
Chapter 57. port

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This chapter describes the commands under the port command.

57.1. port create

Create a new port


openstack port create [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                             [-c COLUMN] [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                             [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                             [--print-empty] --network <network>
                             [--description <description>]
                             [--device <device-id>]
                             [--mac-address <mac-address>]
                             [--device-owner <device-owner>]
                             [--vnic-type <vnic-type>] [--host <host-id>]
                             [--dns-domain dns-domain] [--dns-name <dns-name>]
                             [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address> | --no-fixed-ip]
                             [--binding-profile <binding-profile>]
                             [--enable | --disable]
                             [--enable-uplink-status-propagation | --disable-uplink-status-propagation]
                             [--project <project>]
                             [--project-domain <project-domain>]
                             [--extra-dhcp-option name=<name>[,value=<value>,ip-version={4,6}]]
                             [--security-group <security-group> | --no-security-group]
                             [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
                             [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
                             [--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]]
                             [--tag <tag> | --no-tag]

Table 57.1. Positional arguments


Name of this port

Table 57.2. Command arguments

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

--network <network>

Network this port belongs to (name or id)

--description <description>

Description of this port

--device <device-id>

Port device id

--mac-address <mac-address>

Mac address of this port (admin only)

--device-owner <device-owner>

Device owner of this port. this is the entity that uses the port (for example, network:dhcp).

--vnic-type <vnic-type>

Vnic type for this port (direct | direct-physical | macvtap | normal | baremetal | virtio-forwarder, default: normal)

--host <host-id>

Allocate port on host <host-id> (id only)

--dns-domain dns-domain

Set dns domain to this port (requires dns_domain extension for ports)

--dns-name <dns-name>

Set dns name for this port (requires dns integration extension)

--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>

Desired ip and/or subnet for this port (name or id): subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address> (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)


No ip or subnet for this port.

--binding-profile <binding-profile>

Custom data to be passed as binding:profile. data may be passed as <key>=<value> or JSON. (repeat option to set multiple binding:profile data)


Enable port (default)


Disable port


Enable uplink status propagate


Disable uplink status propagate (default)

--project <project>

Owner’s project (name or id)

--project-domain <project-domain>

Domain the project belongs to (name or id). this can be used in case collisions between project names exist.

--extra-dhcp-option name=<name>[,value=<value>,ip-version={4,6}]

Extra dhcp options to be assigned to this port: name=<name>[,value=<value>,ip-version={4,6}] (repeat option to set multiple extra DHCP options)

--security-group <security-group>

Security group to associate with this port (name or ID) (repeat option to set multiple security groups)


Associate no security groups with this port

--qos-policy <qos-policy>

Attach qos policy to this port (name or id)


Enable port security for this port (default)


Disable port security for this port

--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]

Add allowed-address pair associated with this port: ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>] (repeat option to set multiple allowed-address pairs)

--tag <tag>

Tag to be added to the port (repeat option to set multiple tags)


No tags associated with the port

Table 57.3. Output formatter options

-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}, --format {json,shell,table,value,yaml}

The output format, defaults to table

-c COLUMN, --column COLUMN

Specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated

Table 57.4. JSON formatter options


Whether to disable indenting the json

Table 57.5. Shell formatter options

--prefix PREFIX

Add a prefix to all variable names

Table 57.6. Table formatter options

--max-width <integer>

Maximum display width, <1 to disable. you can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.


Fit the table to the display width. implied if --max- width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable


Print empty table if there is no data to show.

57.2. port delete

Delete port(s)


openstack port delete [-h] <port> [<port> ...]

Table 57.7. Positional arguments


Port(s) to delete (name or id)

Table 57.8. Command arguments

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

57.3. port list

List ports


openstack port list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                           [--noindent] [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]
                           [--print-empty] [--sort-column SORT_COLUMN]
                           [--device-owner <device-owner>]
                           [--network <network>]
                           [--router <router> | --server <server> | --device-id <device-id>]
                           [--mac-address <mac-address>] [--long]
                           [--project <project>]
                           [--project-domain <project-domain>]
                           [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>,ip-substring=<ip-substring>]
                           [--tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
                           [--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
                           [--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]
                           [--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,...]]

Table 57.9. Command arguments

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

--device-owner <device-owner>

List only ports with the specified device owner. this is the entity that uses the port (for example, network:dhcp).

--network <network>

List only ports connected to this network (name or id)

--router <router>

List only ports attached to this router (name or id)

--server <server>

List only ports attached to this server (name or id)

--device-id <device-id>

List only ports with the specified device id

--mac-address <mac-address>

List only ports with this mac address


List additional fields in output

--project <project>

List ports according to their project (name or id)

--project-domain <project-domain>

Domain the project belongs to (name or id). this can be used in case collisions between project names exist.

--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>,ip-substring=<ip-substring>

Desired ip and/or subnet for filtering ports (name or ID): subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>,ip- substring=<ip-substring> (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)

--tags <tag>[,<tag>,…​]

List ports which have all given tag(s) (comma- separated list of tags)

--any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,…​]

List ports which have any given tag(s) (comma- separated list of tags)

--not-tags <tag>[,<tag>,…​]

Exclude ports which have all given tag(s) (comma- separated list of tags)

--not-any-tags <tag>[,<tag>,…​]

Exclude ports which have any given tag(s) (comma- separated list of tags)

Table 57.10. Output formatter options

-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}, --format {csv,json,table,value,yaml}

The output format, defaults to table

-c COLUMN, --column COLUMN

Specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated

--sort-column SORT_COLUMN

Specify the column(s) to sort the data (columns specified first have a priority, non-existing columns are ignored), can be repeated

Table 57.11. CSV formatter options

--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}

When to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric

Table 57.12. JSON formatter options


Whether to disable indenting the json

Table 57.13. Table formatter options

--max-width <integer>

Maximum display width, <1 to disable. you can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.


Fit the table to the display width. implied if --max- width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable


Print empty table if there is no data to show.

57.4. port set

Set port properties


openstack port set [-h] [--description <description>]
                          [--device <device-id>] [--mac-address <mac-address>]
                          [--device-owner <device-owner>]
                          [--vnic-type <vnic-type>] [--host <host-id>]
                          [--dns-domain dns-domain] [--dns-name <dns-name>]
                          [--enable | --disable] [--name <name>]
                          [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>]
                          [--binding-profile <binding-profile>]
                          [--no-binding-profile] [--qos-policy <qos-policy>]
                          [--security-group <security-group>]
                          [--enable-port-security | --disable-port-security]
                          [--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]]
                          [--data-plane-status <status>] [--tag <tag>]

Table 57.14. Positional arguments


Port to modify (name or id)

Table 57.15. Command arguments

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

--description <description>

Description of this port

--device <device-id>

Port device id

--mac-address <mac-address>

Mac address of this port (admin only)

--device-owner <device-owner>

Device owner of this port. this is the entity that uses the port (for example, network:dhcp).

--vnic-type <vnic-type>

Vnic type for this port (direct | direct-physical | macvtap | normal | baremetal | virtio-forwarder, default: normal)

--host <host-id>

Allocate port on host <host-id> (id only)

--dns-domain dns-domain

Set dns domain to this port (requires dns_domain extension for ports)

--dns-name <dns-name>

Set dns name for this port (requires dns integration extension)


Enable port


Disable port

--name <name>

Set port name

--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>

Desired ip and/or subnet for this port (name or id): subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address> (repeat option to set multiple fixed IP addresses)


Clear existing information of fixed ip addresses.Specify both --fixed-ip and --no-fixed-ip to overwrite the current fixed IP addresses.

--binding-profile <binding-profile>

Custom data to be passed as binding:profile. data may be passed as <key>=<value> or JSON. (repeat option to set multiple binding:profile data)


Clear existing information of binding:profile. specify both --binding-profile and --no-binding-profile to overwrite the current binding:profile information.

--qos-policy <qos-policy>

Attach qos policy to this port (name or id)

--security-group <security-group>

Security group to associate with this port (name or ID) (repeat option to set multiple security groups)


Clear existing security groups associated with this port


Enable port security for this port


Disable port security for this port

--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]

Add allowed-address pair associated with this port: ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>] (repeat option to set multiple allowed-address pairs)


Clear existing allowed-address pairs associated with this port. (Specify both --allowed-address and --no- allowed-address to overwrite the current allowed- address pairs)

--data-plane-status <status>

Set data plane status of this port (active | down). Unset it to None with the port unset command (requires data plane status extension)

--tag <tag>

Tag to be added to the port (repeat option to set multiple tags)


Clear tags associated with the port. specify both --tag and --no-tag to overwrite current tags

57.5. port show

Display port details


openstack port show [-h] [-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                           [--max-width <integer>] [--fit-width]

Table 57.16. Positional arguments


Port to display (name or id)

Table 57.17. Command arguments

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

Table 57.18. Output formatter options

-f {json,shell,table,value,yaml}, --format {json,shell,table,value,yaml}

The output format, defaults to table

-c COLUMN, --column COLUMN

Specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated

Table 57.19. JSON formatter options


Whether to disable indenting the json

Table 57.20. Shell formatter options

--prefix PREFIX

Add a prefix to all variable names

Table 57.21. Table formatter options

--max-width <integer>

Maximum display width, <1 to disable. you can also use the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the parameter takes precedence.


Fit the table to the display width. implied if --max- width greater than 0. Set the environment variable CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 to always enable


Print empty table if there is no data to show.

57.6. port unset

Unset port properties


openstack port unset [-h]
                            [--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>]
                            [--binding-profile <binding-profile-key>]
                            [--security-group <security-group>]
                            [--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]]
                            [--qos-policy] [--data-plane-status]
                            [--tag <tag> | --all-tag]

Table 57.22. Positional arguments


Port to modify (name or id)

Table 57.23. Command arguments

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

--fixed-ip subnet=<subnet>,ip-address=<ip-address>

Desired ip and/or subnet which should be removed from this port (name or ID): subnet=<subnet>,ip- address=<ip-address> (repeat option to unset multiple fixed IP addresses)

--binding-profile <binding-profile-key>

Desired key which should be removed from binding:profile (repeat option to unset multiple binding:profile data)

--security-group <security-group>

Security group which should be removed this port (name or ID) (repeat option to unset multiple security groups)

--allowed-address ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac-address=<mac-address>]

Desired allowed-address pair which should be removed from this port: ip-address=<ip-address>[,mac- address=<mac-address>] (repeat option to unset multiple allowed-address pairs)


Remove the qos policy attached to the port


Clear existing information of data plane status

--tag <tag>

Tag to be removed from the port (repeat option to remove multiple tags)


Clear all tags associated with the port

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