
2.2.2. Mapping simple properties

download PDF Declaring basic property mappings

Every non static non transient property (field or method) of an entity bean is considered persistent, unless you annotate it as @Transient. Not having an annotation for your property is equivalent to the appropriate @Basic annotation. The @Basic annotation allows you to declare the fetching strategy for a property:
public transient int counter; //transient property

private String firstname; //persistent property

String getLengthInMeter() { ... } //transient property

String getName() {... } // persistent property

int getLength() { ... } // persistent property

@Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
String getDetailedComment() { ... } // persistent property

java.util.Date getDepartureTime() { ... } // persistent property           

Starred getNote() { ... } //enum persisted as String in database
counter, a transient field, and lengthInMeter, a method annotated as @Transient, and will be ignored by the entity manager. name, length, and firstname properties are mapped persistent and eagerly fetched (the default for simple properties). The detailedComment property value will be lazily fetched from the database once a lazy property of the entity is accessed for the first time. Usually you do not need to lazy simple properties (not to be confused with lazy association fetching).


To enable property level lazy fetching, your classes have to be instrumented: bytecode is added to the original one to enable such feature, please refer to the Hibernate reference documentation. If your classes are not instrumented, property level lazy loading is silently ignored.
The recommended alternative is to use the projection capability of EJB-QL or Criteria queries.
EJB3 support property mapping of all basic types supported by Hibernate (all basic Java types , their respective wrappers and serializable classes). Hibernate Annotations support out of the box Enum type mapping either into a ordinal column (saving the enum ordinal) or a string based column (saving the enum string representation): the persistence representation, defaulted to ordinal, can be overridden through the @Enumerated annotation as shown in the note property example.
In core Java APIs, the temporal precision is not defined. When dealing with temporal data you might want to describe the expected precision in database. Temporal data can have DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP precision (ie the actual date, only the time, or both). Use the @Temporal annotation to fine tune that.
@Lob indicates that the property should be persisted in a Blob or a Clob depending on the property type: java.sql.Clob, Character[], char[] and java.lang.String will be persisted in a Clob. java.sql.Blob, Byte[], byte[] and serializable type will be persisted in a Blob.
public String getFullText() {
    return fullText;

public byte[] getFullCode() {
    return fullCode;
If the property type implements and is not a basic type, and if the property is not annotated with @Lob, then the Hibernate serializable type is used.
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