
Chapter 12. Updating and upgrading the Load-balancing service

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Perform regular updates and upgrades so that you can use the latest Red Hat OpenStack Platform Load-balancing service features, and avoid possible lengthy and problematic issues caused by infrequent updates and upgrades.

12.1. Updating and upgrading the Load-balancing service

The Load-balancing service (octavia) is a part of a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) update or upgrade.


  • Schedule a maintenance window to perform the upgrade, because during the upgrade the Load-balancing service control plane is not fully functional.


  1. Perform the RHOSP update as described in the Keeping Red Hat OpenStack Platform Updated guide.
  2. After the maintenance release is applied, if you need to use new features, then rotate running amphorae to update them to the latest amphora image.

12.2. Updating running Load-balancing service instances

Periodically, you can update a running Load-balancing service instance (amphora) with a newer image. For example, you might want to update an amphora instance during the following events:

  • An update or upgrade of Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP).
  • A security update to your system.
  • A change to a different flavor for the underlying virtual machine.

During an RHOSP update or upgrade, director automatically downloads the default amphora image, uploads it to the overcloud Image service (glance), and then configures the Load-balancing service (octavia) to use the new image. When you fail over a load balancer, you force the Load-balancing service to start an instance (amphora) that uses the new amphora image.


  • New images for amphora. These are available during an RHOSP update or upgrade.


  1. Source your credentials file.


    $ source ~/overcloudrc

  2. List the IDs for all of the load balancers that you want to update:

    $ openstack loadbalancer list -c id -f value
  3. Fail over each load balancer:

    $ openstack loadbalancer failover <loadbalancer_id>

    When you start failing over the load balancers, monitor system utilization, and as needed, adjust the rate at which you perform failovers. A load balancer failover creates new virtual machines and ports, which might temporarily increase the load on OpenStack Networking.

  4. Monitor the state of the failed over load balancer:

    $ openstack loadbalancer show <loadbalancer_id>

    The update is complete when the load balancer status is ACTIVE.

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