
Chapter 3. Configure

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3.1. Setting Environment Variables

Certain environment variables on your Oracle WebLogic Server require configuration before deploying the application.

JVM Memory Size

With the default JVM memory size, the WebLogic Server freezes and/or causes deployment errors when deploying Business Central. Increase the memory size by setting the following environment variable:

USER_MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

JVM Custom Properties

The following custom properties require configuration on the WebLogic Server:

Properties Required for Business Central and Intelligent Process Server

  • JNDI name of the connection factory for sending messages with job executor requests.
  • org.kie.executor.jms.queue: JNDI name of the destination (queue) for sending messages with job executor requests.

Properties Required for Business Central

  • JNDI name of the response queue for JMS remote API of Business Central. Set to jms/KIE.RESPONSE.ALL.
  • org.uberfire.start.method: Defines startable beans for Uberfire. Set to ejb (Enterprise Java Beans).
  • org.uberfire.domain: Sets the domain for Uberfire to use. Set to OracleDefaultLoginConfiguration.
  • com.sun.jersey.server.impl.cdi.lookupExtensionInBeanManager: Uses BeanManager to look up extensions. This avoids conflicts across multiple instances. Set to true.

Properties Required for Intelligent Process Server

  • kie.server.jms.queues.response: JNDI name of the response queue for the Intelligent Process Server. Set to jms/KIE.SERVER.RESPONSE.
  • org.kie.server.domain: JAAS LoginContext domain used to authenticate users when using JMS. Set to OracleDefaultLoginConfiguration.
  • org.jbpm.server.ext.disabled: Set to true to disable BPM support (for example, processes support).
  • org.jbpm.ui.server.ext.disabled: Set to true to disable the Intelligent Process Server UI extension..
  • org.kie.server.persistence.ds: Datasource JNDI name.
  • Transaction manager platform for setting Hibernate properties. Set to org.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internal.WeblogicJtaPlatform.
  • org.kie.server.persistence.dialect: Specifies Hibernate dialect to be used.

For a full list of available Intelligent Process Server system properties, see chapter Intelligent Process Server of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite User Guide.

Set the following custom properties in a single environment variable:

JAVA_OPTIONS="  -Dkie.server.jms.queues.response=jms/KIE.SERVER.RESPONSE  -Dorg.uberfire.start.method=ejb

3.2. Configuring Security Settings

Several security settings on Oracle WebLogic Server must be set for the Business Central application to work. The following settings enable the container managed authentication mechanisms provided by the WebLogic server:

  1. In the WebLogic administrative console, click Security Realms.
  2. Choose your desired security realm or click New to create a new security realm.
  3. Navigate to Users and Groups Groups to get to the groups list for your security realm.
  4. Click New to create a new group. Create the following new groups: admin, analyst, developer, manager, user, and kie-server. Also create the REST API groups if you will use API. For further information about API roles, see section REST API of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Development Guide.
  5. Click on the Users tab and click New to create a new user. Provide this new user with a name (for example business-central-admin) and a password. Click OK to save.


    Make sure that the selected user name does not conflict with any known title of a role or a group.

    For example, if there is a role called admin, you should not create a user with the user name admin.

  6. Click on the newly created user, then click the Groups tab. Use the selection tool to move the admin group from the Available field to the Chosen field. Click Save to save.

You may assign this user to any of the groups previously created and in actual production systems you are likely to create separate users for separate groups that align with business roles. The admin group is all encompassing and is therefore useful for the purposes of this setup.

3.3. Creating Data Source

The Business Central application requires a data source which must be created prior to the deployment of the actual WAR file. This also means that you must have access to an underlying database that the data source connects to. Whatever your underlying database, make sure you have the data source ready.

  1. Navigate to Services Data Sources, which takes you to your JDBC Data Sources list.
  2. Click New Generic Data Source to start creating a new data source.
  3. Provide your data source with the following details:

    • Name: enter a name for your data source.
    • JNDI Name: set to jdbc/jbpm.
    • Database Type: set to MySQL.


      You can use alternative database types by editing WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/persistence.xml in the Business Central WAR archive. Edit the hibernate.dialect property to your preferred database.

      For example, to change to Oracle 12c, edit the hibernate.dialect to the following:

      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect" />

    Click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.

  4. Select your database driver in the drop-down menu. Click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.
  5. Leave the Transaction Options as the defaults and click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.
  6. Provide the following Connection Properties for your data source:

    • Database Name: the name of the database to use on your data source.
    • Host Name: the hostname or IP address of the system containing the database.
    • Port: the port used to connect to the database. Unless you have configured the database to use a different port, use the default port provided in this field.
    • Database User Name: the database user that interacts with the database. Make sure the chosen user has the required permissions to access and write to the chosen database.
    • Password: the password for the chosen database user.

    Click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.

  7. The Test Database Connection page provides a means to test and confirm your database connection. Click Test Configuration and the page will refresh with a valid connection message. Click Finish to complete the data source configuration.
  8. Click on the name of the new data source and navigate to Targets tab. Click the checkbox for the server chosen to host the Business Central deployment. Click Save to save your selection.

Dashbuilder requires the same JNDI as Business Central so that it connects to the same datasource. The default JNDI for Dashbuilder jdbc/dashbuilder must be changed to jdbc/jbpm.

Log in to your WebLogic server, switch to the dashbuilder.war directory, and edit the WEB-INF/etc/hibernate.cfg.xml file. Find the following line:

<property name="connection.datasource">jdbc/dashbuilder</property>

Change it to:

<property name="connection.datasource">jdbc/jbpm</property>

Save the file when complete.

3.4. Configuring Java Message Service (JMS)

Oracle WebLogic Server must be configured to send and receive JMS messages through Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Intelligent Process Server. JMS must also be configured for Business Central. This requires a JMS server. Follow the steps below to create a JMS server:

  1. Navigate to Services Messaging JMS Servers.
  2. Click New to start creating a new JMS Server.
  3. Provide your JMS Server with a name. Click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.
  4. Select the Target server chosen for the Business Central deployment. Click Finish to complete the JMS Server creation.

Create JMS Module

A JMS Module stores your JMS resources, such as connection factories and queues. Use the following steps to create a new JMS Module:

  1. Navigate to Services Messaging JMS Modules.
  2. Click New to start creating a new module.
  3. Provide your module with a name and click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.
  4. Select the Target server chosen for the Intelligent Process Server and Business Central deployment. Click Finish to complete the JMS Module creation.
  5. Click on the newly created module’s name, then click on Subdeployments.
  6. Click New to create a subdeployment for your module.
  7. Provide your subdeployment with a name and click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.
  8. Choose the previously created JMS Server by marking the checkbox. Click Finish to complete the subdeployment configuration.

Create JMS Connection Factories

To send and receive messages from Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Intelligent Process Server , you will need to create the JMS connection factories – one for receiving messages and one for sending them. You will also need to create several other connection factories for Business Central. The following connection factories are required:

  • KIE.RESPONSE.ALL: receiving all responses produced by the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.RESPONSE.ALL.

  • KIE.SESSION: sending messages to the process engine.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.SESSION.

  • KIE.TASK: sending messages to the task service.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.TASK.

  • KIE.AUDIT: sending messages with audit trail.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.AUDIT.

  • KIE.SIGNAL: sending messages with external scoped signals.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.SIGNAL.

  • KIE.SERVER.REQUEST: for all requests to the Intelligent Process Server.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.SERVER.REQUEST.

  • KIE.SERVER.RESPONSE: receiving all responses produced by the Intelligent Process Server.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.SERVER.RESPONSE.

  • KIE.EXECUTOR: sending executor requests for jobs running in Business Central.

    Default value: jms/cf/KIE.EXECUTOR.

Use the following procedure to create each connection factory:

  1. Navigate to Services Messaging JMS Modules to see your list of JMS Modules.
  2. Click on your previously created module, then click New to start creating a new JMS resource.
  3. Select Connection Factory and click Next.
  4. Enter the name of the connection factory (for example KIE.RESPONSE.ALL) and the JNDI name (for example jms/cf/KIE.RESPONSE.ALL).

    Click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.

  5. The connection factory automatically selects the servers assigned to the JMS Module as the default. Click Finish to complete the connection factory creation.

Repeat the above procedure for each connection factory.

Create JMS Queues

You now need to create the JMS Queues. These queues are the destination end points for point-to-point messaging. You will create:

  • KIE.RESPONSE.ALL: for Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite responses.

    Default value: jms/KIE.RESPONSE.ALL.

  • KIE.SESSION: for process-based operations.

    Default value: jms/KIE.SESSION.

  • KIE.TASK: for task-based operations.

    Default value: jms/KIE.TASK.

  • KIE.AUDIT: for asynchronous audit logs.

    Default value: jms/KIE.AUDIT.

  • KIE.SIGNAL: for external scoped signals.

    Default value: jms/KIE.SIGNAL.

  • KIE.SERVER.REQUEST: for all requests to the Intelligent Process Server.

    Default value: jms/KIE.SERVER.REQUEST.

  • KIE.SERVER.RESPONSE: for the Intelligent Process Server responses.

    Default value: jms/KIE.SERVER.RESPONSE.

  • KIE.EXECUTOR: sending executor requests for jobs running in Business Central.

    Default value: jms/KIE.EXECUTOR.

Use the following procedure to create each queue:

  1. If you are not there already, navigate to Services Messaging JMS Modules to see your list of JMS Modules.
  2. Click on your previously created module, then click New to start creating a new JMS resource.
  3. Select Queue and click Next.
  4. Enter the name of the queue (for example KIE.RESPONSE.ALL) and the JNDI name (for example jms/KIE.RESPONSE.ALL).

    Click Next to advance to the next configuration screen.

  5. Choose the JMS Module subdeployment that connects to the JMS Server. Click Finish to complete the queue creation.

Repeat the above procedure for each queue.

3.5. Configuring Unified Execution Servers

To configure Business Central to manage the Intelligent Process Server and use the same data source, follow the instructions in the Unified Execution Servers section of the Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite Administration and Configuration Guide.

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