
Chapter 3. glance

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The following chapter contains information about the configuration options in the glance service.

3.1. glance-api.conf

This section contains options for the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

3.1.1. DEFAULT

The following table outlines the options available under the [DEFAULT] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.


Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

allow_additional_image_properties = True

boolean value

Allow users to add additional/custom properties to images.

Glance defines a standard set of properties (in its schema) that appear on every image. These properties are also known as base properties. In addition to these properties, Glance allows users to add custom properties to images. These are known as additional properties.

By default, this configuration option is set to True and users are allowed to add additional properties. The number of additional properties that can be added to an image can be controlled via image_property_quota configuration option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • image_property_quota

Deprecated since: Ussuri

Reason: This option is redundant. Control custom image property usage via the image_property_quota configuration option. This option is scheduled to be removed during the Victoria development cycle.

allow_anonymous_access = False

boolean value

Allow limited access to unauthenticated users.

Assign a boolean to determine API access for unathenticated users. When set to False, the API cannot be accessed by unauthenticated users. When set to True, unauthenticated users can access the API with read-only privileges. This however only applies when using ContextMiddleware.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

api_limit_max = 1000

integer value

Maximum number of results that could be returned by a request.

As described in the help text of limit_param_default, some requests may return multiple results. The number of results to be returned are governed either by the limit parameter in the request or the limit_param_default configuration option. The value in either case, can’t be greater than the absolute maximum defined by this configuration option. Anything greater than this value is trimmed down to the maximum value defined here.


Setting this to a very large value may slow down database queries and increase response times. Setting this to a very low value may result in poor user experience.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer

Related options:

  • limit_param_default

backlog = 4096

integer value

Set the number of incoming connection requests.

Provide a positive integer value to limit the number of requests in the backlog queue. The default queue size is 4096.

An incoming connection to a TCP listener socket is queued before a connection can be established with the server. Setting the backlog for a TCP socket ensures a limited queue size for incoming traffic.

Possible values:

  • Positive integer

Related options:

  • None

bind_host =

host address value

IP address to bind the glance servers to.

Provide an IP address to bind the glance server to. The default value is

Edit this option to enable the server to listen on one particular IP address on the network card. This facilitates selection of a particular network interface for the server.

Possible values:

  • A valid IPv4 address
  • A valid IPv6 address

Related options:

  • None

bind_port = None

port value

Port number on which the server will listen.

Provide a valid port number to bind the server’s socket to. This port is then set to identify processes and forward network messages that arrive at the server. The default bind_port value for the API server is 9292 and for the registry server is 9191.

Possible values:

  • A valid port number (0 to 65535)

Related options:

  • None

client_socket_timeout = 900

integer value

Timeout for client connections' socket operations.

Provide a valid integer value representing time in seconds to set the period of wait before an incoming connection can be closed. The default value is 900 seconds.

The value zero implies wait forever.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer

Related options:

  • None

conn_pool_min_size = 2

integer value

The pool size limit for connections expiration policy

conn_pool_ttl = 1200

integer value

The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool

control_exchange = openstack

string value

The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May be overridden by an exchange name specified in the transport_url option.

debug = False

boolean value

If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default INFO level.

default_log_levels = ['amqp=WARN', 'amqplib=WARN', 'boto=WARN', 'qpid=WARN', 'sqlalchemy=WARN', 'suds=INFO', 'oslo.messaging=INFO', 'oslo_messaging=INFO', 'iso8601=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'websocket=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN', 'urllib3.util.retry=WARN', 'keystonemiddleware=WARN', 'routes.middleware=WARN', 'stevedore=WARN', 'taskflow=WARN', 'keystoneauth=WARN', 'oslo.cache=INFO', 'oslo_policy=INFO', 'dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO']

list value

List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

default_publisher_id = image.localhost

string value

Default publisher_id for outgoing Glance notifications.

This is the value that the notification driver will use to identify messages for events originating from the Glance service. Typically, this is the hostname of the instance that generated the message.

Possible values:

  • Any reasonable instance identifier, for example: image.host1

Related options:

  • None

delayed_delete = False

boolean value

Turn on/off delayed delete.

Typically when an image is deleted, the glance-api service puts the image into deleted state and deletes its data at the same time. Delayed delete is a feature in Glance that delays the actual deletion of image data until a later point in time (as determined by the configuration option scrub_time). When delayed delete is turned on, the glance-api service puts the image into pending_delete state upon deletion and leaves the image data in the storage backend for the image scrubber to delete at a later time. The image scrubber will move the image into deleted state upon successful deletion of image data.


When delayed delete is turned on, image scrubber MUST be running as a periodic task to prevent the backend storage from filling up with undesired usage.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • scrub_time
  • wakeup_time
  • scrub_pool_size

digest_algorithm = sha256

string value

Digest algorithm to use for digital signature.

Provide a string value representing the digest algorithm to use for generating digital signatures. By default, sha256 is used.

To get a list of the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on your platform, run the command: openssl list-message-digest-algorithms. Examples are sha1, sha256, and sha512.


digest_algorithm is not related to Glance’s image signing and verification. It is only used to sign the universally unique identifier (UUID) as a part of the certificate file and key file validation.

Possible values:

  • An OpenSSL message digest algorithm identifier

Relation options:

  • None

disabled_notifications = []

list value

List of notifications to be disabled.

Specify a list of notifications that should not be emitted. A notification can be given either as a notification type to disable a single event notification, or as a notification group prefix to disable all event notifications within a group.

Possible values: A comma-separated list of individual notification types or notification groups to be disabled. Currently supported groups:

  • image
  • image.member
  • task
  • metadef_namespace
  • metadef_object
  • metadef_property
  • metadef_resource_type
  • metadef_tag

    For a complete listing and description of each event refer to:
    The values must be specified as: <group_name>.<event_name>
    For example: image.create,task.success,metadef_tag

Related options:

  • None

enabled_backends = None

dict value

Key:Value pair of store identifier and store type. In case of multiple backends should be separated using comma.

enabled_import_methods = ['glance-direct', 'web-download', 'copy-image']

list value

List of enabled Image Import Methods

'glance-direct', 'copy-image' and 'web-download' are enabled by default.
    Related options:
** [DEFAULT]/node_staging_uri

enforce_secure_rbac = False

boolean value

Enforce API access based on common persona definitions used across OpenStack. Enabling this option formalizes project-specific read/write operations, like creating private images or updating the status of shared image, behind the member role. It also formalizes a read-only variant useful for project-specific API operations, like listing private images in a project, behind the reader role.

Operators should take an opportunity to understand glance’s new image policies, audit assignments in their deployment, and update permissions using the default roles in keystone (e.g., admin, member, and reader).

Related options:

  • [oslo_policy]/enforce_new_defaults

Deprecated since: Wallaby

Reason: This option has been introduced to require operators to opt into enforcing authorization based on common RBAC personas, which is EXPERIMENTAL as of the Wallaby release. This behavior will be the default and STABLE in a future release, allowing this option to be removed.

executor_thread_pool_size = 64

integer value

Size of executor thread pool when executor is threading or eventlet.

fatal_deprecations = False

boolean value

Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations.

hashing_algorithm = sha512

string value

Secure hashing algorithm used for computing the os_hash_value property.

This option configures the Glance "multihash", which consists of two image properties: the os_hash_algo and the os_hash_value. The os_hash_algo will be populated by the value of this configuration option, and the os_hash_value will be populated by the hexdigest computed when the algorithm is applied to the uploaded or imported image data.

The value must be a valid secure hash algorithm name recognized by the python hashlib library. You can determine what these are by examining the hashlib.algorithms_available data member of the version of the library being used in your Glance installation. For interoperability purposes, however, we recommend that you use the set of secure hash names supplied by the hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed data member because those algorithms are guaranteed to be supported by the hashlib library on all platforms. Thus, any image consumer using hashlib locally should be able to verify the os_hash_value of the image.

The default value of sha512 is a performant secure hash algorithm.

If this option is misconfigured, any attempts to store image data will fail. For that reason, we recommend using the default value.

Possible values:

  • Any secure hash algorithm name recognized by the Python hashlib library

Related options:

  • None

http_keepalive = True

boolean value

Set keep alive option for HTTP over TCP.

Provide a boolean value to determine sending of keep alive packets. If set to False, the server returns the header "Connection: close". If set to True, the server returns a "Connection: Keep-Alive" in its responses. This enables retention of the same TCP connection for HTTP conversations instead of opening a new one with each new request.

This option must be set to False if the client socket connection needs to be closed explicitly after the response is received and read successfully by the client.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

image_cache_dir = None

string value

Base directory for image cache.

This is the location where image data is cached and served out of. All cached images are stored directly under this directory. This directory also contains three subdirectories, namely, incomplete, invalid and queue.

The incomplete subdirectory is the staging area for downloading images. An image is first downloaded to this directory. When the image download is successful it is moved to the base directory. However, if the download fails, the partially downloaded image file is moved to the invalid subdirectory.

The queue`subdirectory is used for queuing images for download. This is used primarily by the cache-prefetcher, which can be scheduled as a periodic task like cache-pruner and cache-cleaner, to cache images ahead of their usage. Upon receiving the request to cache an image, Glance touches a file in the `queue directory with the image id as the file name. The cache-prefetcher, when running, polls for the files in queue directory and starts downloading them in the order they were created. When the download is successful, the zero-sized file is deleted from the queue directory. If the download fails, the zero-sized file remains and it’ll be retried the next time cache-prefetcher runs.

Possible values:

  • A valid path

Related options:

  • image_cache_sqlite_db

image_cache_driver = sqlite

string value

The driver to use for image cache management.

This configuration option provides the flexibility to choose between the different image-cache drivers available. An image-cache driver is responsible for providing the essential functions of image-cache like write images to/read images from cache, track age and usage of cached images, provide a list of cached images, fetch size of the cache, queue images for caching and clean up the cache, etc.

The essential functions of a driver are defined in the base class glance.image_cache.drivers.base.Driver. All image-cache drivers (existing and prospective) must implement this interface. Currently available drivers are sqlite and xattr. These drivers primarily differ in the way they store the information about cached images:

  • The sqlite driver uses a sqlite database (which sits on every glance node locally) to track the usage of cached images.
  • The xattr driver uses the extended attributes of files to store this information. It also requires a filesystem that sets atime on the files when accessed.

Possible values:

  • sqlite
  • xattr

Related options:

  • None

image_cache_max_size = 10737418240

integer value

The upper limit on cache size, in bytes, after which the cache-pruner cleans up the image cache.


This is just a threshold for cache-pruner to act upon. It is NOT a hard limit beyond which the image cache would never grow. In fact, depending on how often the cache-pruner runs and how quickly the cache fills, the image cache can far exceed the size specified here very easily. Hence, care must be taken to appropriately schedule the cache-pruner and in setting this limit.

Glance caches an image when it is downloaded. Consequently, the size of the image cache grows over time as the number of downloads increases. To keep the cache size from becoming unmanageable, it is recommended to run the cache-pruner as a periodic task. When the cache pruner is kicked off, it compares the current size of image cache and triggers a cleanup if the image cache grew beyond the size specified here. After the cleanup, the size of cache is less than or equal to size specified here.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • None

image_cache_sqlite_db = cache.db

string value

The relative path to sqlite file database that will be used for image cache management.

This is a relative path to the sqlite file database that tracks the age and usage statistics of image cache. The path is relative to image cache base directory, specified by the configuration option image_cache_dir.

This is a lightweight database with just one table.

Possible values:

  • A valid relative path to sqlite file database

Related options:

  • image_cache_dir

image_cache_stall_time = 86400

integer value

The amount of time, in seconds, an incomplete image remains in the cache.

Incomplete images are images for which download is in progress. Please see the description of configuration option image_cache_dir for more detail. Sometimes, due to various reasons, it is possible the download may hang and the incompletely downloaded image remains in the incomplete directory. This configuration option sets a time limit on how long the incomplete images should remain in the incomplete directory before they are cleaned up. Once an incomplete image spends more time than is specified here, it’ll be removed by cache-cleaner on its next run.

It is recommended to run cache-cleaner as a periodic task on the Glance API nodes to keep the incomplete images from occupying disk space.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • None

image_location_quota = 10

integer value

Maximum number of locations allowed on an image.

Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

image_member_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of image members per image.

This limits the maximum of users an image can be shared with. Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

image_property_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of properties allowed on an image.

This enforces an upper limit on the number of additional properties an image can have. Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.


This won’t have any impact if additional properties are disabled. Please refer to allow_additional_image_properties.

Related options:

  • allow_additional_image_properties

image_size_cap = 1099511627776

integer value

Maximum size of image a user can upload in bytes.

An image upload greater than the size mentioned here would result in an image creation failure. This configuration option defaults to 1099511627776 bytes (1 TiB).


  • This value should only be increased after careful consideration and must be set less than or equal to 8 EiB (9223372036854775808).
  • This value must be set with careful consideration of the backend storage capacity. Setting this to a very low value may result in a large number of image failures. And, setting this to a very large value may result in faster consumption of storage. Hence, this must be set according to the nature of images created and storage capacity available.

Possible values:

  • Any positive number less than or equal to 9223372036854775808

image_tag_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of tags allowed on an image.

Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

`instance_format = [instance: %(uuid)s] `

string value

The format for an instance that is passed with the log message.

`instance_uuid_format = [instance: %(uuid)s] `

string value

The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message.

limit_param_default = 25

integer value

The default number of results to return for a request.

Responses to certain API requests, like list images, may return multiple items. The number of results returned can be explicitly controlled by specifying the limit parameter in the API request. However, if a limit parameter is not specified, this configuration value will be used as the default number of results to be returned for any API request.


  • The value of this configuration option may not be greater than the value specified by api_limit_max.
  • Setting this to a very large value may slow down database queries and increase response times. Setting this to a very low value may result in poor user experience.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer

Related options:

  • api_limit_max

location_strategy = location_order

string value

Strategy to determine the preference order of image locations.

This configuration option indicates the strategy to determine the order in which an image’s locations must be accessed to serve the image’s data. Glance then retrieves the image data from the first responsive active location it finds in this list.

This option takes one of two possible values location_order and store_type. The default value is location_order, which suggests that image data be served by using locations in the order they are stored in Glance. The store_type value sets the image location preference based on the order in which the storage backends are listed as a comma separated list for the configuration option store_type_preference.

Possible values:

  • location_order
  • store_type

Related options:

  • store_type_preference

log-config-append = None

string value

The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration files, see the Python logging module documentation. Note that when logging configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for example, log-date-format).

log-date-format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

string value

Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default: %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log-dir = None

string value

(Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file paths. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log-file = None

string value

(Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log_rotate_interval = 1

integer value

The amount of time before the log files are rotated. This option is ignored unless log_rotation_type is setto "interval".

log_rotate_interval_type = days

string value

Rotation interval type. The time of the last file change (or the time when the service was started) is used when scheduling the next rotation.

log_rotation_type = none

string value

Log rotation type.

logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s

string value

Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d

string value

Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message is DEBUG. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s

string value

Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s

string value

Prefix each line of exception output with this format. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s

string value

Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in logging_context_format_string. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

max_header_line = 16384

integer value

Maximum line size of message headers.

Provide an integer value representing a length to limit the size of message headers. The default value is 16384.


max_header_line may need to be increased when using large tokens (typically those generated by the Keystone v3 API with big service catalogs). However, it is to be kept in mind that larger values for max_header_line would flood the logs.

Setting max_header_line to 0 sets no limit for the line size of message headers.

Possible values:

  • 0
  • Positive integer

Related options:

  • None

max_logfile_count = 30

integer value

Maximum number of rotated log files.

max_logfile_size_mb = 200

integer value

Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if "log_rotation_type" is not set to "size".

max_request_id_length = 64

integer value

Limit the request ID length.

Provide an integer value to limit the length of the request ID to the specified length. The default value is 64. Users can change this to any ineteger value between 0 and 16384 however keeping in mind that a larger value may flood the logs.

Possible values:

  • Integer value between 0 and 16384

Related options:

  • None

metadata_encryption_key = None

string value

AES key for encrypting store location metadata.

Provide a string value representing the AES cipher to use for encrypting Glance store metadata.


The AES key to use must be set to a random string of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid AES key

Related options:

  • None

node_staging_uri = file:///tmp/staging/

string value

The URL provides location where the temporary data will be stored

This option is for Glance internal use only. Glance will save the image data uploaded by the user to staging endpoint during the image import process.

This option does not change the staging API endpoint by any means.


It is discouraged to use same path as [task]/work_dir


file://<absolute-directory-path> is the only option api_image_import flow will support for now.


The staging path must be on shared filesystem available to all Glance API nodes.

Possible values:

  • String starting with file:// followed by absolute FS path

Related options:

  • [task]/work_dir

property_protection_file = None

string value

The location of the property protection file.

Provide a valid path to the property protection file which contains the rules for property protections and the roles/policies associated with them.

A property protection file, when set, restricts the Glance image properties to be created, read, updated and/or deleted by a specific set of users that are identified by either roles or policies. If this configuration option is not set, by default, property protections won’t be enforced. If a value is specified and the file is not found, the glance-api service will fail to start. More information on property protections can be found at:

Possible values:

  • Empty string
  • Valid path to the property protection configuration file

Related options:

  • property_protection_rule_format

property_protection_rule_format = roles

string value

Rule format for property protection.

Provide the desired way to set property protection on Glance image properties. The two permissible values are roles and policies. The default value is roles.

If the value is roles, the property protection file must contain a comma separated list of user roles indicating permissions for each of the CRUD operations on each property being protected. If set to policies, a policy defined in policy.yaml is used to express property protections for each of the CRUD operations. Examples of how property protections are enforced based on roles or policies can be found at:

Possible values:

  • roles
  • policies

Related options:

  • property_protection_file

public_endpoint = None

string value

Public url endpoint to use for Glance versions response.

This is the public url endpoint that will appear in the Glance "versions" response. If no value is specified, the endpoint that is displayed in the version’s response is that of the host running the API service. Change the endpoint to represent the proxy URL if the API service is running behind a proxy. If the service is running behind a load balancer, add the load balancer’s URL for this value.

Possible values:

  • None
  • Proxy URL
  • Load balancer URL

Related options:

  • None

publish_errors = False

boolean value

Enables or disables publication of error events.

pydev_worker_debug_host = None

host address value

Host address of the pydev server.

Provide a string value representing the hostname or IP of the pydev server to use for debugging. The pydev server listens for debug connections on this address, facilitating remote debugging in Glance.

Possible values:

  • Valid hostname
  • Valid IP address

Related options:

  • None

pydev_worker_debug_port = 5678

port value

Port number that the pydev server will listen on.

Provide a port number to bind the pydev server to. The pydev process accepts debug connections on this port and facilitates remote debugging in Glance.

Possible values:

  • A valid port number

Related options:

  • None

rate_limit_burst = 0

integer value

Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval.

rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL

string value

Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG or empty string. Logs with level greater or equal to rate_limit_except_level are not filtered. An empty string means that all levels are filtered.

rate_limit_interval = 0

integer value

Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting.

rpc_conn_pool_size = 30

integer value

Size of RPC connection pool.

rpc_ping_enabled = False

boolean value

Add an endpoint to answer to ping calls. Endpoint is named oslo_rpc_server_ping

rpc_response_timeout = 60

integer value

Seconds to wait for a response from a call.

scrub_pool_size = 1

integer value

The size of thread pool to be used for scrubbing images.

When there are a large number of images to scrub, it is beneficial to scrub images in parallel so that the scrub queue stays in control and the backend storage is reclaimed in a timely fashion. This configuration option denotes the maximum number of images to be scrubbed in parallel. The default value is one, which signifies serial scrubbing. Any value above one indicates parallel scrubbing.

Possible values:

  • Any non-zero positive integer

Related options:

  • delayed_delete

scrub_time = 0

integer value

The amount of time, in seconds, to delay image scrubbing.

When delayed delete is turned on, an image is put into pending_delete state upon deletion until the scrubber deletes its image data. Typically, soon after the image is put into pending_delete state, it is available for scrubbing. However, scrubbing can be delayed until a later point using this configuration option. This option denotes the time period an image spends in pending_delete state before it is available for scrubbing.

It is important to realize that this has storage implications. The larger the scrub_time, the longer the time to reclaim backend storage from deleted images.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • delayed_delete

secure_proxy_ssl_header = None

string value

The HTTP header used to determine the scheme for the original request, even if it was removed by an SSL terminating proxy. Typical value is "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO".

show_image_direct_url = False

boolean value

Show direct image location when returning an image.

This configuration option indicates whether to show the direct image location when returning image details to the user. The direct image location is where the image data is stored in backend storage. This image location is shown under the image property direct_url.

When multiple image locations exist for an image, the best location is displayed based on the location strategy indicated by the configuration option location_strategy.


  • Revealing image locations can present a GRAVE SECURITY RISK as image locations can sometimes include credentials. Hence, this is set to False by default. Set this to True with EXTREME CAUTION and ONLY IF you know what you are doing!
  • If an operator wishes to avoid showing any image location(s) to the user, then both this option and show_multiple_locations MUST be set to False.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • show_multiple_locations
  • location_strategy

show_multiple_locations = False

boolean value

Show all image locations when returning an image.

This configuration option indicates whether to show all the image locations when returning image details to the user. When multiple image locations exist for an image, the locations are ordered based on the location strategy indicated by the configuration opt location_strategy. The image locations are shown under the image property locations.


  • Revealing image locations can present a GRAVE SECURITY RISK as image locations can sometimes include credentials. Hence, this is set to False by default. Set this to True with EXTREME CAUTION and ONLY IF you know what you are doing!
  • See for more information.
  • If an operator wishes to avoid showing any image location(s) to the user, then both this option and show_image_direct_url MUST be set to False.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • show_image_direct_url
  • location_strategy

Deprecated since: Newton

*Reason:*Use of this option, deprecated since Newton, is a security risk and will be removed once we figure out a way to satisfy those use cases that currently require it. An earlier announcement that the same functionality can be achieved with greater granularity by using policies is incorrect. You cannot work around this option via policy configuration at the present time, though that is the direction we believe the fix will take. Please keep an eye on the Glance release notes to stay up to date on progress in addressing this issue.

syslog-log-facility = LOG_USER

string value

Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

tcp_keepidle = 600

integer value

Set the wait time before a connection recheck.

Provide a positive integer value representing time in seconds which is set as the idle wait time before a TCP keep alive packet can be sent to the host. The default value is 600 seconds.

Setting tcp_keepidle helps verify at regular intervals that a connection is intact and prevents frequent TCP connection reestablishment.

Possible values:

  • Positive integer value representing time in seconds

Related options:

  • None

transport_url = rabbit://

string value

The network address and optional user credentials for connecting to the messaging backend, in URL format. The expected format is:


Example: rabbit://rabbitmq:password@

For full details on the fields in the URL see the documentation of oslo_messaging.TransportURL at

use-journal = False

boolean value

Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish to enable journal support. Doing so will use the journal native protocol which includes structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-json = False

boolean value

Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-syslog = False

boolean value

Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use_eventlog = False

boolean value

Log output to Windows Event Log.

use_stderr = False

boolean value

Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

user_storage_quota = 0

string value

Maximum amount of image storage per tenant.

This enforces an upper limit on the cumulative storage consumed by all images of a tenant across all stores. This is a per-tenant limit.

The default unit for this configuration option is Bytes. However, storage units can be specified using case-sensitive literals B, KB, MB, GB and TB representing Bytes, KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes and TeraBytes respectively. Note that there should not be any space between the value and unit. Value 0 signifies no quota enforcement. Negative values are invalid and result in errors.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid concatenation of a non-negative integer representing the storage value and an optional string literal representing storage units as mentioned above.

Related options:

  • None

watch-log-file = False

boolean value

Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

worker_self_reference_url = None

string value

The URL to this worker.

If this is set, other glance workers will know how to contact this one directly if needed. For image import, a single worker stages the image and other workers need to be able to proxy the import request to the right one.

If unset, this will be considered to be public_endpoint, which normally would be set to the same value on all workers, effectively disabling the proxying behavior.

Possible values:

  • A URL by which this worker is reachable from other workers

Related options:

  • public_endpoint

workers = None

integer value

Number of Glance worker processes to start.

Provide a non-negative integer value to set the number of child process workers to service requests. By default, the number of CPUs available is set as the value for workers limited to 8. For example if the processor count is 6, 6 workers will be used, if the processor count is 24 only 8 workers will be used. The limit will only apply to the default value, if 24 workers is configured, 24 is used.

Each worker process is made to listen on the port set in the configuration file and contains a greenthread pool of size 1000.


Setting the number of workers to zero, triggers the creation of a single API process with a greenthread pool of size 1000.

Possible values:

  • 0
  • Positive integer value (typically equal to the number of CPUs)

Related options:

  • None

3.1.2. cinder

The following table outlines the options available under the [cinder] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.1. cinder
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

cinder_api_insecure = False

boolean value

Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder.

If this option is set to True, HTTPS endpoint connection is verified using the CA certificates file specified by cinder_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • cinder_ca_certificates_file

cinder_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Location of a CA certificates file used for cinder client requests.

The specified CA certificates file, if set, is used to verify cinder connections via HTTPS endpoint. If the endpoint is HTTP, this value is ignored. cinder_api_insecure must be set to True to enable the verification.

Possible values:

  • Path to a ca certificates file

Related options:

  • cinder_api_insecure

cinder_catalog_info = volumev3::publicURL

string value

Information to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog.

When the cinder_endpoint_template is not set and any of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, cinder_store_password is not set, cinder store uses this information to lookup cinder endpoint from the service catalog in the current context. cinder_os_region_name, if set, is taken into consideration to fetch the appropriate endpoint.

The service catalog can be listed by the openstack catalog list command.

Possible values:

  • A string of of the following form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<interface> At least service_type and interface should be specified. service_name can be omitted.

Related options:

  • cinder_os_region_name
  • cinder_endpoint_template
  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_endpoint_template = None

string value

Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder endpoint.

When this option is set, this value is used to generate cinder endpoint, instead of looking up from the service catalog. This value is ignored if cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password are specified.

If this configuration option is set, cinder_catalog_info will be ignored.

Possible values:

  • URL template string for cinder endpoint, where %%(tenant)s is replaced with the current tenant (project) name. For example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_enforce_multipath = False

boolean value

If this is set to True, attachment of volumes for image transfer will be aborted when multipathd is not running. Otherwise, it will fallback to single path.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_use_multipath

cinder_http_retries = 3

integer value

Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.

When a call failed by any errors, cinderclient will retry the call up to the specified times after sleeping a few seconds.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_mount_point_base = /var/lib/glance/mnt

string value

Directory where the NFS volume is mounted on the glance node.

Possible values:

  • A string representing absolute path of mount point.

cinder_os_region_name = None

string value

Region name to lookup cinder service from the service catalog.

This is used only when cinder_catalog_info is used for determining the endpoint. If set, the lookup for cinder endpoint by this node is filtered to the specified region. It is useful when multiple regions are listed in the catalog. If this is not set, the endpoint is looked up from every region.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid region name.

Related options:

  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_state_transition_timeout = 300

integer value

Time period, in seconds, to wait for a cinder volume transition to complete.

When the cinder volume is created, deleted, or attached to the glance node to read/write the volume data, the volume’s state is changed. For example, the newly created volume status changes from creating to available after the creation process is completed. This specifies the maximum time to wait for the status change. If a timeout occurs while waiting, or the status is changed to an unexpected value (e.g. error), the image creation fails.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the cinder authentication service is listening.

When all of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password options are specified, the specified values are always used for the authentication. This is useful to hide the image volumes from users by storing them in a project/tenant specific to the image service. It also enables users to share the image volume among other projects under the control of glance’s ACL.

If either of these options are not set, the cinder endpoint is looked up from the service catalog, and current context’s user and project are used.

Possible values:

  • A valid authentication service address, for example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_password = None

string value

Password for the user authenticating against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid password for the user specified by cinder_store_user_name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_project_name = None

string value

Project name where the image volume is stored in cinder.

If this configuration option is not set, the project in current context is used.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the project of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid project name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_store_user_name = None

string value

User name to authenticate against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid user name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_use_multipath = False

boolean value

Flag to identify mutipath is supported or not in the deployment.

Set it to False if multipath is not supported.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_enforce_multipath

cinder_volume_type = None

string value

Volume type that will be used for volume creation in cinder.

Some cinder backends can have several volume types to optimize storage usage. Adding this option allows an operator to choose a specific volume type in cinder that can be optimized for images.

If this is not set, then the default volume type specified in the cinder configuration will be used for volume creation.

Possible values:

  • A valid volume type from cinder

Related options:

  • None

You cannot use an encrypted volume_type associated with an NFS backend. An encrypted volume stored on an NFS backend will raise an exception whenever glance_store tries to write or access image data stored in that volume. Consult your Cinder administrator to determine an appropriate volume_type.

rootwrap_config = /etc/glance/rootwrap.conf

string value

Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running commands as root.

The cinder store requires root privileges to operate the image volumes (for connecting to iSCSI/FC volumes and reading/writing the volume data, etc.). The configuration file should allow the required commands by cinder store and os-brick library.

Possible values:

  • Path to the rootwrap config file

Related options:

  • None

3.1.3. cors

The following table outlines the options available under the [cors] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.2. cors
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

allow_credentials = True

boolean value

Indicate that the actual request can include user credentials

allow_headers = ['Content-MD5', 'X-Image-Meta-Checksum', 'X-Storage-Token', 'Accept-Encoding', 'X-Auth-Token', 'X-Identity-Status', 'X-Roles', 'X-Service-Catalog', 'X-User-Id', 'X-Tenant-Id', 'X-OpenStack-Request-ID']

list value

Indicate which header field names may be used during the actual request.

allow_methods = ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH']

list value

Indicate which methods can be used during the actual request.

allowed_origin = None

list value

Indicate whether this resource may be shared with the domain received in the requests "origin" header. Format: "<protocol>://<host>[:<port>]", no trailing slash. Example:

expose_headers = ['X-Image-Meta-Checksum', 'X-Auth-Token', 'X-Subject-Token', 'X-Service-Token', 'X-OpenStack-Request-ID']

list value

Indicate which headers are safe to expose to the API. Defaults to HTTP Simple Headers.

max_age = 3600

integer value

Maximum cache age of CORS preflight requests.

3.1.4. database

The following table outlines the options available under the [database] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.3. database
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

backend = sqlalchemy

string value

The back end to use for the database.

connection = None

string value

The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database.

connection_debug = 0

integer value

Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything.

`connection_parameters = `

string value

Optional URL parameters to append onto the connection URL at connect time; specify as param1=value1&param2=value2&…​

connection_recycle_time = 3600

integer value

Connections which have been present in the connection pool longer than this number of seconds will be replaced with a new one the next time they are checked out from the pool.

connection_trace = False

boolean value

Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings.

db_inc_retry_interval = True

boolean value

If True, increases the interval between retries of a database operation up to db_max_retry_interval.

db_max_retries = 20

integer value

Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.

db_max_retry_interval = 10

integer value

If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a database operation.

db_retry_interval = 1

integer value

Seconds between retries of a database transaction.

max_overflow = 50

integer value

If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy.

max_pool_size = 5

integer value

Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. Setting a value of 0 indicates no limit.

max_retries = 10

integer value

Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.

mysql_enable_ndb = False

boolean value

If True, transparently enables support for handling MySQL Cluster (NDB).

mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL

string value

The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=

pool_timeout = None

integer value

If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy.

retry_interval = 10

integer value

Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection.

slave_connection = None

string value

The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.

sqlite_synchronous = True

boolean value

If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode.

use_db_reconnect = False

boolean value

Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.

use_tpool = False

boolean value

Enable the experimental use of thread pooling for all DB API calls

3.1.5. file

The following table outlines the options available under the [file] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.4. file
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

filesystem_store_chunk_size = 65536

integer value

Chunk size, in bytes.

The chunk size used when reading or writing image files. Raising this value may improve the throughput but it may also slightly increase the memory usage when handling a large number of requests.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

string value

Directory to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

Upon start up, Glance creates the directory if it doesn’t already exist and verifies write access to the user under which glance-api runs. If the write access isn’t available, a BadStoreConfiguration exception is raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadirs
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_datadirs = None

multi valued

List of directories and their priorities to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

The filesystem store can be configured to store images in multiple directories as opposed to using a single directory specified by the filesystem_store_datadir configuration option. When using multiple directories, each directory can be given an optional priority to specify the preference order in which they should be used. Priority is an integer that is concatenated to the directory path with a colon where a higher value indicates higher priority. When two directories have the same priority, the directory with most free space is used. When no priority is specified, it defaults to zero.

More information on configuring filesystem store with multiple store directories can be found at


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • List of strings of the following form:

    • <a valid directory path>:<optional integer priority>

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadir
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_file_perm = 0

integer value

File access permissions for the image files.

Set the intended file access permissions for image data. This provides a way to enable other services, e.g. Nova, to consume images directly from the filesystem store. The users running the services that are intended to be given access to could be made a member of the group that owns the files created. Assigning a value less then or equal to zero for this configuration option signifies that no changes be made to the default permissions. This value will be decoded as an octal digit.

For more information, please refer the documentation at

Possible values:

  • A valid file access permission
  • Zero
  • Any negative integer

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_metadata_file = None

string value

Filesystem store metadata file.

The path to a file which contains the metadata to be returned with any location associated with the filesystem store. Once this option is set, it is used for new images created afterward only - previously existing images are not affected.

The file must contain a valid JSON object. The object should contain the keys id and mountpoint. The value for both keys should be a string.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to the store metadata file

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the filesystem, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by the filesystem as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None


The following table outlines the options available under the [] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.5.
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

http_proxy_information = {}

dict value

The http/https proxy information to be used to connect to the remote server.

This configuration option specifies the http/https proxy information that should be used to connect to the remote server. The proxy information should be a key value pair of the scheme and proxy, for example, http: You can also specify proxies for multiple schemes by separating the key value pairs with a comma, for example, http:, https:

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of scheme:proxy pairs as described above

Related options:

  • None

https_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Certificate Authority file to verify the remote server certificate. If this option is set, the https_insecure option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • https_insecure

https_insecure = True

boolean value

Set verification of the remote server certificate.

This configuration option takes in a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the remote server certificate. If set to True, the remote server certificate is not verified. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if https_ca_certificates_file is set. The remote server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the https_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • https_ca_certificates_file


The following table outlines the options available under the [] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.6.
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

rados_connect_timeout = 0

integer value

Timeout value for connecting to Ceph cluster.

This configuration option takes in the timeout value in seconds used when connecting to the Ceph cluster i.e. it sets the time to wait for glance-api before closing the connection. This prevents glance-api hangups during the connection to RBD. If the value for this option is set to less than or equal to 0, no timeout is set and the default librados value is used.

Possible Values:

  • Any integer value

Related options:

  • None

`rbd_store_ceph_conf = `

string value

Ceph configuration file path.

This configuration option specifies the path to the Ceph configuration file to be used. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to the empty string, librados will read the standard ceph.conf file by searching the default Ceph configuration file locations in sequential order. See the Ceph documentation for details.


If using Cephx authentication, this file should include a reference to the right keyring in a client.<USER> section

NOTE 2: If you leave this option empty (the default), the actual Ceph configuration file used may change depending on what version of librados is being used. If it is important for you to know exactly which configuration file is in effect, you may specify that file here using this option.

Possible Values:

  • A valid path to a configuration file

Related options:

  • rbd_store_user

rbd_store_chunk_size = 8

integer value

Size, in megabytes, to chunk RADOS images into.

Provide an integer value representing the size in megabytes to chunk Glance images into. The default chunk size is 8 megabytes. For optimal performance, the value should be a power of two.

When Ceph’s RBD object storage system is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are chunked into objects of the size set using this option. These chunked objects are then stored across the distributed block data store to use for Glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_pool = images

string value

RADOS pool in which images are stored.

When RBD is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are stored by means of logical grouping of the objects (chunks of images) into a pool. Each pool is defined with the number of placement groups it can contain. The default pool that is used is images.

More information on the RBD storage backend can be found here:

Possible Values:

  • A valid pool name

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_user = None

string value

RADOS user to authenticate as.

This configuration option takes in the RADOS user to authenticate as. This is only needed when RADOS authentication is enabled and is applicable only if the user is using Cephx authentication. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to None, a default value will be chosen, which will be based on the client. section in rbd_store_ceph_conf.

Possible Values:

  • A valid RADOS user

Related options:

  • rbd_store_ceph_conf

rbd_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the RBD backend, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by Ceph as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None


The following table outlines the options available under the [] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.7.
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

s3_store_access_key = None

string value

The S3 query token access key.

This configuration option takes the access key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is the access key for a user with appropriate privileges

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_bucket = None

string value

The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.

This configuration option specifies where the glance images will be stored in the S3. If s3_store_create_bucket_on_put is set to true, it will be created automatically even if the bucket does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any string value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_create_bucket_on_put
  • s3_store_bucket_url_format

s3_store_bucket_url_format = auto

string value

The S3 calling format used to determine the object.

This configuration option takes access model that is used to specify the address of an object in an S3 bucket.

NOTE: In path-style, the endpoint for the object looks like And in virtual-style, the endpoint for the object looks like If you do not follow the DNS naming convention in the bucket name, you can get objects in the path style, but not in the virtual style.

Possible values:

  • Any string value of auto, virtual, or path

Related Options:

  • s3_store_bucket

s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False

boolean value

Determine whether S3 should create a new bucket.

This configuration option takes boolean value to indicate whether Glance should create a new bucket to S3 if it does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any Boolean value

Related Options:

  • None

s3_store_host = None

string value

The host where the S3 server is listening.

This configuration option sets the host of the S3 or S3 compatible storage Server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend. The host can contain a DNS name (e.g., or an IP address (

Possible values:

  • A valid DNS name
  • A valid IPv4 address

Related Options:

  • s3_store_access_key
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_large_object_chunk_size = 10

integer value

What multipart upload part size, in MB, should S3 use when uploading parts.

This configuration option takes the image split size in MB for Multipart Upload.

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value (must be greater than or equal to 5M)

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_large_object_size = 100

integer value

What size, in MB, should S3 start chunking image files and do a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes a threshold in MB to determine whether to upload the image to S3 as is or to split it (Multipart Upload).

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_secret_key = None

string value

The S3 query token secret key.

This configuration option takes the secret key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is a secret key corresponding to the access key specified using the s3_store_host option

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_access_key

s3_store_thread_pools = 10

integer value

The number of thread pools to perform a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes the number of thread pools when performing a Multipart Upload.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size


The following table outlines the options available under the [] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.8.
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

default_swift_reference = ref1

string value

Reference to default Swift account/backing store parameters.

Provide a string value representing a reference to the default set of parameters required for using swift account/backing store for image storage. The default reference value for this configuration option is ref1. This configuration option dereferences the parameters and facilitates image storage in Swift storage backend every time a new image is added.

Possible values:

  • A valid string value

Related options:

  • None

swift_buffer_on_upload = False

boolean value

Buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a boolean value to indicate whether or not Glance should buffer image data to disk while uploading to swift. This enables Glance to resume uploads on error.

NOTES: When enabling this option, one should take great care as this increases disk usage on the API node. Be aware that depending upon how the file system is configured, the disk space used for buffering may decrease the actual disk space available for the glance image cache. Disk utilization will cap according to the following equation: (swift_store_large_object_chunk_size * workers * 1000)

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_upload_buffer_dir

swift_store_admin_tenants = []

list value

List of tenants that will be granted admin access.

This is a list of tenants that will be granted read/write access on all Swift containers created by Glance in multi-tenant mode. The default value is an empty list.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of strings representing UUIDs of Keystone projects/tenants

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the Swift authentication service is listening.

swift_store_auth_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the server certificate.

This boolean determines whether or not to verify the server certificate. If this option is set to True, swiftclient won’t check for a valid SSL certificate when authenticating. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_cacert

swift_store_auth_version = 2

string value

Version of the authentication service to use. Valid versions are 2 and 3 for keystone and 1 (deprecated) for swauth and rackspace.

swift_store_cacert = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to specify the path to a custom Certificate Authority file for SSL verification when connecting to Swift.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • swift_store_auth_insecure

swift_store_config_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the file containing the swift account(s) configurations.

Include a string value representing the path to a configuration file that has references for each of the configured Swift account(s)/backing stores. By default, no file path is specified and customized Swift referencing is disabled. Configuring this option is highly recommended while using Swift storage backend for image storage as it avoids storage of credentials in the database.


Please do not configure this option if you have set swift_store_multi_tenant to True.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute path on the glance-api node

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_container = glance

string value

Name of single container to store images/name prefix for multiple containers

When a single container is being used to store images, this configuration option indicates the container within the Glance account to be used for storing all images. When multiple containers are used to store images, this will be the name prefix for all containers. Usage of single/multiple containers can be controlled using the configuration option swift_store_multiple_containers_seed.

When using multiple containers, the containers will be named after the value set for this configuration option with the first N chars of the image UUID as the suffix delimited by an underscore (where N is specified by swift_store_multiple_containers_seed).

Example: if the seed is set to 3 and swift_store_container = glance, then an image with UUID fdae39a1-bac5-4238-aba4-69bcc726e848 would be placed in the container glance_fda. All dashes in the UUID are included when creating the container name but do not count toward the character limit, so when N=10 the container name would be glance_fdae39a1-ba.

Possible values:

  • If using single container, this configuration option can be any string that is a valid swift container name in Glance’s Swift account
  • If using multiple containers, this configuration option can be any string as long as it satisfies the container naming rules enforced by Swift. The value of swift_store_multiple_containers_seed should be taken into account as well.

Related options:

  • swift_store_multiple_containers_seed
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_create_container_on_put = False

boolean value

Create container, if it doesn’t already exist, when uploading image.

At the time of uploading an image, if the corresponding container doesn’t exist, it will be created provided this configuration option is set to True. By default, it won’t be created. This behavior is applicable for both single and multiple containers mode.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint = None

string value

The URL endpoint to use for Swift backend storage.

Provide a string value representing the URL endpoint to use for storing Glance images in Swift store. By default, an endpoint is not set and the storage URL returned by auth is used. Setting an endpoint with swift_store_endpoint overrides the storage URL and is used for Glance image storage.


The URL should include the path up to, but excluding the container. The location of an object is obtained by appending the container and object to the configured URL.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid URL path up to a Swift container

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint_type = publicURL

string value

Endpoint Type of Swift service.

This string value indicates the endpoint type to use to fetch the Swift endpoint. The endpoint type determines the actions the user will be allowed to perform, for instance, reading and writing to the Store. This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version is greater than 1.

Possible values:

  • publicURL
  • adminURL
  • internalURL

Related options:

  • swift_store_endpoint

swift_store_expire_soon_interval = 60

integer value

Time in seconds defining the size of the window in which a new token may be requested before the current token is due to expire.

Typically, the Swift storage driver fetches a new token upon the expiration of the current token to ensure continued access to Swift. However, some Swift transactions (like uploading image segments) may not recover well if the token expires on the fly.

Hence, by fetching a new token before the current token expiration, we make sure that the token does not expire or is close to expiry before a transaction is attempted. By default, the Swift storage driver requests for a new token 60 seconds or less before the current token expiration.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_key = None

string value

Auth key for the user authenticating against the Swift authentication service.

swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200

integer value

The maximum size, in MB, of the segments when image data is segmented.

When image data is segmented to upload images that are larger than the limit enforced by the Swift cluster, image data is broken into segments that are no bigger than the size specified by this configuration option. Refer to swift_store_large_object_size for more detail.

For example: if swift_store_large_object_size is 5GB and swift_store_large_object_chunk_size is 1GB, an image of size 6.2GB will be segmented into 7 segments where the first six segments will be 1GB in size and the seventh segment will be 0.2GB.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_size

swift_store_large_object_size = 5120

integer value

The size threshold, in MB, after which Glance will start segmenting image data.

Swift has an upper limit on the size of a single uploaded object. By default, this is 5GB. To upload objects bigger than this limit, objects are segmented into multiple smaller objects that are tied together with a manifest file. For more detail, refer to

This configuration option specifies the size threshold over which the Swift driver will start segmenting image data into multiple smaller files. Currently, the Swift driver only supports creating Dynamic Large Objects.


This should be set by taking into account the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

swift_store_multi_tenant = False

boolean value

Store images in tenant’s Swift account.

This enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts. If this is disabled, Glance stores all images in its own account. More details multi-tenant store can be found at


If using multi-tenant swift store, please make sure that you do not set a swift configuration file with the swift_store_config_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_config_file

swift_store_multiple_containers_seed = 0

integer value

Seed indicating the number of containers to use for storing images.

When using a single-tenant store, images can be stored in one or more than one containers. When set to 0, all images will be stored in one single container. When set to an integer value between 1 and 32, multiple containers will be used to store images. This configuration option will determine how many containers are created. The total number of containers that will be used is equal to 16^N, so if this config option is set to 2, then 16^2=256 containers will be used to store images.

Please refer to swift_store_container for more detail on the naming convention. More detail about using multiple containers can be found at


This is used only when swift_store_multi_tenant is disabled.

Possible values:

  • A non-negative integer less than or equal to 32

Related options:

  • swift_store_container
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_region = None

string value

The region of Swift endpoint to use by Glance.

Provide a string value representing a Swift region where Glance can connect to for image storage. By default, there is no region set.

When Glance uses Swift as the storage backend to store images for a specific tenant that has multiple endpoints, setting of a Swift region with swift_store_region allows Glance to connect to Swift in the specified region as opposed to a single region connectivity.

This option can be configured for both single-tenant and multi-tenant storage.


Setting the region with swift_store_region is tenant-specific and is necessary only if the tenant has multiple endpoints across different regions.

Possible values:

  • A string value representing a valid Swift region.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_retry_get_count = 0

integer value

The number of times a Swift download will be retried before the request fails.

Provide an integer value representing the number of times an image download must be retried before erroring out. The default value is zero (no retry on a failed image download). When set to a positive integer value, swift_store_retry_get_count ensures that the download is attempted this many more times upon a download failure before sending an error message.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_service_type = object-store

string value

Type of Swift service to use.

Provide a string value representing the service type to use for storing images while using Swift backend storage. The default service type is set to object-store.


If swift_store_auth_version is set to 2, the value for this configuration option needs to be object-store. If using a higher version of Keystone or a different auth scheme, this option may be modified.

Possible values:

  • A string representing a valid service type for Swift storage.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_ssl_compression = True

boolean value

SSL layer compression for HTTPS Swift requests.

Provide a boolean value to determine whether or not to compress HTTPS Swift requests for images at the SSL layer. By default, compression is enabled.

When using Swift as the backend store for Glance image storage, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests can be set using this option. If set to False, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests is disabled. Disabling this option may improve performance for images which are already in a compressed format, for example, qcow2.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_use_trusts = True

boolean value

Use trusts for multi-tenant Swift store.

This option instructs the Swift store to create a trust for each add/get request when the multi-tenant store is in use. Using trusts allows the Swift store to avoid problems that can be caused by an authentication token expiring during the upload or download of data.

By default, swift_store_use_trusts is set to True(use of trusts is enabled). If set to False, a user token is used for the Swift connection instead, eliminating the overhead of trust creation.


This option is considered only when swift_store_multi_tenant is set to True

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_user = None

string value

The user to authenticate against the Swift authentication service.

swift_upload_buffer_dir = None

string value

Directory to buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a string value representing the absolute path to the directory on the glance node where image segments will be buffered briefly before they are uploaded to swift.


  • This is required only when the configuration option swift_buffer_on_upload is set to True.
  • This directory should be provisioned keeping in mind the swift_store_large_object_chunk_size and the maximum number of images that could be uploaded simultaneously by a given glance node.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute directory path

Related options:

  • swift_buffer_on_upload
  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size


The following table outlines the options available under the [] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.9.
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

vmware_api_retry_count = 10

integer value

The number of VMware API retries.

This configuration option specifies the number of times the VMware ESX/VC server API must be retried upon connection related issues or server API call overload. It is not possible to specify retry forever.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

vmware_ca_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Cerificate Authority File to verify the ESX/vCenter certificate.

If this option is set, the "vmware_insecure" option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the ESX/vCenter server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid absolute path to a CA file

Related options:

  • vmware_insecure

vmware_datastores = None

multi valued

The datastores where the image can be stored.

This configuration option specifies the datastores where the image can be stored in the VMWare store backend. This option may be specified multiple times for specifying multiple datastores. The datastore name should be specified after its datacenter path, separated by ":". An optional weight may be given after the datastore name, separated again by ":" to specify the priority. Thus, the required format becomes <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>.

When adding an image, the datastore with highest weight will be selected, unless there is not enough free space available in cases where the image size is already known. If no weight is given, it is assumed to be zero and the directory will be considered for selection last. If multiple datastores have the same weight, then the one with the most free space available is selected.

Possible Values:

  • Any string of the format: <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>

Related options: * None

vmware_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the ESX/vCenter server certificate.

This configuration option takes a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the ESX/vCenter server certificate. If this option is set to True, the ESX/vCenter server certificate is not verified. If this option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if the "vmware_ca_file" option is set. In that case, the ESX/vCenter server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the "vmware_ca_file" option .

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • vmware_ca_file

vmware_server_host = None

host address value

Address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system.

This configuration option sets the address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend. The address can contain an IP address ( or a DNS name (

Possible Values:

  • A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • A valid DNS name

Related options:

  • vmware_server_username
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_server_password = None

string value

Server password.

This configuration option takes the password for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a password corresponding to the username specified using the "vmware_server_username" option

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_username

vmware_server_username = None

string value

Server username.

This configuration option takes the username for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is the username for a user with appropriate privileges

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_store_image_dir = /openstack_glance

string value

The directory where the glance images will be stored in the datastore.

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory where the glance images will be stored in the VMware datastore. If this option is not set, the default directory where the glance images are stored is openstack_glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • None

vmware_task_poll_interval = 5

integer value

Interval in seconds used for polling remote tasks invoked on VMware ESX/VC server.

This configuration option takes in the sleep time in seconds for polling an on-going async task as part of the VMWare ESX/VC server API call.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

3.1.11. glance_store

The following table outlines the options available under the [glance_store] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.10. glance_store
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

cinder_api_insecure = False

boolean value

Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder.

If this option is set to True, HTTPS endpoint connection is verified using the CA certificates file specified by cinder_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • cinder_ca_certificates_file

cinder_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Location of a CA certificates file used for cinder client requests.

The specified CA certificates file, if set, is used to verify cinder connections via HTTPS endpoint. If the endpoint is HTTP, this value is ignored. cinder_api_insecure must be set to True to enable the verification.

Possible values:

  • Path to a ca certificates file

Related options:

  • cinder_api_insecure

cinder_catalog_info = volumev3::publicURL

string value

Information to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog.

When the cinder_endpoint_template is not set and any of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, cinder_store_password is not set, cinder store uses this information to lookup cinder endpoint from the service catalog in the current context. cinder_os_region_name, if set, is taken into consideration to fetch the appropriate endpoint.

The service catalog can be listed by the openstack catalog list command.

Possible values:

  • A string of of the following form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<interface> At least service_type and interface should be specified. service_name can be omitted.

Related options:

  • cinder_os_region_name
  • cinder_endpoint_template
  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_endpoint_template = None

string value

Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder endpoint.

When this option is set, this value is used to generate cinder endpoint, instead of looking up from the service catalog. This value is ignored if cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password are specified.

If this configuration option is set, cinder_catalog_info will be ignored.

Possible values:

  • URL template string for cinder endpoint, where %%(tenant)s is replaced with the current tenant (project) name. For example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_enforce_multipath = False

boolean value

If this is set to True, attachment of volumes for image transfer will be aborted when multipathd is not running. Otherwise, it will fallback to single path.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_use_multipath

cinder_http_retries = 3

integer value

Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.

When a call failed by any errors, cinderclient will retry the call up to the specified times after sleeping a few seconds.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_mount_point_base = /var/lib/glance/mnt

string value

Directory where the NFS volume is mounted on the glance node.

Possible values:

  • A string representing absolute path of mount point.

cinder_os_region_name = None

string value

Region name to lookup cinder service from the service catalog.

This is used only when cinder_catalog_info is used for determining the endpoint. If set, the lookup for cinder endpoint by this node is filtered to the specified region. It is useful when multiple regions are listed in the catalog. If this is not set, the endpoint is looked up from every region.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid region name.

Related options:

  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_state_transition_timeout = 300

integer value

Time period, in seconds, to wait for a cinder volume transition to complete.

When the cinder volume is created, deleted, or attached to the glance node to read/write the volume data, the volume’s state is changed. For example, the newly created volume status changes from creating to available after the creation process is completed. This specifies the maximum time to wait for the status change. If a timeout occurs while waiting, or the status is changed to an unexpected value (e.g. error), the image creation fails.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the cinder authentication service is listening.

When all of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password options are specified, the specified values are always used for the authentication. This is useful to hide the image volumes from users by storing them in a project/tenant specific to the image service. It also enables users to share the image volume among other projects under the control of glance’s ACL.

If either of these options are not set, the cinder endpoint is looked up from the service catalog, and current context’s user and project are used.

Possible values:

  • A valid authentication service address, for example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_password = None

string value

Password for the user authenticating against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid password for the user specified by cinder_store_user_name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_project_name = None

string value

Project name where the image volume is stored in cinder.

If this configuration option is not set, the project in current context is used.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the project of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid project name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_store_user_name = None

string value

User name to authenticate against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid user name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_use_multipath = False

boolean value

Flag to identify mutipath is supported or not in the deployment.

Set it to False if multipath is not supported.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_enforce_multipath

cinder_volume_type = None

string value

Volume type that will be used for volume creation in cinder.

Some cinder backends can have several volume types to optimize storage usage. Adding this option allows an operator to choose a specific volume type in cinder that can be optimized for images.

If this is not set, then the default volume type specified in the cinder configuration will be used for volume creation.

Possible values:

  • A valid volume type from cinder

Related options:

  • None

You cannot use an encrypted volume_type associated with an NFS backend. An encrypted volume stored on an NFS backend will raise an exception whenever glance_store tries to write or access image data stored in that volume. Consult your Cinder administrator to determine an appropriate volume_type.

default_backend = None

string value

The store identifier for the default backend in which data will be stored.

The value must be defined as one of the keys in the dict defined by the enabled_backends configuration option in the DEFAULT configuration group.

If a value is not defined for this option:

  • the consuming service may refuse to start
  • store_add calls that do not specify a specific backend will raise a glance_store.exceptions.UnknownScheme exception

Related Options:

  • enabled_backends

default_store = file

string value

The default scheme to use for storing images.

Provide a string value representing the default scheme to use for storing images. If not set, Glance uses file as the default scheme to store images with the file store.


The value given for this configuration option must be a valid scheme for a store registered with the stores configuration option.

Possible values:

  • file
  • filesystem
  • http
  • https
  • swift
  • swift+http
  • swift+https
  • swift+config
  • rbd
  • cinder
  • vsphere
  • s3

Related Options:

  • stores

Deprecated since: Rocky

Reason: This option is deprecated against new config option ``default_backend`` which acts similar to ``default_store`` config option.

This option is scheduled for removal in the U development cycle.

default_swift_reference = ref1

string value

Reference to default Swift account/backing store parameters.

Provide a string value representing a reference to the default set of parameters required for using swift account/backing store for image storage. The default reference value for this configuration option is ref1. This configuration option dereferences the parameters and facilitates image storage in Swift storage backend every time a new image is added.

Possible values:

  • A valid string value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_chunk_size = 65536

integer value

Chunk size, in bytes.

The chunk size used when reading or writing image files. Raising this value may improve the throughput but it may also slightly increase the memory usage when handling a large number of requests.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

string value

Directory to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

Upon start up, Glance creates the directory if it doesn’t already exist and verifies write access to the user under which glance-api runs. If the write access isn’t available, a BadStoreConfiguration exception is raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadirs
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_datadirs = None

multi valued

List of directories and their priorities to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

The filesystem store can be configured to store images in multiple directories as opposed to using a single directory specified by the filesystem_store_datadir configuration option. When using multiple directories, each directory can be given an optional priority to specify the preference order in which they should be used. Priority is an integer that is concatenated to the directory path with a colon where a higher value indicates higher priority. When two directories have the same priority, the directory with most free space is used. When no priority is specified, it defaults to zero.

More information on configuring filesystem store with multiple store directories can be found at


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • List of strings of the following form:

    • <a valid directory path>:<optional integer priority>

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadir
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_file_perm = 0

integer value

File access permissions for the image files.

Set the intended file access permissions for image data. This provides a way to enable other services, e.g. Nova, to consume images directly from the filesystem store. The users running the services that are intended to be given access to could be made a member of the group that owns the files created. Assigning a value less then or equal to zero for this configuration option signifies that no changes be made to the default permissions. This value will be decoded as an octal digit.

For more information, please refer the documentation at

Possible values:

  • A valid file access permission
  • Zero
  • Any negative integer

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_metadata_file = None

string value

Filesystem store metadata file.

The path to a file which contains the metadata to be returned with any location associated with the filesystem store. Once this option is set, it is used for new images created afterward only - previously existing images are not affected.

The file must contain a valid JSON object. The object should contain the keys id and mountpoint. The value for both keys should be a string.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to the store metadata file

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the filesystem, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by the filesystem as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

http_proxy_information = {}

dict value

The http/https proxy information to be used to connect to the remote server.

This configuration option specifies the http/https proxy information that should be used to connect to the remote server. The proxy information should be a key value pair of the scheme and proxy, for example, http: You can also specify proxies for multiple schemes by separating the key value pairs with a comma, for example, http:, https:

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of scheme:proxy pairs as described above

Related options:

  • None

https_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Certificate Authority file to verify the remote server certificate. If this option is set, the https_insecure option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • https_insecure

https_insecure = True

boolean value

Set verification of the remote server certificate.

This configuration option takes in a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the remote server certificate. If set to True, the remote server certificate is not verified. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if https_ca_certificates_file is set. The remote server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the https_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • https_ca_certificates_file

rados_connect_timeout = 0

integer value

Timeout value for connecting to Ceph cluster.

This configuration option takes in the timeout value in seconds used when connecting to the Ceph cluster i.e. it sets the time to wait for glance-api before closing the connection. This prevents glance-api hangups during the connection to RBD. If the value for this option is set to less than or equal to 0, no timeout is set and the default librados value is used.

Possible Values:

  • Any integer value

Related options:

  • None

`rbd_store_ceph_conf = `

string value

Ceph configuration file path.

This configuration option specifies the path to the Ceph configuration file to be used. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to the empty string, librados will read the standard ceph.conf file by searching the default Ceph configuration file locations in sequential order. See the Ceph documentation for details.


If using Cephx authentication, this file should include a reference to the right keyring in a client.<USER> section

NOTE 2: If you leave this option empty (the default), the actual Ceph configuration file used may change depending on what version of librados is being used. If it is important for you to know exactly which configuration file is in effect, you may specify that file here using this option.

Possible Values:

  • A valid path to a configuration file

Related options:

  • rbd_store_user

rbd_store_chunk_size = 8

integer value

Size, in megabytes, to chunk RADOS images into.

Provide an integer value representing the size in megabytes to chunk Glance images into. The default chunk size is 8 megabytes. For optimal performance, the value should be a power of two.

When Ceph’s RBD object storage system is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are chunked into objects of the size set using this option. These chunked objects are then stored across the distributed block data store to use for Glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_pool = images

string value

RADOS pool in which images are stored.

When RBD is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are stored by means of logical grouping of the objects (chunks of images) into a pool. Each pool is defined with the number of placement groups it can contain. The default pool that is used is images.

More information on the RBD storage backend can be found here:

Possible Values:

  • A valid pool name

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_user = None

string value

RADOS user to authenticate as.

This configuration option takes in the RADOS user to authenticate as. This is only needed when RADOS authentication is enabled and is applicable only if the user is using Cephx authentication. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to None, a default value will be chosen, which will be based on the client. section in rbd_store_ceph_conf.

Possible Values:

  • A valid RADOS user

Related options:

  • rbd_store_ceph_conf

rbd_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the RBD backend, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by Ceph as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

rootwrap_config = /etc/glance/rootwrap.conf

string value

Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running commands as root.

The cinder store requires root privileges to operate the image volumes (for connecting to iSCSI/FC volumes and reading/writing the volume data, etc.). The configuration file should allow the required commands by cinder store and os-brick library.

Possible values:

  • Path to the rootwrap config file

Related options:

  • None

s3_store_access_key = None

string value

The S3 query token access key.

This configuration option takes the access key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is the access key for a user with appropriate privileges

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_bucket = None

string value

The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.

This configuration option specifies where the glance images will be stored in the S3. If s3_store_create_bucket_on_put is set to true, it will be created automatically even if the bucket does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any string value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_create_bucket_on_put
  • s3_store_bucket_url_format

s3_store_bucket_url_format = auto

string value

The S3 calling format used to determine the object.

This configuration option takes access model that is used to specify the address of an object in an S3 bucket.

NOTE: In path-style, the endpoint for the object looks like And in virtual-style, the endpoint for the object looks like If you do not follow the DNS naming convention in the bucket name, you can get objects in the path style, but not in the virtual style.

Possible values:

  • Any string value of auto, virtual, or path

Related Options:

  • s3_store_bucket

s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False

boolean value

Determine whether S3 should create a new bucket.

This configuration option takes boolean value to indicate whether Glance should create a new bucket to S3 if it does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any Boolean value

Related Options:

  • None

s3_store_host = None

string value

The host where the S3 server is listening.

This configuration option sets the host of the S3 or S3 compatible storage Server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend. The host can contain a DNS name (e.g., or an IP address (

Possible values:

  • A valid DNS name
  • A valid IPv4 address

Related Options:

  • s3_store_access_key
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_large_object_chunk_size = 10

integer value

What multipart upload part size, in MB, should S3 use when uploading parts.

This configuration option takes the image split size in MB for Multipart Upload.

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value (must be greater than or equal to 5M)

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_large_object_size = 100

integer value

What size, in MB, should S3 start chunking image files and do a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes a threshold in MB to determine whether to upload the image to S3 as is or to split it (Multipart Upload).

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_secret_key = None

string value

The S3 query token secret key.

This configuration option takes the secret key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is a secret key corresponding to the access key specified using the s3_store_host option

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_access_key

s3_store_thread_pools = 10

integer value

The number of thread pools to perform a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes the number of thread pools when performing a Multipart Upload.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size

stores = ['file', 'http']

list value

List of enabled Glance stores.

Register the storage backends to use for storing disk images as a comma separated list. The default stores enabled for storing disk images with Glance are file and http.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list that could include:

    • file
    • http
    • swift
    • rbd
    • cinder
    • vmware
    • s3

Related Options:

  • default_store

Deprecated since: Rocky

Reason: This option is deprecated against new config option ``enabled_backends`` which helps to configure multiple backend stores of different schemes.

This option is scheduled for removal in the U development cycle.

swift_buffer_on_upload = False

boolean value

Buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a boolean value to indicate whether or not Glance should buffer image data to disk while uploading to swift. This enables Glance to resume uploads on error.

NOTES: When enabling this option, one should take great care as this increases disk usage on the API node. Be aware that depending upon how the file system is configured, the disk space used for buffering may decrease the actual disk space available for the glance image cache. Disk utilization will cap according to the following equation: (swift_store_large_object_chunk_size * workers * 1000)

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_upload_buffer_dir

swift_store_admin_tenants = []

list value

List of tenants that will be granted admin access.

This is a list of tenants that will be granted read/write access on all Swift containers created by Glance in multi-tenant mode. The default value is an empty list.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of strings representing UUIDs of Keystone projects/tenants

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the Swift authentication service is listening.

swift_store_auth_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the server certificate.

This boolean determines whether or not to verify the server certificate. If this option is set to True, swiftclient won’t check for a valid SSL certificate when authenticating. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_cacert

swift_store_auth_version = 2

string value

Version of the authentication service to use. Valid versions are 2 and 3 for keystone and 1 (deprecated) for swauth and rackspace.

swift_store_cacert = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to specify the path to a custom Certificate Authority file for SSL verification when connecting to Swift.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • swift_store_auth_insecure

swift_store_config_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the file containing the swift account(s) configurations.

Include a string value representing the path to a configuration file that has references for each of the configured Swift account(s)/backing stores. By default, no file path is specified and customized Swift referencing is disabled. Configuring this option is highly recommended while using Swift storage backend for image storage as it avoids storage of credentials in the database.


Please do not configure this option if you have set swift_store_multi_tenant to True.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute path on the glance-api node

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_container = glance

string value

Name of single container to store images/name prefix for multiple containers

When a single container is being used to store images, this configuration option indicates the container within the Glance account to be used for storing all images. When multiple containers are used to store images, this will be the name prefix for all containers. Usage of single/multiple containers can be controlled using the configuration option swift_store_multiple_containers_seed.

When using multiple containers, the containers will be named after the value set for this configuration option with the first N chars of the image UUID as the suffix delimited by an underscore (where N is specified by swift_store_multiple_containers_seed).

Example: if the seed is set to 3 and swift_store_container = glance, then an image with UUID fdae39a1-bac5-4238-aba4-69bcc726e848 would be placed in the container glance_fda. All dashes in the UUID are included when creating the container name but do not count toward the character limit, so when N=10 the container name would be glance_fdae39a1-ba.

Possible values:

  • If using single container, this configuration option can be any string that is a valid swift container name in Glance’s Swift account
  • If using multiple containers, this configuration option can be any string as long as it satisfies the container naming rules enforced by Swift. The value of swift_store_multiple_containers_seed should be taken into account as well.

Related options:

  • swift_store_multiple_containers_seed
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_create_container_on_put = False

boolean value

Create container, if it doesn’t already exist, when uploading image.

At the time of uploading an image, if the corresponding container doesn’t exist, it will be created provided this configuration option is set to True. By default, it won’t be created. This behavior is applicable for both single and multiple containers mode.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint = None

string value

The URL endpoint to use for Swift backend storage.

Provide a string value representing the URL endpoint to use for storing Glance images in Swift store. By default, an endpoint is not set and the storage URL returned by auth is used. Setting an endpoint with swift_store_endpoint overrides the storage URL and is used for Glance image storage.


The URL should include the path up to, but excluding the container. The location of an object is obtained by appending the container and object to the configured URL.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid URL path up to a Swift container

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint_type = publicURL

string value

Endpoint Type of Swift service.

This string value indicates the endpoint type to use to fetch the Swift endpoint. The endpoint type determines the actions the user will be allowed to perform, for instance, reading and writing to the Store. This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version is greater than 1.

Possible values:

  • publicURL
  • adminURL
  • internalURL

Related options:

  • swift_store_endpoint

swift_store_expire_soon_interval = 60

integer value

Time in seconds defining the size of the window in which a new token may be requested before the current token is due to expire.

Typically, the Swift storage driver fetches a new token upon the expiration of the current token to ensure continued access to Swift. However, some Swift transactions (like uploading image segments) may not recover well if the token expires on the fly.

Hence, by fetching a new token before the current token expiration, we make sure that the token does not expire or is close to expiry before a transaction is attempted. By default, the Swift storage driver requests for a new token 60 seconds or less before the current token expiration.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_key = None

string value

Auth key for the user authenticating against the Swift authentication service.

swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200

integer value

The maximum size, in MB, of the segments when image data is segmented.

When image data is segmented to upload images that are larger than the limit enforced by the Swift cluster, image data is broken into segments that are no bigger than the size specified by this configuration option. Refer to swift_store_large_object_size for more detail.

For example: if swift_store_large_object_size is 5GB and swift_store_large_object_chunk_size is 1GB, an image of size 6.2GB will be segmented into 7 segments where the first six segments will be 1GB in size and the seventh segment will be 0.2GB.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_size

swift_store_large_object_size = 5120

integer value

The size threshold, in MB, after which Glance will start segmenting image data.

Swift has an upper limit on the size of a single uploaded object. By default, this is 5GB. To upload objects bigger than this limit, objects are segmented into multiple smaller objects that are tied together with a manifest file. For more detail, refer to

This configuration option specifies the size threshold over which the Swift driver will start segmenting image data into multiple smaller files. Currently, the Swift driver only supports creating Dynamic Large Objects.


This should be set by taking into account the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

swift_store_multi_tenant = False

boolean value

Store images in tenant’s Swift account.

This enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts. If this is disabled, Glance stores all images in its own account. More details multi-tenant store can be found at


If using multi-tenant swift store, please make sure that you do not set a swift configuration file with the swift_store_config_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_config_file

swift_store_multiple_containers_seed = 0

integer value

Seed indicating the number of containers to use for storing images.

When using a single-tenant store, images can be stored in one or more than one containers. When set to 0, all images will be stored in one single container. When set to an integer value between 1 and 32, multiple containers will be used to store images. This configuration option will determine how many containers are created. The total number of containers that will be used is equal to 16^N, so if this config option is set to 2, then 16^2=256 containers will be used to store images.

Please refer to swift_store_container for more detail on the naming convention. More detail about using multiple containers can be found at


This is used only when swift_store_multi_tenant is disabled.

Possible values:

  • A non-negative integer less than or equal to 32

Related options:

  • swift_store_container
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_region = None

string value

The region of Swift endpoint to use by Glance.

Provide a string value representing a Swift region where Glance can connect to for image storage. By default, there is no region set.

When Glance uses Swift as the storage backend to store images for a specific tenant that has multiple endpoints, setting of a Swift region with swift_store_region allows Glance to connect to Swift in the specified region as opposed to a single region connectivity.

This option can be configured for both single-tenant and multi-tenant storage.


Setting the region with swift_store_region is tenant-specific and is necessary only if the tenant has multiple endpoints across different regions.

Possible values:

  • A string value representing a valid Swift region.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_retry_get_count = 0

integer value

The number of times a Swift download will be retried before the request fails.

Provide an integer value representing the number of times an image download must be retried before erroring out. The default value is zero (no retry on a failed image download). When set to a positive integer value, swift_store_retry_get_count ensures that the download is attempted this many more times upon a download failure before sending an error message.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_service_type = object-store

string value

Type of Swift service to use.

Provide a string value representing the service type to use for storing images while using Swift backend storage. The default service type is set to object-store.


If swift_store_auth_version is set to 2, the value for this configuration option needs to be object-store. If using a higher version of Keystone or a different auth scheme, this option may be modified.

Possible values:

  • A string representing a valid service type for Swift storage.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_ssl_compression = True

boolean value

SSL layer compression for HTTPS Swift requests.

Provide a boolean value to determine whether or not to compress HTTPS Swift requests for images at the SSL layer. By default, compression is enabled.

When using Swift as the backend store for Glance image storage, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests can be set using this option. If set to False, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests is disabled. Disabling this option may improve performance for images which are already in a compressed format, for example, qcow2.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_use_trusts = True

boolean value

Use trusts for multi-tenant Swift store.

This option instructs the Swift store to create a trust for each add/get request when the multi-tenant store is in use. Using trusts allows the Swift store to avoid problems that can be caused by an authentication token expiring during the upload or download of data.

By default, swift_store_use_trusts is set to True(use of trusts is enabled). If set to False, a user token is used for the Swift connection instead, eliminating the overhead of trust creation.


This option is considered only when swift_store_multi_tenant is set to True

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_user = None

string value

The user to authenticate against the Swift authentication service.

swift_upload_buffer_dir = None

string value

Directory to buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a string value representing the absolute path to the directory on the glance node where image segments will be buffered briefly before they are uploaded to swift.


  • This is required only when the configuration option swift_buffer_on_upload is set to True.
  • This directory should be provisioned keeping in mind the swift_store_large_object_chunk_size and the maximum number of images that could be uploaded simultaneously by a given glance node.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute directory path

Related options:

  • swift_buffer_on_upload
  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

vmware_api_retry_count = 10

integer value

The number of VMware API retries.

This configuration option specifies the number of times the VMware ESX/VC server API must be retried upon connection related issues or server API call overload. It is not possible to specify retry forever.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

vmware_ca_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Cerificate Authority File to verify the ESX/vCenter certificate.

If this option is set, the "vmware_insecure" option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the ESX/vCenter server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid absolute path to a CA file

Related options:

  • vmware_insecure

vmware_datastores = None

multi valued

The datastores where the image can be stored.

This configuration option specifies the datastores where the image can be stored in the VMWare store backend. This option may be specified multiple times for specifying multiple datastores. The datastore name should be specified after its datacenter path, separated by ":". An optional weight may be given after the datastore name, separated again by ":" to specify the priority. Thus, the required format becomes <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>.

When adding an image, the datastore with highest weight will be selected, unless there is not enough free space available in cases where the image size is already known. If no weight is given, it is assumed to be zero and the directory will be considered for selection last. If multiple datastores have the same weight, then the one with the most free space available is selected.

Possible Values:

  • Any string of the format: <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>

Related options: * None

vmware_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the ESX/vCenter server certificate.

This configuration option takes a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the ESX/vCenter server certificate. If this option is set to True, the ESX/vCenter server certificate is not verified. If this option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if the "vmware_ca_file" option is set. In that case, the ESX/vCenter server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the "vmware_ca_file" option .

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • vmware_ca_file

vmware_server_host = None

host address value

Address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system.

This configuration option sets the address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend. The address can contain an IP address ( or a DNS name (

Possible Values:

  • A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • A valid DNS name

Related options:

  • vmware_server_username
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_server_password = None

string value

Server password.

This configuration option takes the password for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a password corresponding to the username specified using the "vmware_server_username" option

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_username

vmware_server_username = None

string value

Server username.

This configuration option takes the username for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is the username for a user with appropriate privileges

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_store_image_dir = /openstack_glance

string value

The directory where the glance images will be stored in the datastore.

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory where the glance images will be stored in the VMware datastore. If this option is not set, the default directory where the glance images are stored is openstack_glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • None

vmware_task_poll_interval = 5

integer value

Interval in seconds used for polling remote tasks invoked on VMware ESX/VC server.

This configuration option takes in the sleep time in seconds for polling an on-going async task as part of the VMWare ESX/VC server API call.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

3.1.12. image_format

The following table outlines the options available under the [image_format] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.11. image_format
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

container_formats = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'bare', 'ovf', 'ova', 'docker', 'compressed']

list value

Supported values for the container_format image attribute

disk_formats = ['ami', 'ari', 'aki', 'vhd', 'vhdx', 'vmdk', 'raw', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'iso', 'ploop']

list value

Supported values for the disk_format image attribute

vmdk_allowed_types = ['streamOptimized', 'monolithicSparse']

list value

A list of strings describing allowed VMDK create-type subformats that will be allowed. This is recommended to only include single-file-with-sparse-header variants to avoid potential host file exposure due to processing named extents. If this list is empty, then no VDMK image types allowed. Note that this is currently only checked during image conversion (if enabled), and limits the types of VMDK images we will convert from.

3.1.13. keystone_authtoken

The following table outlines the options available under the [keystone_authtoken] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.12. keystone_authtoken
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

auth_section = None

string value

Config Section from which to load plugin specific options

auth_type = None

string value

Authentication type to load

auth_uri = None

string value

Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint should not be an "admin" endpoint, as it should be accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated clients are redirected to this endpoint to authenticate. Although this endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in the wild varies. If you’re using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should not be the same endpoint the service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal end users may not be able to reach that endpoint. This option is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and will be removed in the S release. Deprecated since: Queens

*Reason:*The auth_uri option is deprecated in favor of www_authenticate_uri and will be removed in the S release.

auth_version = None

string value

API version of the Identity API endpoint.

cache = None

string value

Request environment key where the Swift cache object is stored. When auth_token middleware is deployed with a Swift cache, use this option to have the middleware share a caching backend with swift. Otherwise, use the memcached_servers option instead.

cafile = None

string value

A PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying HTTPs connections. Defaults to system CAs.

certfile = None

string value

Required if identity server requires client certificate

delay_auth_decision = False

boolean value

Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware, but delegate the authorization decision to downstream WSGI components.

enforce_token_bind = permissive

string value

Used to control the use and type of token binding. Can be set to: "disabled" to not check token binding. "permissive" (default) to validate binding information if the bind type is of a form known to the server and ignore it if not. "strict" like "permissive" but if the bind type is unknown the token will be rejected. "required" any form of token binding is needed to be allowed. Finally the name of a binding method that must be present in tokens.

http_connect_timeout = None

integer value

Request timeout value for communicating with Identity API server.

http_request_max_retries = 3

integer value

How many times are we trying to reconnect when communicating with Identity API Server.

include_service_catalog = True

boolean value

(Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog header. If False, middleware will not ask for service catalog on token validation and will not set the X-Service-Catalog header.

insecure = False

boolean value

Verify HTTPS connections.

interface = internal

string value

Interface to use for the Identity API endpoint. Valid values are "public", "internal" (default) or "admin".

keyfile = None

string value

Required if identity server requires client certificate

memcache_pool_conn_get_timeout = 10

integer value

(Optional) Number of seconds that an operation will wait to get a memcached client connection from the pool.

memcache_pool_dead_retry = 300

integer value

(Optional) Number of seconds memcached server is considered dead before it is tried again.

memcache_pool_maxsize = 10

integer value

(Optional) Maximum total number of open connections to every memcached server.

memcache_pool_socket_timeout = 3

integer value

(Optional) Socket timeout in seconds for communicating with a memcached server.

memcache_pool_unused_timeout = 60

integer value

(Optional) Number of seconds a connection to memcached is held unused in the pool before it is closed.

memcache_secret_key = None

string value

(Optional, mandatory if memcache_security_strategy is defined) This string is used for key derivation.

memcache_security_strategy = None

string value

(Optional) If defined, indicate whether token data should be authenticated or authenticated and encrypted. If MAC, token data is authenticated (with HMAC) in the cache. If ENCRYPT, token data is encrypted and authenticated in the cache. If the value is not one of these options or empty, auth_token will raise an exception on initialization.

memcache_use_advanced_pool = False

boolean value

(Optional) Use the advanced (eventlet safe) memcached client pool. The advanced pool will only work under python 2.x.

memcached_servers = None

list value

Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process.

region_name = None

string value

The region in which the identity server can be found.

service_token_roles = ['service']

list value

A choice of roles that must be present in a service token. Service tokens are allowed to request that an expired token can be used and so this check should tightly control that only actual services should be sending this token. Roles here are applied as an ANY check so any role in this list must be present. For backwards compatibility reasons this currently only affects the allow_expired check.

service_token_roles_required = False

boolean value

For backwards compatibility reasons we must let valid service tokens pass that don’t pass the service_token_roles check as valid. Setting this true will become the default in a future release and should be enabled if possible.

service_type = None

string value

The name or type of the service as it appears in the service catalog. This is used to validate tokens that have restricted access rules.

token_cache_time = 300

integer value

In order to prevent excessive effort spent validating tokens, the middleware caches previously-seen tokens for a configurable duration (in seconds). Set to -1 to disable caching completely.

www_authenticate_uri = None

string value

Complete "public" Identity API endpoint. This endpoint should not be an "admin" endpoint, as it should be accessible by all end users. Unauthenticated clients are redirected to this endpoint to authenticate. Although this endpoint should ideally be unversioned, client support in the wild varies. If you’re using a versioned v2 endpoint here, then this should not be the same endpoint the service user utilizes for validating tokens, because normal end users may not be able to reach that endpoint.

3.1.14. oslo_concurrency

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_concurrency] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.13. oslo_concurrency
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

disable_process_locking = False

boolean value

Enables or disables inter-process locks.

lock_path = None

string value

Directory to use for lock files. For security, the specified directory should only be writable by the user running the processes that need locking. Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. If external locks are used, a lock path must be set.

3.1.15. oslo_messaging_amqp

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_messaging_amqp] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.14. oslo_messaging_amqp
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

addressing_mode = dynamic

string value

Indicates the addressing mode used by the driver. Permitted values: legacy - use legacy non-routable addressing routable - use routable addresses dynamic - use legacy addresses if the message bus does not support routing otherwise use routable addressing

anycast_address = anycast

string value

Appended to the address prefix when sending to a group of consumers. Used by the message bus to identify messages that should be delivered in a round-robin fashion across consumers.

broadcast_prefix = broadcast

string value

address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers

connection_retry_backoff = 2

integer value

Increase the connection_retry_interval by this many seconds after each unsuccessful failover attempt.

connection_retry_interval = 1

integer value

Seconds to pause before attempting to re-connect.

connection_retry_interval_max = 30

integer value

Maximum limit for connection_retry_interval + connection_retry_backoff

container_name = None

string value

Name for the AMQP container. must be globally unique. Defaults to a generated UUID

default_notification_exchange = None

string value

Exchange name used in notification addresses. Exchange name resolution precedence: if set else default_notification_exchange if set else control_exchange if set else notify

default_notify_timeout = 30

integer value

The deadline for a sent notification message delivery. Only used when caller does not provide a timeout expiry.

default_reply_retry = 0

integer value

The maximum number of attempts to re-send a reply message which failed due to a recoverable error.

default_reply_timeout = 30

integer value

The deadline for an rpc reply message delivery.

default_rpc_exchange = None

string value

Exchange name used in RPC addresses. Exchange name resolution precedence: if set else default_rpc_exchange if set else control_exchange if set else rpc

default_send_timeout = 30

integer value

The deadline for an rpc cast or call message delivery. Only used when caller does not provide a timeout expiry.

default_sender_link_timeout = 600

integer value

The duration to schedule a purge of idle sender links. Detach link after expiry.

group_request_prefix = unicast

string value

address prefix when sending to any server in group

idle_timeout = 0

integer value

Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds)

link_retry_delay = 10

integer value

Time to pause between re-connecting an AMQP 1.0 link that failed due to a recoverable error.

multicast_address = multicast

string value

Appended to the address prefix when sending a fanout message. Used by the message bus to identify fanout messages.

notify_address_prefix =

string value

Address prefix for all generated Notification addresses

notify_server_credit = 100

integer value

Window size for incoming Notification messages

pre_settled = ['rpc-cast', 'rpc-reply']

multi valued

Send messages of this type pre-settled. Pre-settled messages will not receive acknowledgement from the peer. Note well: pre-settled messages may be silently discarded if the delivery fails. Permitted values: rpc-call - send RPC Calls pre-settled rpc-reply- send RPC Replies pre-settled rpc-cast - Send RPC Casts pre-settled notify - Send Notifications pre-settled

pseudo_vhost = True

boolean value

Enable virtual host support for those message buses that do not natively support virtual hosting (such as qpidd). When set to true the virtual host name will be added to all message bus addresses, effectively creating a private subnet per virtual host. Set to False if the message bus supports virtual hosting using the hostname field in the AMQP 1.0 Open performative as the name of the virtual host.

reply_link_credit = 200

integer value

Window size for incoming RPC Reply messages.

rpc_address_prefix =

string value

Address prefix for all generated RPC addresses

rpc_server_credit = 100

integer value

Window size for incoming RPC Request messages

`sasl_config_dir = `

string value

Path to directory that contains the SASL configuration

`sasl_config_name = `

string value

Name of configuration file (without .conf suffix)

`sasl_default_realm = `

string value

SASL realm to use if no realm present in username

`sasl_mechanisms = `

string value

Space separated list of acceptable SASL mechanisms

server_request_prefix = exclusive

string value

address prefix used when sending to a specific server

ssl = False

boolean value

Attempt to connect via SSL. If no other ssl-related parameters are given, it will use the system’s CA-bundle to verify the server’s certificate.

`ssl_ca_file = `

string value

CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server’s certificate

`ssl_cert_file = `

string value

Self-identifying certificate PEM file for client authentication

`ssl_key_file = `

string value

Private key PEM file used to sign ssl_cert_file certificate (optional)

ssl_key_password = None

string value

Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted)

ssl_verify_vhost = False

boolean value

By default SSL checks that the name in the server’s certificate matches the hostname in the transport_url. In some configurations it may be preferable to use the virtual hostname instead, for example if the server uses the Server Name Indication TLS extension (rfc6066) to provide a certificate per virtual host. Set ssl_verify_vhost to True if the server’s SSL certificate uses the virtual host name instead of the DNS name.

trace = False

boolean value

Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout

unicast_address = unicast

string value

Appended to the address prefix when sending to a particular RPC/Notification server. Used by the message bus to identify messages sent to a single destination.

3.1.16. oslo_messaging_kafka

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_messaging_kafka] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.15. oslo_messaging_kafka
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

compression_codec = none

string value

The compression codec for all data generated by the producer. If not set, compression will not be used. Note that the allowed values of this depend on the kafka version

conn_pool_min_size = 2

integer value

The pool size limit for connections expiration policy

conn_pool_ttl = 1200

integer value

The time-to-live in sec of idle connections in the pool

consumer_group = oslo_messaging_consumer

string value

Group id for Kafka consumer. Consumers in one group will coordinate message consumption

enable_auto_commit = False

boolean value

Enable asynchronous consumer commits

kafka_consumer_timeout = 1.0

floating point value

Default timeout(s) for Kafka consumers

kafka_max_fetch_bytes = 1048576

integer value

Max fetch bytes of Kafka consumer

max_poll_records = 500

integer value

The maximum number of records returned in a poll call

pool_size = 10

integer value

Pool Size for Kafka Consumers

producer_batch_size = 16384

integer value

Size of batch for the producer async send

producer_batch_timeout = 0.0

floating point value

Upper bound on the delay for KafkaProducer batching in seconds

sasl_mechanism = PLAIN

string value

Mechanism when security protocol is SASL

security_protocol = PLAINTEXT

string value

Protocol used to communicate with brokers

`ssl_cafile = `

string value

CA certificate PEM file used to verify the server certificate

`ssl_client_cert_file = `

string value

Client certificate PEM file used for authentication.

`ssl_client_key_file = `

string value

Client key PEM file used for authentication.

`ssl_client_key_password = `

string value

Client key password file used for authentication.

3.1.17. oslo_messaging_notifications

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_messaging_notifications] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.16. oslo_messaging_notifications
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

driver = []

multi valued

The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop

retry = -1

integer value

The maximum number of attempts to re-send a notification message which failed to be delivered due to a recoverable error. 0 - No retry, -1 - indefinite

topics = ['notifications']

list value

AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications.

transport_url = None

string value

A URL representing the messaging driver to use for notifications. If not set, we fall back to the same configuration used for RPC.

3.1.18. oslo_messaging_rabbit

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_messaging_rabbit] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.17. oslo_messaging_rabbit
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

amqp_auto_delete = False

boolean value

Auto-delete queues in AMQP.

amqp_durable_queues = False

boolean value

Use durable queues in AMQP.

direct_mandatory_flag = True

boolean value

(DEPRECATED) Enable/Disable the RabbitMQ mandatory flag for direct send. The direct send is used as reply, so the MessageUndeliverable exception is raised in case the client queue does not exist.MessageUndeliverable exception will be used to loop for a timeout to lets a chance to sender to recover.This flag is deprecated and it will not be possible to deactivate this functionality anymore

enable_cancel_on_failover = False

boolean value

Enable x-cancel-on-ha-failover flag so that rabbitmq server will cancel and notify consumerswhen queue is down

heartbeat_in_pthread = False

boolean value

Run the health check heartbeat thread through a native python thread by default. If this option is equal to False then the health check heartbeat will inherit the execution model from the parent process. For example if the parent process has monkey patched the stdlib by using eventlet/greenlet then the heartbeat will be run through a green thread. This option should be set to True only for the wsgi services.

heartbeat_rate = 2

integer value

How often times during the heartbeat_timeout_threshold we check the heartbeat.

heartbeat_timeout_threshold = 60

integer value

Number of seconds after which the Rabbit broker is considered down if heartbeat’s keep-alive fails (0 disables heartbeat).

kombu_compression = None

string value

EXPERIMENTAL: Possible values are: gzip, bz2. If not set compression will not be used. This option may not be available in future versions.

kombu_failover_strategy = round-robin

string value

Determines how the next RabbitMQ node is chosen in case the one we are currently connected to becomes unavailable. Takes effect only if more than one RabbitMQ node is provided in config.

kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout = 60

integer value

How long to wait a missing client before abandoning to send it its replies. This value should not be longer than rpc_response_timeout.

kombu_reconnect_delay = 1.0

floating point value

How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an AMQP consumer cancel notification.

rabbit_ha_queues = False

boolean value

Try to use HA queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). If you change this option, you must wipe the RabbitMQ database. In RabbitMQ 3.0, queue mirroring is no longer controlled by the x-ha-policy argument when declaring a queue. If you just want to make sure that all queues (except those with auto-generated names) are mirrored across all nodes, run: "rabbitmqctl set_policy HA ^(?!amq\.).* {"ha-mode": "all"} "

rabbit_interval_max = 30

integer value

Maximum interval of RabbitMQ connection retries. Default is 30 seconds.

rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN

string value

The RabbitMQ login method.

rabbit_qos_prefetch_count = 0

integer value

Specifies the number of messages to prefetch. Setting to zero allows unlimited messages.

rabbit_retry_backoff = 2

integer value

How long to backoff for between retries when connecting to RabbitMQ.

rabbit_retry_interval = 1

integer value

How frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ.

rabbit_transient_queues_ttl = 1800

integer value

Positive integer representing duration in seconds for queue TTL (x-expires). Queues which are unused for the duration of the TTL are automatically deleted. The parameter affects only reply and fanout queues.

ssl = False

boolean value

Connect over SSL.

`ssl_ca_file = `

string value

SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled).

`ssl_cert_file = `

string value

SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled).

`ssl_key_file = `

string value

SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled).

`ssl_version = `

string value

SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled). Valid values are TLSv1 and SSLv23. SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1_1, and TLSv1_2 may be available on some distributions.

3.1.19. oslo_middleware

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_middleware] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.18. oslo_middleware
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

enable_proxy_headers_parsing = False

boolean value

Whether the application is behind a proxy or not. This determines if the middleware should parse the headers or not.

3.1.20. oslo_policy

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_policy] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.19. oslo_policy
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

enforce_new_defaults = False

boolean value

This option controls whether or not to use old deprecated defaults when evaluating policies. If True, the old deprecated defaults are not going to be evaluated. This means if any existing token is allowed for old defaults but is disallowed for new defaults, it will be disallowed. It is encouraged to enable this flag along with the enforce_scope flag so that you can get the benefits of new defaults and scope_type together

enforce_scope = False

boolean value

This option controls whether or not to enforce scope when evaluating policies. If True, the scope of the token used in the request is compared to the scope_types of the policy being enforced. If the scopes do not match, an InvalidScope exception will be raised. If False, a message will be logged informing operators that policies are being invoked with mismatching scope.

policy_default_rule = default

string value

Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.

policy_dirs = ['policy.d']

multi valued

Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these directories to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored.

policy_file = policy.yaml

string value

The relative or absolute path of a file that maps roles to permissions for a given service. Relative paths must be specified in relation to the configuration file setting this option.

remote_content_type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

string value

Content Type to send and receive data for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_ca_crt_file = None

string value

Absolute path to ca cert file for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_client_crt_file = None

string value

Absolute path to client cert for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_client_key_file = None

string value

Absolute path client key file REST based policy check

remote_ssl_verify_server_crt = False

boolean value

server identity verification for REST based policy check

3.1.21. paste_deploy

The following table outlines the options available under the [paste_deploy] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.20. paste_deploy
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

config_file = None

string value

Name of the paste configuration file.

Provide a string value representing the name of the paste configuration file to use for configuring piplelines for server application deployments.


  • Provide the name or the path relative to the glance directory for the paste configuration file and not the absolute path.
  • The sample paste configuration file shipped with Glance need not be edited in most cases as it comes with ready-made pipelines for all common deployment flavors.

If no value is specified for this option, the paste.ini file with the prefix of the corresponding Glance service’s configuration file name will be searched for in the known configuration directories. (For example, if this option is missing from or has no value set in glance-api.conf, the service will look for a file named glance-api-paste.ini.) If the paste configuration file is not found, the service will not start.

Possible values:

  • A string value representing the name of the paste configuration file.

Related Options:

  • flavor

flavor = None

string value

Deployment flavor to use in the server application pipeline.

Provide a string value representing the appropriate deployment flavor used in the server application pipleline. This is typically the partial name of a pipeline in the paste configuration file with the service name removed.

For example, if your paste section name in the paste configuration file is [pipeline:glance-api-keystone], set flavor to keystone.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a partial pipeline name.

Related Options:

  • config_file

3.1.22. profiler

The following table outlines the options available under the [profiler] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.21. profiler
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

connection_string = messaging://

string value

Connection string for a notifier backend.

Default value is messaging:// which sets the notifier to oslo_messaging.

Examples of possible values:

  • messaging:// - use oslo_messaging driver for sending spans.
  • redis:// - use redis driver for sending spans.
  • mongodb:// - use mongodb driver for sending spans.
  • elasticsearch:// - use elasticsearch driver for sending spans.
  • jaeger:// - use jaeger tracing as driver for sending spans.

enabled = False

boolean value

Enable the profiling for all services on this node.

Default value is False (fully disable the profiling feature).

Possible values:

  • True: Enables the feature
  • False: Disables the feature. The profiling cannot be started via this project operations. If the profiling is triggered by another project, this project part will be empty.

es_doc_type = notification

string value

Document type for notification indexing in elasticsearch.

es_scroll_size = 10000

integer value

Elasticsearch splits large requests in batches. This parameter defines maximum size of each batch (for example: es_scroll_size=10000).

es_scroll_time = 2m

string value

This parameter is a time value parameter (for example: es_scroll_time=2m), indicating for how long the nodes that participate in the search will maintain relevant resources in order to continue and support it.

filter_error_trace = False

boolean value

Enable filter traces that contain error/exception to a separated place.

Default value is set to False.

Possible values:

  • True: Enable filter traces that contain error/exception.
  • False: Disable the filter.

hmac_keys = SECRET_KEY

string value

Secret key(s) to use for encrypting context data for performance profiling.

This string value should have the following format: <key1>[,<key2>,…​<keyn>], where each key is some random string. A user who triggers the profiling via the REST API has to set one of these keys in the headers of the REST API call to include profiling results of this node for this particular project.

Both "enabled" flag and "hmac_keys" config options should be set to enable profiling. Also, to generate correct profiling information across all services at least one key needs to be consistent between OpenStack projects. This ensures it can be used from client side to generate the trace, containing information from all possible resources.

sentinel_service_name = mymaster

string value

Redissentinel uses a service name to identify a master redis service. This parameter defines the name (for example: sentinal_service_name=mymaster).

socket_timeout = 0.1

floating point value

Redissentinel provides a timeout option on the connections. This parameter defines that timeout (for example: socket_timeout=0.1).

trace_sqlalchemy = False

boolean value

Enable SQL requests profiling in services.

Default value is False (SQL requests won’t be traced).

Possible values:

  • True: Enables SQL requests profiling. Each SQL query will be part of the trace and can the be analyzed by how much time was spent for that.
  • False: Disables SQL requests profiling. The spent time is only shown on a higher level of operations. Single SQL queries cannot be analyzed this way.

3.1.23. store_type_location_strategy

The following table outlines the options available under the [store_type_location_strategy] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.22. store_type_location_strategy
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

store_type_preference = []

list value

Preference order of storage backends.

Provide a comma separated list of store names in the order in which images should be retrieved from storage backends. These store names must be registered with the stores configuration option.


The store_type_preference configuration option is applied only if store_type is chosen as a value for the location_strategy configuration option. An empty list will not change the location order.

Possible values:

  • Empty list
  • Comma separated list of registered store names. Legal values are:

    • file
    • http
    • rbd
    • swift
    • cinder
    • vmware

Related options:

  • location_strategy
  • stores

3.1.24. task

The following table outlines the options available under the [task] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.23. task
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

task_executor = taskflow

string value

Task executor to be used to run task scripts.

Provide a string value representing the executor to use for task executions. By default, TaskFlow executor is used.

TaskFlow helps make task executions easy, consistent, scalable and reliable. It also enables creation of lightweight task objects and/or functions that are combined together into flows in a declarative manner.

Possible values:

  • taskflow

Related Options:

  • None

task_time_to_live = 48

integer value

Time in hours for which a task lives after, either succeeding or failing

work_dir = None

string value

Absolute path to the work directory to use for asynchronous task operations.

The directory set here will be used to operate over images - normally before they are imported in the destination store.


When providing a value for work_dir, please make sure that enough space is provided for concurrent tasks to run efficiently without running out of space.

A rough estimation can be done by multiplying the number of max_workers with an average image size (e.g 500MB). The image size estimation should be done based on the average size in your deployment. Note that depending on the tasks running you may need to multiply this number by some factor depending on what the task does. For example, you may want to double the available size if image conversion is enabled. All this being said, remember these are just estimations and you should do them based on the worst case scenario and be prepared to act in case they were wrong.

Possible values:

  • String value representing the absolute path to the working directory

Related Options:

  • None

3.1.25. taskflow_executor

The following table outlines the options available under the [taskflow_executor] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.24. taskflow_executor
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

conversion_format = None

string value

Set the desired image conversion format.

Provide a valid image format to which you want images to be converted before they are stored for consumption by Glance. Appropriate image format conversions are desirable for specific storage backends in order to facilitate efficient handling of bandwidth and usage of the storage infrastructure.

By default, conversion_format is not set and must be set explicitly in the configuration file.

The allowed values for this option are raw, qcow2 and vmdk. The raw format is the unstructured disk format and should be chosen when RBD or Ceph storage backends are used for image storage. qcow2 is supported by the QEMU emulator that expands dynamically and supports Copy on Write. The vmdk is another common disk format supported by many common virtual machine monitors like VMWare Workstation.

Possible values:

  • qcow2
  • raw
  • vmdk

Related options:

  • disk_formats

engine_mode = parallel

string value

Set the taskflow engine mode.

Provide a string type value to set the mode in which the taskflow engine would schedule tasks to the workers on the hosts. Based on this mode, the engine executes tasks either in single or multiple threads. The possible values for this configuration option are: serial and parallel. When set to serial, the engine runs all the tasks in a single thread which results in serial execution of tasks. Setting this to parallel makes the engine run tasks in multiple threads. This results in parallel execution of tasks.

Possible values:

  • serial
  • parallel

Related options:

  • max_workers

max_workers = 10

integer value

Set the number of engine executable tasks.

Provide an integer value to limit the number of workers that can be instantiated on the hosts. In other words, this number defines the number of parallel tasks that can be executed at the same time by the taskflow engine. This value can be greater than one when the engine mode is set to parallel.

Possible values:

  • Integer value greater than or equal to 1

Related options:

  • engine_mode

3.1.26. wsgi

The following table outlines the options available under the [wsgi] group in the /etc/glance/glance-api.conf file.

Table 3.25. wsgi
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python3

string value

Path to the python interpreter to use when spawning external processes. By default this is sys.executable, which should be the same interpreter running Glance itself. However, in some situations (i.e. uwsgi) this may not actually point to a python interpreter itself.

task_pool_threads = 16

integer value

The number of threads (per worker process) in the pool for processing asynchronous tasks. This controls how many asynchronous tasks (i.e. for image interoperable import) each worker can run at a time. If this is too large, you may have increased memory footprint per worker and/or you may overwhelm other system resources such as disk or outbound network bandwidth. If this is too small, image import requests will have to wait until a thread becomes available to begin processing.

3.2. glance-scrubber.conf

This section contains options for the /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf file.

3.2.1. DEFAULT

The following table outlines the options available under the [DEFAULT] group in the /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf file.


Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

allow_additional_image_properties = True

boolean value

Allow users to add additional/custom properties to images.

Glance defines a standard set of properties (in its schema) that appear on every image. These properties are also known as base properties. In addition to these properties, Glance allows users to add custom properties to images. These are known as additional properties.

By default, this configuration option is set to True and users are allowed to add additional properties. The number of additional properties that can be added to an image can be controlled via image_property_quota configuration option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • image_property_quota

Deprecated since: Ussuri

Reason: This option is redundant. Control custom image property usage via the image_property_quota configuration option. This option is scheduled to be removed during the Victoria development cycle.

api_limit_max = 1000

integer value

Maximum number of results that could be returned by a request.

As described in the help text of limit_param_default, some requests may return multiple results. The number of results to be returned are governed either by the limit parameter in the request or the limit_param_default configuration option. The value in either case, can’t be greater than the absolute maximum defined by this configuration option. Anything greater than this value is trimmed down to the maximum value defined here.


Setting this to a very large value may slow down database queries and increase response times. Setting this to a very low value may result in poor user experience.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer

Related options:

  • limit_param_default

daemon = False

boolean value

Run scrubber as a daemon.

This boolean configuration option indicates whether scrubber should run as a long-running process that wakes up at regular intervals to scrub images. The wake up interval can be specified using the configuration option wakeup_time.

If this configuration option is set to False, which is the default value, scrubber runs once to scrub images and exits. In this case, if the operator wishes to implement continuous scrubbing of images, scrubber needs to be scheduled as a cron job.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • wakeup_time

debug = False

boolean value

If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default INFO level.

default_log_levels = ['amqp=WARN', 'amqplib=WARN', 'boto=WARN', 'qpid=WARN', 'sqlalchemy=WARN', 'suds=INFO', 'oslo.messaging=INFO', 'oslo_messaging=INFO', 'iso8601=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'websocket=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN', 'urllib3.util.retry=WARN', 'keystonemiddleware=WARN', 'routes.middleware=WARN', 'stevedore=WARN', 'taskflow=WARN', 'keystoneauth=WARN', 'oslo.cache=INFO', 'oslo_policy=INFO', 'dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO']

list value

List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

delayed_delete = False

boolean value

Turn on/off delayed delete.

Typically when an image is deleted, the glance-api service puts the image into deleted state and deletes its data at the same time. Delayed delete is a feature in Glance that delays the actual deletion of image data until a later point in time (as determined by the configuration option scrub_time). When delayed delete is turned on, the glance-api service puts the image into pending_delete state upon deletion and leaves the image data in the storage backend for the image scrubber to delete at a later time. The image scrubber will move the image into deleted state upon successful deletion of image data.


When delayed delete is turned on, image scrubber MUST be running as a periodic task to prevent the backend storage from filling up with undesired usage.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • scrub_time
  • wakeup_time
  • scrub_pool_size

digest_algorithm = sha256

string value

Digest algorithm to use for digital signature.

Provide a string value representing the digest algorithm to use for generating digital signatures. By default, sha256 is used.

To get a list of the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on your platform, run the command: openssl list-message-digest-algorithms. Examples are sha1, sha256, and sha512.


digest_algorithm is not related to Glance’s image signing and verification. It is only used to sign the universally unique identifier (UUID) as a part of the certificate file and key file validation.

Possible values:

  • An OpenSSL message digest algorithm identifier

Relation options:

  • None

enabled_import_methods = ['glance-direct', 'web-download', 'copy-image']

list value

List of enabled Image Import Methods

'glance-direct', 'copy-image' and 'web-download' are enabled by default.
    Related options:
** [DEFAULT]/node_staging_uri

enforce_secure_rbac = False

boolean value

Enforce API access based on common persona definitions used across OpenStack. Enabling this option formalizes project-specific read/write operations, like creating private images or updating the status of shared image, behind the member role. It also formalizes a read-only variant useful for project-specific API operations, like listing private images in a project, behind the reader role.

Operators should take an opportunity to understand glance’s new image policies, audit assignments in their deployment, and update permissions using the default roles in keystone (e.g., admin, member, and reader).

Related options:

  • [oslo_policy]/enforce_new_defaults

Deprecated since: Wallaby

Reason: This option has been introduced to require operators to opt into enforcing authorization based on common RBAC personas, which is EXPERIMENTAL as of the Wallaby release. This behavior will be the default and STABLE in a future release, allowing this option to be removed.

fatal_deprecations = False

boolean value

Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations.

hashing_algorithm = sha512

string value

Secure hashing algorithm used for computing the os_hash_value property.

This option configures the Glance "multihash", which consists of two image properties: the os_hash_algo and the os_hash_value. The os_hash_algo will be populated by the value of this configuration option, and the os_hash_value will be populated by the hexdigest computed when the algorithm is applied to the uploaded or imported image data.

The value must be a valid secure hash algorithm name recognized by the python hashlib library. You can determine what these are by examining the hashlib.algorithms_available data member of the version of the library being used in your Glance installation. For interoperability purposes, however, we recommend that you use the set of secure hash names supplied by the hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed data member because those algorithms are guaranteed to be supported by the hashlib library on all platforms. Thus, any image consumer using hashlib locally should be able to verify the os_hash_value of the image.

The default value of sha512 is a performant secure hash algorithm.

If this option is misconfigured, any attempts to store image data will fail. For that reason, we recommend using the default value.

Possible values:

  • Any secure hash algorithm name recognized by the Python hashlib library

Related options:

  • None

image_location_quota = 10

integer value

Maximum number of locations allowed on an image.

Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

image_member_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of image members per image.

This limits the maximum of users an image can be shared with. Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

image_property_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of properties allowed on an image.

This enforces an upper limit on the number of additional properties an image can have. Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.


This won’t have any impact if additional properties are disabled. Please refer to allow_additional_image_properties.

Related options:

  • allow_additional_image_properties

image_size_cap = 1099511627776

integer value

Maximum size of image a user can upload in bytes.

An image upload greater than the size mentioned here would result in an image creation failure. This configuration option defaults to 1099511627776 bytes (1 TiB).


  • This value should only be increased after careful consideration and must be set less than or equal to 8 EiB (9223372036854775808).
  • This value must be set with careful consideration of the backend storage capacity. Setting this to a very low value may result in a large number of image failures. And, setting this to a very large value may result in faster consumption of storage. Hence, this must be set according to the nature of images created and storage capacity available.

Possible values:

  • Any positive number less than or equal to 9223372036854775808

image_tag_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of tags allowed on an image.

Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

`instance_format = [instance: %(uuid)s] `

string value

The format for an instance that is passed with the log message.

`instance_uuid_format = [instance: %(uuid)s] `

string value

The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message.

limit_param_default = 25

integer value

The default number of results to return for a request.

Responses to certain API requests, like list images, may return multiple items. The number of results returned can be explicitly controlled by specifying the limit parameter in the API request. However, if a limit parameter is not specified, this configuration value will be used as the default number of results to be returned for any API request.


  • The value of this configuration option may not be greater than the value specified by api_limit_max.
  • Setting this to a very large value may slow down database queries and increase response times. Setting this to a very low value may result in poor user experience.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer

Related options:

  • api_limit_max

log-config-append = None

string value

The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration files, see the Python logging module documentation. Note that when logging configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for example, log-date-format).

log-date-format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

string value

Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default: %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log-dir = None

string value

(Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file paths. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log-file = None

string value

(Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log_rotate_interval = 1

integer value

The amount of time before the log files are rotated. This option is ignored unless log_rotation_type is setto "interval".

log_rotate_interval_type = days

string value

Rotation interval type. The time of the last file change (or the time when the service was started) is used when scheduling the next rotation.

log_rotation_type = none

string value

Log rotation type.

logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s

string value

Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d

string value

Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message is DEBUG. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s

string value

Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s

string value

Prefix each line of exception output with this format. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s

string value

Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in logging_context_format_string. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

max_logfile_count = 30

integer value

Maximum number of rotated log files.

max_logfile_size_mb = 200

integer value

Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if "log_rotation_type" is not set to "size".

metadata_encryption_key = None

string value

AES key for encrypting store location metadata.

Provide a string value representing the AES cipher to use for encrypting Glance store metadata.


The AES key to use must be set to a random string of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid AES key

Related options:

  • None

node_staging_uri = file:///tmp/staging/

string value

The URL provides location where the temporary data will be stored

This option is for Glance internal use only. Glance will save the image data uploaded by the user to staging endpoint during the image import process.

This option does not change the staging API endpoint by any means.


It is discouraged to use same path as [task]/work_dir


file://<absolute-directory-path> is the only option api_image_import flow will support for now.


The staging path must be on shared filesystem available to all Glance API nodes.

Possible values:

  • String starting with file:// followed by absolute FS path

Related options:

  • [task]/work_dir

publish_errors = False

boolean value

Enables or disables publication of error events.

pydev_worker_debug_host = None

host address value

Host address of the pydev server.

Provide a string value representing the hostname or IP of the pydev server to use for debugging. The pydev server listens for debug connections on this address, facilitating remote debugging in Glance.

Possible values:

  • Valid hostname
  • Valid IP address

Related options:

  • None

pydev_worker_debug_port = 5678

port value

Port number that the pydev server will listen on.

Provide a port number to bind the pydev server to. The pydev process accepts debug connections on this port and facilitates remote debugging in Glance.

Possible values:

  • A valid port number

Related options:

  • None

rate_limit_burst = 0

integer value

Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval.

rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL

string value

Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG or empty string. Logs with level greater or equal to rate_limit_except_level are not filtered. An empty string means that all levels are filtered.

rate_limit_interval = 0

integer value

Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting.

restore = None

string value

Restore the image status from pending_delete to active.

This option is used by administrator to reset the image’s status from pending_delete to active when the image is deleted by mistake and pending delete feature is enabled in Glance. Please make sure the glance-scrubber daemon is stopped before restoring the image to avoid image data inconsistency.

Possible values:

  • image’s uuid

scrub_pool_size = 1

integer value

The size of thread pool to be used for scrubbing images.

When there are a large number of images to scrub, it is beneficial to scrub images in parallel so that the scrub queue stays in control and the backend storage is reclaimed in a timely fashion. This configuration option denotes the maximum number of images to be scrubbed in parallel. The default value is one, which signifies serial scrubbing. Any value above one indicates parallel scrubbing.

Possible values:

  • Any non-zero positive integer

Related options:

  • delayed_delete

scrub_time = 0

integer value

The amount of time, in seconds, to delay image scrubbing.

When delayed delete is turned on, an image is put into pending_delete state upon deletion until the scrubber deletes its image data. Typically, soon after the image is put into pending_delete state, it is available for scrubbing. However, scrubbing can be delayed until a later point using this configuration option. This option denotes the time period an image spends in pending_delete state before it is available for scrubbing.

It is important to realize that this has storage implications. The larger the scrub_time, the longer the time to reclaim backend storage from deleted images.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • delayed_delete

show_image_direct_url = False

boolean value

Show direct image location when returning an image.

This configuration option indicates whether to show the direct image location when returning image details to the user. The direct image location is where the image data is stored in backend storage. This image location is shown under the image property direct_url.

When multiple image locations exist for an image, the best location is displayed based on the location strategy indicated by the configuration option location_strategy.


  • Revealing image locations can present a GRAVE SECURITY RISK as image locations can sometimes include credentials. Hence, this is set to False by default. Set this to True with EXTREME CAUTION and ONLY IF you know what you are doing!
  • If an operator wishes to avoid showing any image location(s) to the user, then both this option and show_multiple_locations MUST be set to False.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • show_multiple_locations
  • location_strategy

show_multiple_locations = False

boolean value

Show all image locations when returning an image.

This configuration option indicates whether to show all the image locations when returning image details to the user. When multiple image locations exist for an image, the locations are ordered based on the location strategy indicated by the configuration opt location_strategy. The image locations are shown under the image property locations.


  • Revealing image locations can present a GRAVE SECURITY RISK as image locations can sometimes include credentials. Hence, this is set to False by default. Set this to True with EXTREME CAUTION and ONLY IF you know what you are doing!
  • See for more information.
  • If an operator wishes to avoid showing any image location(s) to the user, then both this option and show_image_direct_url MUST be set to False.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • show_image_direct_url
  • location_strategy

Deprecated since: Newton

*Reason:*Use of this option, deprecated since Newton, is a security risk and will be removed once we figure out a way to satisfy those use cases that currently require it. An earlier announcement that the same functionality can be achieved with greater granularity by using policies is incorrect. You cannot work around this option via policy configuration at the present time, though that is the direction we believe the fix will take. Please keep an eye on the Glance release notes to stay up to date on progress in addressing this issue.

syslog-log-facility = LOG_USER

string value

Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-journal = False

boolean value

Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish to enable journal support. Doing so will use the journal native protocol which includes structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-json = False

boolean value

Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-syslog = False

boolean value

Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use_eventlog = False

boolean value

Log output to Windows Event Log.

use_stderr = False

boolean value

Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

user_storage_quota = 0

string value

Maximum amount of image storage per tenant.

This enforces an upper limit on the cumulative storage consumed by all images of a tenant across all stores. This is a per-tenant limit.

The default unit for this configuration option is Bytes. However, storage units can be specified using case-sensitive literals B, KB, MB, GB and TB representing Bytes, KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes and TeraBytes respectively. Note that there should not be any space between the value and unit. Value 0 signifies no quota enforcement. Negative values are invalid and result in errors.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid concatenation of a non-negative integer representing the storage value and an optional string literal representing storage units as mentioned above.

Related options:

  • None

wakeup_time = 300

integer value

Time interval, in seconds, between scrubber runs in daemon mode.

Scrubber can be run either as a cron job or daemon. When run as a daemon, this configuration time specifies the time period between two runs. When the scrubber wakes up, it fetches and scrubs all pending_delete images that are available for scrubbing after taking scrub_time into consideration.

If the wakeup time is set to a large number, there may be a large number of images to be scrubbed for each run. Also, this impacts how quickly the backend storage is reclaimed.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • daemon
  • delayed_delete

watch-log-file = False

boolean value

Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

worker_self_reference_url = None

string value

The URL to this worker.

If this is set, other glance workers will know how to contact this one directly if needed. For image import, a single worker stages the image and other workers need to be able to proxy the import request to the right one.

If unset, this will be considered to be public_endpoint, which normally would be set to the same value on all workers, effectively disabling the proxying behavior.

Possible values:

  • A URL by which this worker is reachable from other workers

Related options:

  • public_endpoint

3.2.2. database

The following table outlines the options available under the [database] group in the /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf file.

Table 3.26. database
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

backend = sqlalchemy

string value

The back end to use for the database.

connection = None

string value

The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the database.

connection_debug = 0

integer value

Verbosity of SQL debugging information: 0=None, 100=Everything.

`connection_parameters = `

string value

Optional URL parameters to append onto the connection URL at connect time; specify as param1=value1&param2=value2&…​

connection_recycle_time = 3600

integer value

Connections which have been present in the connection pool longer than this number of seconds will be replaced with a new one the next time they are checked out from the pool.

connection_trace = False

boolean value

Add Python stack traces to SQL as comment strings.

db_inc_retry_interval = True

boolean value

If True, increases the interval between retries of a database operation up to db_max_retry_interval.

db_max_retries = 20

integer value

Maximum retries in case of connection error or deadlock error before error is raised. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.

db_max_retry_interval = 10

integer value

If db_inc_retry_interval is set, the maximum seconds between retries of a database operation.

db_retry_interval = 1

integer value

Seconds between retries of a database transaction.

max_overflow = 50

integer value

If set, use this value for max_overflow with SQLAlchemy.

max_pool_size = 5

integer value

Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool. Setting a value of 0 indicates no limit.

max_retries = 10

integer value

Maximum number of database connection retries during startup. Set to -1 to specify an infinite retry count.

mysql_enable_ndb = False

boolean value

If True, transparently enables support for handling MySQL Cluster (NDB).

mysql_sql_mode = TRADITIONAL

string value

The SQL mode to be used for MySQL sessions. This option, including the default, overrides any server-set SQL mode. To use whatever SQL mode is set by the server configuration, set this to no value. Example: mysql_sql_mode=

pool_timeout = None

integer value

If set, use this value for pool_timeout with SQLAlchemy.

retry_interval = 10

integer value

Interval between retries of opening a SQL connection.

slave_connection = None

string value

The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the slave database.

sqlite_synchronous = True

boolean value

If True, SQLite uses synchronous mode.

use_db_reconnect = False

boolean value

Enable the experimental use of database reconnect on connection lost.

use_tpool = False

boolean value

Enable the experimental use of thread pooling for all DB API calls

3.2.3. glance_store

The following table outlines the options available under the [glance_store] group in the /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf file.

Table 3.27. glance_store
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

cinder_api_insecure = False

boolean value

Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder.

If this option is set to True, HTTPS endpoint connection is verified using the CA certificates file specified by cinder_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • cinder_ca_certificates_file

cinder_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Location of a CA certificates file used for cinder client requests.

The specified CA certificates file, if set, is used to verify cinder connections via HTTPS endpoint. If the endpoint is HTTP, this value is ignored. cinder_api_insecure must be set to True to enable the verification.

Possible values:

  • Path to a ca certificates file

Related options:

  • cinder_api_insecure

cinder_catalog_info = volumev3::publicURL

string value

Information to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog.

When the cinder_endpoint_template is not set and any of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, cinder_store_password is not set, cinder store uses this information to lookup cinder endpoint from the service catalog in the current context. cinder_os_region_name, if set, is taken into consideration to fetch the appropriate endpoint.

The service catalog can be listed by the openstack catalog list command.

Possible values:

  • A string of of the following form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<interface> At least service_type and interface should be specified. service_name can be omitted.

Related options:

  • cinder_os_region_name
  • cinder_endpoint_template
  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_endpoint_template = None

string value

Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder endpoint.

When this option is set, this value is used to generate cinder endpoint, instead of looking up from the service catalog. This value is ignored if cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password are specified.

If this configuration option is set, cinder_catalog_info will be ignored.

Possible values:

  • URL template string for cinder endpoint, where %%(tenant)s is replaced with the current tenant (project) name. For example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_enforce_multipath = False

boolean value

If this is set to True, attachment of volumes for image transfer will be aborted when multipathd is not running. Otherwise, it will fallback to single path.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_use_multipath

cinder_http_retries = 3

integer value

Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.

When a call failed by any errors, cinderclient will retry the call up to the specified times after sleeping a few seconds.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_mount_point_base = /var/lib/glance/mnt

string value

Directory where the NFS volume is mounted on the glance node.

Possible values:

  • A string representing absolute path of mount point.

cinder_os_region_name = None

string value

Region name to lookup cinder service from the service catalog.

This is used only when cinder_catalog_info is used for determining the endpoint. If set, the lookup for cinder endpoint by this node is filtered to the specified region. It is useful when multiple regions are listed in the catalog. If this is not set, the endpoint is looked up from every region.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid region name.

Related options:

  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_state_transition_timeout = 300

integer value

Time period, in seconds, to wait for a cinder volume transition to complete.

When the cinder volume is created, deleted, or attached to the glance node to read/write the volume data, the volume’s state is changed. For example, the newly created volume status changes from creating to available after the creation process is completed. This specifies the maximum time to wait for the status change. If a timeout occurs while waiting, or the status is changed to an unexpected value (e.g. error), the image creation fails.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the cinder authentication service is listening.

When all of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password options are specified, the specified values are always used for the authentication. This is useful to hide the image volumes from users by storing them in a project/tenant specific to the image service. It also enables users to share the image volume among other projects under the control of glance’s ACL.

If either of these options are not set, the cinder endpoint is looked up from the service catalog, and current context’s user and project are used.

Possible values:

  • A valid authentication service address, for example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_password = None

string value

Password for the user authenticating against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid password for the user specified by cinder_store_user_name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_project_name = None

string value

Project name where the image volume is stored in cinder.

If this configuration option is not set, the project in current context is used.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the project of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid project name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_store_user_name = None

string value

User name to authenticate against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid user name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_use_multipath = False

boolean value

Flag to identify mutipath is supported or not in the deployment.

Set it to False if multipath is not supported.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_enforce_multipath

cinder_volume_type = None

string value

Volume type that will be used for volume creation in cinder.

Some cinder backends can have several volume types to optimize storage usage. Adding this option allows an operator to choose a specific volume type in cinder that can be optimized for images.

If this is not set, then the default volume type specified in the cinder configuration will be used for volume creation.

Possible values:

  • A valid volume type from cinder

Related options:

  • None

You cannot use an encrypted volume_type associated with an NFS backend. An encrypted volume stored on an NFS backend will raise an exception whenever glance_store tries to write or access image data stored in that volume. Consult your Cinder administrator to determine an appropriate volume_type.

default_store = file

string value

The default scheme to use for storing images.

Provide a string value representing the default scheme to use for storing images. If not set, Glance uses file as the default scheme to store images with the file store.


The value given for this configuration option must be a valid scheme for a store registered with the stores configuration option.

Possible values:

  • file
  • filesystem
  • http
  • https
  • swift
  • swift+http
  • swift+https
  • swift+config
  • rbd
  • cinder
  • vsphere
  • s3

Related Options:

  • stores

Deprecated since: Rocky

Reason: This option is deprecated against new config option ``default_backend`` which acts similar to ``default_store`` config option.

This option is scheduled for removal in the U development cycle.

default_swift_reference = ref1

string value

Reference to default Swift account/backing store parameters.

Provide a string value representing a reference to the default set of parameters required for using swift account/backing store for image storage. The default reference value for this configuration option is ref1. This configuration option dereferences the parameters and facilitates image storage in Swift storage backend every time a new image is added.

Possible values:

  • A valid string value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_chunk_size = 65536

integer value

Chunk size, in bytes.

The chunk size used when reading or writing image files. Raising this value may improve the throughput but it may also slightly increase the memory usage when handling a large number of requests.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

string value

Directory to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

Upon start up, Glance creates the directory if it doesn’t already exist and verifies write access to the user under which glance-api runs. If the write access isn’t available, a BadStoreConfiguration exception is raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadirs
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_datadirs = None

multi valued

List of directories and their priorities to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

The filesystem store can be configured to store images in multiple directories as opposed to using a single directory specified by the filesystem_store_datadir configuration option. When using multiple directories, each directory can be given an optional priority to specify the preference order in which they should be used. Priority is an integer that is concatenated to the directory path with a colon where a higher value indicates higher priority. When two directories have the same priority, the directory with most free space is used. When no priority is specified, it defaults to zero.

More information on configuring filesystem store with multiple store directories can be found at


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • List of strings of the following form:

    • <a valid directory path>:<optional integer priority>

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadir
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_file_perm = 0

integer value

File access permissions for the image files.

Set the intended file access permissions for image data. This provides a way to enable other services, e.g. Nova, to consume images directly from the filesystem store. The users running the services that are intended to be given access to could be made a member of the group that owns the files created. Assigning a value less then or equal to zero for this configuration option signifies that no changes be made to the default permissions. This value will be decoded as an octal digit.

For more information, please refer the documentation at

Possible values:

  • A valid file access permission
  • Zero
  • Any negative integer

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_metadata_file = None

string value

Filesystem store metadata file.

The path to a file which contains the metadata to be returned with any location associated with the filesystem store. Once this option is set, it is used for new images created afterward only - previously existing images are not affected.

The file must contain a valid JSON object. The object should contain the keys id and mountpoint. The value for both keys should be a string.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to the store metadata file

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the filesystem, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by the filesystem as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

http_proxy_information = {}

dict value

The http/https proxy information to be used to connect to the remote server.

This configuration option specifies the http/https proxy information that should be used to connect to the remote server. The proxy information should be a key value pair of the scheme and proxy, for example, http: You can also specify proxies for multiple schemes by separating the key value pairs with a comma, for example, http:, https:

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of scheme:proxy pairs as described above

Related options:

  • None

https_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Certificate Authority file to verify the remote server certificate. If this option is set, the https_insecure option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • https_insecure

https_insecure = True

boolean value

Set verification of the remote server certificate.

This configuration option takes in a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the remote server certificate. If set to True, the remote server certificate is not verified. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if https_ca_certificates_file is set. The remote server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the https_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • https_ca_certificates_file

rados_connect_timeout = 0

integer value

Timeout value for connecting to Ceph cluster.

This configuration option takes in the timeout value in seconds used when connecting to the Ceph cluster i.e. it sets the time to wait for glance-api before closing the connection. This prevents glance-api hangups during the connection to RBD. If the value for this option is set to less than or equal to 0, no timeout is set and the default librados value is used.

Possible Values:

  • Any integer value

Related options:

  • None

`rbd_store_ceph_conf = `

string value

Ceph configuration file path.

This configuration option specifies the path to the Ceph configuration file to be used. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to the empty string, librados will read the standard ceph.conf file by searching the default Ceph configuration file locations in sequential order. See the Ceph documentation for details.


If using Cephx authentication, this file should include a reference to the right keyring in a client.<USER> section

NOTE 2: If you leave this option empty (the default), the actual Ceph configuration file used may change depending on what version of librados is being used. If it is important for you to know exactly which configuration file is in effect, you may specify that file here using this option.

Possible Values:

  • A valid path to a configuration file

Related options:

  • rbd_store_user

rbd_store_chunk_size = 8

integer value

Size, in megabytes, to chunk RADOS images into.

Provide an integer value representing the size in megabytes to chunk Glance images into. The default chunk size is 8 megabytes. For optimal performance, the value should be a power of two.

When Ceph’s RBD object storage system is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are chunked into objects of the size set using this option. These chunked objects are then stored across the distributed block data store to use for Glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_pool = images

string value

RADOS pool in which images are stored.

When RBD is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are stored by means of logical grouping of the objects (chunks of images) into a pool. Each pool is defined with the number of placement groups it can contain. The default pool that is used is images.

More information on the RBD storage backend can be found here:

Possible Values:

  • A valid pool name

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_user = None

string value

RADOS user to authenticate as.

This configuration option takes in the RADOS user to authenticate as. This is only needed when RADOS authentication is enabled and is applicable only if the user is using Cephx authentication. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to None, a default value will be chosen, which will be based on the client. section in rbd_store_ceph_conf.

Possible Values:

  • A valid RADOS user

Related options:

  • rbd_store_ceph_conf

rbd_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the RBD backend, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by Ceph as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

rootwrap_config = /etc/glance/rootwrap.conf

string value

Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running commands as root.

The cinder store requires root privileges to operate the image volumes (for connecting to iSCSI/FC volumes and reading/writing the volume data, etc.). The configuration file should allow the required commands by cinder store and os-brick library.

Possible values:

  • Path to the rootwrap config file

Related options:

  • None

s3_store_access_key = None

string value

The S3 query token access key.

This configuration option takes the access key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is the access key for a user with appropriate privileges

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_bucket = None

string value

The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.

This configuration option specifies where the glance images will be stored in the S3. If s3_store_create_bucket_on_put is set to true, it will be created automatically even if the bucket does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any string value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_create_bucket_on_put
  • s3_store_bucket_url_format

s3_store_bucket_url_format = auto

string value

The S3 calling format used to determine the object.

This configuration option takes access model that is used to specify the address of an object in an S3 bucket.

NOTE: In path-style, the endpoint for the object looks like And in virtual-style, the endpoint for the object looks like If you do not follow the DNS naming convention in the bucket name, you can get objects in the path style, but not in the virtual style.

Possible values:

  • Any string value of auto, virtual, or path

Related Options:

  • s3_store_bucket

s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False

boolean value

Determine whether S3 should create a new bucket.

This configuration option takes boolean value to indicate whether Glance should create a new bucket to S3 if it does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any Boolean value

Related Options:

  • None

s3_store_host = None

string value

The host where the S3 server is listening.

This configuration option sets the host of the S3 or S3 compatible storage Server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend. The host can contain a DNS name (e.g., or an IP address (

Possible values:

  • A valid DNS name
  • A valid IPv4 address

Related Options:

  • s3_store_access_key
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_large_object_chunk_size = 10

integer value

What multipart upload part size, in MB, should S3 use when uploading parts.

This configuration option takes the image split size in MB for Multipart Upload.

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value (must be greater than or equal to 5M)

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_large_object_size = 100

integer value

What size, in MB, should S3 start chunking image files and do a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes a threshold in MB to determine whether to upload the image to S3 as is or to split it (Multipart Upload).

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_secret_key = None

string value

The S3 query token secret key.

This configuration option takes the secret key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is a secret key corresponding to the access key specified using the s3_store_host option

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_access_key

s3_store_thread_pools = 10

integer value

The number of thread pools to perform a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes the number of thread pools when performing a Multipart Upload.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size

stores = ['file', 'http']

list value

List of enabled Glance stores.

Register the storage backends to use for storing disk images as a comma separated list. The default stores enabled for storing disk images with Glance are file and http.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list that could include:

    • file
    • http
    • swift
    • rbd
    • cinder
    • vmware
    • s3

Related Options:

  • default_store

Deprecated since: Rocky

Reason: This option is deprecated against new config option ``enabled_backends`` which helps to configure multiple backend stores of different schemes.

This option is scheduled for removal in the U development cycle.

swift_buffer_on_upload = False

boolean value

Buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a boolean value to indicate whether or not Glance should buffer image data to disk while uploading to swift. This enables Glance to resume uploads on error.

NOTES: When enabling this option, one should take great care as this increases disk usage on the API node. Be aware that depending upon how the file system is configured, the disk space used for buffering may decrease the actual disk space available for the glance image cache. Disk utilization will cap according to the following equation: (swift_store_large_object_chunk_size * workers * 1000)

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_upload_buffer_dir

swift_store_admin_tenants = []

list value

List of tenants that will be granted admin access.

This is a list of tenants that will be granted read/write access on all Swift containers created by Glance in multi-tenant mode. The default value is an empty list.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of strings representing UUIDs of Keystone projects/tenants

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the Swift authentication service is listening.

swift_store_auth_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the server certificate.

This boolean determines whether or not to verify the server certificate. If this option is set to True, swiftclient won’t check for a valid SSL certificate when authenticating. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_cacert

swift_store_auth_version = 2

string value

Version of the authentication service to use. Valid versions are 2 and 3 for keystone and 1 (deprecated) for swauth and rackspace.

swift_store_cacert = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to specify the path to a custom Certificate Authority file for SSL verification when connecting to Swift.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • swift_store_auth_insecure

swift_store_config_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the file containing the swift account(s) configurations.

Include a string value representing the path to a configuration file that has references for each of the configured Swift account(s)/backing stores. By default, no file path is specified and customized Swift referencing is disabled. Configuring this option is highly recommended while using Swift storage backend for image storage as it avoids storage of credentials in the database.


Please do not configure this option if you have set swift_store_multi_tenant to True.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute path on the glance-api node

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_container = glance

string value

Name of single container to store images/name prefix for multiple containers

When a single container is being used to store images, this configuration option indicates the container within the Glance account to be used for storing all images. When multiple containers are used to store images, this will be the name prefix for all containers. Usage of single/multiple containers can be controlled using the configuration option swift_store_multiple_containers_seed.

When using multiple containers, the containers will be named after the value set for this configuration option with the first N chars of the image UUID as the suffix delimited by an underscore (where N is specified by swift_store_multiple_containers_seed).

Example: if the seed is set to 3 and swift_store_container = glance, then an image with UUID fdae39a1-bac5-4238-aba4-69bcc726e848 would be placed in the container glance_fda. All dashes in the UUID are included when creating the container name but do not count toward the character limit, so when N=10 the container name would be glance_fdae39a1-ba.

Possible values:

  • If using single container, this configuration option can be any string that is a valid swift container name in Glance’s Swift account
  • If using multiple containers, this configuration option can be any string as long as it satisfies the container naming rules enforced by Swift. The value of swift_store_multiple_containers_seed should be taken into account as well.

Related options:

  • swift_store_multiple_containers_seed
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_create_container_on_put = False

boolean value

Create container, if it doesn’t already exist, when uploading image.

At the time of uploading an image, if the corresponding container doesn’t exist, it will be created provided this configuration option is set to True. By default, it won’t be created. This behavior is applicable for both single and multiple containers mode.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint = None

string value

The URL endpoint to use for Swift backend storage.

Provide a string value representing the URL endpoint to use for storing Glance images in Swift store. By default, an endpoint is not set and the storage URL returned by auth is used. Setting an endpoint with swift_store_endpoint overrides the storage URL and is used for Glance image storage.


The URL should include the path up to, but excluding the container. The location of an object is obtained by appending the container and object to the configured URL.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid URL path up to a Swift container

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint_type = publicURL

string value

Endpoint Type of Swift service.

This string value indicates the endpoint type to use to fetch the Swift endpoint. The endpoint type determines the actions the user will be allowed to perform, for instance, reading and writing to the Store. This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version is greater than 1.

Possible values:

  • publicURL
  • adminURL
  • internalURL

Related options:

  • swift_store_endpoint

swift_store_expire_soon_interval = 60

integer value

Time in seconds defining the size of the window in which a new token may be requested before the current token is due to expire.

Typically, the Swift storage driver fetches a new token upon the expiration of the current token to ensure continued access to Swift. However, some Swift transactions (like uploading image segments) may not recover well if the token expires on the fly.

Hence, by fetching a new token before the current token expiration, we make sure that the token does not expire or is close to expiry before a transaction is attempted. By default, the Swift storage driver requests for a new token 60 seconds or less before the current token expiration.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_key = None

string value

Auth key for the user authenticating against the Swift authentication service.

swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200

integer value

The maximum size, in MB, of the segments when image data is segmented.

When image data is segmented to upload images that are larger than the limit enforced by the Swift cluster, image data is broken into segments that are no bigger than the size specified by this configuration option. Refer to swift_store_large_object_size for more detail.

For example: if swift_store_large_object_size is 5GB and swift_store_large_object_chunk_size is 1GB, an image of size 6.2GB will be segmented into 7 segments where the first six segments will be 1GB in size and the seventh segment will be 0.2GB.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_size

swift_store_large_object_size = 5120

integer value

The size threshold, in MB, after which Glance will start segmenting image data.

Swift has an upper limit on the size of a single uploaded object. By default, this is 5GB. To upload objects bigger than this limit, objects are segmented into multiple smaller objects that are tied together with a manifest file. For more detail, refer to

This configuration option specifies the size threshold over which the Swift driver will start segmenting image data into multiple smaller files. Currently, the Swift driver only supports creating Dynamic Large Objects.


This should be set by taking into account the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

swift_store_multi_tenant = False

boolean value

Store images in tenant’s Swift account.

This enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts. If this is disabled, Glance stores all images in its own account. More details multi-tenant store can be found at


If using multi-tenant swift store, please make sure that you do not set a swift configuration file with the swift_store_config_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_config_file

swift_store_multiple_containers_seed = 0

integer value

Seed indicating the number of containers to use for storing images.

When using a single-tenant store, images can be stored in one or more than one containers. When set to 0, all images will be stored in one single container. When set to an integer value between 1 and 32, multiple containers will be used to store images. This configuration option will determine how many containers are created. The total number of containers that will be used is equal to 16^N, so if this config option is set to 2, then 16^2=256 containers will be used to store images.

Please refer to swift_store_container for more detail on the naming convention. More detail about using multiple containers can be found at


This is used only when swift_store_multi_tenant is disabled.

Possible values:

  • A non-negative integer less than or equal to 32

Related options:

  • swift_store_container
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_region = None

string value

The region of Swift endpoint to use by Glance.

Provide a string value representing a Swift region where Glance can connect to for image storage. By default, there is no region set.

When Glance uses Swift as the storage backend to store images for a specific tenant that has multiple endpoints, setting of a Swift region with swift_store_region allows Glance to connect to Swift in the specified region as opposed to a single region connectivity.

This option can be configured for both single-tenant and multi-tenant storage.


Setting the region with swift_store_region is tenant-specific and is necessary only if the tenant has multiple endpoints across different regions.

Possible values:

  • A string value representing a valid Swift region.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_retry_get_count = 0

integer value

The number of times a Swift download will be retried before the request fails.

Provide an integer value representing the number of times an image download must be retried before erroring out. The default value is zero (no retry on a failed image download). When set to a positive integer value, swift_store_retry_get_count ensures that the download is attempted this many more times upon a download failure before sending an error message.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_service_type = object-store

string value

Type of Swift service to use.

Provide a string value representing the service type to use for storing images while using Swift backend storage. The default service type is set to object-store.


If swift_store_auth_version is set to 2, the value for this configuration option needs to be object-store. If using a higher version of Keystone or a different auth scheme, this option may be modified.

Possible values:

  • A string representing a valid service type for Swift storage.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_ssl_compression = True

boolean value

SSL layer compression for HTTPS Swift requests.

Provide a boolean value to determine whether or not to compress HTTPS Swift requests for images at the SSL layer. By default, compression is enabled.

When using Swift as the backend store for Glance image storage, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests can be set using this option. If set to False, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests is disabled. Disabling this option may improve performance for images which are already in a compressed format, for example, qcow2.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_use_trusts = True

boolean value

Use trusts for multi-tenant Swift store.

This option instructs the Swift store to create a trust for each add/get request when the multi-tenant store is in use. Using trusts allows the Swift store to avoid problems that can be caused by an authentication token expiring during the upload or download of data.

By default, swift_store_use_trusts is set to True(use of trusts is enabled). If set to False, a user token is used for the Swift connection instead, eliminating the overhead of trust creation.


This option is considered only when swift_store_multi_tenant is set to True

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_user = None

string value

The user to authenticate against the Swift authentication service.

swift_upload_buffer_dir = None

string value

Directory to buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a string value representing the absolute path to the directory on the glance node where image segments will be buffered briefly before they are uploaded to swift.


  • This is required only when the configuration option swift_buffer_on_upload is set to True.
  • This directory should be provisioned keeping in mind the swift_store_large_object_chunk_size and the maximum number of images that could be uploaded simultaneously by a given glance node.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute directory path

Related options:

  • swift_buffer_on_upload
  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

vmware_api_retry_count = 10

integer value

The number of VMware API retries.

This configuration option specifies the number of times the VMware ESX/VC server API must be retried upon connection related issues or server API call overload. It is not possible to specify retry forever.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

vmware_ca_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Cerificate Authority File to verify the ESX/vCenter certificate.

If this option is set, the "vmware_insecure" option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the ESX/vCenter server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid absolute path to a CA file

Related options:

  • vmware_insecure

vmware_datastores = None

multi valued

The datastores where the image can be stored.

This configuration option specifies the datastores where the image can be stored in the VMWare store backend. This option may be specified multiple times for specifying multiple datastores. The datastore name should be specified after its datacenter path, separated by ":". An optional weight may be given after the datastore name, separated again by ":" to specify the priority. Thus, the required format becomes <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>.

When adding an image, the datastore with highest weight will be selected, unless there is not enough free space available in cases where the image size is already known. If no weight is given, it is assumed to be zero and the directory will be considered for selection last. If multiple datastores have the same weight, then the one with the most free space available is selected.

Possible Values:

  • Any string of the format: <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>

Related options: * None

vmware_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the ESX/vCenter server certificate.

This configuration option takes a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the ESX/vCenter server certificate. If this option is set to True, the ESX/vCenter server certificate is not verified. If this option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if the "vmware_ca_file" option is set. In that case, the ESX/vCenter server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the "vmware_ca_file" option .

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • vmware_ca_file

vmware_server_host = None

host address value

Address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system.

This configuration option sets the address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend. The address can contain an IP address ( or a DNS name (

Possible Values:

  • A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • A valid DNS name

Related options:

  • vmware_server_username
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_server_password = None

string value

Server password.

This configuration option takes the password for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a password corresponding to the username specified using the "vmware_server_username" option

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_username

vmware_server_username = None

string value

Server username.

This configuration option takes the username for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is the username for a user with appropriate privileges

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_store_image_dir = /openstack_glance

string value

The directory where the glance images will be stored in the datastore.

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory where the glance images will be stored in the VMware datastore. If this option is not set, the default directory where the glance images are stored is openstack_glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • None

vmware_task_poll_interval = 5

integer value

Interval in seconds used for polling remote tasks invoked on VMware ESX/VC server.

This configuration option takes in the sleep time in seconds for polling an on-going async task as part of the VMWare ESX/VC server API call.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

3.2.4. oslo_concurrency

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_concurrency] group in the /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf file.

Table 3.28. oslo_concurrency
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

disable_process_locking = False

boolean value

Enables or disables inter-process locks.

lock_path = None

string value

Directory to use for lock files. For security, the specified directory should only be writable by the user running the processes that need locking. Defaults to environment variable OSLO_LOCK_PATH. If external locks are used, a lock path must be set.

3.2.5. oslo_policy

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_policy] group in the /etc/glance/glance-scrubber.conf file.

Table 3.29. oslo_policy
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

enforce_new_defaults = False

boolean value

This option controls whether or not to use old deprecated defaults when evaluating policies. If True, the old deprecated defaults are not going to be evaluated. This means if any existing token is allowed for old defaults but is disallowed for new defaults, it will be disallowed. It is encouraged to enable this flag along with the enforce_scope flag so that you can get the benefits of new defaults and scope_type together

enforce_scope = False

boolean value

This option controls whether or not to enforce scope when evaluating policies. If True, the scope of the token used in the request is compared to the scope_types of the policy being enforced. If the scopes do not match, an InvalidScope exception will be raised. If False, a message will be logged informing operators that policies are being invoked with mismatching scope.

policy_default_rule = default

string value

Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.

policy_dirs = ['policy.d']

multi valued

Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these directories to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored.

policy_file = policy.yaml

string value

The relative or absolute path of a file that maps roles to permissions for a given service. Relative paths must be specified in relation to the configuration file setting this option.

remote_content_type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

string value

Content Type to send and receive data for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_ca_crt_file = None

string value

Absolute path to ca cert file for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_client_crt_file = None

string value

Absolute path to client cert for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_client_key_file = None

string value

Absolute path client key file REST based policy check

remote_ssl_verify_server_crt = False

boolean value

server identity verification for REST based policy check

3.3. glance-cache.conf

This section contains options for the /etc/glance/glance-cache.conf file.

3.3.1. DEFAULT

The following table outlines the options available under the [DEFAULT] group in the /etc/glance/glance-cache.conf file.


Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

allow_additional_image_properties = True

boolean value

Allow users to add additional/custom properties to images.

Glance defines a standard set of properties (in its schema) that appear on every image. These properties are also known as base properties. In addition to these properties, Glance allows users to add custom properties to images. These are known as additional properties.

By default, this configuration option is set to True and users are allowed to add additional properties. The number of additional properties that can be added to an image can be controlled via image_property_quota configuration option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • image_property_quota

Deprecated since: Ussuri

Reason: This option is redundant. Control custom image property usage via the image_property_quota configuration option. This option is scheduled to be removed during the Victoria development cycle.

api_limit_max = 1000

integer value

Maximum number of results that could be returned by a request.

As described in the help text of limit_param_default, some requests may return multiple results. The number of results to be returned are governed either by the limit parameter in the request or the limit_param_default configuration option. The value in either case, can’t be greater than the absolute maximum defined by this configuration option. Anything greater than this value is trimmed down to the maximum value defined here.


Setting this to a very large value may slow down database queries and increase response times. Setting this to a very low value may result in poor user experience.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer

Related options:

  • limit_param_default

debug = False

boolean value

If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG instead of the default INFO level.

default_log_levels = ['amqp=WARN', 'amqplib=WARN', 'boto=WARN', 'qpid=WARN', 'sqlalchemy=WARN', 'suds=INFO', 'oslo.messaging=INFO', 'oslo_messaging=INFO', 'iso8601=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'urllib3.connectionpool=WARN', 'websocket=WARN', 'requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry=WARN', 'urllib3.util.retry=WARN', 'keystonemiddleware=WARN', 'routes.middleware=WARN', 'stevedore=WARN', 'taskflow=WARN', 'keystoneauth=WARN', 'oslo.cache=INFO', 'oslo_policy=INFO', 'dogpile.core.dogpile=INFO']

list value

List of package logging levels in logger=LEVEL pairs. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

digest_algorithm = sha256

string value

Digest algorithm to use for digital signature.

Provide a string value representing the digest algorithm to use for generating digital signatures. By default, sha256 is used.

To get a list of the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on your platform, run the command: openssl list-message-digest-algorithms. Examples are sha1, sha256, and sha512.


digest_algorithm is not related to Glance’s image signing and verification. It is only used to sign the universally unique identifier (UUID) as a part of the certificate file and key file validation.

Possible values:

  • An OpenSSL message digest algorithm identifier

Relation options:

  • None

enabled_import_methods = ['glance-direct', 'web-download', 'copy-image']

list value

List of enabled Image Import Methods

'glance-direct', 'copy-image' and 'web-download' are enabled by default.
    Related options:
** [DEFAULT]/node_staging_uri

enforce_secure_rbac = False

boolean value

Enforce API access based on common persona definitions used across OpenStack. Enabling this option formalizes project-specific read/write operations, like creating private images or updating the status of shared image, behind the member role. It also formalizes a read-only variant useful for project-specific API operations, like listing private images in a project, behind the reader role.

Operators should take an opportunity to understand glance’s new image policies, audit assignments in their deployment, and update permissions using the default roles in keystone (e.g., admin, member, and reader).

Related options:

  • [oslo_policy]/enforce_new_defaults

Deprecated since: Wallaby

Reason: This option has been introduced to require operators to opt into enforcing authorization based on common RBAC personas, which is EXPERIMENTAL as of the Wallaby release. This behavior will be the default and STABLE in a future release, allowing this option to be removed.

fatal_deprecations = False

boolean value

Enables or disables fatal status of deprecations.

hashing_algorithm = sha512

string value

Secure hashing algorithm used for computing the os_hash_value property.

This option configures the Glance "multihash", which consists of two image properties: the os_hash_algo and the os_hash_value. The os_hash_algo will be populated by the value of this configuration option, and the os_hash_value will be populated by the hexdigest computed when the algorithm is applied to the uploaded or imported image data.

The value must be a valid secure hash algorithm name recognized by the python hashlib library. You can determine what these are by examining the hashlib.algorithms_available data member of the version of the library being used in your Glance installation. For interoperability purposes, however, we recommend that you use the set of secure hash names supplied by the hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed data member because those algorithms are guaranteed to be supported by the hashlib library on all platforms. Thus, any image consumer using hashlib locally should be able to verify the os_hash_value of the image.

The default value of sha512 is a performant secure hash algorithm.

If this option is misconfigured, any attempts to store image data will fail. For that reason, we recommend using the default value.

Possible values:

  • Any secure hash algorithm name recognized by the Python hashlib library

Related options:

  • None

image_cache_dir = None

string value

Base directory for image cache.

This is the location where image data is cached and served out of. All cached images are stored directly under this directory. This directory also contains three subdirectories, namely, incomplete, invalid and queue.

The incomplete subdirectory is the staging area for downloading images. An image is first downloaded to this directory. When the image download is successful it is moved to the base directory. However, if the download fails, the partially downloaded image file is moved to the invalid subdirectory.

The queue`subdirectory is used for queuing images for download. This is used primarily by the cache-prefetcher, which can be scheduled as a periodic task like cache-pruner and cache-cleaner, to cache images ahead of their usage. Upon receiving the request to cache an image, Glance touches a file in the `queue directory with the image id as the file name. The cache-prefetcher, when running, polls for the files in queue directory and starts downloading them in the order they were created. When the download is successful, the zero-sized file is deleted from the queue directory. If the download fails, the zero-sized file remains and it’ll be retried the next time cache-prefetcher runs.

Possible values:

  • A valid path

Related options:

  • image_cache_sqlite_db

image_cache_driver = sqlite

string value

The driver to use for image cache management.

This configuration option provides the flexibility to choose between the different image-cache drivers available. An image-cache driver is responsible for providing the essential functions of image-cache like write images to/read images from cache, track age and usage of cached images, provide a list of cached images, fetch size of the cache, queue images for caching and clean up the cache, etc.

The essential functions of a driver are defined in the base class glance.image_cache.drivers.base.Driver. All image-cache drivers (existing and prospective) must implement this interface. Currently available drivers are sqlite and xattr. These drivers primarily differ in the way they store the information about cached images:

  • The sqlite driver uses a sqlite database (which sits on every glance node locally) to track the usage of cached images.
  • The xattr driver uses the extended attributes of files to store this information. It also requires a filesystem that sets atime on the files when accessed.

Possible values:

  • sqlite
  • xattr

Related options:

  • None

image_cache_max_size = 10737418240

integer value

The upper limit on cache size, in bytes, after which the cache-pruner cleans up the image cache.


This is just a threshold for cache-pruner to act upon. It is NOT a hard limit beyond which the image cache would never grow. In fact, depending on how often the cache-pruner runs and how quickly the cache fills, the image cache can far exceed the size specified here very easily. Hence, care must be taken to appropriately schedule the cache-pruner and in setting this limit.

Glance caches an image when it is downloaded. Consequently, the size of the image cache grows over time as the number of downloads increases. To keep the cache size from becoming unmanageable, it is recommended to run the cache-pruner as a periodic task. When the cache pruner is kicked off, it compares the current size of image cache and triggers a cleanup if the image cache grew beyond the size specified here. After the cleanup, the size of cache is less than or equal to size specified here.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • None

image_cache_sqlite_db = cache.db

string value

The relative path to sqlite file database that will be used for image cache management.

This is a relative path to the sqlite file database that tracks the age and usage statistics of image cache. The path is relative to image cache base directory, specified by the configuration option image_cache_dir.

This is a lightweight database with just one table.

Possible values:

  • A valid relative path to sqlite file database

Related options:

  • image_cache_dir

image_cache_stall_time = 86400

integer value

The amount of time, in seconds, an incomplete image remains in the cache.

Incomplete images are images for which download is in progress. Please see the description of configuration option image_cache_dir for more detail. Sometimes, due to various reasons, it is possible the download may hang and the incompletely downloaded image remains in the incomplete directory. This configuration option sets a time limit on how long the incomplete images should remain in the incomplete directory before they are cleaned up. Once an incomplete image spends more time than is specified here, it’ll be removed by cache-cleaner on its next run.

It is recommended to run cache-cleaner as a periodic task on the Glance API nodes to keep the incomplete images from occupying disk space.

Possible values:

  • Any non-negative integer

Related options:

  • None

image_location_quota = 10

integer value

Maximum number of locations allowed on an image.

Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

image_member_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of image members per image.

This limits the maximum of users an image can be shared with. Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

image_property_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of properties allowed on an image.

This enforces an upper limit on the number of additional properties an image can have. Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.


This won’t have any impact if additional properties are disabled. Please refer to allow_additional_image_properties.

Related options:

  • allow_additional_image_properties

image_size_cap = 1099511627776

integer value

Maximum size of image a user can upload in bytes.

An image upload greater than the size mentioned here would result in an image creation failure. This configuration option defaults to 1099511627776 bytes (1 TiB).


  • This value should only be increased after careful consideration and must be set less than or equal to 8 EiB (9223372036854775808).
  • This value must be set with careful consideration of the backend storage capacity. Setting this to a very low value may result in a large number of image failures. And, setting this to a very large value may result in faster consumption of storage. Hence, this must be set according to the nature of images created and storage capacity available.

Possible values:

  • Any positive number less than or equal to 9223372036854775808

image_tag_quota = 128

integer value

Maximum number of tags allowed on an image.

Any negative value is interpreted as unlimited.

Related options:

  • None

`instance_format = [instance: %(uuid)s] `

string value

The format for an instance that is passed with the log message.

`instance_uuid_format = [instance: %(uuid)s] `

string value

The format for an instance UUID that is passed with the log message.

limit_param_default = 25

integer value

The default number of results to return for a request.

Responses to certain API requests, like list images, may return multiple items. The number of results returned can be explicitly controlled by specifying the limit parameter in the API request. However, if a limit parameter is not specified, this configuration value will be used as the default number of results to be returned for any API request.


  • The value of this configuration option may not be greater than the value specified by api_limit_max.
  • Setting this to a very large value may slow down database queries and increase response times. Setting this to a very low value may result in poor user experience.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer

Related options:

  • api_limit_max

log-config-append = None

string value

The name of a logging configuration file. This file is appended to any existing logging configuration files. For details about logging configuration files, see the Python logging module documentation. Note that when logging configuration files are used then all logging configuration is set in the configuration file and other logging configuration options are ignored (for example, log-date-format).

log-date-format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

string value

Defines the format string for %%(asctime)s in log records. Default: %(default)s . This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log-dir = None

string value

(Optional) The base directory used for relative log_file paths. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log-file = None

string value

(Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to. If no default is set, logging will go to stderr as defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

log_rotate_interval = 1

integer value

The amount of time before the log files are rotated. This option is ignored unless log_rotation_type is setto "interval".

log_rotate_interval_type = days

string value

Rotation interval type. The time of the last file change (or the time when the service was started) is used when scheduling the next rotation.

log_rotation_type = none

string value

Log rotation type.

logging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_identity)s] %(instance)s%(message)s

string value

Format string to use for log messages with context. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_debug_format_suffix = %(funcName)s %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d

string value

Additional data to append to log message when logging level for the message is DEBUG. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_default_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s

string value

Format string to use for log messages when context is undefined. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_exception_prefix = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d ERROR %(name)s %(instance)s

string value

Prefix each line of exception output with this format. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

logging_user_identity_format = %(user)s %(tenant)s %(domain)s %(user_domain)s %(project_domain)s

string value

Defines the format string for %(user_identity)s that is used in logging_context_format_string. Used by oslo_log.formatters.ContextFormatter

max_logfile_count = 30

integer value

Maximum number of rotated log files.

max_logfile_size_mb = 200

integer value

Log file maximum size in MB. This option is ignored if "log_rotation_type" is not set to "size".

metadata_encryption_key = None

string value

AES key for encrypting store location metadata.

Provide a string value representing the AES cipher to use for encrypting Glance store metadata.


The AES key to use must be set to a random string of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid AES key

Related options:

  • None

node_staging_uri = file:///tmp/staging/

string value

The URL provides location where the temporary data will be stored

This option is for Glance internal use only. Glance will save the image data uploaded by the user to staging endpoint during the image import process.

This option does not change the staging API endpoint by any means.


It is discouraged to use same path as [task]/work_dir


file://<absolute-directory-path> is the only option api_image_import flow will support for now.


The staging path must be on shared filesystem available to all Glance API nodes.

Possible values:

  • String starting with file:// followed by absolute FS path

Related options:

  • [task]/work_dir

publish_errors = False

boolean value

Enables or disables publication of error events.

pydev_worker_debug_host = None

host address value

Host address of the pydev server.

Provide a string value representing the hostname or IP of the pydev server to use for debugging. The pydev server listens for debug connections on this address, facilitating remote debugging in Glance.

Possible values:

  • Valid hostname
  • Valid IP address

Related options:

  • None

pydev_worker_debug_port = 5678

port value

Port number that the pydev server will listen on.

Provide a port number to bind the pydev server to. The pydev process accepts debug connections on this port and facilitates remote debugging in Glance.

Possible values:

  • A valid port number

Related options:

  • None

rate_limit_burst = 0

integer value

Maximum number of logged messages per rate_limit_interval.

rate_limit_except_level = CRITICAL

string value

Log level name used by rate limiting: CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG or empty string. Logs with level greater or equal to rate_limit_except_level are not filtered. An empty string means that all levels are filtered.

rate_limit_interval = 0

integer value

Interval, number of seconds, of log rate limiting.

show_image_direct_url = False

boolean value

Show direct image location when returning an image.

This configuration option indicates whether to show the direct image location when returning image details to the user. The direct image location is where the image data is stored in backend storage. This image location is shown under the image property direct_url.

When multiple image locations exist for an image, the best location is displayed based on the location strategy indicated by the configuration option location_strategy.


  • Revealing image locations can present a GRAVE SECURITY RISK as image locations can sometimes include credentials. Hence, this is set to False by default. Set this to True with EXTREME CAUTION and ONLY IF you know what you are doing!
  • If an operator wishes to avoid showing any image location(s) to the user, then both this option and show_multiple_locations MUST be set to False.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • show_multiple_locations
  • location_strategy

show_multiple_locations = False

boolean value

Show all image locations when returning an image.

This configuration option indicates whether to show all the image locations when returning image details to the user. When multiple image locations exist for an image, the locations are ordered based on the location strategy indicated by the configuration opt location_strategy. The image locations are shown under the image property locations.


  • Revealing image locations can present a GRAVE SECURITY RISK as image locations can sometimes include credentials. Hence, this is set to False by default. Set this to True with EXTREME CAUTION and ONLY IF you know what you are doing!
  • See for more information.
  • If an operator wishes to avoid showing any image location(s) to the user, then both this option and show_image_direct_url MUST be set to False.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • show_image_direct_url
  • location_strategy

Deprecated since: Newton

*Reason:*Use of this option, deprecated since Newton, is a security risk and will be removed once we figure out a way to satisfy those use cases that currently require it. An earlier announcement that the same functionality can be achieved with greater granularity by using policies is incorrect. You cannot work around this option via policy configuration at the present time, though that is the direction we believe the fix will take. Please keep an eye on the Glance release notes to stay up to date on progress in addressing this issue.

syslog-log-facility = LOG_USER

string value

Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-journal = False

boolean value

Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd environment you may wish to enable journal support. Doing so will use the journal native protocol which includes structured metadata in addition to log messages.This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-json = False

boolean value

Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use-syslog = False

boolean value

Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is DEPRECATED and will be changed later to honor RFC5424. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

use_eventlog = False

boolean value

Log output to Windows Event Log.

use_stderr = False

boolean value

Log output to standard error. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

user_storage_quota = 0

string value

Maximum amount of image storage per tenant.

This enforces an upper limit on the cumulative storage consumed by all images of a tenant across all stores. This is a per-tenant limit.

The default unit for this configuration option is Bytes. However, storage units can be specified using case-sensitive literals B, KB, MB, GB and TB representing Bytes, KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes and TeraBytes respectively. Note that there should not be any space between the value and unit. Value 0 signifies no quota enforcement. Negative values are invalid and result in errors.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid concatenation of a non-negative integer representing the storage value and an optional string literal representing storage units as mentioned above.

Related options:

  • None

watch-log-file = False

boolean value

Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file option is specified and Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

worker_self_reference_url = None

string value

The URL to this worker.

If this is set, other glance workers will know how to contact this one directly if needed. For image import, a single worker stages the image and other workers need to be able to proxy the import request to the right one.

If unset, this will be considered to be public_endpoint, which normally would be set to the same value on all workers, effectively disabling the proxying behavior.

Possible values:

  • A URL by which this worker is reachable from other workers

Related options:

  • public_endpoint

3.3.2. glance_store

The following table outlines the options available under the [glance_store] group in the /etc/glance/glance-cache.conf file.

Table 3.30. glance_store
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

cinder_api_insecure = False

boolean value

Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder.

If this option is set to True, HTTPS endpoint connection is verified using the CA certificates file specified by cinder_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • cinder_ca_certificates_file

cinder_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Location of a CA certificates file used for cinder client requests.

The specified CA certificates file, if set, is used to verify cinder connections via HTTPS endpoint. If the endpoint is HTTP, this value is ignored. cinder_api_insecure must be set to True to enable the verification.

Possible values:

  • Path to a ca certificates file

Related options:

  • cinder_api_insecure

cinder_catalog_info = volumev3::publicURL

string value

Information to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog.

When the cinder_endpoint_template is not set and any of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, cinder_store_password is not set, cinder store uses this information to lookup cinder endpoint from the service catalog in the current context. cinder_os_region_name, if set, is taken into consideration to fetch the appropriate endpoint.

The service catalog can be listed by the openstack catalog list command.

Possible values:

  • A string of of the following form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<interface> At least service_type and interface should be specified. service_name can be omitted.

Related options:

  • cinder_os_region_name
  • cinder_endpoint_template
  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_endpoint_template = None

string value

Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder endpoint.

When this option is set, this value is used to generate cinder endpoint, instead of looking up from the service catalog. This value is ignored if cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password are specified.

If this configuration option is set, cinder_catalog_info will be ignored.

Possible values:

  • URL template string for cinder endpoint, where %%(tenant)s is replaced with the current tenant (project) name. For example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_enforce_multipath = False

boolean value

If this is set to True, attachment of volumes for image transfer will be aborted when multipathd is not running. Otherwise, it will fallback to single path.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_use_multipath

cinder_http_retries = 3

integer value

Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.

When a call failed by any errors, cinderclient will retry the call up to the specified times after sleeping a few seconds.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_mount_point_base = /var/lib/glance/mnt

string value

Directory where the NFS volume is mounted on the glance node.

Possible values:

  • A string representing absolute path of mount point.

cinder_os_region_name = None

string value

Region name to lookup cinder service from the service catalog.

This is used only when cinder_catalog_info is used for determining the endpoint. If set, the lookup for cinder endpoint by this node is filtered to the specified region. It is useful when multiple regions are listed in the catalog. If this is not set, the endpoint is looked up from every region.

Possible values:

  • A string that is a valid region name.

Related options:

  • cinder_catalog_info

cinder_state_transition_timeout = 300

integer value

Time period, in seconds, to wait for a cinder volume transition to complete.

When the cinder volume is created, deleted, or attached to the glance node to read/write the volume data, the volume’s state is changed. For example, the newly created volume status changes from creating to available after the creation process is completed. This specifies the maximum time to wait for the status change. If a timeout occurs while waiting, or the status is changed to an unexpected value (e.g. error), the image creation fails.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer

Related options:

  • None

cinder_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the cinder authentication service is listening.

When all of cinder_store_auth_address, cinder_store_user_name, cinder_store_project_name, and cinder_store_password options are specified, the specified values are always used for the authentication. This is useful to hide the image volumes from users by storing them in a project/tenant specific to the image service. It also enables users to share the image volume among other projects under the control of glance’s ACL.

If either of these options are not set, the cinder endpoint is looked up from the service catalog, and current context’s user and project are used.

Possible values:

  • A valid authentication service address, for example:

Related options:

  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_password = None

string value

Password for the user authenticating against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid password for the user specified by cinder_store_user_name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_store_project_name = None

string value

Project name where the image volume is stored in cinder.

If this configuration option is not set, the project in current context is used.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the project of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid project name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_user_name
  • cinder_store_password

cinder_store_user_name = None

string value

User name to authenticate against cinder.

This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used.

Possible values:

  • A valid user name

Related options:

  • cinder_store_auth_address
  • cinder_store_password
  • cinder_store_project_name

cinder_use_multipath = False

boolean value

Flag to identify mutipath is supported or not in the deployment.

Set it to False if multipath is not supported.

Possible values:

  • True or False

Related options:

  • cinder_enforce_multipath

cinder_volume_type = None

string value

Volume type that will be used for volume creation in cinder.

Some cinder backends can have several volume types to optimize storage usage. Adding this option allows an operator to choose a specific volume type in cinder that can be optimized for images.

If this is not set, then the default volume type specified in the cinder configuration will be used for volume creation.

Possible values:

  • A valid volume type from cinder

Related options:

  • None

You cannot use an encrypted volume_type associated with an NFS backend. An encrypted volume stored on an NFS backend will raise an exception whenever glance_store tries to write or access image data stored in that volume. Consult your Cinder administrator to determine an appropriate volume_type.

default_store = file

string value

The default scheme to use for storing images.

Provide a string value representing the default scheme to use for storing images. If not set, Glance uses file as the default scheme to store images with the file store.


The value given for this configuration option must be a valid scheme for a store registered with the stores configuration option.

Possible values:

  • file
  • filesystem
  • http
  • https
  • swift
  • swift+http
  • swift+https
  • swift+config
  • rbd
  • cinder
  • vsphere
  • s3

Related Options:

  • stores

Deprecated since: Rocky

Reason: This option is deprecated against new config option ``default_backend`` which acts similar to ``default_store`` config option.

This option is scheduled for removal in the U development cycle.

default_swift_reference = ref1

string value

Reference to default Swift account/backing store parameters.

Provide a string value representing a reference to the default set of parameters required for using swift account/backing store for image storage. The default reference value for this configuration option is ref1. This configuration option dereferences the parameters and facilitates image storage in Swift storage backend every time a new image is added.

Possible values:

  • A valid string value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_chunk_size = 65536

integer value

Chunk size, in bytes.

The chunk size used when reading or writing image files. Raising this value may improve the throughput but it may also slightly increase the memory usage when handling a large number of requests.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/glance/images

string value

Directory to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

Upon start up, Glance creates the directory if it doesn’t already exist and verifies write access to the user under which glance-api runs. If the write access isn’t available, a BadStoreConfiguration exception is raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadirs
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_datadirs = None

multi valued

List of directories and their priorities to which the filesystem backend store writes images.

The filesystem store can be configured to store images in multiple directories as opposed to using a single directory specified by the filesystem_store_datadir configuration option. When using multiple directories, each directory can be given an optional priority to specify the preference order in which they should be used. Priority is an integer that is concatenated to the directory path with a colon where a higher value indicates higher priority. When two directories have the same priority, the directory with most free space is used. When no priority is specified, it defaults to zero.

More information on configuring filesystem store with multiple store directories can be found at


This directory is used only when filesystem store is used as a storage backend. Either filesystem_store_datadir or filesystem_store_datadirs option must be specified in glance-api.conf. If both options are specified, a BadStoreConfiguration will be raised and the filesystem store may not be available for adding new images.

Possible values:

  • List of strings of the following form:

    • <a valid directory path>:<optional integer priority>

Related options:

  • filesystem_store_datadir
  • filesystem_store_file_perm

filesystem_store_file_perm = 0

integer value

File access permissions for the image files.

Set the intended file access permissions for image data. This provides a way to enable other services, e.g. Nova, to consume images directly from the filesystem store. The users running the services that are intended to be given access to could be made a member of the group that owns the files created. Assigning a value less then or equal to zero for this configuration option signifies that no changes be made to the default permissions. This value will be decoded as an octal digit.

For more information, please refer the documentation at

Possible values:

  • A valid file access permission
  • Zero
  • Any negative integer

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_store_metadata_file = None

string value

Filesystem store metadata file.

The path to a file which contains the metadata to be returned with any location associated with the filesystem store. Once this option is set, it is used for new images created afterward only - previously existing images are not affected.

The file must contain a valid JSON object. The object should contain the keys id and mountpoint. The value for both keys should be a string.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to the store metadata file

Related options:

  • None

filesystem_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the filesystem, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by the filesystem as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

http_proxy_information = {}

dict value

The http/https proxy information to be used to connect to the remote server.

This configuration option specifies the http/https proxy information that should be used to connect to the remote server. The proxy information should be a key value pair of the scheme and proxy, for example, http: You can also specify proxies for multiple schemes by separating the key value pairs with a comma, for example, http:, https:

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of scheme:proxy pairs as described above

Related options:

  • None

https_ca_certificates_file = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Certificate Authority file to verify the remote server certificate. If this option is set, the https_insecure option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • https_insecure

https_insecure = True

boolean value

Set verification of the remote server certificate.

This configuration option takes in a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the remote server certificate. If set to True, the remote server certificate is not verified. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if https_ca_certificates_file is set. The remote server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the https_ca_certificates_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • https_ca_certificates_file

rados_connect_timeout = 0

integer value

Timeout value for connecting to Ceph cluster.

This configuration option takes in the timeout value in seconds used when connecting to the Ceph cluster i.e. it sets the time to wait for glance-api before closing the connection. This prevents glance-api hangups during the connection to RBD. If the value for this option is set to less than or equal to 0, no timeout is set and the default librados value is used.

Possible Values:

  • Any integer value

Related options:

  • None

`rbd_store_ceph_conf = `

string value

Ceph configuration file path.

This configuration option specifies the path to the Ceph configuration file to be used. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to the empty string, librados will read the standard ceph.conf file by searching the default Ceph configuration file locations in sequential order. See the Ceph documentation for details.


If using Cephx authentication, this file should include a reference to the right keyring in a client.<USER> section

NOTE 2: If you leave this option empty (the default), the actual Ceph configuration file used may change depending on what version of librados is being used. If it is important for you to know exactly which configuration file is in effect, you may specify that file here using this option.

Possible Values:

  • A valid path to a configuration file

Related options:

  • rbd_store_user

rbd_store_chunk_size = 8

integer value

Size, in megabytes, to chunk RADOS images into.

Provide an integer value representing the size in megabytes to chunk Glance images into. The default chunk size is 8 megabytes. For optimal performance, the value should be a power of two.

When Ceph’s RBD object storage system is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are chunked into objects of the size set using this option. These chunked objects are then stored across the distributed block data store to use for Glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_pool = images

string value

RADOS pool in which images are stored.

When RBD is used as the storage backend for storing Glance images, the images are stored by means of logical grouping of the objects (chunks of images) into a pool. Each pool is defined with the number of placement groups it can contain. The default pool that is used is images.

More information on the RBD storage backend can be found here:

Possible Values:

  • A valid pool name

Related options:

  • None

rbd_store_user = None

string value

RADOS user to authenticate as.

This configuration option takes in the RADOS user to authenticate as. This is only needed when RADOS authentication is enabled and is applicable only if the user is using Cephx authentication. If the value for this option is not set by the user or is set to None, a default value will be chosen, which will be based on the client. section in rbd_store_ceph_conf.

Possible Values:

  • A valid RADOS user

Related options:

  • rbd_store_ceph_conf

rbd_thin_provisioning = False

boolean value

Enable or not thin provisioning in this backend.

This configuration option enable the feature of not really write null byte sequences on the RBD backend, the holes who can appear will automatically be interpreted by Ceph as null bytes, and do not really consume your storage. Enabling this feature will also speed up image upload and save network trafic in addition to save space in the backend, as null bytes sequences are not sent over the network.

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

rootwrap_config = /etc/glance/rootwrap.conf

string value

Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running commands as root.

The cinder store requires root privileges to operate the image volumes (for connecting to iSCSI/FC volumes and reading/writing the volume data, etc.). The configuration file should allow the required commands by cinder store and os-brick library.

Possible values:

  • Path to the rootwrap config file

Related options:

  • None

s3_store_access_key = None

string value

The S3 query token access key.

This configuration option takes the access key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is the access key for a user with appropriate privileges

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_bucket = None

string value

The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.

This configuration option specifies where the glance images will be stored in the S3. If s3_store_create_bucket_on_put is set to true, it will be created automatically even if the bucket does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any string value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_create_bucket_on_put
  • s3_store_bucket_url_format

s3_store_bucket_url_format = auto

string value

The S3 calling format used to determine the object.

This configuration option takes access model that is used to specify the address of an object in an S3 bucket.

NOTE: In path-style, the endpoint for the object looks like And in virtual-style, the endpoint for the object looks like If you do not follow the DNS naming convention in the bucket name, you can get objects in the path style, but not in the virtual style.

Possible values:

  • Any string value of auto, virtual, or path

Related Options:

  • s3_store_bucket

s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False

boolean value

Determine whether S3 should create a new bucket.

This configuration option takes boolean value to indicate whether Glance should create a new bucket to S3 if it does not exist.

Possible values:

  • Any Boolean value

Related Options:

  • None

s3_store_host = None

string value

The host where the S3 server is listening.

This configuration option sets the host of the S3 or S3 compatible storage Server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend. The host can contain a DNS name (e.g., or an IP address (

Possible values:

  • A valid DNS name
  • A valid IPv4 address

Related Options:

  • s3_store_access_key
  • s3_store_secret_key

s3_store_large_object_chunk_size = 10

integer value

What multipart upload part size, in MB, should S3 use when uploading parts.

This configuration option takes the image split size in MB for Multipart Upload.

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value (must be greater than or equal to 5M)

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_large_object_size = 100

integer value

What size, in MB, should S3 start chunking image files and do a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes a threshold in MB to determine whether to upload the image to S3 as is or to split it (Multipart Upload).

Note: You can only split up to 10,000 images.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size
  • s3_store_thread_pools

s3_store_secret_key = None

string value

The S3 query token secret key.

This configuration option takes the secret key for authenticating with the Amazon S3 or S3 compatible storage server. This option is required when using the S3 storage backend.

Possible values:

  • Any string value that is a secret key corresponding to the access key specified using the s3_store_host option

Related Options:

  • s3_store_host
  • s3_store_access_key

s3_store_thread_pools = 10

integer value

The number of thread pools to perform a multipart upload in S3.

This configuration option takes the number of thread pools when performing a Multipart Upload.

Possible values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related Options:

  • s3_store_large_object_size
  • s3_store_large_object_chunk_size

stores = ['file', 'http']

list value

List of enabled Glance stores.

Register the storage backends to use for storing disk images as a comma separated list. The default stores enabled for storing disk images with Glance are file and http.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list that could include:

    • file
    • http
    • swift
    • rbd
    • cinder
    • vmware
    • s3

Related Options:

  • default_store

Deprecated since: Rocky

Reason: This option is deprecated against new config option ``enabled_backends`` which helps to configure multiple backend stores of different schemes.

This option is scheduled for removal in the U development cycle.

swift_buffer_on_upload = False

boolean value

Buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a boolean value to indicate whether or not Glance should buffer image data to disk while uploading to swift. This enables Glance to resume uploads on error.

NOTES: When enabling this option, one should take great care as this increases disk usage on the API node. Be aware that depending upon how the file system is configured, the disk space used for buffering may decrease the actual disk space available for the glance image cache. Disk utilization will cap according to the following equation: (swift_store_large_object_chunk_size * workers * 1000)

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_upload_buffer_dir

swift_store_admin_tenants = []

list value

List of tenants that will be granted admin access.

This is a list of tenants that will be granted read/write access on all Swift containers created by Glance in multi-tenant mode. The default value is an empty list.

Possible values:

  • A comma separated list of strings representing UUIDs of Keystone projects/tenants

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_auth_address = None

string value

The address where the Swift authentication service is listening.

swift_store_auth_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the server certificate.

This boolean determines whether or not to verify the server certificate. If this option is set to True, swiftclient won’t check for a valid SSL certificate when authenticating. If the option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_cacert

swift_store_auth_version = 2

string value

Version of the authentication service to use. Valid versions are 2 and 3 for keystone and 1 (deprecated) for swauth and rackspace.

swift_store_cacert = None

string value

Path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to specify the path to a custom Certificate Authority file for SSL verification when connecting to Swift.

Possible values:

  • A valid path to a CA file

Related options:

  • swift_store_auth_insecure

swift_store_config_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the file containing the swift account(s) configurations.

Include a string value representing the path to a configuration file that has references for each of the configured Swift account(s)/backing stores. By default, no file path is specified and customized Swift referencing is disabled. Configuring this option is highly recommended while using Swift storage backend for image storage as it avoids storage of credentials in the database.


Please do not configure this option if you have set swift_store_multi_tenant to True.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute path on the glance-api node

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_container = glance

string value

Name of single container to store images/name prefix for multiple containers

When a single container is being used to store images, this configuration option indicates the container within the Glance account to be used for storing all images. When multiple containers are used to store images, this will be the name prefix for all containers. Usage of single/multiple containers can be controlled using the configuration option swift_store_multiple_containers_seed.

When using multiple containers, the containers will be named after the value set for this configuration option with the first N chars of the image UUID as the suffix delimited by an underscore (where N is specified by swift_store_multiple_containers_seed).

Example: if the seed is set to 3 and swift_store_container = glance, then an image with UUID fdae39a1-bac5-4238-aba4-69bcc726e848 would be placed in the container glance_fda. All dashes in the UUID are included when creating the container name but do not count toward the character limit, so when N=10 the container name would be glance_fdae39a1-ba.

Possible values:

  • If using single container, this configuration option can be any string that is a valid swift container name in Glance’s Swift account
  • If using multiple containers, this configuration option can be any string as long as it satisfies the container naming rules enforced by Swift. The value of swift_store_multiple_containers_seed should be taken into account as well.

Related options:

  • swift_store_multiple_containers_seed
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_create_container_on_put = False

boolean value

Create container, if it doesn’t already exist, when uploading image.

At the time of uploading an image, if the corresponding container doesn’t exist, it will be created provided this configuration option is set to True. By default, it won’t be created. This behavior is applicable for both single and multiple containers mode.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint = None

string value

The URL endpoint to use for Swift backend storage.

Provide a string value representing the URL endpoint to use for storing Glance images in Swift store. By default, an endpoint is not set and the storage URL returned by auth is used. Setting an endpoint with swift_store_endpoint overrides the storage URL and is used for Glance image storage.


The URL should include the path up to, but excluding the container. The location of an object is obtained by appending the container and object to the configured URL.

Possible values:

  • String value representing a valid URL path up to a Swift container

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_endpoint_type = publicURL

string value

Endpoint Type of Swift service.

This string value indicates the endpoint type to use to fetch the Swift endpoint. The endpoint type determines the actions the user will be allowed to perform, for instance, reading and writing to the Store. This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version is greater than 1.

Possible values:

  • publicURL
  • adminURL
  • internalURL

Related options:

  • swift_store_endpoint

swift_store_expire_soon_interval = 60

integer value

Time in seconds defining the size of the window in which a new token may be requested before the current token is due to expire.

Typically, the Swift storage driver fetches a new token upon the expiration of the current token to ensure continued access to Swift. However, some Swift transactions (like uploading image segments) may not recover well if the token expires on the fly.

Hence, by fetching a new token before the current token expiration, we make sure that the token does not expire or is close to expiry before a transaction is attempted. By default, the Swift storage driver requests for a new token 60 seconds or less before the current token expiration.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_key = None

string value

Auth key for the user authenticating against the Swift authentication service.

swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200

integer value

The maximum size, in MB, of the segments when image data is segmented.

When image data is segmented to upload images that are larger than the limit enforced by the Swift cluster, image data is broken into segments that are no bigger than the size specified by this configuration option. Refer to swift_store_large_object_size for more detail.

For example: if swift_store_large_object_size is 5GB and swift_store_large_object_chunk_size is 1GB, an image of size 6.2GB will be segmented into 7 segments where the first six segments will be 1GB in size and the seventh segment will be 0.2GB.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_size

swift_store_large_object_size = 5120

integer value

The size threshold, in MB, after which Glance will start segmenting image data.

Swift has an upper limit on the size of a single uploaded object. By default, this is 5GB. To upload objects bigger than this limit, objects are segmented into multiple smaller objects that are tied together with a manifest file. For more detail, refer to

This configuration option specifies the size threshold over which the Swift driver will start segmenting image data into multiple smaller files. Currently, the Swift driver only supports creating Dynamic Large Objects.


This should be set by taking into account the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Possible values:

  • A positive integer that is less than or equal to the large object limit enforced by the Swift cluster in consideration.

Related options:

  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

swift_store_multi_tenant = False

boolean value

Store images in tenant’s Swift account.

This enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts. If this is disabled, Glance stores all images in its own account. More details multi-tenant store can be found at


If using multi-tenant swift store, please make sure that you do not set a swift configuration file with the swift_store_config_file option.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_config_file

swift_store_multiple_containers_seed = 0

integer value

Seed indicating the number of containers to use for storing images.

When using a single-tenant store, images can be stored in one or more than one containers. When set to 0, all images will be stored in one single container. When set to an integer value between 1 and 32, multiple containers will be used to store images. This configuration option will determine how many containers are created. The total number of containers that will be used is equal to 16^N, so if this config option is set to 2, then 16^2=256 containers will be used to store images.

Please refer to swift_store_container for more detail on the naming convention. More detail about using multiple containers can be found at


This is used only when swift_store_multi_tenant is disabled.

Possible values:

  • A non-negative integer less than or equal to 32

Related options:

  • swift_store_container
  • swift_store_multi_tenant
  • swift_store_create_container_on_put

swift_store_region = None

string value

The region of Swift endpoint to use by Glance.

Provide a string value representing a Swift region where Glance can connect to for image storage. By default, there is no region set.

When Glance uses Swift as the storage backend to store images for a specific tenant that has multiple endpoints, setting of a Swift region with swift_store_region allows Glance to connect to Swift in the specified region as opposed to a single region connectivity.

This option can be configured for both single-tenant and multi-tenant storage.


Setting the region with swift_store_region is tenant-specific and is necessary only if the tenant has multiple endpoints across different regions.

Possible values:

  • A string value representing a valid Swift region.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_retry_get_count = 0

integer value

The number of times a Swift download will be retried before the request fails.

Provide an integer value representing the number of times an image download must be retried before erroring out. The default value is zero (no retry on a failed image download). When set to a positive integer value, swift_store_retry_get_count ensures that the download is attempted this many more times upon a download failure before sending an error message.

Possible values:

  • Zero
  • Positive integer value

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_service_type = object-store

string value

Type of Swift service to use.

Provide a string value representing the service type to use for storing images while using Swift backend storage. The default service type is set to object-store.


If swift_store_auth_version is set to 2, the value for this configuration option needs to be object-store. If using a higher version of Keystone or a different auth scheme, this option may be modified.

Possible values:

  • A string representing a valid service type for Swift storage.

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_ssl_compression = True

boolean value

SSL layer compression for HTTPS Swift requests.

Provide a boolean value to determine whether or not to compress HTTPS Swift requests for images at the SSL layer. By default, compression is enabled.

When using Swift as the backend store for Glance image storage, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests can be set using this option. If set to False, SSL layer compression of HTTPS Swift requests is disabled. Disabling this option may improve performance for images which are already in a compressed format, for example, qcow2.

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related Options:

  • None

swift_store_use_trusts = True

boolean value

Use trusts for multi-tenant Swift store.

This option instructs the Swift store to create a trust for each add/get request when the multi-tenant store is in use. Using trusts allows the Swift store to avoid problems that can be caused by an authentication token expiring during the upload or download of data.

By default, swift_store_use_trusts is set to True(use of trusts is enabled). If set to False, a user token is used for the Swift connection instead, eliminating the overhead of trust creation.


This option is considered only when swift_store_multi_tenant is set to True

Possible values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • swift_store_multi_tenant

swift_store_user = None

string value

The user to authenticate against the Swift authentication service.

swift_upload_buffer_dir = None

string value

Directory to buffer image segments before upload to Swift.

Provide a string value representing the absolute path to the directory on the glance node where image segments will be buffered briefly before they are uploaded to swift.


  • This is required only when the configuration option swift_buffer_on_upload is set to True.
  • This directory should be provisioned keeping in mind the swift_store_large_object_chunk_size and the maximum number of images that could be uploaded simultaneously by a given glance node.

Possible values:

  • String value representing an absolute directory path

Related options:

  • swift_buffer_on_upload
  • swift_store_large_object_chunk_size

vmware_api_retry_count = 10

integer value

The number of VMware API retries.

This configuration option specifies the number of times the VMware ESX/VC server API must be retried upon connection related issues or server API call overload. It is not possible to specify retry forever.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

vmware_ca_file = None

string value

Absolute path to the CA bundle file.

This configuration option enables the operator to use a custom Cerificate Authority File to verify the ESX/vCenter certificate.

If this option is set, the "vmware_insecure" option will be ignored and the CA file specified will be used to authenticate the ESX/vCenter server certificate and establish a secure connection to the server.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid absolute path to a CA file

Related options:

  • vmware_insecure

vmware_datastores = None

multi valued

The datastores where the image can be stored.

This configuration option specifies the datastores where the image can be stored in the VMWare store backend. This option may be specified multiple times for specifying multiple datastores. The datastore name should be specified after its datacenter path, separated by ":". An optional weight may be given after the datastore name, separated again by ":" to specify the priority. Thus, the required format becomes <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>.

When adding an image, the datastore with highest weight will be selected, unless there is not enough free space available in cases where the image size is already known. If no weight is given, it is assumed to be zero and the directory will be considered for selection last. If multiple datastores have the same weight, then the one with the most free space available is selected.

Possible Values:

  • Any string of the format: <datacenter_path>:<datastore_name>:<optional_weight>

Related options: * None

vmware_insecure = False

boolean value

Set verification of the ESX/vCenter server certificate.

This configuration option takes a boolean value to determine whether or not to verify the ESX/vCenter server certificate. If this option is set to True, the ESX/vCenter server certificate is not verified. If this option is set to False, then the default CA truststore is used for verification.

This option is ignored if the "vmware_ca_file" option is set. In that case, the ESX/vCenter server certificate will then be verified using the file specified using the "vmware_ca_file" option .

Possible Values:

  • True
  • False

Related options:

  • vmware_ca_file

vmware_server_host = None

host address value

Address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system.

This configuration option sets the address of the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server target system. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend. The address can contain an IP address ( or a DNS name (

Possible Values:

  • A valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • A valid DNS name

Related options:

  • vmware_server_username
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_server_password = None

string value

Server password.

This configuration option takes the password for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a password corresponding to the username specified using the "vmware_server_username" option

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_username

vmware_server_username = None

string value

Server username.

This configuration option takes the username for authenticating with the VMware ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server. This option is required when using the VMware storage backend.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is the username for a user with appropriate privileges

Related options:

  • vmware_server_host
  • vmware_server_password

vmware_store_image_dir = /openstack_glance

string value

The directory where the glance images will be stored in the datastore.

This configuration option specifies the path to the directory where the glance images will be stored in the VMware datastore. If this option is not set, the default directory where the glance images are stored is openstack_glance.

Possible Values:

  • Any string that is a valid path to a directory

Related options:

  • None

vmware_task_poll_interval = 5

integer value

Interval in seconds used for polling remote tasks invoked on VMware ESX/VC server.

This configuration option takes in the sleep time in seconds for polling an on-going async task as part of the VMWare ESX/VC server API call.

Possible Values:

  • Any positive integer value

Related options:

  • None

3.3.3. oslo_policy

The following table outlines the options available under the [oslo_policy] group in the /etc/glance/glance-cache.conf file.

Table 3.31. oslo_policy
Configuration option = Default valueTypeDescription

enforce_new_defaults = False

boolean value

This option controls whether or not to use old deprecated defaults when evaluating policies. If True, the old deprecated defaults are not going to be evaluated. This means if any existing token is allowed for old defaults but is disallowed for new defaults, it will be disallowed. It is encouraged to enable this flag along with the enforce_scope flag so that you can get the benefits of new defaults and scope_type together

enforce_scope = False

boolean value

This option controls whether or not to enforce scope when evaluating policies. If True, the scope of the token used in the request is compared to the scope_types of the policy being enforced. If the scopes do not match, an InvalidScope exception will be raised. If False, a message will be logged informing operators that policies are being invoked with mismatching scope.

policy_default_rule = default

string value

Default rule. Enforced when a requested rule is not found.

policy_dirs = ['policy.d']

multi valued

Directories where policy configuration files are stored. They can be relative to any directory in the search path defined by the config_dir option, or absolute paths. The file defined by policy_file must exist for these directories to be searched. Missing or empty directories are ignored.

policy_file = policy.yaml

string value

The relative or absolute path of a file that maps roles to permissions for a given service. Relative paths must be specified in relation to the configuration file setting this option.

remote_content_type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

string value

Content Type to send and receive data for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_ca_crt_file = None

string value

Absolute path to ca cert file for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_client_crt_file = None

string value

Absolute path to client cert for REST based policy check

remote_ssl_client_key_file = None

string value

Absolute path client key file REST based policy check

remote_ssl_verify_server_crt = False

boolean value

server identity verification for REST based policy check

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