B.3. Message bindings


Table B.6, “Inbound SOAP interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's inbound message chain when using the SOAP Binding.
Table B.6. Inbound SOAP interceptors
CheckFaultInterceptorPOST_PROTOCOLChecks if the message is a fault message. If the message is a fault message, normal processing is aborted and fault processing is started.
MustUnderstandInterceptorPRE_PROTOCOLProcesses the must understand headers.
RPCInInterceptorUNMARSHALUnmarshals rpc/literal messages. If the message is bare, the message is passed to a BareInInterceptor object to deserialize the message parts.
ReadsHeadersInterceptorREADParses the SOAP headers and stores them in the message object.
SoapActionInInterceptorREADParses the SOAP action header and attempts to find a unique operation for the action.
SoapHeaderInterceptorUNMARSHALBinds the SOAP headers that map to operation parameters to the appropriate objects.
AttachmentInInterceptorRECEIVEParses the mime headers for mime boundaries, finds the root part and resets the input stream to it, and stores the other parts in a collection of Attachment objects.
DocLiteralInInterceptorUNMARSHALExamines the first element in the SOAP body to determine the appropriate operation and calls the data binding to read in the data.
StaxInInterceptorPOST_STREAMCreates an XMLStreamReader object from the message.
URIMappingInterceptorUNMARSHALHandles the processing of HTTP GET methods.
SwAInInterceptorPRE_INVOKECreates the required MIME handlers for binary SOAP attachments and adds the data to the parameter list.
Table B.7, “Outbound SOAP interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's outbound message chain when using the SOAP Binding.
Table B.7. Outbound SOAP interceptors
RPCOutInterceptorMARSHALMarshals rpc style messages for transmission.
SoapHeaderOutFilterInterceptorPRE_LOGICALRemoves all SOAP headers that are marked as inbound only.
SoapPreProtocolOutInterceptorPOST_LOGICALSets up the SOAP version and the SOAP action header.
AttachmentOutInterceptorPRE_STREAMSets up the attachment marshalers and the mime stuff required to process any attachments that might be in the message.
BareOutInterceptorMARSHALWrites the message parts.
StaxOutInterceptorPRE_STREAMCreates an XMLStreamWriter object from the message.
WrappedOutInterceptorMARSHALWraps the outbound message parameters.
SoapOutInterceptorWRITEWrites the soap:envelope element and the elements for the header blocks in the message. Also writes an empty soap:body element for the remaining interceptors to populate.
SwAOutInterceptorPRE_LOGICALRemoves any binary data that will be packaged as a SOAP attachment and stores it for later processing.


Table B.8, “Inbound XML interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's inbound message chain when using the XML Binding.
Table B.8. Inbound XML interceptors
AttachmentInInterceptorRECEIVEParses the mime headers for mime boundaries, finds the root part and resets the input stream to it, and then stores the other parts in a collection of Attachment objects.
DocLiteralInInterceptorUNMARSHALExamines the first element in the message body to determine the appropriate operation and then calls the data binding to read in the data.
StaxInInterceptorPOST_STREAMCreates an XMLStreamReader object from the message.
URIMappingInterceptorUNMARSHALHandles the processing of HTTP GET methods.
XMLMessageInInterceptorUNMARSHALUnmarshals the XML message.
Table B.9, “Outbound XML interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's outbound message chain when using the XML Binding.
Table B.9. Outbound XML interceptors
StaxOutInterceptorPRE_STREAMCreates an XMLStreamWriter objects from the message.
WrappedOutInterceptorMARSHALWraps the outbound message parameters.
XMLMessageOutInterceptorMARSHALMarshals the message for transmission.


Table B.10, “Inbound CORBA interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's inbound message chain when using the CORBA Binding.
Table B.10. Inbound CORBA interceptors
CorbaStreamInInterceptorPRE_STREAMDeserializes the CORBA message.
BareInInterceptorUNMARSHALDeserializes the message parts.
Table B.11, “Outbound CORBA interceptors” lists the interceptors added to a endpoint's outbound message chain when using the CORBA Binding.
Table B.11. Outbound CORBA interceptors
CorbaStreamOutInterceptorPRE_STREAMSerializes the message.
BareOutInterceptorMARSHALWrites the message parts.
CorbaStreamOutEndingInterceptorUSER_STREAMCreates a streamable object for the message and stores it in the message context.
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