
1.4. http://localhost:7080/rest/content : Content related

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This endpoint deals with content (upload)

Defining class:

Produces: application/json, application/xml


  • POST /content/fresh


    Upload content to the server. This will return a handle that can be used later to retrieve and further process the content
    NameP.TypeDescriptionRequiredTypeAllowed valuesDefault value
    -body- An application/octet-stream to be stored. true -all- -none-

    Return type:

  • GET /content/{handle}/info


    Retrieve the length of the content with the passed handle
    NameP.TypeDescriptionRequiredTypeAllowed valuesDefault value
    handle Path none String -all- -none-

    Return type: IntegerValue

  • PUT /content/{handle}/plugins


    Put the uploaded content into the plugin drop box.


    This endpoint allows to deploy previously uploaded content as a plugin. You need to provide a valid plugin (file) name in order for the plugin processing to succeed. Optionally you can request that a plugin scan will be started and the plugin be registered in the system. You can also specify a delay in milliseconds after which the plugin will be automatically pushed out to the agents.Note that a non-negative "pushOutDelay" only makes sense when the "scan" is set to true, otherwise no update on the agents can occur because there will be no updated plugins on the server. If a non-negative "pushOutDelay" is given together with "scan" set to false a 406 error is returned.The content identified by the handle is not removed. Note that this method is deprecated - use a PUT to /plugins.

    NameP.TypeDescriptionRequiredTypeAllowed valuesDefault value
    handle Path Name of the handle retrieved from upload true String all
    name Query Name of the plugin file false String all
    scan Query Should a discovery scan be started? false boolean all false
    pushOutDelay Query The delay in milliseconds before the agents update their plugins. Any negative value disables the automatic update of agents false long all -1

    Return type:

    Error codes:
    406 No name provided or invalid combination of parameters supplied
    404 No content for handle found
    403 Caller has not rights to upload plugins
  • DELETE /content/{handle}


    Remove the content with the passed handle


    This operation is by default idempotent, returning 204.If you want to check if the content existed at all, you need to pass the 'validate' query parameter.

    NameP.TypeDescriptionRequiredTypeAllowed valuesDefault value
    handle Path none String -all- -none-
    validate Query Validate if the content exists false boolean all false

    Return type:

    Error codes:
    204 Content was deleted or did not exist with validation not set
    404 Content did not exist and validate was set
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