
6. Log Messages

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Q: What are "Command failed to be authenticated" messages?
Q: What are "fail-safe cleanup" messages?
What are "Command failed to be authenticated" messages?
Agents are assigned security tokens when they first register with the server. The token is one way an agent identifies itself with the server. If an agent does not identify itself with any token, or if it identifies itself with a wrong token, the server will deny access to that agent. The server will therefore reject commands that come from that agent until that agent has been properly registered.
02:31:33,095 WARN  [CommandProcessor] {CommandProcessor.failed-authentication}
Command failed to be authenticated! This command will be ignored and not processed:
Command: type=[identify]; cmd-in-response=[false]; config=[{}]; params=[null]
Failure to authenticate errors usually mean the agent has been misconfigured, or it is an unknown agent attempting to identify itself as another agent. Restart your agent with the --cleanconfig command line option to clean out its configuration and re-register.


Do not rely on the security token mechanism as a way of protecting your JBoss ON environment from intrusion. Configure SSL for agent-server communications.
What are "fail-safe cleanup" messages?
These messages can be ignored. These relate to the Hibernate services used by JBoss ON and how it automatically cleans up after itself to prevent memory leaks.
13:43:10,781 WARN [LoadContexts] fail-safe cleanup (collections) : 
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