
Chapter 4. Technical notes

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This chapter supplements the information contained in the text of Red Hat OpenStack Platform "Train" errata advisories released through the Content Delivery Network.

4.1. RHBA-2023:1763 — Release of components for OSP 16.2.5

Changes to the openstack-aodh component:

  • Before this update, the Alarming service (aodh) used a deprecated Gnocchi API to aggregate metrics, which sometimes caused Gnocchi to display incorrect CPU use values. With this update, Gnocchi displays the correct metrics by performing calculation, transformation, and aggregation of metrics dynamically. (BZ#2133030)

Changes to the openstack-cinder component:

  • Before this update, the Block Storage service PowerMax driver failed to properly handle volume snapshots based on the PowerMax legacy snapshot identification method of a generation number. This caused the failure of attempts to manage a snapshot identified by a generation number. With this update, the PowerMax driver properly handles and manages snapshots identified by a generation number. (BZ#2172897)
  • Before this update, the pure_iscsi_cidr parameter of the Block Storage service (cinder) PureISCSIDriver did not support IPv6 addresses. With this update, the pure_iscsi_cidr parameter of the Block Storage service PureISCSIDriver supports IPv6 addresses and this driver provides a new parameter called pure_iscsi_cidr_list, which supports a list of networks. (BZ#2142282) Changes to the openstack-heat component:
  • Before this update, a change in the auth_encryption_key parameter caused an inability to delete existing Heat stacks. With this update, Heat allows for changes in the auth_encryption_key parameter when deleting existing Heat stacks. Heat ignores objects that cannot be decrypted when deleting Heat stacks. (BZ#2142684)

Changes to the openstack-octavia component:

  • Before this update, inadequate TCP buffer sizes resulted in out of memory warnings for TCP in amphora. The smaller TCP buffer size had a potential negative impact on TCP flows with large payloads. This update increases the size of the TCP buffers in amphora, improving the reliability of the TCP connections. This resolves the issue. (BZ#2151893)
  • Before this update, a race condition occurred in Octavia that might have caused load balancers that use the OVN provider to become stuck in PENDING DELETE under certain conditions. This caused the load balancer to be immutable and unable to update. With this update, the race condition is fixed to resolve the issue. (BZ#2165032)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates component:

  • Before this update, the multipath daemon running in a container did not detect changes in the underlying multipath devices on the host. This resulted in failure of Block Storage operations such as resizing an online volume. With this update, the container running the multipath daemon is kept synchronized with multipath devices on the host so that Block Storage operations on multipath volumes function correctly. (BZ#2165494)
  • With this update, operators have the ability to configure the number of metadata agent workers using the NeutronMetadataWorkers parameter in the THT. Each OVN metadata agent worker creates a connection to the OVN southbound database. For optimal scaling, it is good practice to set the worker count to 1 to avoid overloading the database. (BZ#2154361)
  • Before this update, an issue caused glance_api cron jobs from being triggered. With this update, the issue is resolved. (BZ#2155987)

Changes to the puppet-tripleo component:

  • Before this update, customized Heat policy rules were not applied to the heat-engine service. This omission caused some of the customized Heat policy rules defined by the HeatApiPolicies paramter to be ignored. With this update, director now generates the customized policy file for all Heat services, including heat-api, heat-api-cfn, and heat-engine. All customized Heat policy rules are now applied. This resolves the issue. (BZ#2113819)

Changes to the tripleo-ansible component:

  • Before this update, deploying Block Storage multipath with a custom configuration containing a "blacklist_exceptions" section failed due to an error in the multipath configuration. With this update, custom multipath configurations are handled correctly and therefore Block Storage multipath can be deployed with a custom configuration containing a "blacklist_exceptions" section. (BZ#2159555)
  • Before this update, endpoints of disabled telemetry services were not cleaned up after an upgrade. This omission did not impact the cloud. With this update, upgrades delete obsolete telemetry endpoints. (BZ#1876045) Changes to the documentation component:
  • The technology preview support added in RHOSP 16.1 for configuring NVDIMM Compute nodes to provide persistent memory for instances has been deprecated in RHOSP 16.2.5, and will be removed in RHOSP 17.0. Red Hat is removing support for persistent memory from RHOSP 17.0 and future releases in response to the announcement by the Intel Corporation on July 28, 2022 that they are discontinuing investment in their Intel® Optane™ business:

    Cloud operators must ensure that no instances use the vPMEM feature before upgrading to 17.1. (BZ#2187380)

4.2. RHBA-2022:8794 — Release of components for OSP 16.2.4

Changes to the openstack-cinder component:

  • Before this update, a race condition occurred when the Compute service (nova) requested that the Block Storage service (cinder) detach a volume and then an external request was made to delete this same volume. This could result in the volume being deleted first before it was detached, which prevented the Compute service from removing this non-existent volume. With this update, if the Compute service requests that the Block Storage service detach a volume and then an external request is made to delete this same volume, this volume is always detached first and then it is deleted. (BZ#2057002)
  • This update fixes the following PowerMax Block Storage (cinder) driver issues:

    • Before this update, the PowerMax Block Storage driver deleted all non-temporary snapshots during the do_sync_check operation. This update adds a check to determine if a snapshot must be deleted. This ensures that the do_sync_check operation does not indiscriminately delete non-temporary snapshots.
    • Before this update, the PowerMax Block Storage driver used case-sensitive conditions which could return errors when modifying the storage group. With this update, these conditions are case-insensitive and storage groups can be modified successfully. (BZ#2126616)
  • This update fixes a bug that deleted the existing Block Storage (cinder) backup record when a backup record was imported for an existing backup_id. (BZ#2131386)

Changes to the openstack-ironic-python-agent component:

  • Deploying RHEL 8.6 images in UEFI mode failed when using the ironic-python-agent, because the ironic-python-agent service did not understand the RHEL 8.6 UEFI boot loader hint file. With this update, you can now deploy RHEL 8.6 in UEFI mode. (BZ#2134529)

Changes to the openstack-nova component:

  • This RHOSP 16.2.4 update makes it possible for you to correct a libvirt version incompatibility before updating to RHOSP 16.2.4. If you have the incompatibility issue and do not addresss it before updating to RHOSP 16.2.4, the update might leave instances in an unmanageable state.

    Before updating to 16.2.4, see the KCS article Workaround for a libvirt version-compat issue (bug 2109350) when updating RHOSP 16.2.0.

    Perform the steps in the article to determine whether your update path is affected by the libvirt incompatibility issue. If it is affected, perform the steps to resolve the issue. (BZ#2109350)

Changes to the openstack-octavia component:

  • Before this update, VM instances (amphorae) for the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Load-balancing service (octavia) could experience performance issues when a lot of connections filled the network connection tracking (conntrack) table. The cause for this was that conntrack was enabled for all packet types, including TCP, which does not require conntrack. In RHOSP 16.2.4, amphora performance has improved, because conntrack is disabled for TCP packets and is only enabled for UDP and SCTP packets. (BZ#2123226)
  • Before this update, an SELinux issue triggered errors with Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Load-balancing service (octavia) ICMP health monitors that used the amphora provider driver. In RHOSP 16.2.4, this issue has been fixed and ICMP health monitors function properly. (BZ#2123318)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-common component:

  • RHSA-2022:6969 introduced the process to clean up files in the /var/lib/mistral directory in the undercloud but the process consistently failed when the Load-balancing service (octavia) or Red Hat Ceph Storage was enabled because these services created additional directories, which the cleanup process could not properly remove. Some deployment actions, such as scale out, consistently failed if the Load-balancing service or Ceph Storage was enabled. With this update, Mistral no longer executes the cleanup. Users must manually delete files if they want to enforce the reduced permission of the files in the /var/lib/mistral directory. Deployment actions no longer fail because of a permission error. (BZ#2137484)
  • This enhancement adds a method for pulling down third-party containers by introducing a Jinja template processing approach and adding a template basedir parameter, which is required by the Jinja loader, to the BaseImageManager. With this update, pulling down the Ceph-related containers is now optional. You can avoid pulling down the Ceph-related containers by setting the the ceph_images Boolean value to False. (BZ#1933751)
  • Before this update, when the number of objects in the Object Storage service (swift) container for the overcloud exceeded 10,000, only the first 10,000 objects in the config-download directory were cleaned up during a delete operation, and the remaining objects prevented the container from getting deleted. With this update, there is added handling for cases where there are more than 10,000 objects in the Object Storage service container for the overcloud. (BZ#2119145)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates component:

  • If you are prepared to take your data plane offline, you can now upgrade the whole overcloud at once. With this enhancement, you complete the upgrade much faster, at the cost of some data plane downtime. For more information, see Speeding up an overcloud upgrade. (BZ#2027851)
  • This enhancement adds new configuration options for the Networking service (neutron) logging service plug-in. With this update, there is added support for network security group logging, and you can configure Networking service logging by using the following new parameters in RHOSP Orchestration service (heat) templates:
  • Options for Layer 3 (L3) agents:

    • NeutronL3AgentLoggingRateLimit
    • NeutronL3AgentLoggingBurstLimit
    • NeutronL3AgentLoggingLocalOutputLogBase
  • Options for for Open vSwitch (OVS) agents:

    • NeutronOVSAgentLoggingRateLimit
    • NeutronOVSAgentLoggingBurstLimit
    • NeutronOVSAgentLoggingLocalOutputLogBase
  • Options for ML2/OVN back ends:

    • NeutronOVNLoggingRateLimit
    • NeutronOVNLoggingBurstLimit
    • NeutronOVNLoggingLocalOutputLogBase (BZ#1990357)
  • This update fixes a bug that prevented the ceilometer-agent-compute service from collecting libvirt-related metrics.

    Previously, the libvirt service started after the ceilometer-agent-compute service, which resulted in "Permission denied" failures and loss of metrics data. Now the libvirt service starts before the ceilometer-agent-compute service and the service can properly collect metrics. (BZ#2092088)

  • Previously, Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes were incorrectly configured to consume OpenStack high availability, advanced-virt, and fast-datapath repos during Leapp upgrades. The previous bug fix for this issue introduced an override that caused role-based parameters to work incorrectly.

    With this update, the role-based parameter implementation is fixed and the correct repositories are enabled for Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. This update fixes the issue in Red Hat OpenStack Platform environments 16.2 and later that use the Red Hat Ceph Storage role. (BZ#2094377)

  • This update fixes a bug that prevented the ceilometer-agent-compute service from polling for CPU metrics on Compute nodes. (BZ#2103970)
  • Before this update, in overcloud deployments that enabled the Block Storage (cinder) backup service, a stack update affecting the Block Storage configuration did not restart the Block Storage service. This caused the Block Storage service to use the old configuration. With this update, the stack update procedure ensures that both the Block Storage backup service and the Block Storage service restart when the Block Storage configuration changes. This ensures that the Block Storage service always uses the latest configuration. (BZ#2106647)
  • After you upgrade your host from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.9 to RHEL 8.4, you can specify additional packages to install in your environment by using the BaseTripeloPackages variable. With this feature, you can customize the base packages that your deployment requires on specific roles. For more information, see Customizing the base packages after a Leapp upgrade. (BZ#2123646)
  • This update fixes a bug that prevented the Telemetry service (ceilometer) from polling the Object Storage service (swift) for metrics. The Telemetry service now polls the Object Storage service correctly. (BZ#2126786)
  • This update fixes a bug that caused ceilometer-agent-ipmi to write log data inside the container namespace instead of on the host as expected.

    The improper placement of the content inside the container increased the container size, prevented proper log rotation, and resulted in loss of the log data when the container was deleted or rebuilt.

    Now ceilometer-agent-ipmi writes the logs to the host in /var/log/containers/ceilometer/ as expected. (BZ#2138395)

  • With this update, the collectd processes plugin has been removed from the default list of plugins. Loading the plugin can cause flooding issues and does not provide value when running in a containerized environment as it will only see the collectd and sensubility processes rather than the expected system processes. (BZ#2101944)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-puppet-elements component:

  • Before this update, some deployment or scale-up operations with affected builds failed due to a missing tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioning package on nodes that used the overcloud-minimal baremetal image, for example, Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes. With this update, the tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioning package is included in the overcloud-minimal image. This update restores the deployment and scale-up functionality for nodes that use the overcloud-minimal image. (BZ#2138203)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-validations component:

  • Before this update, the oslo-config-validation falsely reported errors with the "key_manager" and "barbican" sections of Block Storage (cinder) configuration. With this update, oslo-config-validation no longer falsely reports Block Storage configuration errors. (BZ#2112918)

Changes to the python-networking-ovn component:

  • This update fixes a bug that causes connectivity loss after certain updates to RHOSP 16.2.2 and 16.2.3. If you are planning to update to a RHOSP 16.2 release, update to RHOSP 16.2.4 to avoid connectivity loss.

    The bug is triggered by a database schema change in OVN 21.12, which is introduced in RHOSP 16.2.2. and 16.2.3. OVN 21.12 contains a new column that is not present in earlier versions. OVN database schema changes should not cause a problem in OpenStack, but this particular change is affected by a bug.

    In particular, instance connectivity is lost for a variable amount of time (from 20 seconds to 3 minutes) when you run the following command:

    $ openstack overcloud external-update run --stack overcloud --tags ovn

    To avoid the bug, do not update to RHOSP 16.2.2. or 16.2.3. Update to RHOSP 16.2.4 instead. (BZ#2111871)

Changes to the tripleo-ansible component:

  • You can now specify a different Controller group name than the default, Controller, by using the `controller_group_name ` variable. (BZ#2037996)

4.3. RHEA-2022:4793 — Release of components for OSP 16.2.3

Changes to the collectd component:

  • Libvirt was updated and as a result provides more metrics. Due to API changes, collectd was incompatible, resulting in a potential application crash. With this update, collectd was adjusted to provide hugepage usage via the virt plugin. The hugepages metric is exposed via the virt plugin and collectd was adjusted to match the API changes so that the application no longer crashes when pulling the virt metrics. (BZ#2038881)

Changes to the openstack-ironic component:

  • Before this update, the RHOSP Bare Metal service (ironic) could lose its connection to the remote Redfish baseboard management controller (BMC) resulting in the bare metal node entering a maintenance state and with its power status changing to None. Depending on a site’s environmental factors, some or all of the bare metal nodes could be in this unwanted maintenance state for an extended period of time.

    Transient network connectivity issues caused by high packet loss to the BMC caused connection caching issues when using Redfish. In cases where a session token needed to be renegotiated, the cached session object was never invalidated and connectivity was lost to the BMC.

    With this update, the Bare Metal service now initializes an entirely new cached session with a remote Redfish BMC when connectivity or authentication issues are detected. Additionally, this allows updated credentials to be leveraged should the bare metal node’s BMC passwords be changed after initial configuration. (BZ#2064767)

Changes to the openstack-neutron component:

  • Open vSwitch (OVS) does not support offloading OpenFlow rules that have the skb_priority, skb_mark, or output queue fields set. Those fields are needed to provide quality-of-service (QoS) support for virtio ports.

    If you set a minimum bandwidth rule for a virtio port, the Neutron Open vSwitch agent marks the traffic of this port with a Packet Mark Field. As a result, this traffic cannot be offloaded, and it affects the traffic in other ports. If you set a bandwidth limit rule, all traffic is marked with the default 0 queue, which means no traffic can be offloaded.

    As a workaround, if your environment includes OVS hardware offload ports, disable the packet marking in the nodes that require hardware offloading. After you disable the packet marking, it will not be possible to set rate limiting rules for virtio ports. However, differentiated services code point (DSCP) marking rules will still be available.

    In the configuration file, set the disable_packet_marking flag to true. After you edit the configuration file, you must restart the neutron_ovs_agent container. For example:

    $ cat `/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/neutron/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini`


Changes to the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates component:

  • In Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.2.3, the DM-Multipathing redundancy configuration for the Block Storage service (cinder) is now automated. (BZ#2047705)
  • Before this update, during the replacement of a DCN node, the etcd service on the replacement node failed to start and caused the cinder-volume service on that node to fail. This failure was caused by the replacement for a DCN node attempting to start the etcd service as if it were bootstrapping a new etcd cluster, instead of joining the existing etcd cluster.

    With this update, a new parameter has been added, EtcdInitialClusterState. When EtcdInitialClusterState is set to existing, the DCN node starts etcd correctly, which causes the cinder-volume service to run successfully. (BZ#2055409)

  • Before this update, if the CinderDefaultVolumeType parameter contained a non-alphanumeric character, the parameter validation failed. As a result, overcloud deployments and updates to existing deployments failed. With this update, CinderDefaultVolumeType validation supports non-alphanumeric characters. (BZ#2073096)
  • In Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.2.3, there is RHOSP Orchestration service (heat) support for Dynamic Device Personalization (DDP) used in Intel Ethernet 800 Series NICs, such as the Columbiaville E810. For more information, see the Network Functions Virtualization Planning and Configuration Guide. (BZ#1967680)
  • Before this update, attempts to stop the cinder-volume service running in active-active mode resulted in the failed state. The cause for these failures was that the service was not allowing sufficient time to properly stop itself.

    With this update, the time period allocated to stopping the service has been extended, and the service moves to the inactive state when you stop it. (BZ#2056918)

  • This enhancement adds a new heat parameter, FsAioMaxNumber, that limits the number of parallel AIO requests to 1048576 by default. (BZ#2061697)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-puppet-elements component:

  • With RHOSP 16.2.3, fencing agents that depend on potentially insecure protocols, such as Telnet, have been removed from the default overcloud images. Overcloud images now include the following fencing agents by default:
  • fence-agents-redfish
  • fence-agents-ipmilan
  • fence-agents-kdump
  • fence-agents-rhevm
  • fence-agents-compute
  • sbd
  • fence-agents-sbd (BZ#2081357)

Changes to the puppet-rsyslog component:

  • Before this update, the RsyslogElasticsearchSetting parameter did not support the array format required to set multiple servers. With this update, the RsyslogElasticsearchSetting parameter now accepts values with multiple items. You can define multiple Elasticsearch servers by using the following array format: server: ["elasticsearch1", "elasticsearch2"] (BZ#2015699)

4.4. RHSA-2022:1001 — Release of components for OSP 16.2.2

Changes to the collectd-libpod-stats component:

  • In cases where high CPU use was monitored in a multi-core system, the calculation for CPU use was inaccurate.

    With this update, the calculation of CPU use in a multi-core scenario is now accurate. The latest STF dashboards have been adjusted to incorporate this update. (BZ#2006970)

Changes to the openstack-cinder component:

  • This update fixes a bug that caused some virtual machine (VM) bootup operations to fail when multiple VMs were booted simultaneously from an image.

    Previously, the Block Storage service (cinder) GPFS SpectrumScale driver did not correctly detect when the storage back end supported copy-on-write (COW) mode. The driver disabled COW features such as the ability to rapidly create volumes from an image. When booting multiple instances simultaneously from an image, some instances timed out when copying the image to its boot volume.

    The GPFS Block Storage service driver now properly detects when the storage back end supports COW mode. You can now spawn multiple VM instances simultaneously. (BZ#2022018)

  • Before this update, when creating a snapshot with PowerMaxOS 5978.711, REST experienced a payload response change and caused the device label to modify its format. The underlying data from the solutions enabler changed and no longer contained a colon character (:). This caused an IndexError exception in the PowerMax Driver:

    IndexError: list index out of range

    With this update, the problem is resolved in PowerMaxOS 5978.711 and later. (BZ#2003762)

  • This update fixes a bug that omitted details from the output of the openstack volume backup list command when the output exceeded 1000 lines. (BZ#2006556)
  • Before this update, the NFS driver blocked attempts to delete OpenStack Storage snapshots in the error state, which prevented users from removing broken snapshot DB entries. With this update, the restriction is removed so that you can clean up failed snapshots. (BZ#2022121)
  • This release includes an update of the Block Storage service (cinder) driver for HPE storage arrays. With the updated driver you can use the iSCSI protocol with HPE’s Primera products for Primera version 4.2 and later. (BZ#2029943)

Changes to the openstack-neutron component:

  • With this update, you can set QoS maximum bandwidth limit, egress direction rules on hardware-offloaded ports in a ML2/OVS deployment. To set the policy, use the normal QoS policy/rules methods.

    The back end uses ip link commands to enforce the policy instead of the normal OVS QoS engine, because the OVS meter action cannot be offloaded. See meter action is not offloaded. (BZ#1971545)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-common component:

  • Before this update, the dnsmasq healthcheck failed even when dnsmasq ran correctly. The healthcheck failed because it used the dnsmasq user rather than the root user, and did not have access to the /proc files. This resulted in incorrect systemd journal messages and failures when validations were enabled. With this update, the dnsmasq healthcheck is disabled because it is of limited use and it is being phased out in later releases. The dnsmasq container is now marked as healthy as long as it is running. (BZ#1961237)

Changes to the puppet-ironic component:

  • With RHOSP 16.2.2, you can configure your undercloud to support both PXE and iPXE boot modes when your architecture includes both POWER (ppc64le) and x86_64 UEFI nodes. For more information, see Configuring a multiple CPU architecture overcloud. (BZ#1982489)

Changes to the puppet-tripleo component:

  • This update corrects an error that prevented the proper use of the Block Storage service (cinder) powermax_port_groups parameter. (BZ#2027759)

Changes to the python-dracclient component:

  • This update fixes a bug that caused unintended results when converting Dell EMC PERC H755 RAID controller physical disks to non-RAID mode.

    The conversion erroneously created RAID-0 virtual disks and moved them to the Online state, consuming a physical disk.

    The RAID-0 virtual disks are no longer created during the conversions. (BZ#2010246)

Changes to the python-os-brick component:

  • This update fixes a bug that prevented connections to the Ceph storage backend with Ceph client release 15.2.0 (Octopus) and later, affecting Red Hat Ceph Storage 5.0 and later.

    A temporary configuration file generated to enable a Ceph connection did not include a '[global]' section marker. This update adds the '[global]' section marker to the temporary file.

    The section marker was introduced in Ceph client release 0.94.0 (Hammer). Starting with the Octopus release, Ceph requires the presence of the marker. This fix is backward compatible to Red Hat Ceph Storage 4.x. (BZ#2024684)

Changes to the python-tripleoclient component:

  • Before this update, you could only configure the net_config_override parameter in undercloud.conf to point to a file in JSON format. With this update, you can now configure the net_config_override parameter in undercloud.conf to point to a file in either YAML or JSON format. (BZ#1956785)

Changes to the tripleo-ansible component:

  • With this technology preview update, you can set the following parameters to configure OVS PMD automatic load balance:

    OvsPmdAutoLb: Enable/disable the OVS DPDK PMD Auto Load Balance feature. Values: true or false. OVS DPDK uses the default value of false.

    OvsPmdLoadThreshold: Set the minimum PMD thread load threshold for OVS DPDK PMD Auto Load Balance feature. Set a value from 0 to 100 to specify the minimum PMD thread load threshold (% of used cycles) of any non-isolated PMD threads when a PMD Auto Load Balance might be triggered.

    OvsPmdImprovementThreshold: Set PMD load variance improvement threshold for OVS DPDK PMD Auto Load Balance feature. Set a value from 0 to 100 to specify the minimum evaluated percentage improvement in load distribution across the non-isolated PMD threads that allows a PMD Auto Load Balance to occur.

    OvsPmdRebalInterval: Set PMD auto load balancing interval for OVS DPDK PMD Auto Load Balance feature. Set a value from 0 to 20,000 to specify the minimum time (in minutes) between 2 consecutive PMD Auto Load Balancing iterations. (BZ#1952060)

  • With this update, you can use the openstack undercloud backup command with the --db-only option to create a backup of the database that runs on the undercloud node. You can use that backup to recover the state of the database in the event that it becomes corrupted during the upgrade process. (BZ#1977392)

4.5. RHSA-2022:0995 — Release of components for OSP 16.2.2

Security Fix(es):

  • openstack-tripleo-heat-templates: data leak of internal URL through keystone_authtoken (CVE-2021-4180)

    For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

Bug Fix(es):

  • Disable the advanced-virt-for-rhel-8 repository before you install Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.2, update from RHOSP 16.2 to a newer maintenance release, or upgrade from 16.1 to 16.2.

    RHOSP hosts do not require the advanced-virt-for-rhel-8 repository. If you do not disable it, dependency issues cause the installation, update, or upgrade to fail. The dependency failures happen because the advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms repository is based on RHEL 8.latest, which does not work with RHEL 8.4.

    As a workaround, disable the repositories. Perform the steps appropriate for your installation, update, or upgrade scenario.

  • Scenario: new 16.2 installation or update from 16.2 to later version of 16.2.

    $ subscription-manager repos --disable advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

    $ dnf module disable -y virt:av

    $ dnf module enable -y virt:rhel

  • Scenario: upgrade from 16.1→16.2.

    $ subscription-manager repos --disable advanced-virt-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

    $ dnf module disable -y virt:8.2

    $ dnf module enable -y virt:rhel (BZ#2027787)

  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) now supports the correct method of updating OVN. For more information, see Optional: Updating the ovn-controller container on all overcloud servers. (BZ#2050154)
  • The Block Storage service (cinder) can now use an external NFS share to perform image format conversion of Image service (glance) images on the overcloud Controller nodes. Using this functionality prevents the space on the node from being completely filled during a conversion operation.

    See Configuring an external NFS share for conversion. (BZ#1886762)

  • Before this update, the leapp process failed when the following statements were true:
  • The system is deployed with TLS-everywhere (TLSe).
  • The system uses the deprecated authconfig utility to configure authentication on your system.
  • The command "leapp answer --section authselect_check.confirm=True" has not been run before triggering the leapp upgrade.

    With this update, the leapp process completes successfully without the need to run the command "leapp answer --section authselect_check.confirm=True" before triggering the leapp upgrade command. (BZ#1978228)

  • You can now deploy the CephFS NFS gateway (ganesha) on the external network instead of the default dedicated StorageNFS network. (BZ#1999725)
  • Before this update, missing parameters caused HAproxy logs to not be forwarded when rsyslog was configured using OpenStack Orchestration. With this update, all required parameters are present, which means that HAProxy logs are included in logs collected and forwarded. (BZ#2026290)
  • This update adds an NTP validation step to deployments. To include the validation step in your deployment, include the argument --ntp-server <ntp_server_name> in the openstack deploy command. Replace <ntp_server_name> with the name of a valid, reachable NTP server.

    If director cannot reach the specified NTP server, the deployment fails. This validation prevents synchronization failures from occurring later in the deployment. (BZ#2034189)

  • This update fixes a bug that caused the metrics_qdr service to appear in the HAProxy configuration of an Service Telemetry Framework (STF) deployment on a distributed compute node (DCN) node. (BZ#2038897)
  • In Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployments that use the Modular Layer 2 plug-in with the Open vSwitch (ML2/OVS) mechanism driver, there is currently a known issue where the Orchestration service (heat) parameter, NeutronL3AgentAvailabilityZone does not set the relevant Neutron L3 agent parameter correctly.

    Workaround: use a custom hieradata statement to set this value. In the example that follows, replace [ROLE] with the composable role name that is appropriate for your site.


        neutron::agents::l3::availability_zone: role_availability_zone

    For more information, see Puppet: Customizing hieradata for roles in the Advanced Overcloud Customization guide. (BZ#1983748)

  • This update adds the CollectdContainerAdditionalCapAdd variable to the deployment tool. This variable is a comma separated list of additional collectd container capabilities. You can use it to add capabilities to the collectd container. (BZ#1984555)
  • Sometimes a leapp actor blocks the leapp process during an upgrade. You can now remove actors with the new, role-specific LeappActorsToRemove parameter. (BZ#1984875)
  • This enhancement updates the default value of the parameter NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge to enabled. When the parameter is enabled, the instance CPU is slowed down until the memory copy process is faster than the instance’s memory writes when the migration performance is slow and might not complete. (BZ#1999324)
  • This enhancement enables the experimental rsyslog reopenOnTruncate setting to ensure that rsyslog immediately recognizes when a logrotation happens on a file. The setting affects every service configured to work with rsyslog.

    When rsyslog reopenOnTruncate is disabled, rsyslog waits for a log file to fill to its original capacity before consuming any additional logs. (BZ#1949675)

  • Before this update, the Ceph Dashboard could be exposed only on the provisioning network or on a dedicated composable network. Now, Red Hat OpenStack Platform director processes the CephDashboardNetwork parameter to define the frontend network used by operators, and limits access to the Ceph Dashboard and monitoring stack to this network. (BZ#1969411)

4.6. RHEA-2021:3483 — Release of components for OSP 16.2

Changes to the distribution component:

  • The python-networking-fujitsu package is not included with RHOSP 16.2. (BZ#1906028)

Changes to the openstack-cinder component:

  • Typically, when you create an encrypted volume from a snapshot of an encrypted volume, the source volume is the same size or smaller than the destination volume.

    In previous releases, if you created an encrypted volume from a snapshot of an encrypted volume, and the destination volume was close to or equal to the size of the source volume, the Block Storage service (cinder) silently truncated the data in the new destination volume.

    With this release, the Block Storage service calculates the size of the destination volume to include the current size of the encryption header, which eliminates the data truncation. (BZ#1772531)

  • Before this update, the NetApp SolidFire driver would create a duplicate volume when the API response is lost due to a connection error and the driver retries the API request. This occurred when the SolidFire back end successfully received and processed a create volume operation, but failed to deliver the response back to the driver. This update resolves the issue by:

    1. Checking if the volume name already exists in the backend before trying to create it. If a volume is found, an exception is raised and the process is aborted.
    2. Checking for volume creation right after a read timeout is detected, to prevent invalid API calls.
    3. Adding the ´sf_volume_create_timeout´ option to the SolidFire driver, to allow users to set the appropriate timeout value for their environment. (BZ#1939394)
  • The Unisphere for PowerMax REST endpoints have changed from 91 to 92. This update changes how URIs are created, to allow for full coverage of all possible Unisphere REST API endpoints. (BZ#1913671)
  • This update adds Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) support to the Dell EMC PowerStore driver. PowerStore can now be used with enabled CHAP as a storage back end. (BZ#1935154)
  • Before this update, if PowerStore ports were configured for multiple purposes, such as for iSCSI or Replication, the driver reported that it could find no accessible iSCSI targets. This was because the REST filter was wrong. This update fixes the PowerStore iSCSI targets filtering. (BZ#1953749)
  • Before this update, when iSCSI or FC targets, such as ESXi, were not connected to the RHOSP host, the attach volume operation waited until it timed out. With this update, a new option to support ports filtering has been added to the Dell EMC XtremIO driver for the Block Storage service (cinder). (BZ#1956370)

Changes to the openstack-glance component:

  • Before this update, RBD performance was degraded when multiple instances were launched simultaneously. This was due to the Image service starting multiple threads to perform the same copying operation. This update resolves the issue. (BZ#1851051)
  • This update fixes an Image service (glance) configuration error that prevented users from creating a virtual machine with watchdog by setting flavor metadata. (BZ#1851797)

Changes to the openstack-ironic-python-agent component:

  • In this release, EFI bootloader assets for whole-disk images are preserved during deployment, so the shim bootloader is no longer overwritten. This ensures that Secure Boot is switched on after deployment. (BZ#1961784)

Changes to the openstack-manila component:

  • Previously, the Shared File Systems service (manila) API that brings external shares into service management did not check for duplicated export locations. An existing share brought into the service multiple times results in an inconsistent state.

    With this release, the API evaluates the export locations of known or existing shares before allowing external shares to be managed, and prevents existing shares from being erroneously brought into the Shared File Systems service again. (BZ#1849843)

  • When multiple storage backends are configured on the Shared File Systems service (manila), each storage back end might support a different storage protocol. Before this update, the Shared File Systems service scheduler did not consider the storage protocol and capability of the shared storage back ends when deciding where to place them, which caused share provisioning to fail. With this update, the Shared File Systems service scheduler now automatically considers the share type extra specs with the storage protocol, which makes it possible use the CapabilitiesFilter to compare storage back end capabilities and provision shares successfully. (BZ#1888105)

Changes to the openstack-manila-ui component:

  • Before this update, the Shared File Systems service (manila) dashboard had dynamic form elements whose names could potentially cause the forms to become unresponsive. This meant that the creation of share groups, share networks, and shares within share networks did not work.

    With this update, dynamic elements whose names could be problematic are encoded, which means that creation of share groups, share networks, and shares within share networks functions normally. (BZ#1974979)

Changes to the openstack-nova component:

  • Before this update, when you resized or migrated an instance that had a vGPU flavor you needed to rebuild the instance manually to re-allocate the vGPU resources. With this update, instances with a vGPU flavor are automatically re-allocated the vGPU resources after resize and cold migration operations. (BZ#1844372)
  • When an instance is created, the Compute service (nova) sanitizes the instance display name to generate a valid hostname when DNS integration is enabled in the Networking service (neutron).

    Before this update, the sanitization did not replace periods ('.') in instance names, for example, 'rhel-8.4'. This could result in display names being recognized as Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) which produced invalid hostnames. When instance names contained periods and DNS integration was enabled in the Networking service, the Networking service would reject the invalid hostname resulting in a failure to create the instance and a HTTP 500 server error from the Compute service.

    With this update, periods are now replaced by hyphens in instance names to prevent hostnames being parsed as FQDNs. You can continue to use free-form strings for instance display names. (BZ#1919855)

Changes to the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates component:

  • This enhancement adds support for Entrust nShield HSM deployment in high availability mode with OpenStack Key Manager (barbican). (BZ#1714772)
  • Images with null bytes take up a lot of space. With this release, you can enable sparse image upload and save space when you upload images. Sparse image upload is supported only with Ceph RBD. (BZ#1866741)
  • In prior releases, you could not delete resources with dependencies, such as snapshots. With this release, you can delete resources with dependencies. (BZ#1884322)
  • For Distributed Compute Node deployments which use storage, dcn-hci.yaml has been renamed to dcn-storage.yaml because DCN sites with storage have the option of not using HCI (Hyper-Converged Infrastructure). dcn-hci.yaml is deprecated but will remain in the environments directory for backwards compatibility. dcn-hci.yaml will be removed in Red Hat OpenStack platform 17. dcn-storage.yaml should be used in place of dcn-hci.yaml. (BZ#1868673)
  • This enhancement improves the efficiency, performance, and execution time of deployment and update tasks for environments with a large number of roles. The logging output of the deployment process has been improved to include task IDs for better tracking of specific task executions, which can occur at different times. The task IDs can now be used to correlate timing and execution when troubleshooting executions. (BZ#1897890)
  • With this enhancement, you can improve the performance of live migrations by using the following new parameters:

    • NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy - When enabled, the instance is activated on the destination node before migration is complete, and an upper bound is set on the memory that needs to be transferred, which improves the live migration of larger instances. This parameter is enabled by default.
    • NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge - When enabled, if an on-going live migration is progressing slowly the instance CPU is throttled until the memory copy process is faster than the instance’s memory writes. This parameter is disabled by default. To enable NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge, add the following configuration to an environment file:

          NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge: true


Changes to the openstack-tripleo-validations component:

  • This enhancement adds new validation for tripleo-latest-packages-version. This validation checks if the listed tripleo packages are up to date with repositories. (BZ#1926725)

Changes to the puppet-collectd component:

  • Before this update, the PluginInstanceFormat parameter for collectd could specify only one of the following values: 'none', 'name', 'uuid', or 'metadata'. After this update, the PluginInstanceFormat parameter for collectd can now specify more than one value, which results in more information being sent in the plugin_instance label of collectd metrics. (BZ#1938568)

Changes to the python-glance-store component:

  • Before this update, writing an image to RBD could be very slow. This update improves the process for writing an image to RBD, which improves the time it takes for images to be written to RBD. (BZ#1690726)

Changes to the python-networking-ovn component:

  • This update fixes an issue that caused Networking service (neutron) agents, such as Networking service DHCP, to fail when they tried to create resources in OVN because ML2/OVN prevented RPC workers from connecting the OVN southbound database. (BZ#1972774)
  • This update fixes an issue that caused Networking service (neutron) agents, such as Networking service DHCP, to fail when they tried to create resources in OVN. This was caused by residual data left in the OVN databases when QoS rules were created for floating IPs.

    This update eliminates the residual data and fixes the problem. (BZ#1978158)

Changes to the python-os-brick component:

  • Before this update, some exceptions were not being caught during connections to iSCSI portals, such as failures in iscsiadm -m session. This caused _connect_vol threads to abort unexpectedly in some failure patterns, which caused subsequent steps to hang while waiting for results from _connect_vol threads. This update ensures that any exceptions during connections to iSCSI portals are handled correctly in the _connect_vol method, to avoid unhandled exceptions during connecting to iSCSI portals, and unexpected aborts that have no updated thread results. (BZ#1923975)

Changes to the python-oslo-config component:

  • This enhancement adds the type HostDomain. HostDomain is the same as HostAddress with the added support of the underscore character - RFC1033. Systems such as DomainKeys and service records use the underscore. The Compute service can use the HostDomain type to define live_migration_inbound_addr. (BZ#1868940)

Changes to the python-tripleoclient component:

  • Before this update, the validation variable in one code path was referenced but never assigned, which resulted in an unhandled exception during validation. This has been fixed. (BZ#1959853)

Changes to the tripleo-ansible component:

  • Starting with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 8.3, support for the Intel Transactional Synchronization Extensions (TSX) feature is disabled by default. Currently, this causes instance live migration to fail when migrating from hosts where the TSX kernel argument is enabled to hosts where the TSX kernel argument is disabled.

    This impact applies only to Intel hosts that support the TSX feature. For more information about the CPUs that are affected by this issue, see Affected Configurations.

    For more information, review the following Red Hat Knowledgebase solution Guidance on Intel TSX impact on OpenStack guests. (BZ#1975240)

  • In Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2, a technology preview is available that supports Precision Time Protocol (PTP) with Timemaster. (BZ#1825895)
  • Before this fix, grub2 tooling wrote kernel argument changes to /boot/grub2/grubenv. This file was not available to UEFI boot systems, and caused kernel argument changes not to persist across reboots on UEFI boot nodes.

    This fix changes both the /boot/grub2/grubenv file and the /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grubenv files when you make kernel argument changes. As a result, RHOSP director now applies persistent Kernel argument changes for UEFI boot nodes. (BZ#1987092)

  • During stack update the KernelArgs could be modified or appended. A reboot of the affected nodes needs to be performed manually.

    For example, if the current deployment has the following configuration, it is possible to change hugepages=64, or add or remove arguments during the stack update:

    `KernelArgs: "default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=32 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt isolcpus=1-11,13-23"

    For example:

    KernelArgs: "default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=64 intel_iommu=on iommu=pt isolcpus=1-24"
    KernelArgs: "isolcpus=1-11,13-23"

    Complete removal of KernelArgs during the update is not supported. Also KernelArgs could be newly added as well to an existing overcloud node, however the reboot would be triggered in this case. (BZ#1900723)

Changes to the validations-common component:

  • Before this update, execution of the validation package check-latest-packages-version was slow. This update resolves the issue. (BZ#1942531)
  • This enhancement improves the performance and application of the check-latest-packages-version validation. (BZ#1926721)
  • Before this update, validation results were not being logged and validation artifacts were not being collected as the permissions required to access the requested logging directory were not granted. This update resolves the issue, and validation results are successfully logged and validation artifacts are collected. (BZ#1910508)
  • Before this update, Ansible redirected output to all registered non-stdout callback plug-ins by default, which resulted in VF callbacks processing information from other processes using ansible runtime. This issue has been resolved and the output of other processes is no longer stored in the validations logging directory. (BZ#1960185)
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