
Chapter 8. JBoss EAP MBean Services

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A managed bean, sometimes simply referred to as an MBean, is a type of JavaBean that is created with dependency injection. MBean services are the core building blocks of the JBoss EAP server.

8.1. Writing JBoss MBean Services

Writing a custom MBean service that relies on a JBoss service requires the service interface method pattern. A JBoss MBean service interface method pattern consists of a set of life cycle operations that inform an MBean service when it can create, start, stop, and destroy itself.

You can manage the dependency state using any of the following approaches:

  • If you want specific methods to be called on your MBean, declare those methods in your MBean interface. This approach allows your MBean implementation to avoid dependencies on JBoss specific classes.
  • If you are not bothered about dependencies on JBoss specific classes, then you can have your MBean interface extend the ServiceMBean interface and ServiceMBeanSupport class. The ServiceMBeanSupport class provides implementations of the service lifecycle methods like create, start, and stop. To handle a specific event like the start() event, you need to override startService() method provided by the ServiceMBeanSupport class.

8.1.1. A Standard MBean Example

This section develops two example MBean services packaged together in a service archive (.sar).

ConfigServiceMBean interface declares specific methods like the start, getTimeout, and stop methods to start, hold, and stop the MBean correctly without using any JBoss specific classes. ConfigService class implements ConfigServiceMBean interface and consequently implements the methods used within that interface.

The PlainThread class extends the ServiceMBeanSupport class and implements the PlainThreadMBean interface. PlainThread starts a thread and uses ConfigServiceMBean.getTimeout() to determine how long the thread should sleep.

Example: MBean Services Class

public interface ConfigServiceMBean {
    int getTimeout();
    void start();
    void stop();
public class ConfigService implements ConfigServiceMBean {
    int timeout;
    public int getTimeout() {
        return timeout;
    public void start() {
        //Create a random number between 3000 and 6000 milliseconds
        timeout = (int)Math.round(Math.random() * 3000) + 3000;
        System.out.println("Random timeout set to " + timeout + " seconds");
    public void stop() {
        timeout = 0;

import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean;
public interface PlainThreadMBean extends ServiceMBean {
    void setConfigService(ConfigServiceMBean configServiceMBean);

import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport;
public class PlainThread extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements PlainThreadMBean {
    private ConfigServiceMBean configService;
    private Thread thread;
    private volatile boolean done;
    public void setConfigService(ConfigServiceMBean configService) {
        this.configService = configService;
    protected void startService() throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Starting Plain Thread MBean");
        done = false;
        thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    while (!done) {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    protected void stopService() throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Stopping Plain Thread MBean");
        done = true;

The jboss-service.xml descriptor shows how the ConfigService class is injected into the PlainThread class using the inject tag. The inject tag establishes a dependency between PlainThreadMBean and ConfigServiceMBean, and thus allows PlainThreadMBean to use ConfigServiceMBean easily.

Example: jboss-service.xml Service Descriptor

<server xmlns:xsi=""
        xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jboss:service:7.0 jboss-service_7_0.xsd"
 <mbean code="" name=""/>
 <mbean code="" name="">
  <attribute name="configService">
   <inject bean=""/>

After writing the MBeans example, you can package the classes and the jboss-service.xml descriptor in the META-INF/ folder of a service archive (.sar).

8.2. Deploying JBoss MBean Services

Example: Deploy and Test MBeans in a Managed Domain

Use the following command to deploy the example MBeans (ServiceMBeanTest.sar) in a managed domain:

deploy ~/Desktop/ServiceMBeanTest.sar --all-server-groups

Example: Deploy and Test MBeans on a Standalone Server

Use the following command to build and deploy the example MBeans (ServiceMBeanTest.sar) on a standalone server:

deploy ~/Desktop/ServiceMBeanTest.sar

Example: Undeploy the MBeans Archive

Use the following command to undeploy the MBeans example:

undeploy ServiceMBeanTest.sar
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