4.3. Enhancements
Storage Node
- BZ#1074633 - RFE: Manage storage node snapshots
Snapshots are generated weekly during scheduled maintenance, and when nodes are (un)deployed. A snapshot consists of hard links to SSTable files, which in themselves consume very little disk space.
When an SSTable was deleted during compaction, space was not reclaimed if the SSTable was included in a snapshot. This behavior caused SSTable data to build-up over time to unacceptable levels. This issue revealed that there was no mechanism to manage snapshots through the UI.
Multiples fixes are now included in the product. To address issues with servers running out of disk space on storage nodes, snapshots are no longer part of the weekly scheduled job, and are disabled by default. When enabled, snapshots can now be copied to a different location with more available storage space. Server-side capability now exists to manage snapshots for the storage cluster. System settings have been introduced, which can be updated through the Storage Administration pages. Users can also enable and disable snapshot management of storage clusters, and set cron expressions to run management tasks regularly.
- BZ#1115725 - Operation history continues to grow unbound with no easy way to purge old history
It is now possible to purge operation history to provide better database performance and reduce table space issues. This feature adds an operation history purge to the data purge job. A new system setting called "Delete Operation History Older Than" is added to Administration > Configuration > System Settings >> Data Manager Configuration Properties. The default for this system setting is 0 days, which means disabled. The db-upgrade adds the new system setting (also set to disabled) to prevent upgrades from automatically forcing an unexpected purge of operation history. Auto-purge and retention configuration was available for alert history and history. However operation history was excluded from these operations. The existing option of going into each resource individually to track down operation history was unacceptable. Customers can now better manage operation history in JBoss ON.
- BZ#1069165 - Add support for Oracle 12c
JBoss ON now also supports Oracle 12c as a backend database. Oracle 11c is becoming end of life.
Launch Scripts
- BZ#1061311 - rhqctl contains user modifiable values that result in an unsupported rhqctl script
The way documentation was worded in the rhqctl script suggested that environment variables could be modified directly in the script, rather than in a sourced file. Users who modified the script directly could have lost their changes if this script was updated in subsequent product releases. The script now adds support for a /bin/rhq-server-env.sh|bat file. The file is not mandatory, and is sourced by the tool only if it is present. The rhqctl script also includes error handling relating to this file to verify whether environment variables are required but not supplied by the user. The improved features of rhqctl remove any confusion about where to specify environment variables.