Table 5.28. New options
Option = default value
(Type) Help string
[DEFAULT] executor_thread_pool_size = 64
(IntOpt) Size of executor thread pool.
[DEFAULT] exists_notification_interval = 3600
(IntOpt) Seconds to wait between pushing events.
[DEFAULT] nova_proxy_admin_tenant_id =
(StrOpt) Admin tenant ID used to connect to Nova.
[DEFAULT] password =
(StrOpt) Password for Redis server (optional).
[DEFAULT] port = 6379
(IntOpt) Use this port to connect to redis host.
[DEFAULT] rpc_conn_pool_size = 30
(IntOpt) Size of RPC connection pool.
[DEFAULT] rpc_poll_timeout = 1
(IntOpt) The default number of seconds that poll should wait. Poll raises timeout exception when timeout expired.
[DEFAULT] rpc_zmq_all_req_rep = True
(BoolOpt) Use REQ/REP pattern for all methods CALL/CAST/FANOUT.
[DEFAULT] rpc_zmq_concurrency = eventlet
(StrOpt) Type of concurrency used. Either "native" or "eventlet"
[DEFAULT] timeout_wait_for_service = 120
(IntOpt) Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a service to become alive.
[DEFAULT] watch_log_file = False
(BoolOpt) (Optional) Uses logging handler designed to watch file system. When log file is moved or removed this handler will open a new log file with specified path instantaneously. It makes sense only if log-file option is specified and Linux platform is used. This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
[DEFAULT] zmq_use_broker = True
(BoolOpt) Shows whether zmq-messaging uses broker or not.
[keystone_authtoken] region_name = None
(StrOpt) The region in which the identity server can be found.
[mariadb] backup_incremental_strategy = {'InnoBackupEx': 'InnoBackupExIncremental'}
(DictOpt) Incremental Backup Runner based on the default strategy. For strategies that do not implement an incremental backup, the runner will use the default full backup.
[mariadb] backup_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.mysql_impl
(StrOpt) Namespace to load backup strategies from.
[mariadb] backup_strategy = InnoBackupEx
(StrOpt) Default strategy to perform backups.
[mariadb] device_path = /dev/vdb
(StrOpt) Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.
[mariadb] mount_point = /var/lib/mysql
(StrOpt) Filesystem path for mounting volumes if volume support is enabled.
[mariadb] replication_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.mysql_binlog
(StrOpt) Namespace to load replication strategies from.
[mariadb] replication_strategy = MysqlBinlogReplication
(StrOpt) Default strategy for replication.
[mariadb] restore_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.mysql_impl
(StrOpt) Namespace to load restore strategies from.
[mariadb] root_controller = trove.extensions.common.service.DefaultRootController
(StrOpt) Root controller implementation for mysql.
[mariadb] root_on_create = False
(BoolOpt) Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the service during instance-create. The generated password for the root user is immediately returned in the response of instance-create as the 'password' field.
[mariadb] tcp_ports = 3306
(ListOpt) List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[mariadb] udp_ports =
(ListOpt) List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[mariadb] usage_timeout = 400
(IntOpt) Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Guest to become active.
[mariadb] volume_support = True
(BoolOpt) Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.
[mysql] root_controller = trove.extensions.common.service.DefaultRootController
(StrOpt) Root controller implementation for mysql.
[oslo_messaging_amqp] password =
(StrOpt) Password for message broker authentication
[oslo_messaging_amqp] sasl_config_dir =
(StrOpt) Path to directory that contains the SASL configuration
[oslo_messaging_amqp] sasl_config_name =
(StrOpt) Name of configuration file (without .conf suffix)
[oslo_messaging_amqp] sasl_mechanisms =
(StrOpt) Space separated list of acceptable SASL mechanisms
[oslo_messaging_amqp] username =
(StrOpt) User name for message broker authentication
[oslo_messaging_qpid] send_single_reply = False
(BoolOpt) Send a single AMQP reply to call message. The current behavior since oslo-incubator is to send two AMQP replies - first one with the payload, a second one to ensure the other has finished to send the payload. We are going to remove it in the N release, but we must keep backward compatible at the same time. This option provides such compatibility - it defaults to False in Liberty and can be turned on for early adopters with new installations or for testing. This option will be removed in the Mitaka release.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] kombu_reconnect_timeout = 60
(IntOpt) How long to wait before considering a reconnect attempt to have failed. This value should not be longer than rpc_response_timeout.
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] send_single_reply = False
(BoolOpt) Send a single AMQP reply to call message. The current behavior since oslo-incubator is to send two AMQP replies - first one with the payload, a second one to ensure the other has finished to send the payload. We are going to remove it in the N release, but we must keep backward compatible at the same time. This option provides such compatibility - it defaults to False in Liberty and can be turned on for early adopters with new installations or for testing. This option will be removed in the Mitaka release.
[pxc] api_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.pxc.api.PXCAPIStrategy
(StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific API logic.
[pxc] backup_incremental_strategy = {'InnoBackupEx': 'InnoBackupExIncremental'}
(DictOpt) Incremental Backup Runner based on the default strategy. For strategies that do not implement an incremental backup, the runner will use the default full backup.
[pxc] backup_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.backup.mysql_impl
(StrOpt) Namespace to load backup strategies from.
[pxc] backup_strategy = InnoBackupEx
(StrOpt) Default strategy to perform backups.
[pxc] cluster_support = True
(BoolOpt) Enable clusters to be created and managed.
[pxc] device_path = /dev/vdb
(StrOpt) Device path for volume if volume support is enabled.
[pxc] guestagent_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.pxc.guestagent.PXCGuestAgentStrategy
(StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific Guest Agent API logic.
[pxc] ignore_users = os_admin, root, clusterrepuser
(ListOpt) Users to exclude when listing users.
[pxc] min_cluster_member_count = 3
(IntOpt) Minimum number of members in PXC cluster.
[pxc] mount_point = /var/lib/mysql
(StrOpt) Filesystem path for mounting volumes if volume support is enabled.
[pxc] replication_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.mysql_gtid
(StrOpt) Namespace to load replication strategies from.
[pxc] replication_strategy = MysqlGTIDReplication
(StrOpt) Default strategy for replication.
[pxc] replication_user = slave_user
(StrOpt) Userid for replication slave.
[pxc] restore_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.restore.mysql_impl
(StrOpt) Namespace to load restore strategies from.
[pxc] root_controller = trove.extensions.common.service.DefaultRootController
(StrOpt) Root controller implementation for pxc.
[pxc] root_on_create = False
(BoolOpt) Enable the automatic creation of the root user for the service during instance-create. The generated password for the root user is immediately returned in the response of instance-create as the 'password' field.
[pxc] taskmanager_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.pxc.taskmanager.PXCTaskManagerStrategy
(StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific task manager logic.
[pxc] tcp_ports = 3306, 4444, 4567, 4568
(ListOpt) List of TCP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[pxc] udp_ports =
(ListOpt) List of UDP ports and/or port ranges to open in the security group (only applicable if trove_security_groups_support is True).
[pxc] usage_timeout = 450
(IntOpt) Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a Guest to become active.
[pxc] volume_support = True
(BoolOpt) Whether to provision a Cinder volume for datadir.
[redis] api_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.redis.api.RedisAPIStrategy
(StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific API logic.
[redis] cluster_support = True
(BoolOpt) Enable clusters to be created and managed.
[redis] guestagent_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.redis.guestagent.RedisGuestAgentStrategy
(StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific Guest Agent API logic.
[redis] replication_namespace = trove.guestagent.strategies.replication.experimental.redis_sync
(StrOpt) Namespace to load replication strategies from.
[redis] root_controller = trove.extensions.common.service.DefaultRootController
(StrOpt) Root controller implementation for redis.
[redis] taskmanager_strategy = trove.common.strategies.cluster.experimental.redis.taskmanager.RedisTaskManagerStrategy
(StrOpt) Class that implements datastore-specific task manager logic.