
Appendix A. Advanced LDAP Login Module: Full LDAP Authentication

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The JBoss Negotiation project includes the AdvancedLdapLoginModule to handle the LDAP role searching requirements.
The AdvancedLdapLoginModule is based on the LdapExtLoginModule; however, AdvancedLdapLoginModule differs in the following aspects:
  • The accumulated subject roles do no include the role name of the first matching context.
  • When the roleAttributeIsDN module property is set to false, the recursive role search is disabled even if the recurseRoles module option is set to true.
You can use the AdvancedLdapLoginModule module in a chained configuration with the SPNEGOLoginModule to allow a GSSAPI authentication to allow authentication through LDAP (refer to Section 2.4, “Role Mapping” or use the module for a full authentication through LDAP. You can also configure it to skip the user search, the authentication, or the role search if required.

A.1. Configuration

The fully qualified classname of the new login module is


In Beta releases the class name was The login module is still available under this name; however, it has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
The AdvancedLdapLoginModule supports password-stacking: if you want to use the module in conjunction with other login modules, make sure the password-stacking property is set to useFirstPass.

A.1.1. Defining Initial LDAP Context

First, you need to define the user credentials, which are used to obtain the InitialLdapContext and then used to search for the user and the user roles.


The login module supports obtaining this InitialLdapContext using a username and credential or using GSSAPI for a previously authenticated user. Here we use the user credentials. For configuration with GSSAPI, refer to Section 2.4, “Role Mapping”.
To authenticate with a username and password the following define the following settings:
defines the DN used to bind to the LDAP server. This is a DN with read/search permissions to the defined baseCtxDN and rolesCtxDN.
defines the bindDN password. The password can be encrypted if the jaasSecurityDomain is specified.
defines the JMX ObjectName of the jaasSecurityDomain. This is the jaasSecurityDomain used to decrypt the The JaasSecurityDomain#encrypt64(byte[]) method of the domain returns the encrypted form of the password. You can use also to generate the encrypted form.

A.1.2. Defining DN Search

After the module has created the LDAP initial context, it takes the provided username and searches for the user DN. To define the properties of the search, provide the following properties:
defines the fixed DN of the context to search for user roles. Consider that this is not the Distinguished Name of where the actual roles are located but the DN of where the objects containing the user roles are located (that is, for active directory, this is the DN with the user account).
defines the search filter used to locate the context of the user to authenticate. The input username/userDN as obtained from the login module callback substitutes the {0} expression. This substitution behavior comes from the standard DirContext?.search(Name, String, Object[], SearchControls? cons) method. An common example search filter is "(uid={0})
defines the timeout for the user and role searches in milliseconds (defaults to 10000, that is 10 seconds).


To disable the user DN search omit the baseCtxDN property: the provided username will be used as the DN in this login module.

A.1.3. User Authentication


If the LDAP login module is not the first login module and a previous login module has already authenticated the user, the user authentication is skipped.
If no previous login module has authenticated the user this step takes the User DN from the User DN search and their provided credential and attempts to create a new InitialLdapContext and verify that the User DN and credential combination is valid.
For user authentication, you can define the following property:
If empty (length==0) passwords are passed to the LDAP server. An empty password is treated as an anonymous log in by an LDAP servers. Set the property to false to reject empty passwords or to true to allow the LDAP server to validate an empty password (the default is false).
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