6.4. Refreshing Product Entitlements
If product entitlements in the Customer Portal are changed, the current subscriptions in Satellite must be refreshed. The process consists of removing all subscriptions from the current manifest, attaching them again, then downloading and reactivating Satellite with the new manifest.
Refreshing Product Entitlements on Satellite Server in Connected Mode
Request regeneration of entitlement certificates on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
# rhn-satellite-activate --manifest-reconcile-request
Download the manifest and reactivate Satellite.
# rhn-satellite-activate --manifest-refresh
Refreshing Product Entitlements on Satellite Server in Disconnected Mode
Recreate the manifest on the Red Hat Customer Portal, download the manifest file to your computer, then copy it to the Satellite server. For details, see Section 3.1.3, “Generating a Manifest”.
Refresh Satellite with the new manifest file, in disconnected mode.
# rhn-satellite-activate --disconnected --manifest=manifest_file.zip