
Chapter 2. March 2024

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2.1. Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

2.1.1. Advisor

New Advisor Recommendations

Nine new recommendations are available:

2.1.2. Inventory

Custom Staleness and Deletion

System administrators can use Custom Staleness and Deletion settings to configure the number of days systems need to be inactive, before Red Hat Insights considers the systems to be stale and flags them for removal from your inventory.

By default, when a system does not communicate with Red Hat within one day, the system is labeled as stale. If the system does not communicate within 7 days, it is labeled as stale warning. If the system does not communicate within 14 days, Insights removes it from the inventory. With this feature update, your system administrators can change settings for:

  • system staleness up to 7 days
  • system stale warning up to 180 days
  • system deletion up to 2 years

shows staleness and deletions options in the inventory service

The feature is now available in Inventory > System Configuration > Staleness and Deletion.

For more information about roles and permissions needed to manage system staleness and deletion, see Managing system staleness and deletion with Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux in Viewing and managing system inventory.

Identifying CentOS hosts that are compatible for pre-conversion and conversions

When viewing hosts within the Insights inventory, if a CentOS 7 host is registered to Insights and compatible to run a Pre-Conversion analysis or Conversion task, you will see a visual indicator that reads “Convert system to RHEL” below the system name when looking at your systems.

shows highlighted note

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