2. Package Designation

A package's designation states whether a package is core, non-core or technology preview.
Core packages have higher levels of support than non-core. That is, all functionality provided by a core package is fully supported. Non-core packages, on the other hand, are only supported in the context of specific use cases, such as when they provide functionality required by a core package.
Technology preview packages are unsupported, but are provided in this release to provide early access to features that Red Hat intends to support in future releases.
For more information about package designation, see https://access.redhat.com/support/offerings/production/scope_moredetail.

2.1. Director Components

This section outlines the package licence and designation for director components.
Table 3.  Director Package List
Package Name License Designation
Cython Python Non-core
docker-compose ASL 2.0 Non-core
fio GPLv2 Non-core
instack ASL 2.0 Core
instack-undercloud ASL 2.0 Core
ipxe-roms-qemu GPLv2 and BSD Non-core
ipxe-bootimgs GPLv2 and BSD Non-core
openstack-ironic-inspector ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ironic-inspector-doc ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ironic-python-agent ASL 2.0 Core
ironic-python-agent-doc ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-tripleo ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-tripleo-doc ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-tripleo-common ASL 2.0 Non-core
openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-kilo ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-tripleo-heat-templates ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-tripleo-image-elements ASL 2.0 Non-core
openstack-tripleo-puppet-elements ASL 2.0 Non-core
openwsman-python BSD Non-core
os-apply-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
os-cloud-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
os-collect-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
os-net-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
os-refresh-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-dockerpty ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-docopt MIT Non-core
python-dpath MIT Non-core
python-dracclient ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-flask-babel BSD Non-core
python-hardware-detect ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-hardware ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-ironic-inspector-client ASL 2.0 Core
python-proliantutils ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-ptyprocess ISC Non-core
python-texttable LGPLv2+ Non-core
python-tripleoclient ASL 2.0 Core
rhosp-director-images AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable; no modification permitted and SISSL and Vim and zlib Core
rhosp-director-images-ipa AFL and BSD and (BSD or GPLv2+) and BSD with advertising and Boost and GFDL and GPL and GPL+ and (GPL+ or Artistic) and GPLv1+ and GPLv2 and (GPLv2 or BSD) and (GPLv2 or GPLv3) and GPLv2 with exceptions and GPLv2+ and (GPLv2+ or AFL) and GPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and GPLv3+ with exceptions and IJG and ISC and LGPLv2 and LGPLv2+ and (LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (LGPLv2+ or MIT) and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and LGPLv2/GPLv2 and LGPLv3 and LGPLv3+ and MIT and (MIT or LGPLv2+ or BSD) and (MPLv1.1 or GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+) and Open Publication and OpenLDAP and OpenSSL and Public Domain and Python and (Python or ZPLv2.0) and Rdisc and Redistributable; no modification permitted and SISSL and Vim and zlib Core
sysbench GPLv2+ Non-core

2.2. Core Components

This section outlines the package licence and designation for core components.
Table 4.  Core Package List
Package Name License Designation
python-babel BSD Non-core
cloud-utils-growpart GPLv3 Non-core
crudini GPLv2 Non-core
dib-utils ASL 2.0 Non-core
dibbler-relay GPLv2 technology preview
dibbler-requestor GPLv2 technology preview
dibbler-server GPLv2 technology preview
dibbler-client GPLv2 technology preview
diskimage-builder ASL 2.0 Non-core
dnsmasq-utils GPLv2 Non-core
erlang-inets ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosProperty ERPL Non-core
erlang-hipe ERPL Non-core
erlang-syntax_tools ERPL Non-core
erlang-snmp ERPL Non-core
erlang-percept ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosFileTransfer ERPL Non-core
erlang-xmerl ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosTime ERPL Non-core
erlang-sasl ERPL Non-core
erlang-edoc ERPL Non-core
erlang-kernel ERPL Non-core
erlang-odbc ERPL Non-core
erlang-compiler ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosEvent ERPL Non-core
erlang-eunit ERPL Non-core
erlang-asn1 ERPL Non-core
erlang-otp_mibs ERPL Non-core
erlang ERPL Non-core
erlang-public_key ERPL Non-core
erlang-erl_interface ERPL Non-core
erlang-ssh ERPL Non-core
erlang-eldap ERPL Non-core
erlang-mnesia ERPL Non-core
erlang-crypto ERPL Non-core
erlang-runtime_tools ERPL Non-core
erlang-parsetools ERPL Non-core
erlang-stdlib ERPL Non-core
erlang-diameter ERPL Non-core
erlang-erts ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosTransactions ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosNotification ERPL Non-core
erlang-ssl ERPL Non-core
erlang-os_mon ERPL Non-core
erlang-erl_docgen ERPL Non-core
erlang-tools ERPL Non-core
erlang-cosEventDomain ERPL Non-core
erlang-orber ERPL Non-core
erlang-reltool ERPL Non-core
erlang-sd_notify MIT Non-core
facter ASL 2.0 Non-core
fontawesome-fonts-web OFL ; MIT Non-core
fontawesome-fonts OFL ; MIT Non-core
galera GPLv2 Non-core
hdf5 BSD Non-core
heat-cfntools ASL 2.0 Core
hiera ASL 2.0 Non-core
ipmitool BSD Non-core
jq MIT and ASL 2.0 and CC-BY and GPLv3 Non-core
liberasurecode BSD and CRC32 Non-core
libstemmer BSD Non-core
libxslt-python MIT Non-core
mariadb-galera-common GPLv2 with exceptions and LGPLv2 and BSD Non-core
mariadb-galera-server GPLv2 with exceptions and LGPLv2 and BSD Non-core
memcached BSD Non-core
mongodb-server AGPLv3 and zlib and ASL 2.0 Non-core
mongodb AGPLv3 and zlib and ASL 2.0 Non-core
novnc GPLv3 Core
opendaylight EPL-1.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-evaluator ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-aodh ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-common ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-api ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-expirer ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-listener ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-notifier ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-aodh-compat ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-ceilometer ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-collector ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-common ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-ipmi ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-notification ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-api ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-alarm ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-polling ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-central ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ceilometer-compute ASL 2.0 Core
python-cinder ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-cinder ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-designate-mdns ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-central ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-api ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-pool-manager ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-agent ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-designate ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-common ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-sink ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-designate-zone-manager ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-glance ASL 2.0 Core
python-glance ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-gnocchi-common APL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-gnocchi-indexer-sqlalchemy APL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-gnocchi-carbonara APL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-gnocchi-metricd APL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-gnocchi-statsd APL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-gnocchi-api APL 2.0 technology preview
python-gnocchi APL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-heat-api-cloudwatch ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-heat-api-cfn ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-heat-api ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-heat-common ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-heat-engine ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-heat-templates ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ironic-common ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ironic-api ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-ironic-conductor ASL 2.0 Core
python-keystone ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-keystone ASL 2.0 Core
python-manila ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-manila ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-manila-share ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-manila-ui ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-neutron-bigswitch ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-openvswitch ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-midonet ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-mellanox ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-metering-agent ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-nuage ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-cisco ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-oneconvergence-nvsd ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-ml2 ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-brocade ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-rpc-server ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-dev-server ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-linuxbridge ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-common ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-sriov-nic-agent ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-opencontrail ASL 2.0 Core
python-neutron ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-embrane ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-ovsvapp ASL 2.0 Core
python-neutron-tests ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-ofagent ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-fwaas ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-neutron-fwaas ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-neutron-fwaas-tests ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-neutron-lbaas ASL 2.0 Core
python-neutron-lbaas-tests ASL 2.0 Core
python-neutron-lbaas ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-neutron-vpnaas ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-neutron-vpnaas ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-neutron-vpnaas-tests ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-nova-scheduler ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-api ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-spicehtml5proxy ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-cert ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-cells ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-serialproxy ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-console ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-common ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-conductor ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-compute ASL 2.0 Core
python-nova ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-network ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-novncproxy ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-nova-objectstore ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-packstack ASL 2.0 and GPLv2 Core
openstack-packstack-puppet ASL 2.0 and GPLv2 Core
openstack-puppet-modules ASL 2.0 and GPLv2 and GPLv3 Non-core
openstack-rally ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-sahara-common ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-sahara ASL 2.0 Core
python-sahara ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-sahara-engine ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-sahara-api ASL 2.0 Core
python-sahara-tests ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-selinux GPLv2 Core
openstack-swift-proxy ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-swift-object ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-swift-account ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-swift ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-swift-container ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-swift-plugin-swift3 ASL 2.0 Non-core
openstack-tempest ASL 2.0 Core
openstack-trove-conductor ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-trove ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-trove-api ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-trove-taskmanager ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-trove-common ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-trove-images ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-trove ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-trove-guestagent ASL 2.0 technology preview
openstack-utils ASL 2.0 Non-core
openstack-zaqar ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-openvswitch ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+ and SISSL Non-core
openvswitch ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+ and SISSL Non-core
openvswitch-dpdk ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+ and SISSL technology preview
oz LGPLv2 Non-core
plotnetcfg GPLv2+ Non-core
puppet ASL 2.0 Non-core
puppet-server ASL 2.0 Non-core
pyparsing MIT Non-core
pysendfile MIT Non-core
pysnmp BSD Non-core
pystache MIT Non-core
python-Bottleneck BSD Non-core
python-PyMySQL MIT Non-core
python-UcsSdk ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-XStatic MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Angular MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Angular-Gettext MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Angular-Mock MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Angular-lrdragndrop MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Bootstrap-Datepicker ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-D3 BSD Non-core
python-XStatic-Font-Awesome OFL and MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Hogan ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-XStatic-JQuery-Migrate MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-JQuery-TableSorter MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-JQuery-quicksearch MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-JSEncrypt MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Jasmine MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Magic-Search ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-XStatic-QUnit MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Rickshaw MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-Spin MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-bootswatch MIT Non-core
bootswatch-common MIT Non-core
bootswatch-fonts MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-jQuery MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-jquery-ui CCO Non-core
python-XStatic-mdi OFL Non-core
mdi-fonts OFL Non-core
mdi-common OFL Non-core
roboto-fontface-fonts ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-XStatic-roboto-fontface ASL 2.0 Non-core
roboto-fontface-common ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-XStatic-smart-table MIT Non-core
python-XStatic-termjs MIT Non-core
python-alembic MIT Non-core
python-amqp LGPLv2+ Non-core
python-amqplib LGPLv2+ Non-core
python-anyjson BSD Non-core
python-appdirs MIT Non-core
python-automaton ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-barbicanclient ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-boto MIT Non-core
python-cachetools MIT Non-core
python-castellan ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-ceilometerclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-ceilometermiddleware ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-cffi MIT Non-core
python-cheetah MIT Non-core
python-cinderclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-cliff ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-cliff-tablib ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-cmd2 MIT Non-core
python-contextlib2 Python Non-core
python-croniter MIT Non-core
python-crypto Public Domain and Python Non-core
python-cryptography ASL 2.0 or BSD Non-core
python-debtcollector ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-designateclient ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-django-bash-completion BSD Non-core
python-django BSD Non-core
python-django-appconf BSD Non-core
python-django-compressor MIT Non-core
openstack-dashboard-theme ASL 2.0 and BSD Core
python-django-horizon ASL 2.0 and BSD Core
openstack-dashboard ASL 2.0 and BSD Core
python-django-openstack-auth BSD Non-core
python-django-pyscss BSD Non-core
python-docutils Public Domain and BSD and Python and GPLv3+ Non-core
python-dogpile-cache BSD Non-core
python-dogpile-Core BSD Non-core
python-ecdsa MIT Non-core
python-elasticsearch ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-eventlet MIT Non-core
python-extras MIT Non-core
python-falcon ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-fasteners ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-fixtures ASL 2.0 or BSD Non-core
python-futures BSD Non-core
python-futurist ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-glance-store ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-glanceclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-gnocchiclient ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-heatclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-httplib2 MIT Non-core
python-idna BSD and Python and Unicode Non-core
python-ipaddress Python Non-core
python-ironicclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-iso8601 MIT Non-core
python-jsonpatch BSD Non-core
python-jsonpath-rw ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-jsonpath-rw-ext ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-jsonrpclib ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-jsonschema MIT Non-core
python-junitxml LGPLv3 Non-core
python-kafka ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-kazoo ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-keyring MIT and Python Non-core
python-keystoneauth1 ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-keystoneclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-keystoneclient-kerberos ASL 2.0 Core
python-keystonemiddleware ASL 2.0 Core
python-kombu BSD and Python Non-core
python-ldappool MPLv1.1 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ Non-core
python-lesscpy MIT Non-core
python-linecache2 Python Non-core
python-lockfile MIT Non-core
python-logutils BSD Non-core
python-lxml BSD Non-core
python-manilaclient ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-markdown BSD Non-core
python-memcached Python Non-core
python-migrate MIT Non-core
python-mimeparse MIT Non-core
python-mock BSD Non-core
python-monotonic ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-msgpack ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-ncclient ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-netaddr BSD Non-core
python-netifaces MIT Non-core
python-networking-bigswitch ASL 2.0 Non-core
openstack-neutron-bigswitch-lldp ASL 2.0 Non-core
openstack-neutron-bigswitch-agent ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-networking-cisco ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-networking-odl ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-networking-vmware-nsx ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-networkx-Core BSD Non-core
python-networkx BSD Non-core
python-neutronclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-novaclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-numexpr MIT Non-core
python-oauthlib BSD Non-core
python-openstackclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-os-brick ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-os-client-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-os-testr ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-cache ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-concurrency ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-config ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-context ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-db ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-i18n ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-log ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-messaging ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-middleware ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-policy ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-reports ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-rootwrap ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-serialization ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-service ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-sphinx ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-utils ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-versionedobjects ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-oslo-vmware ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-osprofiler ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-pandas BSD Non-core
python-paramiko LGPLv2+ Non-core
python-passlib BSD and Beerware and Copyright only Non-core
python-paste-deploy MIT Non-core
python-pathlib MIT Non-core
python-pbr ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-pecan BSD Non-core
python-pint BSD Non-core
python-posix_ipc BSD Non-core
python-prettytable BSD Non-core
python-psutil BSD Non-core
python-pyasn1 BSD Non-core
python-pyasn1-modules BSD Non-core
python-pycadf ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-pyeclib BSD Non-core
python-pyghmi ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-pygments BSD Non-core
python-pymemcache ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-pymongo-gridfs ASL 2.0 and MIT Non-core
python-bson ASL 2.0 and MIT Non-core
python-pymongo ASL 2.0 and MIT Non-core
python-pysaml2 ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-pytimeparse MIT Non-core
python-qpid ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-redis MIT Non-core
python-repoze-lru BSD Non-core
python-repoze-who BSD Non-core
python-requests ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-requests-kerberos MIT Non-core
python-requests-oauthlib ISC Non-core
python-retrying ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-rfc3986 ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-routes BSD Non-core
python-ryu Apache-2.0 technology preview
python-saharaclient ASL 2.0 Core
python-scciclient ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-scss MIT Non-core
python-semantic_version BSD Non-core
python-simplegeneric Python or ZPLv2.1 Non-core
python-simplejson (MIT or AFL) and (MIT or GPLv2) Non-core
python-singledispatch MIT Non-core
python-speaklater BSD Non-core
python-sphinx BSD and Public Domain and Python and (MIT or GPLv2) Non-core
python-sqlalchemy MIT Non-core
python-sqlalchemy-utils BSD Non-core
python-sqlite3dbm ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-sqlparse BSD Non-core
python-stevedore ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-swiftclient ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-sysv_ipc GPLv3+ Non-core
python-tables BSD Non-core
python-tablib MIT Non-core
python-taskflow ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-tempest-lib ASL 2.0 Core
python-testrepository ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-testresources ASL 2.0 and BSD and GPLv2+ Non-core
python-testscenarios ASL 2.0 and BSD Non-core
python-testtools MIT Non-core
python-tooz ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-traceback2 Python Non-core
python-trollius ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-troveclient ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-unicodecsv BSD Non-core
python-unittest2 BSD Non-core
python-urllib3 MIT Non-core
python-versiontools LGPLv3 Non-core
python-voluptuous BSD Non-core
python-warlock ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-webob MIT Non-core
python-websockify LGPLv3 Non-core
python-webtest MIT Non-core
python-wrapt BSD Non-core
python-wsme MIT Non-core
python-zaqarclient ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-zope-interface ZPLv2.1 Non-core
qemu-kvm-rhev GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD Non-core
libcacard-rhev GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD Non-core
qemu-kvm-tools-rhev GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD Non-core
qemu-img-rhev GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD Non-core
libcacard-tools-rhev GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD Non-core
qemu-kvm-common-rhev GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD Non-core
qpid-cpp-server ASL 2.0 ; LGPL 2.1+ Non-core
qpid-cpp-server-ha ASL 2.0 ; LGPL 2.1+ Non-core
qpid-cpp-client ASL 2.0 ; LGPL 2.1+ Non-core
python-qpid-proton ASL 2.0 Non-core
qpid-proton-c ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-qpid-qmf ASL 2.0 Non-core
qpid-qmf ASL 2.0 Non-core
qpid-tools ASL 2.0 Non-core
rabbitmq-server MPLv1.1 Non-core
redis BSD Non-core
ruby-augeas LGPLv2+ Non-core
ruby-shadow Public Domain Non-core
rubygem-rgen MIT Non-core
sahara-image-elements ASL 2.0 Core
saslwrapper ASL 2.0 Non-core
python-saslwrapper ASL 2.0 Non-core
sos GPLv2+ Core
subunit-filters ASL 2.0 or BSD Non-core
python-subunit ASL 2.0 or BSD Non-core
subunit ASL 2.0 or BSD Non-core
v8 BSD Non-core
web-assets-filesystem MIT ; Public Domain Non-core
yaml-cpp MIT Non-core

2.3. Operational Tools Components

This section outlines the package licence and designation for director components.
Table 5.  Operational Tools Package List
Package Name License Designation
collectd-rrdtool GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-ipmi GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-iptables GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-amqp GPLv2 technology preview
perl-Collectd GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-ipvs GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-apache GPLv2 technology preview
collectd GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-virt GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-dbi GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-rrdcached GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-mysql GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-lvm GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-generic-jmx GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-ping GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-sensors GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-curl_xml GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-dns GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-curl_json GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-write_riemann GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-java GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-snmp GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-netlink GPLv2 technology preview
collectd-curl GPLv2 technology preview
elasticsearch ASL 2.0 technology preview
fluentd ASL 2.0 technology preview
golang BSD technology preview
golang-pkg-linux-amd64 BSD technology preview
golang-pkg-bin-linux-amd64 BSD technology preview
golang-src BSD technology preview
grafana ASL 2.0 technology preview
graphite-web ASL 2.0 technology preview
kibana ASL 2.0 technology preview
liboping GPLv2 technology preview
librabbitmq MIT technology preview
lucene ASL 2.0 technology preview
lucene-contrib ASL 2.0 technology preview
osops-tools-monitoring-oschecks ASL 2.0 technology preview
perl-Config-General GPL+ or Artistic technology preview
perl-Regexp-Common Artistic 2.0 or MIT or BSD technology preview
phantomjs BSD technology preview
protobuf BSD technology preview
protobuf-compiler BSD technology preview
pyserial Python technology preview
python-carbon ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-django-bash-completion BSD technology preview
python-django BSD technology preview
python-django-tagging MIT technology preview
python-simplejson (MIT or AFL) and (MIT or GPLv2) technology preview
python-twisted-Core MIT technology preview
python-whisper ASL 2.0 technology preview
python-zope-interface ZPLv2.1 technology preview
redis BSD technology preview
rubygem-amqp Ruby technology preview
rubygem-amq-protocol MIT technology preview
rubygem-async_sinatra MIT technology preview
rubygem-bacon MIT technology preview
rubygem-childprocess MIT technology preview
rubygem-cool.io MIT technology preview
rubygem-daemons MIT and (GPLv2+ or Ruby) technology preview
rubygem-diff-lcs GPLv2+ or Ruby or Artistic technology preview
rubygem-elasticsearch ASL 2.0 technology preview
rubygem-elasticsearch-api ASL 2.0 technology preview
rubygem-elasticsearch-transport ASL 2.0 technology preview
rubygem-em-redis-unified MIT technology preview
rubygem-em-worker MIT technology preview
rubygem-eventmachine GPLv2 or Ruby technology preview
rubygem-faraday MIT technology preview
rubygem-ffi BSD technology preview
rubygem-fluent-plugin-add MIT technology preview
rubygem-fluent-plugin-elasticsearch MIT technology preview
rubygem-http_parser.rb MIT technology preview
rubygem-json_pure GPLv2 or Ruby technology preview
rubygem-msgpack ASL 2.0 technology preview
rubygem-multi_json MIT technology preview
rubygem-multipart-post MIT technology preview
rubygem-patron MIT technology preview
rubygem-rack MIT and (Ruby or BSD) technology preview
rubygem-rack-protection MIT technology preview
rubygem-rack-test MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-em Ruby and GPLv2 technology preview
rubygem-sensu-extension MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-extensions MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-logger MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-plugin MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-settings MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-spawn MIT technology preview
rubygem-sensu-transport MIT technology preview
rubygem-sigdump MIT technology preview
rubygem-sinatra MIT technology preview
rubygem-string-scrub MIT technology preview
rubygem-test-unit (GPLv2 or Ruby) and (GPLv2 or Ruby or Python) and (LGPLv2+ or Ruby) technology preview
rubygem-thin (GPLv2 or Ruby) and MIT technology preview
rubygem-thread_safe ASL 2.0 and Public Domain technology preview
rubygem-tilt MIT technology preview
rubygem-tzinfo MIT technology preview
rubygem-tzinfo-data MIT technology preview
rubygem-uuidtools ASL 2.0 technology preview
rubygem-yajl-ruby MIT technology preview
sensu MIT technology preview
uchiwa MIT technology preview
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