Chapter 11. Backing up and restoring Red Hat Quay on an OpenShift Container Platform deployment

Use the content within this section to back up and restore Red Hat Quay on an OpenShift Container Platform deployment.

11.1. Backing up Red Hat Quay

This procedure is exclusively for OpenShift Container Platform and NooBaa deployments.


  • A Red Hat Quay deployment on OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Backup the QuayRegistry custom resource by exporting it:

    $ oc get quayregistry <quay-registry-name> -n <quay-namespace> -o yaml > quay-registry.yaml
  2. Edit the resulting quayregistry.yaml and remove the status section and the following metadata fields:

  3. Backup the managed keys secret:


    If you are running a version older than Red Hat Quay 3.7.0, this step can be skipped. Some secrets are automatically generated while deploying Quay for the first time. These are stored in a secret called <quay-registry-name>-quay-registry-managed-secret-keys in the QuayRegistry namespace.

    $ oc get secret -n <quay-namespace> <quay-registry-name>-quay-registry-managed-secret-keys -o yaml > managed-secret-keys.yaml
  4. Edit the the resulting managed-secret-keys.yaml file and remove all owner references. Your managed-secret-keys.yaml file should look similar to the following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    type: Opaque
      name: <quayname>-quay-registry-managed-secret-keys
      namespace: <quay-namespace>
      CONFIG_EDITOR_PW: <redacted>
      DATABASE_SECRET_KEY: <redacted>
      DB_ROOT_PW: <redacted>
      DB_URI: <redacted>
      SECRET_KEY: <redacted>
      SECURITY_SCANNER_V4_PSK: <redacted>

    All information under the data property should remain the same.

  5. Backup the current Quay configuration:

    $ oc get secret -n <quay-namespace>  $(oc get quayregistry <quay-registry-name> -n <quay-namespace>  -o jsonpath='{.spec.configBundleSecret}') -o yaml > config-bundle.yaml
  6. Backup the /conf/stack/config.yaml file mounted inside of the Quay pods:

    $ oc exec -it quay-pod-name -- cat /conf/stack/config.yaml > quay-config.yaml
  7. Scale down the Quay the Quay Operator:

    $  oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace> |awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
  8. Scale down the Quay namespace:

    $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace> -l quay-component=quay -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n <quay-namespace>
  9. Wait for the registry-quay-app pods to disappear. You can check their status by running the following command:

    $ oc get pods -n <quay-namespace>

    Example output:

    registry-quay-config-editor-77847fc4f5-nsbbv   1/1     Running            0          9m1s
    registry-quay-database-66969cd859-n2ssm        1/1     Running            0          6d1h
    registry-quay-mirror-758fc68ff7-5wxlp          1/1     Running            0          8m29s
    registry-quay-mirror-758fc68ff7-lbl82          1/1     Running            0          8m29s
    registry-quay-redis-7cc5f6c977-956g8           1/1     Running            0          5d21h
  10. Identify the Quay PostgreSQL pod name:

    $ oc get pod -l quay-component=postgres -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'

    Exampe output:

  1. Obtain the Quay database name:

    $ oc -n <quay-namespace> rsh $(oc get pod -l app=quay -o NAME -n <quay-namespace> |head -n 1) cat /conf/stack/config.yaml|awk -F"/" '/^DB_URI/ {print $4}'
  2. Download a backup database:

    $ oc exec quayregistry-quay-database-59f54bb7-58xs7 -- /usr/bin/pg_dump -C quayregistry-quay-database  > backup.sql
  3. Decode and export the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:

    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace>  -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}' |base64 -d)
  4. Decode and export the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID:

    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}' |base64 -d)
  5. Create a new directory and copy all blobs to it:

    $ mkdir blobs
    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl --endpoint https://$(oc get route s3 -n openshift-storage  -o jsonpath='{}')  s3://$(oc get cm -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.BUCKET_NAME}') ./blobs

You can also use rclone or sc3md instead of the AWS command line utility.

  1. Scale up the Quay the Quay Operator:

    $  oc scale --replicas=1 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace> |awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
  2. Scale up the Quay namespace:

    $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace> -l quay-component=quay -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n <quay-namespace>
  3. Check the status of the Operator:

    $ oc get quayregistry <quay-registry-name> -n <quay-namespace> -o yaml

    Example output:

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: example-registry
      namespace: <quay-namespace>
      - kind: quay
        managed: true
      - kind: clairpostgres
        managed: true
      configBundleSecret: init-config-bundle-secret
      configEditorCredentialsSecret: example-registry-quay-config-editor-credentials-fg2gdgtm24
      currentVersion: 3.7.0
      lastUpdated: 2022-05-11 13:28:38.199476938 +0000 UTC
         0          5d21h

11.2. Restoring Red Hat Quay

This procedure is used to restore Red Hat Quay when the Red Hat Quay Operator manages the database. It should be performed after a backup of your Quay registry has been performed.


  • Red Hat Quay is deployed on OpenShift Container Platform using the Quay Operator.
  • Your Red Hat Quay database has been backed up.


  1. Restore the backed up Quay configuration and the randomly generated keys:

    $ oc create -f ./config-bundle.yaml
    $ oc create -f ./managed-secret-keys.yaml

    If you receive the error Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "./config-bundle.yaml": secrets "config-bundle-secret" already exists, you must delete your exist resource with $ oc delete Secret config-bundle-secret -n <quay-namespace> and recreate it with $ oc create -f ./config-bundle.yaml.

  2. Restore the QuayRegistry custom resource:

    $ oc create -f ./quay-registry.yaml
  3. Scale down the Quay the Quay Operator:

    $  oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace> |awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
  4. Scale down the Quay namespace:

    $ oc scale --replicas=0 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace> -l quay-component=quay -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n <quay-namespace>
  5. Identify your Quay database pod:

    $ oc get pod -l quay-component=postgres -n  <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'

    Example output:

  6. Upload the backup by copying it from the local environment and into the pod:

    $ oc cp ./backup.sql -n <quay-namespace> registry-quay-database-66969cd859-n2ssm:/tmp/backup.sql
  7. Open a remote terminal to the database:

    $ oc rsh -n <quay-namespace> registry-quay-database-66969cd859-n2ssm
  8. Enter psql:

    bash-4.4$ psql
  9. You can list the database by running the following command:

    postgres=# \l

    Example output:

                                                      List of databases
               Name            |           Owner            | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    |   Access privileges
    postgres                   | postgres                   | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
    quayregistry-quay-database | quayregistry-quay-database | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
  10. Drop the database:

    postgres=# DROP DATABASE "quayregistry-quay-database";

    Example output:

  11. Exit the postgres CLI to re-enter bash-4.4:

  12. Redirect your PostgreSQL database to your backup database:

    sh-4.4$ psql < /tmp/backup.sql
  13. Exit bash:

    sh-4.4$ exit
  14. Export the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID:

    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace>  -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}' |base64 -d)
  15. Export the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY:

    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(oc get secret -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}' |base64 -d)
  16. Upload all blobs to the bucket by running the following command:

    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl --endpoint https://$(oc get route s3 -n openshift-storage  -o jsonpath='{}') ./blobs  s3://$(oc get cm -l app=noobaa -n <quay-namespace> -o jsonpath='{.items[0].data.BUCKET_NAME}')
  17. Scale up the Quay the Quay Operator:

    $  oc scale --replicas=1 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-operator-namespace> |awk '/^quay-operator/ {print $1}') -n <quay-operator-namespace>
  18. Scale up the Quay namespace:

    $ oc scale --replicas=1 deployment $(oc get deployment -n <quay-namespace> -l quay-component=quay -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') -n <quay-namespace>
  19. Check the status of the Operator and ensure it has come back online:

    $ oc get quayregistry -n <quay-namespace> <registry-name> -o yaml

    Example output:

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: example-registry
      namespace: quay-enterprise
      - kind: quay
        managed: true
      - kind: clairpostgres
        managed: true
      configBundleSecret: init-config-bundle-secret
      configEditorCredentialsSecret: example-registry-quay-config-editor-credentials-fg2gdgtm24
      currentVersion: 3.7.0
      lastUpdated: 2022-05-11 13:28:38.199476938 +0000 UTC
         0          5d21h
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