
Chapter 3. Deploying JBoss EAP 7 application on OpenShift using Helm chart

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You can deploy and run your Jakarta EE application with JBoss EAP 7 on OpenShift using Helm charts. Helm is a software package manager that simplifies deployment of applications and services to OpenShift Container Platform clusters. Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A Helm chart is a collection of files that describes the OpenShift Container Platform resources. The following procedures demonstrate how to deploy and run a Jakarta EE application using a Helm chart on the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


This feature is provided as Technology Preview only. It is not supported for use in a production environment, and it might be subject to significant future changes. See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

3.1. Prerequisites


3.2. Creating a JBoss EAP EAP 7 application with Helm

You can create your JBoss EAP 7 application using Helm chart on the OpenShift web console.


  1. In the main navigation, click the drop-down menu and select Developer.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Add.

    The Add page opens.

  3. In the Add page, click Helm Chart.
  4. In the Helm Charts catalog, search for JBoss EAP 7.4.
  5. Click the JBoss EAP 7.4 Helm chart tile.

    The side panel displays information about the JBoss EAP 7 Helm chart.

  6. Click Install Helm Chart.

    Some form sections are collapsed by default. Click > to expand and view its content.


    No updates are required to these sections to proceed.

    The details about the Jakarta EE application that you are building and deploying are specified in the build.uri field.


    If you are building a different application, you must change this uri field to point to the Git repository of that application.

  7. Click Install to create the JBoss EAP 7 application using the Helm chart.


  • The Helm release is represented by a dashed box that contains the JBoss EAP icon and eap74 text. This content is placed outside the dashed box. The deployment is indicated by a circle inside the dashed box with text D eap74.

    • Verify that you see an eap74 Helm Release.
    • Verify that you see an eap74 deployment.

3.3. Viewing the Helm release

After you have successfully created your JBoss EAP 7 application using Helm chart, you can view all the information related to the Helm release.



  1. In the navigation menu, click Helm.
  2. Click eap74 Helm release.

    The Helm Release details page opens. It shows all the information related to the Helm release that you installed.

  3. Click the Resources tab. It lists all the resources created by this Helm release.


  • Verify that you see a Deployed label next to the Helm release eap74.

3.4. Viewing the associated code

After you have successfully created your JBoss EAP 7 application using Helm chart, you can view the associated code.



  1. In the navigation menu, and click Topology.

    In the Topology view the eap74 deployment displays a code icon in the bottom right-hand corner.

    This icon either represents the Git repository of the associated code, or if the appropriate operators are installed, it will bring up the associated code in your IDE.

  2. If the icon shown is CodeReady Workspaces or Eclipse Che, click it to bring up the associated code in your IDE. Otherwise, click it to navigate to the associated Git repository.


  • Verify that you can see the code associated with your application either in your Git repository or in your IDE.

3.5. Viewing the Build status

After you have successfully created your JBoss EAP 7 application using Helm chart, you can view the build status.



  1. In the navigation menu, click Topology.
  2. In the Topology view, click the D eap74 icon.

    A side panel opens with detailed information about the application.

  3. In the side panel, click the Resources tab. The Builds section shows all the details related to builds of the application.

The JBoss EAP 7 application is built in two steps:

  • The first build configuration eap74-build-artifacts compiles and packages the Jakarta EE application, and creates a JBoss EAP server. The application is run on this JBoss EAP server.

The build may take a few minutes to complete. The build progresses through various states such as Pending, Running, and Complete. The build state is indicated by a relevant message.

When the build is complete, a checkmark and the following message is displayed: Build #1 was complete

  • The second build configuration eap74 puts the Jakarta EE deployment and the JBoss EAP server in a runtime image that contains only what is required to run the application.

When the second build is complete, a checkmark and the following message are displayed: Build #2 was complete

  • When the first build is complete, the second build starts.


  • Verify the two builds for eap74-build-artifacts and eap74 are complete:

    • The message Build #1 was complete is displayed for the eap74-build-artifacts build configuration.
    • The message Build #2 was complete is displayed for the eap74 build configuration.

3.6. Viewing the pod status

After you have successfully created your JBoss EAP 7 application using Helm chart you can view the pod status.



  1. In the navigation menu, and click Topology.
  2. In the Topology view, click D eap74.

    A side panel opens with detailed information about the application.

  3. In the Details tab, hover over the pod to see the pod status in a tooltip.

    • The number of pods is displayed inside the pod circle.
    • The color of the pod circle indicates the pod status: Light blue = Pending, Blue = Not Ready, Dark blue = Running.


      In the Topology view, the dark outer circle of the D eap74 deployment icon also indicates the pod status.


  • Verify that the text inside the pod circle displays 1 pod.
  • Verify that the Pod circle displays 1 Running when you hover over it.

3.7. Running the JBoss EAP 7 application

After you have successfully created and built your JBoss EAP 7 application with Helm, you can access it.



  • In the Topology view, click the external link icon in the top right-hand corner to open the URL and run the application in a separate browser window.


    This action opens the URL on a web browser window.


  • Verify that the application JBoss EAP 7 on Red Hat OpenShift opens in a separate browser window.
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