
2.11. JMS Manager Service

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Table 2.385. Overview
Singleton: yes
Plugin: HornetQ

Parent Resource Types

Child Resource Types

Connection Properties



Table 2.386. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Provider Name trait The JMS Provider provider
Is Started trait The HornetQ version started


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties



Table 2.387. Metrics
Name Description
List Remote Addresses List all remote addresses connected to HornetQ.
List Remote Addresses List all remote addresses connected to HornetQ that match an ip address.
Close Connection Closes all the connections for the given IP Address.
List connections List all the connection IDs.
List sessions List the sessions for the given connectionID.
Enable Message Counters Enable Message Counters.
Disable Message Counters Disable Message Counters.
Reset All MessageCounters Reset All MessageCounters.
Reset All Message Counter Histories Reset All Message Counter Histories.

Package Types


2.11.1. JMS Connection Factory Service


Table 2.388. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: HornetQ

Parent Resource Types

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 2.389. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Name trait name of this connection factory getName
JNDI Bindings trait JNDI Bindings of this connection factory getJNDIBindings


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 2.390. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Connection Factory Name Name of the connection factory to deploy yes name
supports high availability whether or not this connection factory will support high availability. no ha
use discovery whether or not to use connectors or discovery. no useDiscovery
the type of factory the connection factory type. no cfType
Connectors to live servers comma-separated list of either connector names or a discovery group name. no liveTransportClassNames
JNDI Bindings comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if you need to use commas in your jndi name). no liveTransportParams
Client ID Client ID for connections created by this connection factory no ClientID
Dups OK Batch Size batch size (in bytes) between acknowledgements when using DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode yes DupsOKBatchSize
Transaction Batch Size batch size (in bytes) between acknowledgements when using a transacted session yes TransactionBatchSize
Client Failure Check Period period used, in milli seconds to check if a client has failed to receive pings from the server yes ClientFailureCheckPeriod
Connection TTL connection time-to-live (in milliseconds) yes ConnectionTTL
Call Timeout blocking calls timeout (in milliseconds) yes CallTimeout
Consumer Window Size window size (in bytes) used for consumer flow control yes ConsumerWindowSize
Consumer Max Rate maximum rate of message consumption (in messages per seconds), -1 means no rate set. yes ConsumerMaxRate
Confirmation Window Size size (in bytes) for the confirmation window of clients using this connection factory, -1 means no window. yes ConfirmationWindowSize
Producer Max Rate maximum rate of message production (in messages per seconds), -1 means no rate set. yes ProducerMaxRate
Producer Window Size window size (in bytes) used for producer flow control, -1 means no window. yes ProducerWindowSize
Cache Large Messages Client Whether consumers created through this factory will cache large messages in temporary files yes CacheLargeMessagesClient
Minimum Large Message Size message size threshold (in bytes) before treating messages as large messages yes MinLargeMessageSize
Block On Non Durable Send whether producers will block while sending non-durable messages or send them asynchronously yes BlockOnNonDurableSend
Block On Acknowledge whether consumers will block while sending message acknowledgements or send them asynchronously yes BlockOnAcknowledge
Block On Durable Send whether producers will block while sending persistent messages or send them asynchronously yes BlockOnDurableSend
Auto Group whether producers will automatically assign a group ID to their messages yes AutoGroup
Pre Acknowledge whether messages will pre-acknowledged on the server before they are sent to the consumers or not yes PreAcknowledge
Retry Interval interval (in milliseconds) to retry connections created by this factory after failure yes RetryInterval
Maximum Retry Interval maximum retry interval (in milliseconds) yes MaxRetryInterval
Retry Interval Multiplier multiplier to apply to successive retry intervals yes RetryIntervalMultiplier
Reconnect Attempts maximum number of attempts to retry connection in case of failure yes ReconnectAttempts
Scheduled Thread Pool Max Size maximum size of the scheduled thread pool yes ScheduledThreadPoolMaxSize
Thread Pool Max Size maximum size of the thread pool, -1 means unlimited yes ThreadPoolMaxSize
Group ID group ID that will be eventually set on each message, default is no group id. no GroupID
Initial Message Packet Size initial size (in bytes) of messages created through this factory yes InitialMessagePacketSize
Use Global Pools whether this factory will use global thread pools (shared among all the factories in the same JVM) or its own pools yes UseGlobalPools
Connection Load Balancing Policy Class Name class name of the connection load balancing policy yes ConnectionLoadBalancingPolicyClassName


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.



Package Types


2.11.2. JMS Queue Service


Table 2.391. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: HornetQ

Parent Resource Types

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 2.392. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Name trait name of this destination getName
JNDI Binding trait JNDI Binding of this destination getJNDIBindings
Address trait Address of this destination getAddress
Temporary trait If this destination is temporary isTemporary
Message Count measurement number of messages currently held in this queue awaiting delivery getMessageCount
Scheduled Message Count measurement number of scheduled messages in this queue awaiting scheduled delivery getScheduledCount
Consumer Count measurement number of consumers currently consuming messages from this queue getConsumerCount
Delivering Count measurement number of messages that this queue is currently delivering to its consumers that have not been acknowledged getDeliveringCount
Messages Added measurement number of messages added to this queue since it was initially created getMessagesAdded
Paused trait Is the queue currently paused isPaused


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 2.393. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name The name of the queue yes name
JNDI Name comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name) yes jndiBindings
Dead Letter Address The address to route messages to once the message has been delivered more than the configured number of times. This is specified by 'Max Delivery Attempts'. Default is no dead letter address no dla
Expiry Address The Address to route messages to once they have expired. Default is no Expiry Address no expiryAddress
Max Size of Address The maximum size in bytes of messages that can be delivered to this queue. -1 means no limit, if limit is set then 'Address Full Message Policy' specifies what should happen yes maxSize
Page Size The size in bytes that an address can reach before paging starts. -1 means no limit. yes pageSize
Page Cache Max Size The max number of pages in the soft memory cache. yes maxDeliveryAttempts
Max Delivery Attempts The maximum time to attempt delivery of a message to a consumer, once hit the message is routed to which ever address is specified by 'Dead Letter Address' yes maxDeliveryAttempts
Redelivery Delay The delay (in milli seconds) before re routing a message to this Address after an unsuccessful delivery attempt has occurred. default 0 means no delay yes redeliveryDelay
Last Value Queue Is this queue a last value queue. A last value queue can only ever contain a single message for each value for the message property '_HQ_LVQ_NAME'. yes lastValueQueue
Redistribution Delay How long to wait (in milli seconds) before redistributing messages to another node when clustered when a queue has no consumers. Default -1 means do not re distribute. yes redistributionDelay
Send To dead letter address on no route Whether or not messages routed to this address gets sent to dead letter address when no consumers are available yes sendToDLAOnNoRoute
Address Full Message Policy The policy to use when this Address is full. PAGE means that the message will be paged, DROP means that messages are just dropped and BLOCK means that the client will block on send until the queue clears some messages yes addressFullMessagePolicy
Roles These are the roles for this queue. The 'name' of the role, 'send' allows a producer to send a message, 'consume' allows a consumer to receive a message. yes roles


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 2.394. Metrics
Name Description
Remove Messages Remove all the messages from this queue.
List Messages list all the messages currently in this queue.
Count Messages Returns the number of the messages in the queue.
Remove Message Remove the message corresponding to the given messageID.
Expire Messages Expires messages.
Expire Message Expire the message corresponding to the given messageID.
Send Message to dead letter address Send the message corresponding to the given messageID to this queue's Dead Letter Address.
Send Messages to dead letter address Send the messages corresponding to the given filter to this queue's Dead Letter Address.
Change Message Priority Change the priority of the message corresponding to the given messageID.
Change Messages Priority Change the priority of the messages corresponding to the given filter.
Move Message Move the message corresponding to the given messageID to another queue.
Move Messages Move the messages corresponding to the given filter.
List Message Counter List the message counters for this queue. This will show statistics for the queue
Reset Message Counter Reset the message counters.
List Message Counter in HTML List the message counters in HTML.
List Message Counter History List the message counters history.
List Message Counter History in HTML List the message counters history in HTML.
Pause the Queue Pause the Queue. If the queue is paused no messages can be routed to it or consumed from it.
Restart the Queue Restart the Queue from its paused state.

Package Types


2.11.3. JMS Topic Service


Table 2.395. Overview
Singleton: no
Plugin: HornetQ

Parent Resource Types

Child Resource Types


Connection Properties



Table 2.396. Metrics
Name Type Description Internal Name
Name trait name of this destination getName
JNDI Binding trait JNDI Binding of this destination getJNDIBindings
Address trait Address of this destination getAddress
Temporary trait If this destination is temporary isTemporary
Subscription Count measurement number of (durable and non-durable) subscribers for this topic getSubscriptionCount
Durable Subscription Count measurement number of durable subscribers for this topic getDurableSubscriptionCount
Non Durable Subscription Count measurement number of non-durable subscribers for this topic getNonDurableSubscriptionCount
Message Count measurement number of messages for all subscribers for this topic getMessageCount
Durable Message Count measurement number of messages for all durable subscribers for this topic getDurableMessageCount
Non Durable Message Count measurement number of messages for all non-durable subscribers for this topic getNonDurableMessageCount


You must use the internal name to reference Traits in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.

Configuration Properties

Table 2.397. 
Name Description Required Internal Name
Name The Name of the topic to deploy yes name
JNDI Name comma-separated list of JNDI bindings (use ',' if u need to use commas in your jndi name) yes jndiBindings
Dead Letter Address The address to route messages to once the message has been delivered more than the configured number of times. This is specified by 'Max Delivery Attempts'. The default is no dead letter address no dla
Expiry Address The Address to route messages to once they have expired. The default is no expiry address no expiryAddress
Max Size of Address The maximum size in bytes of messages that can be delivered to this queue. -1 means no limit, if limit is set then 'Address Full Message Policy' specifies what should happen yes maxSize
Page Size The size in bytes an address can reach before paging occurs yes pageSize
Page Cache Max Size The max number of pages in the soft memory cache. yes maxDeliveryAttempts
Max Delivery Attempts The maximum time to attempt delivery of a message to a consumer, once hit the message is routed to which ever address is specified by 'Dead Letter Address' yes maxDeliveryAttempts
Redelivery Delay The delay (in milli seconds) before re routing a message to this Address after an unsuccessful delivery attempt has occurred. default 0 means no delay yes redeliveryDelay
Last Value Queue Is this queue a last value queue. A last value queue can only ever contain a single message for each value for the message property '_HQ_LVQ_NAME'. yes lastValueQueue
Redistribution Delay How long to wait (in milli seconds) before redistributing messages to another node when clustered when a queue has no consumers. Default -1 means do not re distribute. yes redistributionDelay
Send To dead letter address on no route Whether or not messages routed to this address gets sent to dead letter address when no consumers are available yes sendToDLAOnNoRoute
Address Full Message Policy The policy to use when this Address is full. PAGE means that the message will be paged, DROP means that messages are just dropped and BLOCK means that the client will block on send until the queue clears some messages yes addressFullMessagePolicy
Roles These are the role defined for this topic. The 'name' of the role, 'send' allows a producer to send a message, 'consume' allows a consumer or subscriber to receive a message. The create/delete (non) durable subscriber specifies whether the queue representing the subscription can be created or deleted yes roles


You must use the internal name to reference Configuration Properties in Dynamic Group Definition expressions.


Table 2.398. Metrics
Name Description
List all Subscriptions Lists all the subscriptions for this topic (both durable and non-durable).
List all Durable Dubscriptions Lists all the durable subscriptions for this topic.
List all non Durable Subscriptions Lists all the non-durable subscriptions for this topic.
List all Messages list all the messages.
List Messages for Subscription Count the number of messages matching the filter for the given subscription.
Drop Durable Subscription Drop a durable subscription.
Drop Durable Subscriptions Drop all durable subscription.

Package Types

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