
Chapter 13. Enabling the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation console plugin

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The Data Foundation console plugin is enabled by default. In case, this option was unchecked during OpenShift Data Foundation Operator installation, use the following instructions to enable the console plugin post-deployment either from the graphical user interface (GUI) or command-line interface.


  • You have administrative access to the OpenShift Web Console.
  • OpenShift Data Foundation Operator is installed and running in the openshift-storage namespace.


From user interface
  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click Operators Installed Operators to view all the installed operators.
  2. Ensure that the Project selected is openshift-storage.
  3. Click on the OpenShift Data Foundation operator.
  4. Enable the console plugin option.

    1. In the Details tab, click the pencil icon under the Console plugin.
    2. Select Enable, and click Save.
From command-line interface
  • Execute the following command to enable the console plugin option:

    $ oc patch console.operator cluster -n openshift-storage --type json -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/plugins", "value": ["odf-console"]}]'

Verification steps

  • After the console plugin option is enabled, a pop-up with a message, Web console update is available appears on the GUI. Click Refresh web console from this pop-up for the console changes to reflect.

    • In the Web Console, navigate to Storage and verify if Data Foundation is available.
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