
Chapter 3. Baselines API

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Baselines are a set of facts that can be created and managed by using the API.

The following command-line examples demonstrate how to use the baselines API to create and manage baselines. You can create baselines from scratch, or by copying from a system inventory ID, from a baseline ID, and from an historical system profile ID.

3.1. Creating a new baseline from scratch

You can create a new baseline from scratch.

An example of a create.json file follows:

    	"baseline_facts": [
	    "name": "fact name 1",
	    "value":  "fact value 1"
	    "name": "fact name 2",
	    "value":  "fact value 2"
            "name": "category 1",
            "values": [
               "name": "sub fact name 1",
               "value":  "sub fact value 1"
"display_name": "demo baseline"

The following examples show a CURL command using POST with the JSON data method for creating a new baseline from scratch.


$ curl -u username:password -X
POST -d @create.json -H "content-type: application/json"


  "account": "[account number]",
  "baseline_facts": [
      "name": "category 1",
      "values": [
             "name": "sub fact name 1",
             "value": " sub fact value 1"
      {:context: {parent-context}
        "name": "fact name 1",
        "value": "fact value 1"
        "name": "fact name 2"
        "value": "fact value 2"
  "created": "2020-05-18T20:25:36.328741Z",
  "display_name": "demo baseline",
  "fact_count": 3,
  "id": "9565f205-5816-43b4-953e-a29fed8b40ec",
  "updated": "2020-05-18T20:25:36.328745Z"

3.2. Copying an existing system to create a new baseline

You can copy an existing system to create a new baseline by using the API.

An example create-from-inv.json file follows:

{"inventory_uuid": "<UUID>",
"display_name": "from-inv1"}


$ curl -k -X POST  -d @create-from-inv.json
-H 'content-type: application/json'


Note that some of the facts have been removed from the response to improve readability.

	"Name": "number_of_sockets",
	"Value": "1"
	"Name": "cores_per_socket",
	"Value": "1"
	"Name": "number_of_cpus",
	"Value": "None"
	"Name": "system_memory",
        "Value":  "488.35 MiB"
"Created": "2019-08-27T15:34:38.504298Z",
"Display_name": "from-inv1",
"Fact_count": 20,
"Id": "UUID",
"Updated": "2019-08-27T15:34:38.504298Z"

3.3. Copying an existing baseline to create a new baseline

You can copy an existing baseline to create a new baseline by using the API, by using the GET and POST methods.

  1. Obtain the list of existing baseline IDs via GET:

    $ curl -X GET ‘content-type: application/json’
  2. Select the baseline ID you want to copy from to create a new baseline.
  3. Create a new baseline using the selected baseline ID via the POST method. You must provide a new display name; otherwise it will result in a 400 error.

    $ curl -X POST<ID>?display_name=copied-from-baseline-name

3.4. Copying a historical system profile to create a new baseline

You can copy a historical system profile to create a new baseline via API.

An example create-from-hsp.json file follows:

{"hsp_uuid": "<UUID>",
"display_name": "from-hsp1"}


$ curl -k -X POST  -d @create-from-hsp.json 'content-type: application/json'


Note that some of the facts have been removed from the response to improve readability.

	"Name": "number_of_sockets",
	"Value": "1"
	"Name": "cores_per_socket",
	"Value": "1"
	"Name": "number_of_cpus",
	"Value": "None"
	"Name": "system_memory",
        "Value":  "488.35 MiB"
"Created": "2019-08-27T15:34:38.504298Z",
"Display_name": "from-inv1",
"Fact_count": 20,
"HSP_uuid": "UUID",
"Updated": "2019-08-27T15:34:38.504298Z"

3.5. Sorting baselines

You can sort baselines by using the API GET method by appending order_by and order_how parameters.

  • order_by parameter accepts the following values: display_name, created_on, and updated
  • order_how parameter accepts the following values for sorting the results: ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending)

By default, results are sorted by alphabetical order on display name.


$ curl -X GET

3.6. Editing a baseline

You can edit a baseline by using the API, by using the curl command.

$ curl -u username:password$/baselines/[uuid]

3.7. Exporting baselines

You can export baselines as a CSV file by using the API GET method.

$ curl -X GET -H ‘accept: text/csv’

3.8. Deleting a baseline

You can delete a baseline by using the API.

Use the following curl command to delete a baseline via the API.

$ curl -u username:password[ID] -X DELETE
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