
Chapter 2. Launching a JBoss EAP instance

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The following procedures show launching a public JBoss EAP instance from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplace and launching a JBoss EAP instance on Amazon EC2 Console.

2.1. Launching a JBoss EAP Instance from the AWS marketplace

The public JBoss EAP Amazon Machine Image (AMI), offered with the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model, is available at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplace.


  • You have an AWS account.
  • The Amazon Web Services CLI is installed and configured with your account credentials.


  1. Go to AWS marketplace at the URL:
  2. Search for "JBoss EAP" in the search bar. Filter the results by Publisher, selecting Red Hat Limited and Red Hat.
  3. Click the image you want to launch.


    If you are based in the European Union, select the image from the publisher "Red Hat Limited", otherwise select the image from the publisher "Red Hat".

    You are redirected to the software subscription page.

  4. Select the subscription settings and click Continue to Subscribe.
  5. Accept the terms by clicking Accept Terms, click Continue to Configuration.

    You are redirected to the configuration page.

  6. Select the configuration options and click Continue to Launch.

    You are directed to launch the software page.

  7. Review the launch configuration details and launch the instance by clicking Launch.

2.2. Launching JBoss EAP instance from private AMI using AWS EC2 Console

You can launch JBoss EAP instance from a private AMI using the AWS EC2 Console.

You can also launch an instance using the AWS Command Line Interface. See AWS CLI for more information about AWS CLI.


  • You have a Red Hat subscription.
  • You have an AWS account.
  • The Amazon Web Services CLI is installed and configured with your account credentials.


  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console.
  2. From the Amazon EC2 console, click AMIs.
  3. Search for jbeap AMI in Private images, located in the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) panel, and select the AMI.

    For example, RHEL-7-JBEAP-7.4.0_HVM_GA-20210909-x86_64-0-Access2-GP2.

  4. Choose an instance type. See Supported Amazon EC2 Instance Types for more information on supported Amazon EC2 instance types.
  5. In the Configure Instance Details section, configure the instance settings.
  6. In the Advanced Details section, User data box, you can paste the sample script to run JBoss EAP when the instance is launched. See Launching JBoss EAP on Amazon EC2 Using Script for information about the sample script.


    If required, specify the storage, tag the instance, and configure the security group details.

  7. Click Review and Launch. This takes you directly to the Review Instance Launch page.
  8. Click Launch to choose a key pair and launch the instance.

If you have not selected a key pair, specify a key pair before you launch an instance.

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