
3.3. The Management Console

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3.3.1. Management Console

The Management Console is a web-based administration tool for JBoss EAP 6.
Use the Management Console to start and stop servers, deploy and undeploy applications, tune system settings, and make persistent modifications to the server configuration. The Management Console also has the ability to perform administrative tasks, with live notifications when any changes require the server instance to be restarted or reloaded.
In a Managed Domain, server instances and server groups in the same domain can be centrally managed from the Management Console of the domain controller.

3.3.2. Log in to the Management Console


  • JBoss EAP 6 must be running.
  • You must have already created a user with permissions to access the Console.
  1. Launch your web browser and go to this address: http://localhost:9990/console/App.html


    Port 9990 is predefined as the Management Console socket binding.
  2. Enter your username and password to log in to the Management Console.
    The login screen for the Management console.

    Figure 3.1. Log in screen for the Management Console


Once logged in, you are redirected to the following address and the Management Console landing page appears: http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#home

3.3.3. Change the Language of the Management Console

The language settings of web-based Management Console use English by default. You can choose to use one of the following languages instead.

Supported Languages

  • German (de)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)
  • French (fr)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Japanese (ja)

Procedure 3.1. Change the Language of the Web-based Management Console

  1. Log into the Management Console.

    Log into the web-based Management Console.
  2. Open the Settings dialog.

    Near the bottom right of the screen is a Settings label. Click it to open the settings for the Management Console.
  3. Select the desired language.

    Select the desired language from the Locale selection box. Select Save. A confirmation box informs you that you need to reload the application. Click Confirm. The system refreshes your web browser automatically to use the new locale.

3.3.4. Analytics in JBoss EAP Console

About Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free web analytics service which provides comprehensive usage statistics on a website. It provides vital data regarding a site's visitors, including their visits, page views, pages per visit and average time spent on site. Google Analytics provides more visibility around a website's presence and its visitors.

About Google Analytics in JBoss EAP Management Console

JBoss EAP 6 provides users the option to enable or disable Google Analytics in the management console. The Google Analytics feature aims to help Red Hat EAP team understand how the customers are using the console and which parts of the console matter the most to the customers. This information will in-turn help the team adapt the console design, features and content to the immediate needs of the customers.


By default, Google Analytics is disabled in JBoss EAP 6 console and its usage is optional.

3.3.5. Enable Google Analytics in JBoss EAP Console

To enable Google Analytics in JBoss EAP Management Console:
  • Log in to the Management Console
  • Click Settings on the Management Console

    Figure 3.2. Log in screen of the Management Console

  • Select Enable Usage Data Collection checkbox on the Settings dialog and click Save button. Confirm the application reload to activate the new settings.

    Figure 3.3. Settings dialog (Enable Usage Data Collection)

3.3.6. Disable Google Analytics in JBoss EAP Console

To disable Google Analytics in JBoss EAP Management Console:
  • Log in to the Management Console
  • Click Settings on the Management Console

    Figure 3.4. Log in screen of the Management Console

  • Uncheck the Enable Usage Data Collection option on the Settings dialog to remove the selection. Click Save button. Confirm the application reload to activate the new settings.

    Figure 3.5. Settings dialog (Disable Usage Data Collection)

3.3.7. Configure a Server Using the Management Console

Procedure 3.2. Configure the Server

  1. Select the Domain tab from the top of the console. Available server instances will be displayed in a table.
  2. Click Server Configurations.
    The Server Configurations panel for the relevant host appears.
  3. Select the server instance from the Available Server Configurations table.
  4. Click Edit above the details of the chosen server.
  5. Make changes to the configuration attributes.
  6. Click Save to finish.
Server configuration

Figure 3.6. Server configuration


The server configuration is changed, and will take effect next time the server restarts.

3.3.8. Add a Deployment in the Management Console

  1. Select the Deployments tab at the top of the console.
  2. Select Add on the Content Repository tab. A Create Deployment dialog box appears.
    The Manage Deployments panel for a standalone server.

    Figure 3.7. Manage standalone deployments

  3. In the dialog box, click Browse. Browse to the file you want to deploy, select it and upload it. Click Next to proceed.
    The Upload dialog box requesting a file for deployment.

    Figure 3.8. Deployment selection

  4. Verify the deployment name and runtime name that appear in the Create Deployments dialog box. Click Save to upload the file once the names are verified.

The selected content is uploaded to the server and is now ready for deployment.

3.3.9. Create a New Server in the Management Console

Procedure 3.3. Create a New Server Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Server Configurations page in the Management Console

    Select the Domain tab from the top of the console.
    Server Configuration

    Figure 3.9. Server Configuration

  2. Click Server Configurations in the left menu.
  3. Create a new configuration

    1. Select the Add button above the Available Server Configurations table.
    2. Enter the basic server settings in the Create Server Configuration dialog.
    3. Select the Save button to save the new Server Configuration.
    Create a new configuration

    Figure 3.10. Create a new configuration

3.3.10. Change the Default Log Levels Using the Management Console

Procedure 3.4. Edit the Logging Levels

  1. Navigate to the Logging panel in the Management Console

    1. If you are working with a managed domain, select the Configuration tab at the top of the console, then select the relevant profile from the drop-down list on the left of the console.
    2. For either a managed domain or a standalone server, expand the Core menu from the list on the left of the console and click the Logging entry.
    3. Click on the Log Categories tab in the top of the console.
    Logging panel

    Figure 3.11. Logging panel

  2. Edit logger details

    Edit the details for any of the entries in the Log Categories table.
    1. Select an entry in the Log Categories table, then click Edit in the Details section below.
    2. Set the log level for the category with the Log Level drop-down box. Click the Save button when done.

The log levels for the relevant categories are now updated.

3.3.11. Create a New Server Group in the Management Console

Procedure 3.5. Configure and Add a new Server Group

  1. Navigate to the Server Groups view

    Select the Domain tab from the top of the console.
  2. Select Server Groups in the left hand column.
    The Server Groups view for a managed domain.

    Figure 3.12. The Server Groups view

  3. Add a server group

    Click the Add button to add a new server group.
  4. Configure the server group

    1. Enter a name for the server group.
    2. Select the profile for the server group.
    3. Select the socket binding for the server group.
    4. Click the Save button to save your new group.
    The Create Server Group dialog. A server with the name new-server-group will be created, based on the main-server-group template.

    Figure 3.13. The Create Server Group dialog


The new server group is visible in the Management Console.

3.3.12. Viewing Logs in the Management Console

You can view server and application logs in the JBoss EAP 6 Management Console in order to help diagnose errors, performance problems, and other issues. For a log to be viewable in the Management Console Log Viewer, it must be located in the server's jboss.server.log.dir directory. The JBoss EAP 6 Log Viewer also respects user RBAC role assignments, so a user logged in to the Management Console can only view logs that they are authorized to access.

Procedure 3.6. View JBoss EAP 6 Logs in the Management Console

  1. Select the Runtime tab from the top of the Management Console.
    1. If you are using a Managed Domain, use the Change Server button on the left menu to select the JBoss EAP 6 server that you want to view the logs of.
  2. Expand the Platform menu on the left, and select Log Viewer.
  3. Select a log file from the list, and click the View button.
    You can also click Download to download the log file to your local machine.


    The Management Console Log Viewer displays a confirmation if you attempt to open a log file that is larger than 15MB.
    The Management Console Log Viewer is not intended to be a text editor replacement for viewing very large log files (>100MB). Opening very large log files in the Management Console Log Viewer could crash your web browser, so you should always download large log files separately and open them in a text editor.
  4. The selected log will open as a new tab within the Management Console. You can open multiple log files in other tabs by returning to the LOG FILES tab and repeating the previous step.

3.3.13. Customer Portal Integration in the Management Console

You can use the interface to browse sections of the Red Hat Customer Portal without leaving the Management Console of your JBoss EAP installation.
The top navigation bar of the Management Console contains a drop-down menu: Red Hat Access. Clicking on this menu will reveal three task-specific links to the Customer Portal:
  • Search Customer Portal
  • Open Case
  • Modify Case
The features of each of these links are discussed in more detail below.


If you are not already logged in to the Customer Portal when you click one of these links, a dialogue box will appear, prompting you to log in. You must be logged into the Customer Portal in the browser session that you are using to access the Management Console. If you are logged in to the Customer Portal in one browser but use a different browser to access the Management Console, you will be prompted to log in.

Search Customer Portal

Clicking on Search Customer Portal presents a page containing a search box. You can enter search terms or phrases to find Knowledge Base articles.
Once you have performed a search, you can select an item from the list of results and see the entire article displayed in a separate pane.

Open Case

The Open Case page allows you to open a new support case.
You will be presented with a form to complete in order to open a new support case. A list of recommended Knowledge Base articles is provided beside the form. This list refreshes based on the details provided for the support case.

Modify Case

The Modify Case page allows you to view and modify existing support cases.
You can refine the results by limiting your search to grouped or ungrouped cases, and by the state of the case (open, closed, or either).
After selecting a specific support case, you can view or update the details of the support case, as well as add comments.
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