
8.3.4. Native Components Installation

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The following procedure describes installing either the mod_cluster or mod_jk load-balancing modules into JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Procedure 8.1. Install Native Components from RPM

  1. Subscribe to the JBOSS EAP5 RHN channel

    1. Using a web browser, navigate to and log in with your credentials.
    2. View the list of all systems, and find the system on which you have installed the Enterprise Platform. Click to view its subscriptions.
    3. Add the JBoss Application Platform or JBoss EWP channel appropriate to your version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  2. Install the jboss-eap5-native package

    Log into the application server's host system as the root user.
    Execute the command yum install jboss-eap5-native
  3. Install the mod_cluster-jbossas package

    Log into the application server's host system as the root user.
    Execute the command yum install mod_cluster-jbossas
  4. Optional: Install the mod_jk-ap20 package

    Follow this step if you need to use mod_jk instead of mod_cluster.
    Log into the application server's host system as the root user.
    Execute the command yum install mod_jk-ap20.

Procedure 8.2. Install Native Components from ZIP archives

This procedure installs the Native Components for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Install JBoss Enterprise Application Platform via ZIP, RPM, or the Graphical installer before carrying out this procedure. See Chapter 3, Installation Methods for more details.

  1. Download software

    Refer to Appendix A, The Red Hat Customer Portal for file download instructions.
    To install Native Components, choose the Native Components download that corresponds to your operating system and the architecture of your Java Virtual Machine.
  2. Unzip components

    Extract the native directory from the zip file into the jboss-eap-5.x directory, so that the native directory is at the same directory level as the jboss-as directory.

    The Native Components are installed.

  3. Verify installation

    During server start up the server will report the presence of the Native libraries:
    12:12:29,826 INFO [ServerInfo] VM arguments: -Xms1303m -Xmx1303m
    	   -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000
    	   -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true
    The option -Djava.library.path=/home/eapuser/jboss-eap-5.2/native/lib64 shows that the server is detecting and loading the Native libraries.
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