
Chapter 4. Customizing the Storage service

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The heat template collection provided by the director already contains the necessary templates and environment files to enable a basic Ceph Storage configuration.

Director uses the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml environment file to create a Ceph cluster and integrate it with your overcloud during deployment. This cluster features containerized Ceph Storage nodes. For more information about containerized services in OpenStack, see Configuring a basic overcloud with the CLI tools in the Director Installation and Usage guide.

The Red Hat OpenStack director also applies basic, default settings to the deployed Ceph cluster. You must also define any additional configuration in a custom environment file:


  1. Create the file storage-config.yaml in /home/stack/templates/. In this example, the ~/templates/storage-config.yaml file contains most of the overcloud-related custom settings for your environment. Parameters that you include in the custom environment file override the corresponding default settings from the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml file.
  2. Add a parameter_defaults section to ~/templates/storage-config.yaml. This section contains custom settings for your overcloud. For example, to set vxlan as the network type of the networking service (neutron), add the following snippet to your custom environment file:

      NeutronNetworkType: vxlan
  3. If necessary, set the following options under parameter_defaults according to your requirements:

    OptionDescriptionDefault value


    Enables the iSCSI backend



    Enables the Ceph Storage back end



    Sets ceph or swift as the back end for volume backups. For more information, see Section 4.4, “Configuring the Backup Service to use Ceph”.



    Enables Ceph Storage for Nova ephemeral storage



    Defines which back end the Image service should use: rbd (Ceph), swift, or file



    Defines which back end the Telemetry service should use: rbd (Ceph), swift, or file



    You can omit an option from ~/templates/storage-config.yaml if you intend to use the default setting.

The contents of your custom environment file change depending on the settings that you apply in the following sections. See Appendix A, Sample environment file: creating a Ceph Storage cluster for a completed example.

The following subsections contain information about overriding the common default storage service settings that the director applies.

4.1. Enabling the Ceph Metadata Server

The Ceph Metadata Server (MDS) runs the ceph-mds daemon, which manages metadata related to files stored on CephFS. CephFS can be consumed through NFS. For more information about using CephFS through NFS, see File System Guide and CephFS via NFS Back End Guide for the Shared File Systems service.


Red Hat supports deploying Ceph MDS only with the CephFS through NFS back end for the Shared File Systems service.


To enable the Ceph Metadata Server, invoke the following environment file when you create your overcloud:

  • /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-mds.yaml

For more information, see Section 7.2, “Initiating overcloud deployment”. For more information about the Ceph Metadata Server, see Configuring Metadata Server Daemons.


By default, the Ceph Metadata Server will be deployed on the Controller node. You can deploy the Ceph Metadata Server on its own dedicated node. For more information, see Section 3.3, “Creating a custom role and flavor for the Ceph MDS service”.

4.2. Enabling the Ceph Object Gateway

The Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) provides applications with an interface to object storage capabilities within a Ceph Storage cluster. When you deploy RGW, you can replace the default Object Storage service (swift) with Ceph. For more information, see Object Gateway Configuration and Administration Guide.


To enable RGW in your deployment, invoke the following environment file when you create the overcloud:

  • /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-rgw.yaml

For more information, see Section 7.2, “Initiating overcloud deployment”.

By default, Ceph Storage allows 250 placement groups per OSD. When you enable RGW, Ceph Storage creates six additional pools that are required by RGW. The new pools are:

  • .rgw.root
  • default.rgw.control
  • default.rgw.meta
  • default.rgw.log
  • default.rgw.buckets.index

In your deployment, default is replaced with the name of the zone to which the pools belong.

Therefore, when you enable RGW, set the default pg_num by using the CephPoolDefaultPgNum parameter to account for the new pools. For more information about how to calculate the number of placement groups for Ceph pools, see Section 5.4, “Assigning custom attributes to different Ceph pools”.

The Ceph Object Gateway is a direct replacement for the default Object Storage service. As such, all other services that normally use swift can seamlessly use the Ceph Object Gateway instead without further configuration. For more information, see the Block Storage Backup Guide.

4.3. Configuring Ceph Object Store to use external Ceph Object Gateway

Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) director supports configuring an external Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) as an Object Store service. To authenticate with the external RGW service, you must configure RGW to verify users and their roles in the Identity service (keystone).

For more information about how to configure an external Ceph Object Gateway, see Configuring the Ceph Object Gateway to use Keystone authentication in the Using Keystone with the Ceph Object Gateway Guide.


  1. Add the following parameter_defaults to a custom environment file, for example, swift-external-params.yaml, and adjust the values to suit your deployment:

       ExternalSwiftPublicUrl: 'http://<Public RGW endpoint or loadbalancer>:8080/swift/v1/AUTH_%(project_id)s'
       ExternalSwiftInternalUrl: 'http://<Internal RGW endpoint>:8080/swift/v1/AUTH_%(project_id)s'
       ExternalSwiftAdminUrl: 'http://<Admin RGW endpoint>:8080/swift/v1/AUTH_%(project_id)s'
       ExternalSwiftUserTenant: 'service'
       SwiftPassword: 'choose_a_random_password'

    The example code snippet contains parameter values that might differ from values that you use in your environment:

    • The default port where the remote RGW instance listens is 8080. The port might be different depending on how the external RGW is configured.
    • The swift user created in the overcloud uses the password defined by the SwiftPassword parameter. You must configure the external RGW instance to use the same password to authenticate with the Identity service by using the rgw_keystone_admin_password.
  2. Add the following code to the Ceph config file to configure RGW to use the Identity service. Replace the variable values to suit your environment:

        rgw_keystone_api_version = 3
        rgw_keystone_url = http://<public Keystone endpoint>:5000/
        rgw_keystone_accepted_roles = member, Member, admin
        rgw_keystone_accepted_admin_roles = ResellerAdmin, swiftoperator
        rgw_keystone_admin_domain = default
        rgw_keystone_admin_project = service
        rgw_keystone_admin_user = swift
        rgw_keystone_admin_password = <password_as_defined_in_the_environment_parameters>
        rgw_keystone_implicit_tenants = true
        rgw_keystone_revocation_interval = 0
        rgw_s3_auth_use_keystone = true
        rgw_swift_versioning_enabled = true
        rgw_swift_account_in_url = true

    Director creates the following roles and users in the Identity service by default:

    • rgw_keystone_accepted_admin_roles: ResellerAdmin, swiftoperator
    • rgw_keystone_admin_domain: default
    • rgw_keystone_admin_project: service
    • rgw_keystone_admin_user: swift
  3. Deploy the overcloud with the additional environment files with any other environment files that are relevant to your deployment:

    openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e <your_environment_files>
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/swift-external.yaml
    -e swift-external-params.yaml


  1. Log in to the undercloud as the stack user.
  2. Source the overcloudrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Verify that the endpoints exist in the Identity service (keystone):

    $ openstack endpoint list --service object-store
    | ID | Region    | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL |
    | 233b7ea32aaf40c1ad782c696128aa0e | regionOne | swift | object-store | True    | admin     | |
    | 4ccde35ac76444d7bb82c5816a97abd8 | regionOne | swift | object-store | True    | public    | |
    | b4ff283f445348639864f560aa2b2b41 | regionOne | swift | object-store | True    | internal  | |
  4. Create a test container:

    $ openstack container create <testcontainer>
    | account | container | x-trans-id |
    | AUTH_2852da3cf2fc490081114c434d1fc157 | testcontainer | tx6f5253e710a2449b8ef7e-005f2d29e8 |
  5. Create a configuration file to confirm that you can upload data to the container:

    $ openstack object create testcontainer undercloud.conf
    | object          | container     | etag                             |
    | undercloud.conf | testcontainer | 09fcffe126cac1dbac7b89b8fd7a3e4b |
  6. Delete the test container:

    $ openstack container delete -r <testcontainer>

4.4. Configuring the Backup Service to use Ceph

The Block Storage Backup service (cinder-backup) is disabled by default. To enable the Block Storage Backup service, complete the following steps:


Invoke the following environment file when you create your overcloud:

  • /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/cinder-backup.yaml

4.5. Configuring multiple bonded interfaces for Ceph nodes

Use a bonded interface to combine multiple NICs and add redundancy to a network connection. If you have enough NICs on your Ceph nodes, you can create multiple bonded interfaces on each node to expand redundancy capability.

You can then use a bonded interface for each network connection that the node requires. This provides both redundancy and a dedicated connection for each network.

The simplest implementation of bonded interfaces involves the use of two bonds, one for each storage network used by the Ceph nodes. These networks are the following:

Front-end storage network (StorageNet)
The Ceph client uses this network to interact with the corresponding Ceph cluster.
Back-end storage network (StorageMgmtNet)
The Ceph cluster uses this network to balance data in accordance with the placement group policy of the cluster. For more information, see Placement Groups (PG) in the in the Red Hat Ceph Architecture Guide.

To configure multiple bonded interfaces, you must create a new network interface template, as the director does not provide any sample templates that you can use to deploy multiple bonded NICs. However, the director does provide a template that deploys a single bonded interface. This template is /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/bond-with-vlans/ceph-storage.yaml. You can define an additional bonded interface for your additional NICs in this template.


For more information about creating custom interface templates, Creating Custom Interface Templates in the Advanced Overcloud Customization guide.

The following snippet contains the default definition for the single bonded interface defined in the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/bond-with-vlans/ceph-storage.yaml file:

  type: ovs_bridge // 1
  name: br-bond
      type: ovs_bond // 2
      name: bond1 // 3
      ovs_options: {get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions} 4
      members: // 5
          type: interface
          name: nic2
          primary: true
          type: interface
          name: nic3
      type: vlan // 6
      device: bond1 // 7
      vlan_id: {get_param: StorageNetworkVlanID}
          ip_netmask: {get_param: StorageIpSubnet}
      type: vlan
      device: bond1
      vlan_id: {get_param: StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID}
          ip_netmask: {get_param: StorageMgmtIpSubnet}
A single bridge named br-bond holds the bond defined in this template. This line defines the bridge type, namely OVS.
The first member of the br-bond bridge is the bonded interface itself, named bond1. This line defines the bond type of bond1, which is also OVS.
The default bond is named bond1.
The ovs_options entry instructs director to use a specific set of bonding module directives. Those directives are passed through the BondInterfaceOvsOptions, which you can also configure in this file. For more information about configuring bonding module directives, see Section 4.5.1, “Configuring bonding module directives”.
The members section of the bond defines which network interfaces are bonded by bond1. In this example, the bonded interface uses nic2 (set as the primary interface) and nic3.
The br-bond bridge has two other members: a VLAN for both front-end (StorageNetwork) and back-end (StorageMgmtNetwork) storage networks.
The device parameter defines which device a VLAN should use. In this example, both VLANs use the bonded interface, bond1.

With at least two more NICs, you can define an additional bridge and bonded interface. Then, you can move one of the VLANs to the new bonded interface, which increases throughput and reliability for both storage network connections.

When you customize the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/bond-with-vlans/ceph-storage.yaml file for this purpose, Red Hat recommends that you use Linux bonds (type: linux_bond ) instead of the default OVS (type: ovs_bond). This bond type is more suitable for enterprise production deployments.

The following edited snippet defines an additional OVS bridge (br-bond2) which houses a new Linux bond named bond2. The bond2 interface uses two additional NICs, nic4 and nic5, and is used solely for back-end storage network traffic:

  type: ovs_bridge
  name: br-bond
      type: linux_bond
      name: bond1
      bonding_options: {get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions} // 1
          type: interface
          name: nic2
          primary: true
          type: interface
          name: nic3
      type: vlan
      device: bond1
      vlan_id: {get_param: StorageNetworkVlanID}
          ip_netmask: {get_param: StorageIpSubnet}
  type: ovs_bridge
  name: br-bond2
      type: linux_bond
      name: bond2
      bonding_options: {get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions}
          type: interface
          name: nic4
          primary: true
          type: interface
          name: nic5
      type: vlan
      device: bond1
      vlan_id: {get_param: StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID}
          ip_netmask: {get_param: StorageMgmtIpSubnet}
As bond1 and bond2 are both Linux bonds (instead of OVS), they use bonding_options instead of ovs_options to set bonding directives. For more information, see Section 4.5.1, “Configuring bonding module directives”.

For the full contents of this customized template, see Appendix B, Sample custom interface template: multiple bonded interfaces.

4.5.1. Configuring bonding module directives

After you add and configure the bonded interfaces, use the BondInterfaceOvsOptions parameter to set the directives that you want each bonded interface to use. You can find this information in the parameters: section of the /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/bond-with-vlans/ceph-storage.yaml file. The following snippet shows the default definition of this parameter (namely, empty):

    default: ''
    description: The ovs_options string for the bond interface. Set
                 things like lacp=active and/or bond_mode=balance-slb
                 using this option.
    type: string

Define the options you need in the default: line. For example, to use 802.3ad (mode 4) and a LACP rate of 1 (fast), use 'mode=4 lacp_rate=1':

    default: 'mode=4 lacp_rate=1'
    description: The bonding_options string for the bond interface. Set
                 things like lacp=active and/or bond_mode=balance-slb
                 using this option.
    type: string

For more information about other supported bonding options, see Open vSwitch Bonding Options in the Advanced Overcloud Optimization guide. For the full contents of the customized /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/bond-with-vlans/ceph-storage.yaml template, see Appendix B, Sample custom interface template: multiple bonded interfaces.

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