
Chapter 1. Preparing to install JBoss EAP

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You can choose to install an instance of JBoss EAP using any of the three types of installers. Depending on your requirements, each installer type is useful in certain situations.

1.1. JBoss EAP installation methods

You can choose one of several methods to install JBoss EAP. Each method is best used in certain situations.

The following table provides a brief overview of each type of installation and links to the sections that cover the relevant processes.

Table 1.1. Installer Types

Installer installation

  • You can run the installer on a console or as a graphical wizard. Both options provide step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the server instance. The Installer Installation is the preferred method to install JBoss EAP on all supported platforms.
  • The installer also provides an additional setup option, including Quickstarts and configuration of the Maven repository.

Archive installation

  • The archive installation is suitable for installation on all supported operating systems.
  • Use this method if you want to extract the instance manually.
  • The archive installation provides a default installation of JBoss EAP, and you must implement any configuration changes after the installation.

If you plan to use JBoss Operations Network (JBoss ON) to deploy and install JBoss EAP patches, install the target JBoss EAP instances using the archive installation method.

RPM installation

  • You can install JBoss EAP using RPM packages on supported installations of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6+.

1.2. The EAP_HOME variable

You can use the variable, EAP_HOME, to denote the path for the JBoss EAP installation. Set the EAP_HOME variable to the actual path for the JBoss EAP installation. The path set for the EAP_HOME variable stays the same and does not change after patching or updating an instance of the JBoss EAP.


EAP_HOME is not an environment variable. JBOSS_HOME is the environment variable used in scripts.

Depending on the installation option you choose to install JBoss EAP, you can locate the installation directory or the default path as follows:

  • If you installed JBoss EAP using the archive installation method, the installation directory is the jboss-eap-7.4 directory where you extracted the archive.
  • If you installed JBoss EAP using the installer application, the default path for EAP_HOME is ${user.home}/EAP-7.4.0:

    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Solaris: /home/USER_NAME/EAP-7.4.0/
    • For Microsoft Windows: C:\Users\USER_NAME\EAP-7.4.0\
  • If you installed JBoss EAP using the RPM installation method, the installation directory is /opt/rh/eap7/root/usr/share/wildfly/.
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