or glusterd service is down when snapshot is restored then any subsequent snapshot creation fails.
    Workaround: Do not restore a snapshot, if node or glusterd service is down.
  • BZ# 1122064
    The snapshot volumes does not handshake based on versions. If a node or glusterd service is down when snapshot activate or deactivate command executed, the node on which the command was executed is not updated when the node or glusterd service is up and continues to be in the same state.
  • BZ# 1139624
    While taking snapshot of a gluster volume, it creates another volume which is similar to the original volume. Gluster volume consumes some amount of memory when it is in started state, so as Snapshot volume. Hence, the system goes to out of memory state.
    Workaround: Deactivate unused snapshots to reduce the memory foot print.
  • BZ# 1129675
    If glusterd is down in one of the nodes in cluster or if the node itself is down, then performing a snapshot restore operation leads to the inconsistencies:
    • Executing gluster volume heal vol-name info command displays the error message Transport endpoint not connected.
    • Error occurs when clients try to connect to glusterd service.
    Workaround: Perform snapshot restore only if all the nodes and their corresponding glusterd services are running.
    Restart glusterd service using # service glusterd start command.
  • BZ# 1105543
    When a node with old snap entry is attached to the cluster, the old entries are propagated throughout the cluster and old snapshots which are not present are displayed.
    Workaround: Do not attach a peer with old snap entries.
  • BZ# 1104191
    The Snapshot command fails if snapshot command is run simultaneously from multiple nodes when high write or read operation is happening on the origin or parent volume.
    Workaround: Avoid running multiple snapshot commands simultaneously from different nodes.
  • BZ# 1059158
    The NFS mount option is not supported for snapshot volumes.
  • BZ# 1114015
    A wrong warning message, Changing snapshot-max-hard-limit will lead to deletion of snapshots if they exceed the new limit. Do you want to continue? (y/n) is displayed while setting the configuration options (snap-max-hard-limit, snap-max-soft-limit) for system or volume. The snapshot will not be deleted even if configuration values are changed.
  • BZ# 1113510
    The output of gluster volume info information (snap-max-hard-limit and snap-max-soft-limit) even though the values that are not set explicitly and must not be displayed.
  • BZ# 1111479
    Attaching a new node to the cluster while snapshot delete was in progress, deleted snapshots successfully but gluster snapshot list shows some of the snaps are still present.
    Workaround: Do not attach or detach new node to the trusted storage pool operation while snapshot is in progress.
  • BZ# 1092510
    If you create a snapshot when the rename of directory is in progress (here, its complete on hashed subvolume but not on all of the subvolumes), on snapshot restore, directory which was undergoing rename operation will have same GFID for both source and destination. Having same GFID is an inconsistency in DHT and can lead to undefined behavior.
    This is since in DHT, a rename (source, destination) of directories is done first on hashed-subvolume and if successful, then on rest of the subvolumes. At this point in time, if you have both source and destination directories present in the cluster with same GFID - destination on hashed-subvolume and source on rest of the subvolumes. A parallel lookup (on either source or destination) at this time can result in creation of directories on missing subvolumes - source directory entry on hashed and destination directory entry on rest of the subvolumes. Hence, there would be two directory entries - source and destination - having same GFID.
  • BZ# 1104635
    During snapshot delete, if a node goes down, the snapshot delete command fails. Stale entries would be present in the node which went down and when the node comes back online, the stale entry is propagated to other nodes and this results an invalid snapshot entry which may not be deletable using CLI.
    Workaround:Manually delete the snapshot, including the back-end LVM, from all the nodes and restart glusterd service on all nodes.

Issues related to Nagios

  • BZ# 1139228
    If host names are not unique and IP address is used as the hostname in Nagios by auto-config, detaching the Host used for discovery removes all the hosts from the Nagios configuration when auto-discovery is performed.
    Workaround:Ensure that host names are unique before performing auto-discovery. Also run script with different host after removing the synchronized host from cluster.
  • BZ# 1138943
    The script does not verify the correctness of email configuration files and does not restart Nagios but displays a message that Nagios was restarted.
    Workaround:Ensure that there are no configuration errors by running nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg command before running script. Execute this command only if any configuration change is performed manually.
  • BZ# 1119233
    The scale of the cluster utilization changes as the utilization changes. This is because the scale of the graph is not fixed in the php template.
  • BZ# 1136207
    Volume status service shows All bricks are Up message even when some of the bricks are in unknown state due to unavailability of glusterd service.
  • BZ# 1109683
    When a volume has a large number of files to heal, the volume self heal info command takes time to return results and the nrpe plug-in times out as the default timeout is 10 seconds.
    In /etc/nagios/gluster/gluster-commands.cfg increase the timeout of nrpe plug-in to 10 minutes by using the -t option in the command.
    Example:$USER1$/gluster/ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ -o self-heal -t 600
  • BZ# 1136205
    The Nagios plug-in sends the volume status request to the Red Hat Storage node without converting the Nagios hostname to the respective ip address and when glusterd service is stopped on one Red Hat Storage node, the volume status is displayed with WARNING status and status information as (null).
  • BZ# 1109843
    Volume Utilization is retrieved from one of the randomly selected nodes in the cluster. If the request fails due to some reason(volume unavailable/stopped, or glusterd is not running), the plug-in selects the next node in the cluster until it gets a successful response. In this case, if fetching volume utilization for the first host fails, subsequent requests also fails as request is send to a unresolvable hostname.
  • BZ# 1094765
    When certain commands invoked by Nagios plug-ins fail, irrelevant outputs are displayed as part of performance data.
  • BZ# 1107605
    Executing sadf command used by the Nagios plug-ins returns invalid output.
    Workaround: Delete the datafile located at /var/log/sa/saDD where DD is current date. This deletes the datafile for current day and a new datafile is automatically created and which is usable by Nagios plug-in.
  • BZ# 1107577
    The Volume self heal service returns a WARNING when there unsynchronized entries are present in the volume, even though these files may be synchronized during the next run of self-heal process if self-heal is turned on in the volume.
  • BZ# 1109744
    Notification message is sent only once regarding quorum loss and not for each volume.
  • BZ# 1121009
    In Nagios, CTDB service is created by default for all the gluster nodes regardless of whether CTDB is enabled on the Red Hat Storage node or not.
  • BZ# 1089636
    In the Nagios GUI, incorrect status information is displayed as Cluster Status OK : None of the Volumes are in Critical State, when volumes are utilized beyond critical level.
  • BZ# 1109739
    Cluster quorum monitoring Nagios plug-in displays only the latest messages received, so the user is unable to determine all the volumes for which quorum is lost.
    Event log contains the list of the messages received. Also, if quorum is lost on a cluster, all volumes with quorum-type server will be affected.
  • BZ# 1109723
    Auto Configuration does not work if glusterd service is down on any of the nodes in the trusted storage pool.
  • BZ# 1079289
    When the memory utilization is very high, some or all the services may go to critical state and display the message: CHECK_NRPE: Socket timeout after 10 seconds.
  • BZ# 1105568
    When glusterFS Management service is offline, an incorrect status information is displayed for the following Nagios services: CTDB, NFS, Quota, SMB, and Self Heal. The following status message is displayed:
    UNKNOWN: Brick - None status could not be determined instead of UNKNOWN: Service Name - status could not be determined.
  • BZ# 1106421
    When cluster.quorum-type is set to none for all volumes in the cluster, the Cluster quorum monitoring plug-in only receives passive checks based on rsyslog messages and hence remains in Pending state as there are no service notifications available.
  • BZ# 1085331
    Volume Utilization graph displays the error perfdata directory for host_directory for host_name does not exist, when volume utilization data is not available.
  • BZ# 1111828
    In Nagios GUI, Volume Utilization graph displays an error when volume is restored using its snapshot.

Issues related to Rebalancing Volumes

  • BZ# 1140517
    The rebalance status command displays an incorrect value for the number of skipped files.
  • BZ# 1110282
    Executing rebalance status command, after stopping rebalance process, fails and displays a message that the rebalance process is not started.
  • BZ# 1140531
    Extended attributes set on a file while it is being migrated during a rebalance operation are lost.
    Workaround: Reset the extended attributes on the file once the migration is complete.
  • BZ# 1136714
    Any hard links created to a file while the file is being migrated will be lost once the migration is completed. Creating a hard link to a file while it is being migrated and deleting the original file name while the file is being migrated causes file deletion.
    Workaround: Do not create hard links or use software that created hard links to a file while it is being migrated.
  • Rebalance does not proceed if any of the subvolumes of dht in the volume are down. This could be any brick in the case of a pure distributed volume. In a distributed replicated set, rebalance will proceed as long as at least one brick of each replica set is up.
    While running rebalance on a volume, ensure that all the bricks of the volume are in the operating or connected state.
  • BZ# 960910
    After executing rebalance on a volume, running the rm -rf command on the mount point to remove all of the content from the current working directory recursively without being prompted may return Directory not Empty error message.
  • BZ# 862618
    After completion of the rebalance operation, there may be a mismatch in the failure counts reported by the gluster volume rebalance status output and the rebalance log files.
  • BZ# 1039533
    While Rebalance is in progress, adding a brick to the cluster displays an error message, failed to get index in the gluster log file. This message can be safely ignored.
  • BZ# 1064321
    When a node is brought online after rebalance, the status displays that the operation is completed, but the data is not rebalanced. The data on the node is not rebalanced in a remove-brick rebalance operation and running commit command can cause data loss.
    Workaround: Run the rebalance command again if any node is brought down while rebalance is in progress, and also when the rebalance operation is performed after remove-brick operation.

Issues related to Geo-replication

  • BZ# 1102524
    The Geo-replication worker goes to faulty state and restarts when resumed. It works as expected when it is restarted, but takes more time to synchronize compared to resume.
  • BZ# 1102594
    The Geo-replication does not log the list of files which were not synchronized to slave.
  • BZ# 1104112
    The Geo-replication status command does not display information on the non-root user to which session is established, it shows only the information on master and slave nodes.
  • BZ# 1128156
    If ssh authorized_keys file is configured in different location other than $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys, Geo-replication fails to find the ssh keys and fails to establish session to slave.
    Workaround:Save authorized keys in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys for Geo-replication setup.

Issues related to Self-heal

  • BZ# 877895
    When one of the bricks in a replicate volume is offline, the ls -lR command from the mount point reports Transport end point not connected.
    When one of the two bricks under replication goes down, the entries are created on the other brick. The Automatic File Replication translator remembers that the directory that is down contains stale data. If the brick that is online is killed before the self-heal happens on that directory, operations like readdir() fail.
  • BZ# 1063830
    Performing add-brick or remove-brick operations on a volume having replica pairs when there are pending self-heals can cause potential data loss.
    Workaround: Ensure that all bricks of the volume are online and there are no pending self-heals. You can view the pending heal info using the command gluster volume heal volname info.
  • BZ# 1065501
    While self-heal is in progress on a mount, the mount may crash if is changed from off to on using volume set operation.
    Workaround: Ensure that no self-heals are required on the volume before modifying

Issues related to replace-brick operation

  • After the gluster volume replace-brick VOLNAME Brick New-Brick commit force command is executed, the file system operations on that particular volume, which are in transit, fail.
  • After a replace-brick operation, the stat information is different on the NFS mount and the FUSE mount. This happens due to internal time stamp changes when the replace-brick operation is performed.

Issues related to Directory Quota

  • BZ# 1146830
    Enabling Quota on Red Hat Storage 3.0 does not create pgfid extended attributes on existing data. The pgfid extended attributes are used to construct the ancestry path (from the file to the volume root) for nameless lookups on files. As NFS relies on nameless lookups heavily, quota enforcement through NFS would be inconsistent if quota were to be enabled on a volume with existing data.
    This issue is not seen if quota is enabled on Red Hat Storage 2.1 before upgrading to Red Hat Storage 3.0 as Red Hat Storage 2.1 creates the pgfid extended attributes on existing data
    Enable quota on Red Hat Storage 2.1 and then upgrade to Red Hat Storage 3.0.
  • BZ# 1001453
    Truncating a file to a larger size and writing to it violates the quota hard limit. This is since the XFS pre-allocation logic applied on the truncated file does not extract the actual disk space it consumed.
  • BZ# 1003755
    Directory Quota feature does not work well with hard links. With a directory that has Quota limit set, the disk usage seen with the du -hs directory command and the disk usage seen with the gluster volume quota VOLNAME list directory command may differ. It is recommended that applications writing to a volume with directory quotas enabled, do not use hard links.
  • BZ# 1016419
    Quota does not account for the disk blocks consumed by a directory. Even if a directory grows in size because of the creation of new directory entries, the size as accounted by quota does not change. You can create any number of empty files but you will not be able to write to the files once you reach the quota hard limit. For example, if the quota hard limit of a directory is 100 bytes and the disk space consumption is exactly equal to 100 bytes, you can create any number of empty files without exceeding quota limit.
  • BZ# 1020275
    Creating files of different sizes leads to the violation of the quota hard limit.
  • BZ# 1021466
    After setting Quota limit on a directory, creating sub directories and populating them with files and renaming the files subsequently while the I/O operation is in progress causes a quota limit violation.
  • BZ# 998893
    Zero byte sized files are created when a write operation exceeds the available quota space. Since Quota does not account for the disk blocks consumed by a directory(as per Bug 1016419), the write operation creates the directory entry but the subsequent write operation fails because of unavailable disk space.
  • BZ# 1023430
    When a quota directory reaches its limit, renaming an existing file on that directory leads to Quota violation. This is because the renamed is treated as a new file.
  • BZ# 998791
    During a file rename operation if the hashing logic moves the target file to a different brick, then the rename operation fails if it is initiated by a non-root user.
  • BZ# 999458
    Quota hard limit is violated for small quota sizes in the range of 10 MB to 100 MB.
  • BZ# 1020713
    In a distribute or distribute replicate volume, while setting quota limit on a directory, if one or more bricks or one or more replica sets respectively, experience downtime, quota is not enforced on those bricks or replica sets, when they are back online. As a result, the disk usage exceeds the quota limit.
    Workaround: Set quota limit again after the brick is back online.
  • BZ# 1032449
    In the case when two or more bricks experience a downtime and data is written to their replica bricks, invoking the quota list command on that multi-node cluster displays different outputs after the bricks are back online.

Issues related to NFS

  • After you restart the NFS server, the unlock within the grace-period feature may fail and the locks help previously may not be reclaimed.
  • fcntl locking ( NFS Lock Manager) does not work over IPv6.
  • You cannot perform NFS mount on a machine on which glusterfs-NFS process is already running unless you use the NFS mount -o nolock option. This is because glusterfs-nfs has already registered NLM port with portmapper.
  • If the NFS client is behind a NAT (Network Address Translation) router or a firewall, the locking behavior is unpredictable. The current implementation of NLM assumes that Network Address Translation of the client's IP does not happen.
  • nfs.mount-udp option is disabled by default. You must enable it to use posix-locks on Solaris when using NFS to mount on a Red Hat Storage volume.
  • If you enable the nfs.mount-udp option, while mounting a subdirectory (exported using the nfs.export-dir option) on Linux, you must mount using the -o proto=tcp option. UDP is not supported for subdirectory mounts on the GlusterFS-NFS server.
  • For NFS Lock Manager to function properly, you must ensure that all of the servers and clients have resolvable hostnames. That is, servers must be able to resolve client names and clients must be able to resolve server hostnames.
  • BZ# 1040418
    The length of the argument to nfs.export-dir (or any other gluster set option) is limited to internal buffer size of the Linux shell. In a typical set up, the default size of this buffer is 131072 bytes.

Issues related to nfs-ganesha

  • BZ# 1116374
    The nfs-ganesha daemon crashes if started in NIV_FULL_DEBUG level.
    Workaround:Use other log levels supported by nfs-ganesha while starting the server.
  • BZ# 1116336
    The nfs-ganesha process is remains active after setting nfs-ganesha.enable to off as executing kill -s TERM command does not kill nfs-ganesha.
    Workaround:Use kill -9 on the process ID of ganesha.nfsd process and then use CLI options to export new entries.
  • BZ# 1115901
    Multi-node nfs-ganesha is not supported in this release.
    Workaround:In a multi-node volume setup, perform all CLI commands and steps on one of the nodes only.
  • BZ# 1114574
    Executing rpcinfo -p command after stopping nfs-ganesha displays NFS related programs
    Workaround: Run rpcinfo -d command each of the NFS related services listed in rpcifnfo -p and start the Red Hat Storage volume forcefully using the following command:
    # gluster vol start volume force
  • BZ# 1091936
    When ACL support is enabled, getattr of ACL attribute on the files with no ACLs set return value as NULL. This leads to discrepancies while trying to read ACLs on the files present in the system.
  • BZ# 1054124
    After files and directories are created on the mount point with root-squash enabled for nfs-ganesha, executing ls command displays user:group as 4294967294:4294967294 instead of nfsnobody:nfsnobody. This is because the client maps only 16 bit unsigned representation of -2 to nfsnobody whereas 4294967294 is 32 bit equivalent of -2. This is currently a limitation in upstream nfs-ganesha 2.0 and will be fixed in the future release.
  • BZ# 1054739
    As multiple sockets are used with nfs-ganesha, executing showmount -e command displays duplicate information.

Issues related to Object Store

  • The GET and PUT commands fail on large files while using Unified File and Object Storage.
    Workaround: You must set the node_timeout=60 variable in the proxy, container, and the object server configuration files.

Issues related to distributed Geo-replication

  • BZ# 984591
    After stopping a Geo-replication session, if the files synced to the slave volume are renamed then when Geo-replication starts again, the renamed files are treated anew, (without considering the renaming) and synced on to the slave volumes again. For example, if 100 files were renamed, you would find 200 files on the slave side.
  • BZ# 987929
    While the rebalance process is in progress, starting or stopping a Geo-replication session results in some files not get synced to the slave volumes. When a Geo-replication sync process is in progress, running the rebalance command causes the Geo-replication sync process to stop. As a result, some files do not get synced to the slave volumes.
  • BZ# 1029799
    Starting a Geo-replication session when there are tens of millions of files on the master volume takes a long time to observe the updates on the slave mount point.
  • BZ# 1026072
    The Geo-replication feature keeps the status details including the changelog entires in the /var/run/gluster directory. On Red Hat Storage Server, this directory is a tmpfs mountpoint, therefore there is a data loss after a reboot.
  • BZ# 1027727
    When there are hundreds of thousands of hard links on the master volume prior to starting the Geo-replication session, some hard links are not getting synchronized to the slave volume.
  • BZ# 1029899
    During a Geo-replication session, after you set the checkpoint, and subsequently when one of the active nodes goes down, the passive node replaces the active node. At this point the checkpoint for replaced node is displayed as invalid.
  • BZ# 1030256
    During a Geo-replication session, when create and write operations are in progress, if one of the active nodes goes down, there is a possibility for some files to undergo a synchronization failure to the slave volume.
  • BZ# 1063028
    When geo-replication session is running between master and slave, ACLs on the master volume are not reflected on the slave as ACLs (which are extended attributes) are not synced to the slave by Geo replication.
  • BZ# 1056226
    User-set xattrs are not synced to the slave as Geo-replication does not process SETXATTR fops in changelog (and in hybrid crawl).
  • BZ# 1063229
    After the upgrade, two Geo-replication monitor processes run for the same session. Both process try to use the same xsync changelog file to record the changes.
    Workaround: Before running geo-rep create force command, kill the Geo-replication monitor process.

Issues related to Red Hat Storage Volumes:

  • BZ# 877988
    Entry operations on replicated bricks may have a few issues with md-cache module enabled on the volume graph.
    For example: When one brick is down, while the other is up an application is performing a hard link call link() would experience EEXIST error.
    Workaround: Execute this command to avoid this issue:
    # gluster volume set VOLNAME stat-prefetch off
  • BZ# 986090
    Currently, the Red Hat Storage server has issues with mixed usage of hostnames, IPs and FQDNs to refer to a peer. If a peer has been probed using its hostname but IPs are used during add-brick, the operation may fail. It is recommended to use the same address for all the operations, that is, during peer probe, volume creation, and adding/removing bricks. It is preferable if the address is correctly resolvable to a FQDN.
  • BZ# 882769
    When a volume is started, by default the NFS and Samba server processes are also started automatically. The simultaneous use of Samba or NFS protocols to access the same volume is not supported.
    Workaround: You must ensure that the volume is accessed either using Samba or NFS protocols.
  • BZ# 852293
    The management daemon does not have a rollback mechanism to revert any action that may have succeeded on some nodes and failed on the those that do not have the brick's parent directory. For example, setting the volume-id extended attribute may fail on some nodes and succeed on others. Because of this, the subsequent attempts to recreate the volume using the same bricks may fail with the error brickname or a prefix of it is already part of a volume.
    1. You can either remove the brick directories or remove the glusterfs-related extended attributes.
    2. Try creating the volume again.
  • BZ# 994950
    An input-output error is seen instead of the Disk quota exceeded error when the quota limit exceeds. This issue is fixed in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 Kernel.
  • BZ# 913364
    An NFS server reboot does not reclaim the file LOCK held by a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9 client.
  • BZ# 896314
    GlusterFS Native mount in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x shows lower performance than the RHEL 6.x versions for high burst I/O applications. The FUSE kernel module on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x has many enhancements for dynamic write page handling and special optimization for large burst of I/O.
    Workaround: It is recommended that you use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x clients if you observe a performance degradation on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x clients.
  • BZ# 1017728
    On setting the quota limit as a decimal digit and setting the deem-statfs on, a difference is noticed in the values displayed by the df -h command and gluster volume quota VOLNAME list command. In case of the gluster volume quota VOLNAME list command, the values do not get rounded off to the next integer.
  • BZ# 1030438
    On a volume, when read and write operations are in progress and simultaneously a rebalance operation is performed followed by a remove-brick operation on that volume, then the rm -rf command fails on a few files.
  • BZ# 1100590
    The cp -a operation from the NFS mount point hangs if barrier is already enabled.

Issues related to POSIX ACLs:

  • Mounting a volume with -o acl can negatively impact the directory read performance. Commands like recursive directory listing can be slower than normal.
  • When POSIX ACLs are set and multiple NFS clients are used, there could be inconsistency in the way ACLs are applied due to attribute caching in NFS. For a consistent view of POSIX ACLs in a multiple client setup, use the -o noac option on the NFS mount to disable attribute caching. Note that disabling the attribute caching option could lead to a performance impact on the operations involving the attributes.

Issues related to Samba

  • BZ# 994990
    When the same file is accessed concurrently by multiple users for reading and writing. The users trying to write to the same file will not be able to complete the write operation because of the lock not being available.
    Workaround: To avoid the issue, execute the command:
    # gluster volume set VOLNAME storage.batch-fsync-delay-usec 0
  • BZ# 1031783
    If Red Hat Storage volumes are exported by Samba, NT ACLs set on the folders by Microsoft Windows clients do not behave as expected.

General issues

  • If files and directories have different GFIDs on different back-ends, the glusterFS client may hang or display errors.
    Contact Red Hat Support for more information on this issue.
  • BZ# 920002
    The POSIX compliance tests fail in certain cases on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9 due to mismatched timestamps on FUSE mounts. These tests pass on all the other Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x clients.
  • BZ# 916834
    The quick-read translator returns stale file handles for certain patterns of file access. When running the dbench application on the mount point, a dbench: read fails on handle 10030 message is displayed.
    Work Around: Use the command below to avoid the issue:
    # gluster volume set VOLNAME quick-read off
  • BZ# 1030962
    On installing the Red Hat Storage Server from an ISO or PXE, the kexec-tools package for the kdump service gets installed by default. However, the crashkernel=auto kernel parameter required for reserving memory for the kdump kernel, is not set for the current kernel entry in the bootloader configuration file, /boot/grub/grub.conf. Therefore the kdump service fails to start up with the following message available in the logs.
    kdump: No crashkernel parameter specified for running kernel
    Workaround: After installing the Red Hat Storage Server, the crashkernel=auto, or an appropriate crashkernel=sizeM kernel parameter can be set manually for the current kernel in the bootloader configuration file. After that, the Red Hat Storage Server system must be rebooted, upon which the memory for the kdump kernel is reserved and the kdump service starts successfully. Refer to the following link for more information on Configuring kdump on the Command Line
    Additional information: On installing a new kernel after installing the Red Hat Storage Server, the crashkernel=auto kernel parameter is successfully set in the bootloader configuration file for the newly added kernel.
  • BZ# 866859
    The sosreport behavior change (to glusterfs and sosreport) is altered in the statedump behavior configuration file (glusterdump.optionsfile) and it is placed in /tmp. This file has information on the path and options you can set on the behavior of the statedump file. The glusterfs daemon searches for this file and subsequently places the statedump information in the specified location. Workaround: Change the configurations in glusterfs daemon to make it look at /usr/local/var/run/gluster for glusterdump.options file by default. No changes to be performed to make sosreport write its configuration file in /usr/local/var/run/gluster instead of /tmp.
  • BZ# 1054759
    A vdsm-tool crash report is detected by Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT) in Red Hat Storage Node as the /etc/vdsm/ file was not found during the first time.
    Workaround: Execute the command /usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-uuid > /etc/vdsm/ before adding the node to avoid the vdsm-tool crash report.
  • BZ# 1058032
    While migrating VMs, libvirt changes the ownership of the guest image, unless it detects that the image is on a shared filesystem and the VMs can not access the disk imanges as the required ownership is not available.
    Workaround: Perform the steps:
    1. Power-off the VMs before migration.
    2. After migration is complete, restore the ownership of the VM Disk Image (107:107)
    3. Start the VMs after migration.
  • BZ# 990108
    Volume options that begin with user.* are considered user options and these options cannot be reset as there is no way of knowing the default value.
  • BZ# 1065070
    The python-urllib3 package fails to downgrade and this in turn results in Red Hat Storage downgrade process failure.
    Workaround: Move the /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/urllib3* to /tmp and perform a fresh installation of the python-urllib3 package.
  • BZ# 1101914
    The Red Hat Storage Server returns generic REST response as 503 Service Unavailable instead of returning specific error response for filesystem errors.
  • BZ# 1086159
    The glusterd service crashes when volume management commands are executed concurrently with peer commands.
  • BZ# 1132178
    The Red Hat Storage 3.0 build of CTDB does not perform deterministic IP failback. When the node status changes to HEALTHY, it may not have the same IP address(es) as it had previously.
  • BZ# 1130270
    If a 32 bit Samba package is installed before installing Red Hat Storage Samba package, the installation fails as Samba packages built for Red Hat Storage do not have 32 bit variants
    Workaround:Uninstall 32 bit variants of Samba packages.
  • BZ# 1139183
    The Red Hat Storage 3.0 version does not prevent clients with versions older Red Hat Storage 3.0 from mounting a volume on which rebalance is performed. Users with versions older than Red Hat Storage 3.0 mounting a volume on which rebalance is performed can lead to data loss.
    You must install latest client version to avoid this issue.
  • BZ# 1114999
    Running gluster volume heal vol-name info command fails when user serviceable snapshot is enabled. The error message Volume vol-name is not of type replicate is displayed and the user cannot obtain the list of files that need healing.
    Workaround: Disable uss feature using the command gluster volume set vol-name features.uss disablebefore running the heal info command.
  • BZ# 1127178
    If a replica brick goes down and comes up when rm -rf command is executed, the operation may fail with the message Directory not empty.
    Workaround: Retry the operation when there are no pending self-heals.
  • BZ# 969020
    Renaming a file during remove-brick operation may cause the file not to get migrated from the removed brick.
    Workaround: Check the removed brick for any files that might not have been migrated and copy those to the gluster volume before decommissioning the brick.
  • BZ# 1007773
    When remove-brick start command is executed, even though the graph change is propagated to the NFS server, the directory inodes in memory are not refreshed to exclude the removed brick. Hence, new files that are created may end up on the removed-brick.
    Workaround: If files are found on the removed-brick path after remove-brick commit, copy them via a gluster mount point before re-purposing the removed brick.
  • BZ# 1116115
    When I/O operation is being performed at a high rate on the volume, faster than the rate at which the quota's accounting updates disk usage, the disk usage crosses the soft-limit mark without being failed with EDQUOT.
    Workaround: Set features.soft-timeout and features.hard-timeout to a lower value, depending on the workload. Setting features.soft-timeout or features.hard-timeout to zero ensures that the disk usage accounting happens in line with the I/O operations performed on the volume, depending on the applicable timeout, but it could result in an increase in I/O latencies.


    The features.soft-timeout applies when the disk usage is lesser than the quota soft-limit set on a directory. features.hard-timout applies when the disk usage is greater than the quota soft-limit but lesser than the hard-limit set on a directory.
  • BZ# 1116121
    When I/O is being performed at a high rate on the volume, faster than the rate at which the quota's accounting updates disk usage, the disk usage crosses the soft-limit mark without an alert being logged.
    Workaround: Set features.soft-timeout to a lower value, depending on the workload. Setting features.soft-timeout to zero would ensure that the disk usage accounting happens in line with the I/O performed on the volume, but it could result in an increase in I/O latencies.
  • BZ# 1120437
    Executing peer-status command on probed host displays the IP address of the node on which the peer probe was performed.
    Example When probing a peer, node B with hostname from node A, executing peer status command on node B, displays IP address of node A instead of its hostname.
    Workaround: Probe node A from node B with hostname of node A. For example, execute the command: # gluster peer probe HostnameA from node B.
  • BZ# 1097309
    If a NFS-client gets disconnected from the Red Hat Storage server without releasing the locks it obtained, these locks can prevent other NFS clients or Native (FUSE) clients to access the locked files. The NFSv3 protocol does not allow releasing the locks server side without a restart of the NFS servers. A restart triggers a grace period where existing locks need to get re-obtained. Locks are expired and made available to other NFS clients when the previous NFS clients do not re-request the previously obtained locks. More details related to NFS clients and lock recovery can be found in
  • BZ# 1099374
    When state-dump is taken, the gfid of barriered fop is displayed as 0 in the state-dump file of the node to which brick belongs.
  • BZ# 1113965
    If AFR self-heal involves healing of renamed directories, the gfid handle of the renamed directories gets removed from the sink brick. In a distributed replicate volume, performing readdir of the directories results in duplicate listing for . and .. entries and for files having dht link.toattribute.
  • BZ# 1122371
    The NFS server process and gluster self-heal daemon process restarts when gluster daemon process is restarted.
  • BZ# 1110692
    Executing remove-brick status command, after stopping remove-brick process, fails and displays a message that the remove-brick process is not started.
  • BZ# 1123733
    Executing a command which involves glusterd-glusterd communication Examplegluster volume status immediately after one of the nodes is down hangs and fails after 2 minutes with cli-timeout message. The subsequent command fails with the error message Another transaction in progress for 10 mins (frame timeout).
    Workaround: Set a non-zero value for ping-timeout in /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol file.
  • BZ# 1115915
    When a GlusterFS-native (FUSE) client looses its connection to the storage server without properly closing it, the brick process does not release resources (like locks) within an acceptable time. Other GlusterFS-native clients that require these resources can get blocked until the TCP-connection gets garbage collected by networking layers in the kernel and the brick processes get informed about it. This can introduce delays of 15-20 minutes before locks are released.
    Workaround: Reduce the value of the system-wide net.ipv4.tcp_retries2 sysctl. Due to this change, the network layer of the Linux kernel times-out TCP-connections sooner.
  • BZ# 1136718
    The afr self-heal can leave behind a partially healed file if the brick containing afr self-heal source file goes down in the middle of heal operation. If this partially healed file is migrated before the brick that was down comes online again, the migrated file would have incorrect data and the original file would be deleted.
  • BZ# 1139193
    After add-brick operation, any application (like git) which attempts opendir on a previously present directory fails with ESTALE/ENOENT errors.
  • BZ# 1142087
    The remove-brick force command displays a message asking the user to check the removed brick for files that might not have been migrated from the brick by the rebalance process. This message can be ignored as a remove-brick force does not trigger rebalance.
  • BZ# 1141172
    If you rename a file from multiple mount points, there are chances of losing the file. This issue is witnessed since mv command sends unlinks instead of renames when source and destination happens to be hard links to each other. Hence, the issue is in mv, distributed as part of coreutils in various Linux distributions.
    For example, if there are parallel renames of the form (mv a b) and (mv b a) where a and b are hard links to the same file, because of the above mentioned behavior of mv, unlink (a) and unlink (b) would be issued from both instances of mv. This results in losing both the links a and b and hence the file.
  • BZ# 1127658
    Adding a brick to a volume may fail if the parent of the new brick directory being added has one or more bricks existing under it. This could happen if the volume was accessed through smb over glusterfs vfs plug-in.
    Workaround: Remove all glusterfs xattrs set on the parent directory and execute the gluster volume add-brick command again.
  • BZ# 979926
    When any process establishes a TCP connection with glusterfs servers of a volume using port > 1023, the server rejects the requests and the corresponding file or management operations fail. By default, glusterfs servers treat ports > 1023 as unprivileged.
    Workaround: To disable this behavior, enable rpc-auth-allow-insecure option on the volume using the steps given below:
    1. To allow insecure connections to a volume, run the following command:
      #gluster volume set VOLNAME rpc-auth-allow-insecure on
    2. To allow insecure connections to glusterd process, add the following line in /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol file:
      option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on
    3. Restart glusterd process using the following command:
      # service glusterd restart
    4. Restrict connections to trusted clients using the following command:
      #gluster volume set VOLNAME auth.allow IP address
  • BZ# 1139676
    Renaming a directory may cause both source and target directories to exist on the volume with the same GFID and make some files in these directories not visible from the mount point. The files will still be present on the bricks.
    Workaround: The steps to fix this issue are documented in:
  • BZ# 1030309
    During directory creations attempted by geo-replication, though an mkdir fails with EEXIST, the directory might not have a complete layout for sometime and the directory creation fails with Directory exists message. This can happen if there is a parallel mkdir attempt on the same name. Till the other mkdir completes, layout is not set on the directory. Without a layout, entry creations within that directory fails.
    Workaround: Set the layout on those subvolumes where the directory is already created by the parallel mkdir before failing the current mkdir with EEXIST.


    This is not a complete fix as the other mkdir might not have created directories on all subvolumes. The layout is set on the subvolumes where directory is already created. Any file or directory names which hash to these subvolumes on which layout is set, can be created successfully.
  • BZ# 1146520
    During snap volume copy, a few files are not copied completely.
    Workaround: Mount the volume using use-readdirp=no option using the following command:
    mount -t glusterfs -o use-readdirp=NO hostname:/snaps/snap_name/vol_name mnt_point

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