
Chapter 1. Overview of the management console

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The management console is a web-based administration tool for JBoss EAP.

Use the management console to start and stop servers, deploy and remove applications, tune system settings, and make persistent modifications to the server configuration. The management console can also perform administrative tasks, with live notifications when a user makes any changes that require you to restart or reload the server.

In a managed domain, server instances and server groups in the same domain are centrally managed from the management console of the domain controller.

For a JBoss EAP instance running on the local host using the default management port, you can access the management console through a web browser at http://localhost:9990/console/index.html. Log in as a user with the required role to access the management console.

The management console provides the following tabs for navigating and managing your JBoss EAP standalone server or managed domain.

Learn how to accomplish several common configuration and management tasks. Take a tour to become familiar with the JBoss EAP management console.
Add, remove, and enable deployments. In a managed domain, assign deployments to server groups.
Configure available subsystems, which provide capabilities such as web services, messaging, or high availability. In a managed domain, manage the profiles that contain different subsystem configurations.
View runtime information, such as server status, JVM usage, and server logs. In a managed domain, manage your hosts, server groups, and servers.
Update Manager
Update the existing installation and manage channels.
Access control
Assign roles to users and groups when using Role-Based Access Control.

1.1. Updating resource attributes in the management console

If you have the required permissions, you can edit resource attributes in the management console.


  • JBoss EAP is running.
  • You have the proper permissions to modify the selected resource.
  • You have created a user.


  1. Log in to the management console. For a local server running at the default port, you can access the management console at http://localhost:9990/console/index.html.
  2. Go to the appropriate section of the management console for the resource that you want to modify.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the required changes.

    Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). You can view the attribute descriptions by clicking Help.


    Depending on the attribute type, the input field can be a text field, an ON/OFF field, or a dropdown. In some text fields, as you type, values from elsewhere in the configuration might appear as suggestions.

  5. Click Save.
  6. If necessary, reload the server for the changes to take effect.

    A pop-up window opens when you make changes that require a reload in order to take effect. To reload a standalone server, click Reload in the pop-up window. To reload a server in a managed domain, click Topology, select the appropriate server, and select Reload from the drop-down list.

To view the history of recent configuration actions you have performed, click the notification icon.

1.2. Enable or disable the management console

You can enable or disable the management console by setting the console-enabled boolean attribute of the /core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface resource. For the master host in domain mode, use /host=master/core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface.


After you enable or disable the management console, you must restart or reload your JBoss EAP instance.

Enable management console example


Disable management console example


1.3. Changing the language of the management console

By default, the language settings of the management console is English. You can choose to use one of the following languages instead:

  • German (de)
  • Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans)
  • Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)
  • French (fr)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Japanese (ja)


  • JBoss EAP is running.
  • You have created a user.


  1. Log in to the management console. For a local server running at the default port, you can access the management console at http://localhost:9990/console/index.html.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select the required language from the Locale list.
  4. Click Save. A confirmation box informs you that you need to reload the application.
  5. Click Yes. The system refreshes your web browser automatically to use the selected locale.

1.4. Customizing the management console title

You can customize the management console title so that each of your JBoss EAP instances can be quickly and easily identified.


  • JBoss EAP is running.
  • You have created a user.


  1. Log in to the management console. For a local server running at the default port, you can access the management console at http://localhost:9990/console/index.html.
  2. Click Settings and modify the title in the Title field.
  3. Click Save.

    A confirmation box informs you that you must reload the management console.

  4. Click Yes.

    The system refreshes your web browser automatically and the new title is displayed on the tab header.

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